Capture The Fass 5.0, Samstag den 29.08.2020 - 20:30 Uhr
Sehr cooles Event , danke für die Orga und die viele Arbeit.
Leider war bei mir das Internet nach ca. 15 min Spielzeit weg, daher sorry an mein Team das ich nicht weiter unterstützen konnte.
Team Blau war klar das bessere Team, daher Glückwunsch an die Sieger
Kleine Info am Rande, da Team ROT ja monierte, dass eine Waffenwand bei ihnen in der Base despawnt sei:
Kann man bei CinZane im Stream schön sehen, dass eine Waffenwand schon vor Event-Beginn "ruiniert" ist. Tjaaa, da hat wohl jemand beim Rumballern auf die eigenen Mates die Wand kaputt geschossen. Sowas kommt von sowas.
Ach wie sagt man so schön. Der Weg ist das Ziel und bis auf die crashes alle 5 Minuten wars echt witzig.
Ja das war ein echt cooles und witziges Event danke an die Orga und danke an die Teilnehmer es hat sehr viel spaß gemacht und da muss ich dem manni recht geben mit den Klamotten anziehen oder aufziehen
Ach wie sagt man so schön. Der Weg ist das Ziel und bis auf die crashes alle 5 Minuten wars echt witzig.
Was aber somit die Expansion als Grund für die vielen Client Crashes entlastet, weil die nicht drauf war. Es muss entweder an einem oder einer Kombination folgender Mods liegen:
GDZ, Notes, FlipTransport, Codelock, BuildAnywhere_v3, Fidov Pack4, FS (Fidov Stalker), MedicalAttention,Mass`sManyItemOverhaul, Munghardsitempack, OP_BaseItems, VPP_Admisntools, CF
War nett zuzuschauen. Thx an alle Streamer (und natürlich GDZ und allen Helfern fürs veranstalten!)
War ein sehr lustiges Event!
Vielen Dank nochmal an die Planer!
Was aber somit die Expansion als Grund für die vielen Client Crashes entlastet, weil die nicht drauf war. Es muss entweder an einem oder einer Kombination folgender Mods liegen:
Zwei von uns haben Urs gestern unsere Crashlogs zur Verfügung gestellt, vielleicht hilft das dabei den Grund zu finden.
Meine 2 Eindrücke des Events:
Major Wüstenfuchs in Ausgehuniform:
Ups wo ist denn meine Hose geblieben?
Ich danke allen für die Teilnahme und hoffe ihr hattet euren Spaß.
Gratulation an Team Blau die am Ende des Events 17 Fässer in ihrer Safezone verbuchen konnte.
Auf Grund des niedrigen Respawntimers kam es dann doch zu jeder Menge Kills.
Erstaunliche 357 Kills habt ihr hier zusammengetragen.
Spieler Opfer Tode aw3! JuL 82 10 FN FAL 263.62 Kennedy 37 8 SVD 246.71 Rawcherry 30 17 CZ5-27 282.64 <UNOC> Wuestenfuchs 27 29 CZ-527 355.31 [FR] SanderR32 22 10 SVD 201.64 [CC] HOONiGAN 17 24 CZ5-27 133.31 darcgaming 15 11 SVD 132.74 [FR] Loki 13 21 FNX-45 65.61 (BWI)Manni 12 30 FNX-45 23.76 [FTK]dude2 10 11 SVD 88.02 <GG>CinZane 10 22 BK-133 5.10 at3nd0 10 27 MP5-K 14.87 [mfz]rafmixed 9 8 CZ-527 61.57 livvi 8 26 CZ5-27 53.15 <UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx 8 22 CZ-527 96.18 MaVerick 8 9 CZ-527 248.25 Soeren 6 6 M4-A1 15.79 [mfz] Sane23 6 6 CZ-527 355.31 MajorSemmi 5 12 CZ5-27 153.75 Bex 5 11 AKM 27.28 ErnaVII. 5 4 SVD 118.08 Kasy 4 12 MP5-K 15.21 <UNOC> Rotfuchs 4 14 FNX-45 5.10 Zoppel 2 4 MP5-K 36.69 xXNobodyXx 2 7 CZ-527 183.39 [NAW] *Rosaly* 1 0 M4-A1 5.95 Degenar 0 0 21:30:35 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 19.0153 meters
21:30:39 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 19.6035 meters
21:30:56 | Player "[mfz] Sane23" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 5.09312 meters
21:31:13 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 12.6223 meters
21:31:29 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 19.7667 meters
21:31:36 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 9.83896 meters
21:31:40 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with MP5-K from 4.56638 meters
21:31:47 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 17.2666 meters
21:31:47 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 1.8057 meters
21:31:52 | Player "Zoppel" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 15.0907 meters
21:31:54 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 17.0878 meters
21:32:11 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 6.69721 meters
21:32:27 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 3.52838 meters
21:33:45 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 6.64462 meters
21:36:09 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 17.5725 meters
21:36:37 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with CZ-527 from 225.044 meters
21:36:53 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "Kasy" with MP5-K from 15.2092 meters
21:37:03 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with CZ-527 from 199.464 meters
21:38:57 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "Zoppel" with MP5-K from 11.9202 meters
21:40:02 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with CZ-527 from 147.435 meters
21:40:07 | Player "Zoppel" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with CZ-527 from 21.7034 meters
21:41:35 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with MP5-K from 6.70875 meters
21:41:42 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with MP5-K from 30.2721 meters
21:41:49 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 23.7685 meters
21:42:47 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 187.95 meters
21:42:47 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "Zoppel" with MP5-K from 36.6942 meters
