Beiträge von Adebar


    Mini Water Well Monuments
    Added hilltop rocks
    New network interpolation and extrapolation
    AI no longer ghost through fences and other transparent walls
    AI no longer ghost through barricades
    Fixed an ice lake exploit that allowed people build near trucks
    Fixed Hapis floating barrels at Site A
    Fixed spawning in the ocean on Savas
    Military Tunnels Level Design Refresh
    Added recycler to Savas KOTH
    Ak47 admire animation
    Double shotgun admire animation
    Eoka admire animation
    Mp5 admire animation
    Water bucket admire animation
    Rock admire animation
    Players no longer spawn on islands
    Maps have significantly more cliffs and hills
    Rivers have a nicer color
    EAC SDK update
    Monuments no longer spawn on islands
    Reduced player tick delay (peeker's advantage)
    Removed wood cost from double sheet metal doors
    Hapis old caves now have lighting
    Hapis updated with new water well monuments
    Updated Savas KOTH loot table with newly introduced items
    Removed pillar building block
    Added 10 tutorials
    Added functional water wells


    New third person sounds for all handheld water containers
    New flare sounds
    Add burning fuse sound to survey charge
    New third person sounds for the medical syringe
    New third person deploy sound for the building planner
    Flare admire animation
    Flashlight admire animation
    Added 20 new contextual game tips
    Added printpos / printrot / printeyes admin console commands
    Added 25 loading screen tips
    Added eat / drink admin console commands
    Lower global max voice count on gunshots (perf fix w/ many scientists shooting at once)
    Fix for Patrol Helicopter floating in Junkyard
    Fixed barrels floating at site B (Hapis)
    Fixed players spawning in ocean (Savas Island)
    Fixed cheat report opening when typing in chat
    Fixed wind generator not been able to be removed by admins using "ent kill"
    Fixed having hat skins not allowing the root item to be craftable
    Fixed physics.steps exploit
    Fixed memory leak in vending machine UI
    Fixed crash on exit
    Misc minor sound tweaks & polish
    Guitar admire animation updated
    Machette is now default blueprint and needs WB1
    Note and Building Plan now require wood to craft
    SMG Costs reduced by 1 spring and 5 HQM
    Optimized player network updates
    Optimized reflection probe refresh
    Removed paper

    DayZ Mod 1.9 Changelog:

    New, DayZero enterable buildings provided by Tansien and Zac
    New, Land_houseV_2T2 is now enterable. Interior modeled by @Streatman
    New, Added loot positions for new enterable buildings
    New, Added L115 (.338 Lapua Magnum) sniper
    New, Added L85 attachments totaling 24 variants, new models by @Streatman
    New, SVD scope attachments can now be removed, new models by @Streatman
    New, Added basic server-side authentication to hive object creation/deletion for improved security
    New, Added option to toggle status icons in "Game Options" menu and via F3 hotkey

    Fixed, Stashes no longer need etool to upgrade they now use shovel.
    Fixed, Wall maintenance mode again ;)
    Fixed, Removed floating flame for missing Cherno docks fire barrel
    Fixed, Character sometimes duping when morphing skins during combat (after a humanity change).
    Fixed, Public variable value kick when exiting a vehicle near a base object.
    Fixed, Updates to humanity and player stats after a skin change not always saving in hive (server_getDiff)
    Fixed, Blocked another A2OA script execution bug from improperly cleared eventhandlers
    Fixed, Missing shadows on some _DZ weapons. Thanks @Streatman
    Fixed, Loot not spawning at Gvozdno POI barracks
    Fixed, Reverted a change to damage handling that was causing legs to break twice as often.
    Fixed, Zombies should no longer get stuck at the position where a player entered a vehicle.
    Fixed, Fresh spawns running on login if they died while running
    Fixed, Death camera height incorrect when player dies above terrain level

