ARK: Survival Evolved

  • v274.12

    - Heavy Turrets now have corrected Repair costs (and generally, Repair Cost overrides now work for Structures)
    - Repairing a Structure now leaves the "Repairing" state properly as a client
    - On Turret-limited Servers, HeavyTurrets now are only hard-limited to 100 Heavies in range, to enable players to more easily replace/swap their old Turrets with Heavies. They will notify on the HUD of more than 100 overall Turrets in range, in preparation for the day when ALL Turrets will be limited to 100 in range.


    - Added "Heavy Turret", which packs approximately 4 times the power of a regular Turret and has faster tracking, but uses 4 Ammo per shot.

    On Official Servers, in preparation for ultimately limiting all Turrets to 100 within a 10,000 unit range, only 100 Heavy Turrets can be placed in a 10000 unit range, including ALL Auto Turrets & Plant Turrets within that range. If you wish to enable this Heavy Turret limit on your own unofficial Server, you can use these values in the ShooterGameMode section of your Game.ini:


    (Later on, those values will also hard-limit regular Auto Turrets and Plant Turrets)

    - Doubled Tek Turret Damage

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

  • 275.53

    - Fixed Zipline collision issue. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed server crash with inventories.


    - Fixed Rock Drake aerial pounce on Aberration
    - Fixed Rock Drake losing forward-momentum when jumping off ground
    - Chain-Bola'ed Rockdrakes can no longer move while climbing and Bola'ed
    - Fixed Ravager getting stuck when dismounting/remounting on zipline
    - Fixed inability to activate weapon attachments ('N' key)
    - Fixed Grappling players into Tek Shield (detaches Grapple)
    - Fixed kiting Nameless into Fertile areas of Aberration (they'll now leave when they go underground in such areas)
    - Reduced rate of battery depletion in structures by 33%
    - Rollrats now have 20% weight from Wood, but 100% weight from Stone, as intended
    - Aquatic Mushrooms reduce Biolum Poison debuff by 5 seconds per consumption, rather than 1
    - Fixed issue with cavewolf being offset above zipline when reconnecting to server


    - Made Wild Plant Species Z only heal, not replenish vitals, and only if not recently damaged, not handcuffed, and not a baby dino. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed climbing Rock Drake not being able to damage targets. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Cavewolf getting stuck when dismounting/remounting on zipline.


    - Updated localizations to include Aberration. Added new localization: Ukranian
    - Fixed Mac/Linux water flickering
    - Fixed Metal Cliff platform using Stone structure damage settings. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Cliff Platforms having 12h decay time -- now is 12d for Stone and 16d for Metal. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Zipline crash. Requires Server Update.


    - Fixed another issue with Mod Class replacements when loading savegames (for Classic Flyers to replace regular Flyers' Inventories, etc). Requires Server Update.


    - Fixed Megalania not dropping their toxin
    - Fixed a issue which prevented some creatures from receiving 100% imprint with the new 8 hour timer
    - Bear traps now take 12 seconds (large) and 10 seconds (small) to activate
    - Fixed multiple building cases where structures would not be placed (i.e cables and wires)
    - Fixed a bug which would cause the Giga to rage eaiser than desired.
    - Fixed a bug which would allow you to get under the map


    - Reduced the Griffin's base HP by 30%
    - Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (wild) by 25%
    - Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (tamed) by 22%
    - Reduce the Griffin's Base stamina by 10%
    - Reduced the Griffin's diving swipe damage by 50%
    - Reduced the Griffin's dive bomb damage by 25%


    - Doubled the number of supply ceates per zone and made them last twice as long
    - Fixed a case where the Glide suit would cause you to float up against gravity
    - Fixed a case where Charge Batteries would not correctly drain in electrical structures
    - Fixed an unintended Gem Hierarchy, which would've allowed different colour gems to be used in place of others for crafting
    - Fixed a case where the camera view would flip when using climbing picks
    - Prevented fertilized eggs from being transferred on servers not using the allow foreign dino setting
    - TEK Bed no longer clears the Reaper Offspring buff
    - Fixed a bug which would cause Supply Crates to drop Plant Species Z Seed blueprints
    - Molerat saddle no longer looses durability when hitting foliage, and reduced it's over-time durability loss whilst rolling by 50%
    - Fixed multiple cases of invisibility for the Rock Drake and Basilisk
    - Fixed a case where a character would be stuck in the floating state when uploading dinos
    - Fixed multiple cases where Ravagers could get through the map
    - Fixed rugs not being freeform painted, or painted when placed on foundations.
    - Fixed a bug which allowed climbing dinos to move when encumbered
    - Removed the wood decal from Plant Z
    - Reaper Queen now has a particle indicator when ready to choose a host for its offspring (below the health threshhold)
    - Fixed a case when climbing with the Rock Drake would rotate your vision
    - Wild Plant Species Z now heals and revitalizes players and their dinos when active (when nearby), and reduced its interval to generate Seeds
    - Flying fast with glider should now be less rubber-bandy


    - Fixed graphical issue when running with -norhithread (stability mode for certain graphics cards configurations)
    - Fixed crash when taking Super Resolution screenshots with Ansel


    - Fix for Sarcos spawning in noob pool
    - Wild non-alpha Reaper Kings no longer grant XP
    - Platform switch collision is improved to allow you to easily directly climb onto it with an ladder attached to the elevator track
    - Wood elevator platform weight limit increased
    - Wood elevator can now be lifted while it's falling to stop it, and (once client update it posted) you can now repeatedly click the lift command without having to re-open the action wheel
    - Remaining fix for Mod Class replacements
    - Postprocessing Error fix
    - Players who are getting D3D Device Lost Error should try running with "-norhithread" in launch arguments. If that resolves the problem, we'll be able to implement an automatic fix in next update.


