Beiträge von Adebar
Stream Tuesday 10th 8pm CET or 3pm CT:
Server Version: v279.291
- Fixed a server crash related to uploading and downloading
Client Version: v279.282
- Major Primitive+ update with a number of fixes, incorporation of major base game patches, as well as full Total Conversion functionality, including engrams, on Aberration and Scorched Earth.
- Fix for Dinos starving when they have access to food
- Bag size limit increased to 600 slots
- Forced One-time mindwipe due to recent balance changes
v279.275- Fixed multiple holes, collisions, and general bugs across all maps
- Fixed a bug where the Poison Wyvern would loot player bodies from direct hits
- Cliff platforms can no longer be built on top of Obelisk terminals
- Cliff platforms can no longer be placed on world barriers
- Fixed a bug which would cause flyers to flee from players when attacking water
- Karkinos can no longer be grabbed by Quetzal grabbing Karkinos
- Fixed a bug which would cause the Leech to be stuck on a player's screen when they die
- Fixed a bug with ladders which would desync a character's client from the server
- Fixed a bug with Tamed level 1 Griffin causing them to have negative HP
- Fixed level of detail issues with the Tek Tapejara Saddle
- Improved Flyer AI so that they no longer do circles into the air when attacking each other
- Reduced Pachyrhino head armour
- Reduced Flak armour scaling by 7%
- Reduced HP of Argentavis by 20%
- Reduced cloning cost of Griffin
- Reduced the speed of Plesiosaur and Ichthyosaurus by approximately 35%
- Reduced the amount of durability damage taken from projectiles when a Glider suit is equipped by approximately 60%
- Reduced the resource cost of Fabricated Sniper recipe scale by 25%
- Change weight of Cloth, Hide, Chitin, Flak, Fur, Desert, Hazard, and Ghillie
- Increased Green House Structures HP and Decay Timer. The HP increase is not retroactive, and will only affect new structures.
- Increased Vault Storage slots from 150 to 350
- Added Pincode to Refrigerator
- Change Tek Saddle so that it can no longer be shot during lightning storms
- Moschops damage (and harvesting) buffed by 30%
- Introduced tighter limits on number of nearby cliff platforms
- Fixed bug that caused Pachyrhino gas to give swamp fever
- Fixed bug causing Ascension character loss if you hadn't interacted with a terminal
- Fixed infinite looping chainsaw noisev279.252
- Quetz c4 bomber exploit fixed
- Fixed Otter weight limit working properly
- Fixed Sarco not fitting through dino gates
- Players can no longer be handcuffed to toilets
- Wild Raptor now pounces players in PvE
- Corrected the glowtail egg weight
- Paracer Platform Saddle is now in Aberration Supply Crates
- Moschops dossier updated
- Debugging information for GetModifierKeys crash
- Sponsored Mod Page Update
- Fixed a rare physics crash related to destructionv279.243
- Fix for allowing players to transfer between servers
- Unversioned minor BattlEye updatev279.242
- Fixed tamed Oviraptors getting bunified
- Fixed game exploits involving using a BattlEye bypass to ignore pin codes, access storage and the exploit the ascension mechanic
- Fixed torch placement on tlc2 saddles
- Moschops is now rideable!
- Moschops harvesting effectiveness reduced by approximately 30%
- Fixed a PvE bug causing non-allied dinos to rapidly lose their food under specific circumstances
- Fixed friendly Raptor pounce dismounting nearby riders
- Multiple fixes for Chick Hat placementv279.234
- Added PixARK button to main menu.
- Eggcellent Adventure, running until April 10th:…etail/1654384241440028827
- Multiple mesh/base exploit fixes
- Raptor Pack Buff now lasts for 45 seconds
- Global Banlist URL has been updated to
- Fix Raptor Basic Attack audio
- Fixed Aberrant trike colourization
- Sarco can now hurt target on roll even if it can't carry it
- Fix for crash when equipping empty folder
- Updated Argent claw grab back to original weight restrictions
- Fixes for forceflee from Parasaur
- Fixes for Parasaur not attacking targets when ordered to
- Raptor can no longer pounce very small things like insects
- Fix for trike getting stuck charging
- Players can no longer build in the puzzle cave on Ragnarok
- Fixed a bug where Spino Hydration buff would timeout unexpectedly
- Pinned target no longer stays down if Raptor is killed
- Removed pounces while being carried
- Fix for Argent grabbing through wallsv279.225
- Added support for ARK Park dino export feature
- Temporarily allowed Ragnarok puzzle cave building to allow players to evacuate the area. This will last for one week in order for players to move out any creatures left here. On the 27th of March we will be disabling building, so make use of this time!