    Updated, Added Priority to building actions, Should keep disassembly on the bottom of the action list.
    Updated, Chance system for BreakinIn, ChopWood, mineStone to run only once rather than each loop
    Updated, Increased the coverage angle of headlights on land vehicles and added a headlight to the bicycle
    Updated, The huey searchlight and gunner seat now have improved visibility in first person view.
    Updated, AH6, removed camera and computer, added search light and fixed animation source turret errors
    Updated, Stashes have new lods to reduce the visibility at range.
    Updated, Lowered build requirements for level 4-6 walls (1 screw in place of 2)
    Updated, Military and MilitarySpecial loot
    Updated, MilitarySpecial to spawn L115 0.1 chance
    Updated, EU Crashsite to spawn L115 0.5 chance
    Updated, EU2 AmmoBox to spawn L115 ammo
    Updated, ItemScrews chances (Updated, Construction chance to 4 from 1.5, Updated, Industrial chance to 3 from 1.5,Added, Supermarket chance 3).
    Updated, Zombies should run more direct to players now.
    Updated, Added prevention for a dupe involving disconnect and change clothes
    Updated, Reverted PVDZ_sec_atp logs to human readable form for server admins
    Updated, Player is no longer set in combat for throwing a flare or chemlight

    Removed, Server control panel, because it is abused by players and not currently used by admins
    Removed, Tent Ghost objects for better placement during hiding.
    Removed, PoliceCar due to model errors

    Known issues:

    Ladder directions are wrong in Land_Mil_House
    ATC and hospital have lights on top and on the soda machines


    Was vergessen wurde zu erwähnen ist,dass es eigentlich zwei Mods in einem sind.

    Desolation: DayZ Mod für Arma 3

    Redux: Komplette überarbeitung der Chernarus Map z.B ist der Östliche teil von Elektro unter Wasser sieht zumindest recht nett gestaltet aus die Map.

    Und nicht zu vergessen,der nervige Wind sound mit der Redux Map war der grund warum ich aufgehört habe es anzutesten

    Wer sich die Redux Map im Editor anschauen möchte:…id=1128256978&searchtext=


    New first person deploy sounds for a handful of items
    Most items have third person deploy sounds now
    Added Bone Arrows
    Added Fire Arrows
    Fixed washed out sky at clear weather conditions
    Fixed missing sound refs on a few SoundPlayers
    Fixed stars being barely visible at night
    Fixed only 100 key combinations (nerfed key raiding)
    Fixed Christmas light exploits
    Fixed road grass decor not aligning to ground
    Fixed odd junk pile placement
    Fixed Hapis Sky Dome
    Bone knife auto admiring on deploy
    Beancan grenade auto admiring on deploy
    Fixed Harbor mine entrance (Hapis)
    Optimized elevator volumes (server perf)
    Fog and wind are now randomized every 18 hours
    Slightly darker sky at midnight
    EAC SDK update
    Optimized tool cupboard queries (client perf)
    Fog density no longer changes per biome
    Improved fog algorithm
    Pickaxe admire animation updated
    Bandage admire animation updated
    Bota bag admire animation updated
    Water bottle admire animation updated
    Big cleaver admire animation updated
    Crossbow admire animation updated
    Hammer admire animation updated
    Mace admire animation updated
    Salvaged axe admire animation updated
    Salvaged Icepick admire animation updated
    Torch admire animation updated
    Longsword admire animation updated
    Owner can always open key lock
    Added final art for tool crate (purple box)