21:42:54 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Kennedy" with SVD from 188.176 meters
21:43:32 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with SVD from 64.6066 meters
21:43:35 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with SVD from 49.7129 meters
21:43:57 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with SVD from 50.4968 meters
21:45:08 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with BK-133 from 2.81481 meters
21:45:17 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with CZ-527 from 121.957 meters
21:45:20 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "Kennedy" with SVD from 246.714 meters
21:47:02 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 3.86 meters
21:47:16 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 39.3196 meters
21:47:50 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 17.9965 meters
21:47:55 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 5.21788 meters
21:48:04 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "livvi" with CZ-527 from 53.1453 meters
21:50:11 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Kennedy" with MP5-K from 4.94882 meters
21:50:26 | Player "Zoppel" killed by Player "Kennedy" with MP5-K from 24.0854 meters
21:50:37 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with FN FAL from 39.0321 meters
21:50:51 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with CZ-527 from 133.311 meters
21:51:02 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 29.554 meters
21:51:04 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 22.3163 meters
21:51:11 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with CZ-527 from 69.613 meters
21:53:07 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 8.97162 meters
21:53:08 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 4.67415 meters
21:53:41 | Player "[FR] Marlin" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 29.0694 meters
21:54:56 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with CZ-527 from 282.642 meters
21:55:02 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with FN FAL from 38.8691 meters
21:55:10 | Player "Soeren" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with CZ-527 from 355.312 meters
21:55:38 | Player "Zoppel" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with FN FAL from 115.017 meters
21:56:09 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 22.7351 meters
21:56:12 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 38.4238 meters
21:57:22 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with MP5-K from 19.3142 meters
21:57:27 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 47.6539 meters
21:57:57 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 40.2021 meters
21:58:23 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with BK-133 from 23.5759 meters
21:58:32 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 9.49143 meters
21:58:37 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 38.7509 meters
21:58:50 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 7.43112 meters
21:59:27 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with CZ-527 from 40.1733 meters
21:59:27 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with BK-133 from 5.70667 meters
21:59:31 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with MP5-K from 19.3823 meters
21:59:48 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "MajorSemmi" with CZ-527 from 153.75 meters
21:59:53 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with CZ-527 from 2.24623 meters
22:00:49 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with BK-133 from 42.6843 meters
22:00:52 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 41.8098 meters
22:01:07 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FN FAL from 101.089 meters
22:01:08 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 53.8836 meters
22:01:17 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 3.50768 meters
22:01:19 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with CZ-527 from 61.5734 meters
22:01:44 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FN FAL from 2.15406 meters
22:01:54 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 205.544 meters
22:02:57 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 25.9378 meters
22:02:58 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with CZ-527 from 96.1784 meters
22:03:00 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 3.10156 meters
22:03:07 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 31.1123 meters
22:03:09 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 14.4146 meters
22:03:52 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 25.7322 meters
22:04:04 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 3.50693 meters
22:04:07 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 3.26249 meters
22:04:15 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 5.72628 meters
22:04:26 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 12.6586 meters
22:04:28 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 6.18532 meters
22:04:32 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 13.193 meters
22:04:39 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 45.5469 meters