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to be ejected from the saddle when using the Raptor pounce
- Fixed a bug that made Moschops rideable
- Fixed an issue that caused pre-patch Argents to lack ability to craft in their saddle
- Fixed the looping of the Spino torpor animationv279.22 (TLC Phase 2)
Dino TLC - Argentavis!
- Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
- Can carry two creatures
C - grabs/releases creatures with beak
Right Click - grabs/releases creatures with claws
- Health regen buff from consuming corpses
- Saddle acts as a mobile crafting station
- Reduced the weight of various resources by up to 50%Dino TLC - Parasaur!
- Receives a sound tweak and some new abilities:
- Alarm mode
Can be put in turret mode and check for nearby threats
Notifies you audibly and visually when threats are present
- Scare small creatures
C when ridden - scares away small/mid creatures
Toggle for alarm mode to have it automatically do it
- Scan
Can trigger a scan (right click) when ridden
Scans for nearby threats
Notifies you visually when threats are presentDino TLC - Raptor!
- Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
- Pounce
Press right-click to pounce on a target
Pins small targets to ground for short period
Press left-click to attack repeatedly
- Pack Buff
Activates with C key when 2 Raptors (with a max pack size of 6) are together
Increases damage resistance
Increases movement speed
Increases attack speed
Lasts 15sDino TLC - Sarco!
- Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
- Idles with mouth open now
- Death roll
Grabs its target and rolls dealing damage and disabling them
- Lunge
Can lunge towards a target in front of it
- 180 attack
Can spin in place to attack foes behind it
- Walkable
Allows friendly humans to walk on and stand on its back
Useful in water, you can move them to surface and use as a raft
- Swimming depth
Maintains its current depth when swimming
Can lurk just below the surface
- Piranhas Flee
Piranhas flee when they encounter a Sarcosuchus
Includes nearby ally Sarcos for playersDino TLC - Spino!
- Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
- Water buff
Given when in water
Bonus movement speed
Bonus turning radius
Bonus attack damage
Bonus healing
Persists for short period after leaving the water
- Added Biped/Quadruped toggle C
Stronger attacks
Can turn in place
Faster movement speed
- Prefers prime fish for tamingDino TLC - Trike!
- Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
- Ram
Charge up for short period
Longer it's charged, the faster it goes
Criplles target when hit
Knocks small dinos away while charging (charge a group of dodos to see)
- Rivalry buff
Given buff when nearby to large carnivores
Increases damage output slightly
Decreases damage taken slightly
Increases health by 10%- Ragnarok update
Streaming bounds fix to help with memory
Fixed multiple holes, bugged beacons, and floating foliage.
Better lighting around LL dungeon
- Hole fixes for
The Center
The Island
- Fixed an issue where Griffin feather colors appeared to be default in single player.
- Opened up transfers for the non-aberrant version of creatures to be transferred onto Aberration. For example, both Paracer and Aberrant Paracer can exist on Aberration -
Added Powered rowboat vehicle
Added Chinook Event
Multiple seats in vehicles
Added lakeside forests
Added Birch, Oak and Beech trees
Added projectile pooling (gunfight performance)
Bullets now impact water
Added server asset warmup (performance hiccups)
New client side entity parenting (performance, vehicle support)
Added triangular conditional wall models
Junkpile Scientists
Hapis - Added Junkyard monument
Hapis - Added Outpost B3 small monument
Hapis - Added sewer branch monument
Hapis - Added Collapsed Tunnel small monument
Hapis - Mining outpost
Added vehicle spawns to Savas KOTH
Added horse meat (needs icons)
vehicle_flipy and vehicle_sensitivity convars (unused)
Hair Cap system
Head and Facial hair styles
Player Corpses float on water
Variable wind animation
Added floating offshore junkpiles
Updated ingame map to be more detailed
Map coords swapped so that the letter is horizontal
Eye Adaptation and LUTs updated
Tweaks to dynamic grass and terrain splat colours to align
Re-added display of decals on static furnace, mining quarry, pumpjack & small refinery
Changes to ocean and river reflectivity to be more physically accurate
Caves Spikes Trap nerfed
Major network interpolation & extrapolation improvements
Updated EAC
Stripped server schema refresh (performance hiccups)
Significantly improved shading on new foliage
Increased overall forest sizes
Big mix pass over most of the sounds in game
Spawning scientists are invulnerable until activated
Scientist reaction time goes up when they get hit
Hapis - Updated Site A and B tunnels
Hapis - 8 new cave and tunnels
Hapis - updated roads
Hapis - Updated site b tunnels to have radiation
Updated Savas KOTH loot table with all recently added items
AK47 has more hip aimcone
Water reflections
Temporal anti-aliasing
Pubic, Armpit and Eyebrow hair
AK47 has more difficult recoil
Added 4 HQM to SAR cost
Removed most Junk from Airdrops + Elite Crates
TShirt/LongShirt additional radiation protection
Reduced SAP HQM cost by 4
Heavy Plate Armor slightly less movement speed reduction