    Added third person aim down sight sounds
    Added third person grenade sounds
    Added third person bandage sounds
    New binocular sounds
    New flashlight sounds
    Admins can get combat log of other players
    Admins get warnings when anti hack is disabled
    Added new Hazmat suit
    Water jug admire animation updated
    Salvaged hammer admire animation updated
    Water bucket admire animation updated
    Wooden spear admire animation updated
    Stone spear admire animation updated
    Flamethrower admire animation updated
    Satchel charge admire animation updated
    C4 admire animation updated
    Bow admire animation updated
    Optimized workshop skin download processing
    Optimized game object memory usage
    Optimized skin icon memory usage
    Optimized skin icon loading
    EAC SDK update
    Combat log no longer takes count parameter (uses combatlogsize value instead)
    Increased junk pile respawn time from 20 to 30 minutes
    Eliminated GC from voice recorder
    Jack O Lantern can be picked up
    Jack O Lantern only accepts wood
    Small Furnace now emits heat
    Can rotate tool cupboard after placement with hammer
    Added Building Blocked zone around Helicopter crash site
    Must wait 30 seconds to repair a structure after it was damaged
    Hazmat suit now reserachable and craftable
    Fixed an exploit near Military Tunnels entrance allowing players to go out of bounds
    Fixed an exploit inside the Military Tunnels allowing players to build in unintended areas
    Fixed maximum anisotropic filtering not being set correctly for certain textures
    Fixed community UI exception
    Fixed weapon holster exception
    Fixed HTTP image exception
    Fixed various Unity exceptions
    Fixed network stream exception
    Fixed skin loading exception
    Fixed planner exception
    Fixed bloom exception
    Fixed exception in voice recorder
    Fixed terrain hole at launch site on Hapis
    Fixed shelves been placed on Roads
    Fixed Jack O Lantern can no longer be placed through walls
    Fixed Vending machine not been destroyed if construction no longer exists
    Fixed chairs been placed inside trees and clutter (Exploit fix)
    Fixed not being able to rotate workbenches when deploying
    Fixed AutoTurrets not losing any health upon pickup
    Dropbox can no longer be placed under water
    Fixed Small Refinery not generating charcoal
    Fixed arrowheads not showing up in outlines
    Fixed explosive bullet damage being too high
    Retired viewmodel layer (unused)


    new first person deploy sounds for a handful of items
    Most items have third person deploy sounds now
    Added Bone Arrows
    Added Fire Arrows
    Fixed washed out sky at clear weather conditions
    Fixed missing sound refs on a few SoundPlayers
    Fixed stars being barely visible at night
    Fixed only 100 key combinations (nerfed key raiding)
    Fixed Christmas light exploits
    Fixed road grass decor not aligning to ground
    Fixed odd junk pile placement
    Fixed Hapis Sky Dome
    Bone knife auto admiring on deploy
    Beancan grenade auto admiring on deploy
    Fixed Harbor mine entrance (Hapis)
    Optimized elevator volumes (server perf)
    Fog and wind are now randomized every 18 hours
    Slightly darker sky at midnight
    EAC SDK update
    Optimized tool cupboard queries (client perf)
    Fog density no longer changes per biome
    Improved fog algorithm
    Pickaxe admire animation updated
    Bandage admire animation updated
    Bota bag admire animation updated
    Water bottle admire animation updated
    Big cleaver admire animation updated
    Crossbow admire animation updated
    Hammer admire animation updated
    Mace admire animation updated
    Salvaged axe admire animation updated
    Salvaged Icepick admire animation updated
    Torch admire animation updated
    Longsword admire animation updated
    Owner can always open key lock
    Added final art for tool crate (purple box)


    Nearby players melee weapon swings are now audible
    Shelves correctly destroyed if construction below no longer exists
    Tool cupboard correctly destroyed if construction below no longer exists
    Tool cupboard can no longer be fully submerged inside world layer (rocks)
    Refinery ladder fix (Hapis)
    Site A cave no longer building blocked (Hapis)


    Added Throwable Flares
    Added handheld flashlight
    Added a bunch more deployable interaction sounds
    Added Upkeep notifications and gametips
    Door Garland is available to craft w/ Window garland sitem
    Can Admire/Examine skins with N key
    Added fog start distance in dark environments (gamma / navigation exploit)
    Fixed spinner wheel sound playback bug
    Fixed beams being invisible
    Fixed various errors on client and server
    Fixed fog not always being disabled in caves (gamma / navigation exploit)
    Fixed high external stone gate only decaying very slowly
    Fixed roof conditional models in various scenarios
    Wounded players no longer block player movement
    Upkeep payment intervals are now saved and restored on server restart
    Crossbow can take underbarrel modifications
    Lowered some upkeep cost


    Requires server update.
    - Fixed Dino-attached C4 to not apply damage if it explodes through a mesh.
    - Fixed Tuso to not be able to damage through world geometry.
    - Fixed Zipline-Crossbow shot not working properly on dedicated servers.