22:04:43 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 36.9662 meters
22:05:10 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 1.33911 meters
22:05:16 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "at3nd0" with FNX-45 from 2.59202 meters
22:05:26 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 50.4067 meters
22:05:28 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 1.51785 meters
22:05:30 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 39.0891 meters
22:05:38 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FN FAL from 16.6796 meters
22:06:06 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with MP5-K from 2.13761 meters
22:06:18 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with BK-133 from 5.97598 meters
22:06:22 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 1.75192 meters
22:06:31 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "Bex" with MP5-K from 27.1638 meters
22:07:10 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with SVD from 49.358 meters
22:08:02 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 20.9519 meters
22:08:27 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "livvi" with MP5-K from 2.58202 meters
22:08:43 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with SVD from 12.2729 meters
22:08:48 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with FN FAL from 51.5747 meters
22:08:53 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with FN FAL from 41.1245 meters
22:09:36 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[mfz] Sane23" with AKM from 24.5384 meters
22:09:41 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 119.867 meters
22:10:20 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "MaVerick" with FNX-45 from 12.4101 meters
22:10:22 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with AKM from 7.00758 meters
22:11:06 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "Bex" with AKM from 3.08107 meters
22:11:12 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "MajorSemmi" with CZ-527 from 3.45431 meters
22:11:12 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with BK-133 from 4.29273 meters
22:11:23 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 8.11667 meters
22:11:49 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 7.7899 meters
22:11:50 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "livvi" with MP5-K from 8.71764 meters
22:11:52 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 4.51016 meters
22:12:02 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 6.41905 meters
22:12:09 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 6.10896 meters
22:12:54 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 2.68151 meters
22:13:02 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with SVD from 4.29193 meters
22:13:06 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 5.92449 meters
22:13:08 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "MaVerick" with BK-133 from 55.5896 meters
22:13:11 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with CZ-527 from 47.0611 meters
22:13:49 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Bex" with AKM from 11.8478 meters
22:13:50 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 2.98233 meters
22:13:59 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 21.5266 meters
22:14:07 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 2.00926 meters
22:14:20 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "MaVerick" with BK-133 from 1.14892 meters
22:14:44 | Player "[mfz] Sane23" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FN FAL from 4.77101 meters
22:14:45 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FN FAL from 1.36173 meters
22:15:15 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with AKM from 3.15766 meters
22:15:17 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "darcgaming" with M4-A1 from 7.15662 meters
22:15:20 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 24.3452 meters
22:15:27 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 2.73094 meters
22:15:47 | Player "Soeren" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with AKM from 2.06349 meters
22:16:02 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "xXNobodyXx" with AKM from 2.14411 meters
22:16:27 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "livvi" with FNX-45 from 6.00344 meters
22:16:41 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 2.12291 meters
22:16:52 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 86.8049 meters
22:17:00 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 8.46439 meters
22:17:08 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 3.41845 meters
22:17:15 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 2.27193 meters
22:17:42 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 13.7841 meters
22:17:51 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Bex" with AKM from 27.2822 meters
22:18:11 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 26.3232 meters
22:18:31 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 3.26234 meters
22:18:47 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 4.22394 meters
22:19:05 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with AKM from 3.15703 meters