Heavy Plate Armor cost Halved
HV Rockets cost slightly more than 1/4 that of regular rockets
HV Rockets do 1/4 damage of regular rockets
Reduced longsword cost
Reduced rocket launcher cost
Rocket lancher has increased durability
You can now research and craft Binoculars
CCTV + Targeting Computer are stackable to 64
Hide armor costs halved
SMGs HQM cost halved
TShirt/LongShirt costs reduced
TShirt/LongShirt research cost now 20
Fixed gather amounts being inaccurate on HUD
Fixed NPCs showing in the report list
Fixed main menu only showing one friend
Fixed hitching when opening map
Fixed that servers needed a restart before newly released skins could be used
Fixed health bars not updating when buildings are repaired via upkeep
Fixed being able to walk far away while looting
Fixed ore bonus nodes doing pointless position update ticks
Fixed field rocks sometimes overlapping monuments
Fixed some floating rocks near monuments
Fixed sometimes falling through terrain near monuments
Fixed rare world checksum mismatch on certain seeds
Fixed exploits to dive underneath terrain
Fixed some rock terrain adjustments having reverted
Fixed skin selection icons not refreshing until clicked
Junkpile scientists no longer hover above ground
Hapis - Fixed some out of bounds exploits
Hapis - Fixed junkpile spawns on cliff edges
Fixed gap in Garage door which allowed traps to be trigged through
Fixed blueprint read not using master sound
Fixed flame turret been trigger through walls
Pubic hair clipping through clothing
Broken wrists on some clothing items
Placement guides not showing underwater looking from above
Z-fighting in stomped grass when grass displacement is enabled
Particle shadowing inside caves and interiors
Argument exception in motion blur
Number overflow in occlusion culling
Null reference exception in MaterialColorLerp
River UV stretching in direction of flow
Crash in terrain texturing initialization
Fixed skin shading when in shadow
Foliage biome tinting
Fixed Chainsaw chain direction
Fixed garage door culling at short range when gfx settings low
Fixed thrown objs impacting vehicle they were thrown from
Removed workshop vote counts (Valve doesn't send them anymore) -
Beste Battlefield ist und bleiben Battlefield 3 und Bad Company 2.
Added Chainsaw
Added Incendiary Shotgun Shells
Added Spas-12 Shotgun
Terrain Blend Maps for better monuments transition
Added upkeep grief protection
Added glaucous willow and spicebush plants
Added world reflection graphics setting
Fixed painted signs sometimes resetting on server restart
Fixed workshop skin corruption issue
Fixed dark lighting at the gates of Military Tunnels
Fixed incorrect star positions relative to sun and moon
Fixed foundation rotation exploit
Fixed workshop skin loading issue
Fixed S11 Cave having no build block volumes (Hapis)
Fixed locker, bed, workbench floating slightly after construction placed on no longer exists
Bandages and syringes now show their healing information
Searchlight no longer accessible without TC access
Fixed weird sprint+aim exploit
Optimized conditional model performance
Vastly improved interior lighting
Upgraded to Unity 2017.1.3
Improved cliff mesh placement next to monuments
Moved our grass and overgrowrth to new foliage shader
Optimized client file cache performance
Increased tree view distance at high tree quality settings
Optimized tree performance at low tree quality settings
Slightly harder to wall off southern convoy (Hapis)
Reduced forest size in areas for performance reasons (Hapis)
Xmas tree no longer craftable
Mailbox repairable
Water purifier can no longer be placed on barbecue and fireplace
All signs, banners and frames are now repairable
Bed can be repaired
Bed can be picked up with hammer + building privilege
Repair bench wood cost removal
Repairing items now costs 20% instead of 50% of their total cost
Scientists have slightly more health
Scientists have proper loot tables
Stripped unused tree assets (disk space usage) -
No Update
As previously mentioned, we are moving to monthly patches, which means there is no patch this week. We're going to do the same with devblogs and move them to a monthly schedule alongside each patch. We're going to keep working away on the game instead.
Monthly Updates
One reason behind moving to monthly patches was to allow us to spend more time fully realizing features instead of rushing out half-baked garbage every week. We felt like we were stretched a little thin before, and we were unable to commit to working on huge features because it meant we would have a bunch of empty patches.
Staging Branch
If a month is too long to wait, you can download the Staging branch on Steam. It is a separate executable. This version of the game will contain the latest gameplay changes, features, and content. However, you should understand that this is effectively beta testing. Things might change very rapidly, servers may wipe more frequently, and we can't promise any kind of stability on this branch. If you're up to it, give it a try!Stable Patches
Another reason why we're going to do it this way is so that we can lock the codebase down for a few days before release, and to let us commit hotfixes before we release instead of after. Our goal here is to increase the quality level released to you guys.