    - Fixed another CrossARK character transfer issue. Requires server update.


    - Fixed disconnect issue on Ragnarok. Requires server update.
    - Fixed a character transfer issue. Requires server update.


    Requires server update.
    - Fixed an issue where foliage might not be synced properly when teleporting between large bases.
    - Limited single chat length to 256 characters.
    - Fixed characters being lost during Ascension.
    - Fixed (we think) characters potentially being lost during Cross-ARK transfer
    - Fixed Aberration Power Nodes not recharging properly.
    - Fixed a weapon exploit.
    - Fixed a collision exploit.


    - Fixed a client rendering crash associated with certain mod maps
    - Fixed an under-meshing exploit. Requires server update.
    - Fixed CrossArk transferring issue. Requires server update.


    - Aberration: Fixed issue with Powernodes not recharging when stasised. Requires server update.
    - Fixed issue with Queen Bee. Requires server update.


    - Made Glowsticks not grindable
    - Fixed an animation-related server crash


    - Made TheIsland Ascension properly give its Ascension Implant/Levels again


    - Aberration: Fixed Battery recharging rate inaccuracy on Power Nodes
    - Aberration: Surface Hyper Power Nodes now recharge 2x speed (for 2x Element Crafting rate)
    - Aberration: Crafting an Element now gives you THREE Element items
    - Aberration: Endboss projectiles now target invisible rockdrakes
    - Aberration: Camera Shake slider now scales down the earthquake shakes (except when rock-climbing where it's critical to avoid falling!)
    - Aberration: Fixed various server-side map holes
    - Fixed several cases where you could get through the world geometry
    - Massively improved Tamed Reaper stats
    - Fixed Aberration Kibble craftings
    - Aberrant Baryonyx now yields correct Aberrant egg
    - Ragnarok: Fixed over-spawner issue and trigger issues


    OPTIONAL HOLIDAY EVENT for dedicated servers available on holidayevent branch!
    - One-time Wild Dino respawn
    - 5% chance of Xmas colored creatures
    - 50% chance of white-colored Dire Bears
    - All hat-wearing wild dinos are wearing Santa hats
    - 12am thru 5am provides temporary buff to live connected players which boosts loot crate quality by 40% (over base values, 15% over LioMagic values), drops more loot, and adds more cosmetics to loot crate drops


    - Fixed issue with dungeon-buttons not working on Ragnarok. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Landscape collision issue on Ragnarok. Requires Server Update.


    - Fixed several Dino collision issues. Requires Server Update.
    - Updated Ragnarok with several over-spawn and level-of-detail fixes. Requires Server Update.


    - Added Ragnarok 99%-complete expansion
    - Aberrant Megalosaurus now properly lay Aberrant eggs


    Enabled Xmas Content
    Lots of new deployable placement sounds
    Lots of new deployable interaction sounds
    Doors require upkeep
    Wall frame inserts require upkeep
    Floor frame inserts require upkeep
    Deployables inside the building privilege radius are decay protected
    Added decay.delay convars (all default to 0)
    Open/close sounds only play for the local player
    Tweaks to a few existing deployable sounds
    Animal behaviour overhaul
    Optimized upkeep backend
    All barricades can be repaired
    Added extra slots to TC
    Normalized building protection between tiers
    Increased protection for Metal Tier (2x stone)
    Increased protection for Armored tier (2x metal)
    Animals can no longer walk through closed doors at monuments
    Fixed broken items being traded in vending machine


    - Fixed Zipline collision issue. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed server crash with inventories.