22:19:06 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "at3nd0" with BK-133 from 6.28486 meters
22:19:24 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "livvi" with FNX-45 from 0.722378 meters
22:19:46 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 1.40163 meters
22:19:46 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with FN FAL from 1.40175 meters
22:19:53 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 7.21289 meters
22:20:43 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "livvi" with FNX-45 from 4.98749 meters
22:21:10 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 114.427 meters
22:21:48 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with AKM from 2.30478 meters
22:21:50 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 160.603 meters
22:22:01 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "Kasy" with FNX-45 from 12.5898 meters
22:22:06 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 65.612 meters
22:22:09 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "Kasy" with FNX-45 from 2.96693 meters
22:22:14 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "MajorSemmi" with SVD from 3.34982 meters
22:22:15 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with AKM from 4.37271 meters
22:22:27 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Soeren" with AKM from 7.63764 meters
22:22:46 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with FN FAL from 1.68495 meters
22:23:54 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 1.68497 meters
22:24:05 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 263.621 meters
22:24:07 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 211.435 meters
22:24:39 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "at3nd0" with FNX-45 from 6.66819 meters
22:24:40 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "darcgaming" with SVD from 1.69646 meters
22:24:41 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with FNX-45 from 1.60299 meters
22:24:56 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 2.9817 meters
22:25:06 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 33.7264 meters
22:25:36 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with M4-A1 from 4.50009 meters
22:26:36 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 81.5538 meters
22:26:40 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with SVD from 88.0209 meters
22:26:40 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FN FAL from 80.885 meters
22:27:07 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 6.94569 meters
22:27:18 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "[mfz] Sane23" with M4-A1 from 15.4183 meters
22:27:22 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "darcgaming" with MP5-K from 2.9302 meters
22:28:25 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FN FAL from 15.6061 meters
22:28:38 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 2.72439 meters
22:28:42 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with BK-133 from 2.45424 meters
22:28:56 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with BK-133 from 4.70346 meters
22:29:00 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with BK-133 from 3.29608 meters
22:29:14 | Player "[mfz] Sane23" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with AKM from 70.3288 meters
22:29:29 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "Kasy" with FNX-45 from 5.42887 meters
22:29:46 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Dr.Arzt" with M4-A1 from 5.82545 meters
22:30:14 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 30.8522 meters
22:30:43 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 8.94219 meters
22:30:47 | Player "Dr.Arzt" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with M4-A1 from 0.746009 meters
22:30:51 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 17.5819 meters
22:30:59 | Player "Soeren" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with M4-A1 from 3.73533 meters
22:31:20 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 33.8384 meters
22:31:45 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 36.749 meters
22:31:49 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with MP5-K from 2.76658 meters
22:32:06 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 18.873 meters
22:32:07 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 3.81808 meters
22:32:16 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 12.6278 meters
22:32:17 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "Soeren" with BK-133 from 7.6834 meters
22:32:29 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 5.54381 meters
22:32:43 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Kennedy" with M4-A1 from 7.20321 meters
22:32:52 | Player "Dr.Arzt" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with AKM from 2.70367 meters
22:32:54 | Player "Soeren" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with AKM from 2.27907 meters
22:33:08 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 97.9407 meters
22:33:19 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with AKM from 24.1007 meters
22:33:39 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "darcgaming" with SVD from 132.748 meters
22:34:10 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "MaVerick" with CZ-527 from 232.101 meters