This won't affect our skin release schedule. We're still going to do weekly skins every Thursday.
Better Sources
We probably shouldn't be wasting hours of development time writing a devblog every week when there are better sources out there. Rustafied will be paying attention to the @rustupdates stream and updating their site with information about the changes coming down the pipe. If that's too much, you can usually catch a video update on fridays from Shadowfrax.
* Fixed bug that prevented tribe renaming
* Separated C4 into their own structure limit category with a limit of 150 per 50m
* Plugged various holes used to undermesh in The Center, The Island, and Aberration (server side only for now)
* Plant Z healing effectiveness reduced to 0.5% HP per second for players and 0.33% HP per second for Dinos (with a cap of 80)
* Fixed Therizino and Moschops cloning exploit278.64
- Disabled placement of structures when recently stuck in geometry (addresses known undermesh exploits)
- Fix climbing off of a ladder into geometry (including barriers) temporarily (addresses known undermesh exploits)
- Prevented closing glider for a brief period after opening (prevents accidental closure when spamming to open)
- Lower glider cooldown to 3s278.54
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get through the map/mesh
- Fixed issue where a second instance of certain boss fights could be started while someone was already inside
- Reworked extinction mode save nuking to kill subfolders as well
- Increased plantx projectile damage by 2.5x
- Projectiles do 3x damage to durability of chest pieces while a glider is attached
- Added logic to translate damage from player to their glider
- Set a 10s cooldown between glides
- Lowered glide speed by 40%278.4
- Concluded the Valentine's Day event!
- Server-side update for Valentine's Day event content (Randomly Colored Dinos & Chocolate Cake "eggs"), optionally run with -vday if you want to use the 3x Mating/Maturation boosts
- Increased the Procop's weight properly as mention in the TLC patch notes.
- Fixed an issue with misaligned Direwolf sniff animation.
- Fixed the Rex's missing color region.
- Fixed an issue where the Mini Map Marker wouldn't display correctly in certain areas of the game.
- Slightly decreased Rex's ability to climb slopes.
- Fixed an issue where the Aberrant Direbear and Aberrant Bigfoot couldn't be transferred off of Aberration.
- Fixed an issue where the Argent was missing its flying animation when using some mods.
- Fixed an issue where the Karkinos couldn't jump underwater.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when loading mods in single player.
- Fixed an issue where armor would stack on the client side when using folders.
- Fixed an issue where the Procop was not able to pick up flyers in its pouch.
- Fixed an issue where the Procop's pouch would not stay open over server restart/relog in single player.v278.1
- Fixed issue where Gigantopithecus were not loading their stats values from previous savegames. Server upgrade required!
- Grinding Tek structures no longer yields Element Shardsv278.0
- Revamped Dinos: Procoptodon, Gigantopithecus, Direbear, Direwolf, T-Rex, and many new features and fixes, with full patch note details here:…-phase-1v278-patch-notes/
- New configuration values:
GameUserSettings.ini (or ? launch param):TribeNameChangeCooldown=15
TamedDinoTorporDrainMultiplier=1 -
We leave Early Access with a graphics overhaul, give out Frog Boots for those who helped us in EA, and more.
Added Frog Boots, My Dudes.
Added new trees
Added Road Exploration Tutorial
Added Workbench Tutorial
Added Research Tutorial
Section Names for each tutorial instead of "task list"
Added Pickles, with a chance of botulism
Improvements in lighting process/ Higher IBL contribution
Post Processes and LUTs refresh
Visual upgrades on the world generation (terrain, rocks, foliage and lot more)
Improved overall terrain splat mapping
Higher Densities of Icebergs and Icesheets
Optimized foliage system with a lot of different foliage types
Vm animation updates
Netting costs 1 Rope instead of 3
Fire arrows cost 2 cloth instead of 10
Scientists have reduced accuracy
Changed default server information image
Loot Barrels now drop 2 Scrap instead of 1
Double Metal Door now default blueprint
AK47 horizontal recoil kicks in faster
Aim Sway inactive for several seconds after a shot
Melee tip hides sooner
Fixed some streaming sound related performance spikes
Fixed missing mesh references on skinnable items
Wild Animals now spawn in biomes and terrain that fits their environment
Fixed inaccurate upkeep time on the tool cupboard
Fixed doors not decaying when their upkeep was not paid for
Fixed harbors not spawning correctly
Fixed hilltop rocks sometimes overlapping monuments
Fixed various small world generation issues
Workbench Experiments can now reveal ammo types
Fixed Garage Doors taking splash damage
Fixed task list not displaying under some resolutions -
- Fixed an hack/exploit! More details here:…on-277-vulnerability-fix/
- Updated Ragnarok with various fixes and tweaks