    - Fixed Rock Drake aerial pounce on Aberration
    - Fixed Rock Drake losing forward-momentum when jumping off ground
    - Chain-Bola'ed Rockdrakes can no longer move while climbing and Bola'ed
    - Fixed Ravager getting stuck when dismounting/remounting on zipline
    - Fixed inability to activate weapon attachments ('N' key)
    - Fixed Grappling players into Tek Shield (detaches Grapple)
    - Fixed kiting Nameless into Fertile areas of Aberration (they'll now leave when they go underground in such areas)
    - Reduced rate of battery depletion in structures by 33%
    - Rollrats now have 20% weight from Wood, but 100% weight from Stone, as intended
    - Aquatic Mushrooms reduce Biolum Poison debuff by 5 seconds per consumption, rather than 1
    - Fixed issue with cavewolf being offset above zipline when reconnecting to server


    - Made Wild Plant Species Z only heal, not replenish vitals, and only if not recently damaged, not handcuffed, and not a baby dino. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed climbing Rock Drake not being able to damage targets. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Cavewolf getting stuck when dismounting/remounting on zipline.


    - Updated localizations to include Aberration. Added new localization: Ukranian
    - Fixed Mac/Linux water flickering
    - Fixed Metal Cliff platform using Stone structure damage settings. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Cliff Platforms having 12h decay time -- now is 12d for Stone and 16d for Metal. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Zipline crash. Requires Server Update.


    - Fixed another issue with Mod Class replacements when loading savegames (for Classic Flyers to replace regular Flyers' Inventories, etc). Requires Server Update.


    - Fixed Megalania not dropping their toxin
    - Fixed a issue which prevented some creatures from receiving 100% imprint with the new 8 hour timer
    - Bear traps now take 12 seconds (large) and 10 seconds (small) to activate
    - Fixed multiple building cases where structures would not be placed (i.e cables and wires)
    - Fixed a bug which would cause the Giga to rage eaiser than desired.
    - Fixed a bug which would allow you to get under the map


    - Reduced the Griffin's base HP by 30%
    - Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (wild) by 25%
    - Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (tamed) by 22%
    - Reduce the Griffin's Base stamina by 10%
    - Reduced the Griffin's diving swipe damage by 50%
    - Reduced the Griffin's dive bomb damage by 25%


    - Doubled the number of supply ceates per zone and made them last twice as long
    - Fixed a case where the Glide suit would cause you to float up against gravity
    - Fixed a case where Charge Batteries would not correctly drain in electrical structures
    - Fixed an unintended Gem Hierarchy, which would've allowed different colour gems to be used in place of others for crafting
    - Fixed a case where the camera view would flip when using climbing picks
    - Prevented fertilized eggs from being transferred on servers not using the allow foreign dino setting
    - TEK Bed no longer clears the Reaper Offspring buff
    - Fixed a bug which would cause Supply Crates to drop Plant Species Z Seed blueprints
    - Molerat saddle no longer looses durability when hitting foliage, and reduced it's over-time durability loss whilst rolling by 50%
    - Fixed multiple cases of invisibility for the Rock Drake and Basilisk
    - Fixed a case where a character would be stuck in the floating state when uploading dinos
    - Fixed multiple cases where Ravagers could get through the map
    - Fixed rugs not being freeform painted, or painted when placed on foundations.
    - Fixed a bug which allowed climbing dinos to move when encumbered
    - Removed the wood decal from Plant Z
    - Reaper Queen now has a particle indicator when ready to choose a host for its offspring (below the health threshhold)
    - Fixed a case when climbing with the Rock Drake would rotate your vision
    - Wild Plant Species Z now heals and revitalizes players and their dinos when active (when nearby), and reduced its interval to generate Seeds
    - Flying fast with glider should now be less rubber-bandy


    - Fixed graphical issue when running with -norhithread (stability mode for certain graphics cards configurations)
    - Fixed crash when taking Super Resolution screenshots with Ansel


    - Fix for Sarcos spawning in noob pool
    - Wild non-alpha Reaper Kings no longer grant XP
    - Platform switch collision is improved to allow you to easily directly climb onto it with an ladder attached to the elevator track
    - Wood elevator platform weight limit increased
    - Wood elevator can now be lifted while it's falling to stop it, and (once client update it posted) you can now repeatedly click the lift command without having to re-open the action wheel
    - Remaining fix for Mod Class replacements
    - Postprocessing Error fix
    - Players who are getting D3D Device Lost Error should try running with "-norhithread" in launch arguments. If that resolves the problem, we'll be able to implement an automatic fix in next update.