22:34:16 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 62.2025 meters
22:34:22 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "Soeren" with BK-133 from 7.52233 meters
22:34:30 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 105.358 meters
22:34:41 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Soeren" with BK-133 from 3.00011 meters
22:34:44 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 24.3432 meters
22:34:45 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 21.1675 meters
22:35:05 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 55.188 meters
22:35:30 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 3.40212 meters
22:35:49 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "MaVerick" with CZ-527 from 232.476 meters
22:36:26 | Player "Dr.Arzt" killed by Player "MaVerick" with CZ-527 from 248.247 meters
22:37:23 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 2.38899 meters
22:37:48 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 37.5256 meters
22:37:49 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with M4-A1 from 36.7601 meters
22:38:00 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "at3nd0" with FNX-45 from 3.24519 meters
22:38:27 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "Bex" with MP5-K from 10.3745 meters
22:38:40 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "xXNobodyXx" with CZ-527 from 183.397 meters
22:39:06 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 82.7425 meters
22:39:13 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 93.413 meters
22:39:42 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with AKM from 7.62195 meters
22:39:48 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with BK-133 from 13.4853 meters
22:40:02 | Player "Bex" killed by ZmbM_HermitSkinny_Black
22:40:06 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 1.51043 meters
22:40:09 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FN FAL from 23.6256 meters
22:40:16 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 7.24853 meters
22:40:19 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "MaVerick" with CZ-527 from 164.238 meters
22:40:36 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 5.26556 meters
22:40:40 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 8.82862 meters
22:41:34 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with AKM from 12.2513 meters
22:41:41 | Player "Soeren" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with BK-133 from 5.10075 meters
22:41:45 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Kennedy" with SVD from 19.0829 meters
22:41:45 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "darcgaming" with M4-A1 from 65.378 meters
22:41:53 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 5.15426 meters
22:41:57 | Player "[mfz] Sane23" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FNX-45 from 1.75912 meters
22:42:10 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 26.2777 meters
22:42:12 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 8.31404 meters
22:42:20 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" with FNX-45 from 5.01529 meters
22:42:31 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 8.1661 meters
22:42:31 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "darcgaming" with SVD from 8.18468 meters
22:42:32 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FN FAL from 2.41886 meters
22:42:32 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FNX-45 from 2.35838 meters
22:42:33 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 20.6641 meters
22:42:59 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 7.90288 meters
22:43:08 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "at3nd0" with FNX-45 from 6.01722 meters
22:44:19 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 74.566 meters
22:44:23 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with AKM from 1.34987 meters
22:44:27 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 1.77288 meters
22:44:44 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with AKM from 9.70802 meters
22:44:52 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with AKM from 9.7542 meters
22:45:03 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 4.28158 meters
22:45:04 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with MP5-K from 11.6835 meters
22:45:13 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "at3nd0" with FNX-45 from 3.54933 meters
22:45:21 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 35.9736 meters
22:45:27 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 148.04 meters
22:45:31 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 60.1364 meters
22:45:31 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with M4-A1 from 5.49914 meters
22:45:36 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 130.916 meters
22:45:53 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 2.27145 meters
22:45:56 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FNX-45 from 3.79799 meters
22:46:01 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 149.929 meters
22:46:32 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 76.5356 meters
22:46:47 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FN FAL from 2.38269 meters
22:46:52 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 148.949 meters
22:47:15 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "[mfz] Sane23" with SVD from 73.4092 meters
22:47:27 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 201.64 meters
22:47:29 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 103.73 meters
22:47:33 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 87.2877 meters
22:48:13 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with SVD from 30.8229 meters
22:48:14 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 40.151 meters
22:48:14 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 106.627 meters
22:48:15 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with SVD from 12.8094 meters
22:48:20 | Player "Dr.Arzt" killed by Player "Soeren" with M4-A1 from 7.51565 meters
22:48:20 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with SVD from 2.57488 meters
22:48:23 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 94.7747 meters
22:48:23 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 2.93059 meters
22:48:25 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 6.82639 meters
22:48:32 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 38.7248 meters
22:48:34 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 40.1421 meters
22:48:34 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 2.43534 meters
22:48:37 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "livvi" with FNX-45 from 7.66647 meters
22:48:58 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 93.8333 meters
22:48:59 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "MajorSemmi" with FNX-45 from 2.08353 meters
22:49:06 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 64.204 meters
22:49:07 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 3.44011 meters
22:49:15 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "at3nd0" with FNX-45 from 3.19072 meters
22:49:16 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 4.61424 meters
22:49:17 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 62.571 meters
22:49:34 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" with FNX-45 from 3.70589 meters
22:49:36 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 3.5083 meters
22:50:10 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "Rawcherry" with FNX-45 from 45.8435 meters
22:50:16 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 2.86235 meters
22:50:17 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 54.2032 meters
22:50:26 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" with FNX-45 from 3.8848 meters
22:50:26 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 61.0215 meters
22:50:28 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" with FNX-45 from 3.57712 meters
22:50:31 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with FNX-45 from 2.80234 meters
22:50:45 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "Soeren" with M4-A1 from 15.7921 meters
22:50:49 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 45.518 meters
22:51:35 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 4.11655 meters
22:51:49 | Player "[mfz]rafmixed" killed by Player "Dr.Arzt" with SVD from 11.6518 meters
22:51:54 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 42.4688 meters
22:52:01 | Player "[mfz] Sane23" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with MP5-K from 8.24535 meters
22:52:07 | Player "Kasy" killed by Player "darcgaming" with AKM from 15.1208 meters
22:52:15 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 4.07752 meters
22:52:15 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 13.8741 meters
22:52:17 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 39.2507 meters
22:52:23 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 21.983 meters
22:52:33 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 40.6253 meters
22:52:38 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 2.94856 meters
22:52:42 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FNX-45 from 13.13 meters
22:52:44 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "darcgaming" with FNX-45 from 13.2102 meters
22:52:44 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "MaVerick" with CZ-527 from 161.09 meters
22:53:00 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 73.7982 meters
22:53:07 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 3.3548 meters
22:53:14 | Player "[FR] Loki" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with SVD from 7.26005 meters
22:53:25 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" with FNX-45 from 1.89382 meters
22:53:31 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "darcgaming" with SVD from 15.2076 meters
22:53:33 | Player "darcgaming" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 5.90147 meters
22:54:24 | Player "Rawcherry" killed by Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" with FNX-45 from 4.39251 meters
22:55:04 | Player "Bex" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with FNX-45 from 8.88489 meters
22:55:16 | Player "xXNobodyXx" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 0.921897 meters
22:55:33 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "[mfz] Sane23" with MP5-K from 4.56995 meters