    - Aberration Dinos can now be properly downloaded on ARKs other than Aberration. Requires Server Update.


    Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Linux client crash
    - Fixed server language crash
    - Fixed Mod class replacement priority (Dino replacements etc)
    - Reduced Cavewolf damage by approximately 40%
    - Increased Wild Basilisk HP by 50%
    - Increased Wild Reaper King Damages by 300%
    - Made Aqua Shroom properly restore Water stat
    - Added Nameless to certain areas of Biolum Chamber where they were missing
    - Removed Piranhas from starting-area pool
    - Fixed case where Aberration Endboss sometimes wouldn't appear on clients, also fixed similar issue with Ragnarok Endbosses.


    - Added Basilisk saddle to Smithy-type crafting stations where it was meant to be. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed some Lantern Pet inventories mistakenly being flagged as Tribute Inventories. Requires Server Update.
    - Exported & Included latest Localization Manifest files on client, for translation


    - Made Distance Field Ambient Occlusion setting not affect the lighting of Aberration (which doesn't use the technique)


    - Fixed a client-side crash issue with certain mods such as Structures+, and other renderer edge cases


    - Aberration Release!

    - Parallel (multi-threaded) renderer for faster SM5 graphics
    ShooterGameMode (modifies corpse AND dropped box lifespan)
    float UseCorpseLifeSpanMultiplier;

    - ShooterGameMode: (multiplier, default 4)

    - Fixed water rendering on Mac & Linux

    - Heavy Turret & Tek Turret rebalance


    Bases repair themselves if upkeep resources are in TC
    Bases require upkeep resources to be kept in TC
    New on/off sounds for a bunch of deployables
    New active/burning loops for a bunch of deployables
    New searchlight movement sounds
    New open/close sounds for a few deployables
    New Junkyard monument
    New procedural roads art
    Brought back old caves (Hapis)
    Added "Pumping station" and "Abandoned Boat" loot areas (Hapis)
    Added Launch Site (Hapis)
    Added Ice sheets and Icebergs (Hapis)
    Added new static quarrys (Hapis)
    Foundations can now be placed at a half height offset
    Added half height walls
    Fixed various wall stacking exploits
    Roofs occupy wall sockets and can no longer be used as honeycombs
    Building privilege is emitted by the entire building
    There can only be one tool cupboard per building
    New monument placement algorithm
    Procedural roads now connect to monument roads
    Print last placement error in chat when pressing LMB while placement guide is red
    New power line placement algorithm
    Tool cupboard can store upkeep resources
    Fixes to older radtowns (Hapis)
    Fixes to loot and ore scarcity (Hapis)
    Monument chainlink fences can be shot through
    Roads are no longer split in half by rivers
    Fixed gaps between roads and terrain
    Fixed roads sometimes being partially flooded
    Fixed hammer highlight on wooden triangle foundations
    Fixed weird camera movement when jumping introduced last patch
    Small Furnace Art Updated
    Complete rework of site A (Hapis)
    Moved Site B to east coast (Hapis)
    Reduced size of arctic biome slightly
    Increased size of arid biome slightly
    Health bars are only visible when damaged or holding a hammer
    Grenades inherit player movement velocity
    F1 grenade has larger blast radius
    Dropbox is now Tier 1 WB
    Stone Spear no longer requires WB
    Experimentation at WB1 costs 75 scrap instead of 100
    Armored building tier costs 25 hqm and no wood/stone
    Armored doors have had their costs reduced accordingly