22:56:08 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with FNX-45 from 2.90678 meters
22:56:11 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "Dr.Arzt" with SVD from 118.079 meters
22:56:23 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 79.6528 meters
22:56:24 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 77.7563 meters
22:56:37 | Player "<UNOC> xXEddy0815Xx" killed by Player "[NaW] *Rosaly*" with M4-A1 from 5.95347 meters
22:56:38 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 50.3145 meters
22:57:11 | Player "Soeren" killed by Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" with MP5-K from 11.0022 meters
22:57:14 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Dr.Arzt" with SVD from 10.3368 meters
22:57:36 | Player "<UNOC> Rotfuchs" killed by Player "[mfz]rafmixed" with MP5-K from 2.4094 meters
22:57:54 | Player "[mfz] Sane23" killed by Player "livvi" with Verband
22:57:54 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 32.1981 meters
22:57:55 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "[FR] SanderR32" with MP5-K from 4.75897 meters
22:57:58 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "at3nd0" with MP5-K from 6.044 meters
22:58:17 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "at3nd0" with MP5-K from 14.8706 meters
22:58:23 | Player "[CC] HOONiGAN" killed by Player "at3nd0" with MP5-K from 2.55441 meters
22:58:26 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 37.118 meters
22:58:32 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 7.88614 meters
22:58:36 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 23.1207 meters
22:58:41 | Player "at3nd0" killed by Player "[FTK]dude2" with BK-133 from 13.3101 meters
22:58:59 | Player "MajorSemmi" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 4.85189 meters
22:59:11 | Player "MaVerick" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 28.3375 meters
22:59:12 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "aw3! juL" with FN FAL from 11.6023 meters
22:59:18 | Player "aw3! juL" killed by Player "(BWI)Manni" with FNX-45 from 17.8374 meters
22:59:21 | Player "[FTK]dude2" killed by Player "[FR] Loki" with FNX-45 from 7.4885 meters
22:59:27 | Player "[FR] SanderR32" killed by Player "<GG>CinZane" with FNX-45 from 4.09744 meters
22:59:59 | Player "<GG>CinZane" killed by Player "Dr.Arzt" with SVD from 5.44488 meters
22:59:59 | Player "livvi" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 10.3401 meters
23:00:03 | Player "(BWI)Manni" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FN FAL from 5.27655 meters
23:00:27 | Player "<UNOC> Wuestenfuchs" killed by Player "Kennedy" with FNX-45 from 4.45296 meters
23:00:28 | Player "Kennedy" killed by Player "MajorSemmi" with FNX-45 from 2.68416 meters
Zu meiner Verteidigung
Ich konnte leider nur 10 Minuten am Event Teilnehmen, danach beschloss die liebe Telekom mein Internet bis 23 Uhr mal auszuschalten als "Flächenstörung"
Und bitte beeinflusst doch den Zufallswürfel das nächste mal bissel was die Teamauslosung angeht
Als ich das TS gesehen hatte mit diesen drei Herren in einem Team:
wusste ich auch bereits vorher wer das Event gewinnt (da es hier natürlich sehr PvP lastig war).
Das hat aber nichts daran geändert das es trotzdem Spaß gemacht hat, auch wenn ich nur 10 Minuten mitmachen konnte.
Schade das das Game zu oft Crasht(Clint) bei vielen Leuten. Für mich aber nun auch der Beweis das es nix mit der EXP-Mod zu hat.
An der Stelle sorry an Kenny mit dem ich da in einem anderen Thema gesprochen hatte und natürlich auch an die Admins.
Danke für die Tolle Arbeit der Orga
Die Arena war echt mit viel Herz
Wir sind am Anfang mit Hilfe von Dude sehr schnell an die guten Waffen gekommen und wir hatten Rafmixed in der Gegnerbasis, der die Waffen des Gegners über die Wände geworfen hat.
Ich glaub da hat der Dresscode nicht gestimmt.
[FR], ein Clan im Konflikt?
[CC] HOONiGAN hat 17 Kill davon 10 am eigenen Team
Ich hätte gesamt mehr Teamkills erwartet.
Es hat wirklich super Spaß gemacht, der reinste Kugelhagel =)
Zitat von juL 1 min nach Eventstart: "Hab einen, hab den zweiten, dritter Kill, vierter Kill, fünfter, sechster, siebter, achter,..." Hut ab!
Danke für das Event, hat mir mega Spaß gemacht und auch beim Chat kam das sehr gut an
War mega das Event ! Danke euch !!!!
@Kennedy, du konntest nichts dafür, ich dachte ich wäre in der gegnerischen Basis fast nackig mit meinem Pinken Teddy.
Es war aber nur ein Fasslager. Jetzt weiss ich wer das war der mich erschossen hatte =). Gerade hatte ich den Gegner mit wilden rumerzählen davon überzeugt das wir nen Teddy geklaut haben und ich zu ihnen gehöre und war mir nicht sicher ob ich meine tarnung droppen sollte und welche umbringen, da kam ein held der blauen und erschoss glaube 2 feinde und mich mit meinem teddy dann auch ....ich habs nicht auf die reihe bekommen Team Blau zu rufen...oder Blitz halt... allgemein war ich voll verpeilt bei dem event und war nur balast für mein squad, hat trotzdem viel spass gemacht und man hat viel für die zukunft gelernt.
Beim Event geviel mir sehr wieviel mühe die Admins sich gegeben hatten, besonders mit kleinigkeiten wie wetterwechsel und das Spielfeld layout.
Die extras wie zombies und bären waren ein genialer Einfall.
ja war aufjedenfall ein cooles Event