    - Aberration Dinos can now be properly downloaded on ARKs other than Aberration. Requires Server Update.


    Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Linux client crash
    - Fixed server language crash
    - Fixed Mod class replacement priority (Dino replacements etc)
    - Reduced Cavewolf damage by approximately 40%
    - Increased Wild Basilisk HP by 50%
    - Increased Wild Reaper King Damages by 300%
    - Made Aqua Shroom properly restore Water stat
    - Added Nameless to certain areas of Biolum Chamber where they were missing
    - Removed Piranhas from starting-area pool
    - Fixed case where Aberration Endboss sometimes wouldn't appear on clients, also fixed similar issue with Ragnarok Endbosses.


    - Added Basilisk saddle to Smithy-type crafting stations where it was meant to be. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed some Lantern Pet inventories mistakenly being flagged as Tribute Inventories. Requires Server Update.
    - Exported & Included latest Localization Manifest files on client, for translation


    - Made Distance Field Ambient Occlusion setting not affect the lighting of Aberration (which doesn't use the technique)


    - Fixed a client-side crash issue with certain mods such as Structures+, and other renderer edge cases


    - Aberration Release!

    - Parallel (multi-threaded) renderer for faster SM5 graphics
    ShooterGameMode (modifies corpse AND dropped box lifespan)
    float UseCorpseLifeSpanMultiplier;

    - ShooterGameMode: (multiplier, default 4)

    - Fixed water rendering on Mac & Linux

    - Heavy Turret & Tek Turret rebalance

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • 276.5

    Requires server update.
    - Fixed Dino-attached C4 to not apply damage if it explodes through a mesh.
    - Fixed Tuso to not be able to damage through world geometry.
    - Fixed Zipline-Crossbow shot not working properly on dedicated servers.


    - Fixed another CrossARK character transfer issue. Requires server update.


    - Fixed disconnect issue on Ragnarok. Requires server update.
    - Fixed a character transfer issue. Requires server update.


    Requires server update.
    - Fixed an issue where foliage might not be synced properly when teleporting between large bases.
    - Limited single chat length to 256 characters.
    - Fixed characters being lost during Ascension.
    - Fixed (we think) characters potentially being lost during Cross-ARK transfer
    - Fixed Aberration Power Nodes not recharging properly.
    - Fixed a weapon exploit.
    - Fixed a collision exploit.


    - Fixed a client rendering crash associated with certain mod maps
    - Fixed an under-meshing exploit. Requires server update.
    - Fixed CrossArk transferring issue. Requires server update.


    - Aberration: Fixed issue with Powernodes not recharging when stasised. Requires server update.
    - Fixed issue with Queen Bee. Requires server update.


    - Made Glowsticks not grindable
    - Fixed an animation-related server crash


    - Made TheIsland Ascension properly give its Ascension Implant/Levels again


    - Aberration: Fixed Battery recharging rate inaccuracy on Power Nodes
    - Aberration: Surface Hyper Power Nodes now recharge 2x speed (for 2x Element Crafting rate)
    - Aberration: Crafting an Element now gives you THREE Element items
    - Aberration: Endboss projectiles now target invisible rockdrakes
    - Aberration: Camera Shake slider now scales down the earthquake shakes (except when rock-climbing where it's critical to avoid falling!)
    - Aberration: Fixed various server-side map holes
    - Fixed several cases where you could get through the world geometry
    - Massively improved Tamed Reaper stats
    - Fixed Aberration Kibble craftings
    - Aberrant Baryonyx now yields correct Aberrant egg
    - Ragnarok: Fixed over-spawner issue and trigger issues


    OPTIONAL HOLIDAY EVENT for dedicated servers available on holidayevent branch!
    - One-time Wild Dino respawn
    - 5% chance of Xmas colored creatures
    - 50% chance of white-colored Dire Bears
    - All hat-wearing wild dinos are wearing Santa hats
    - 12am thru 5am provides temporary buff to live connected players which boosts loot crate quality by 40% (over base values, 15% over LioMagic values), drops more loot, and adds more cosmetics to loot crate drops


    - Fixed issue with dungeon-buttons not working on Ragnarok. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Landscape collision issue on Ragnarok. Requires Server Update.


    - Fixed several Dino collision issues. Requires Server Update.
    - Updated Ragnarok with several over-spawn and level-of-detail fixes. Requires Server Update.


    - Added Ragnarok 99%-complete expansion
    - Aberrant Megalosaurus now properly lay Aberrant eggs

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • 278.73

    * Fixed bug that prevented tribe renaming
    * Separated C4 into their own structure limit category with a limit of 150 per 50m
    * Plugged various holes used to undermesh in The Center, The Island, and Aberration (server side only for now)
    * Plant Z healing effectiveness reduced to 0.5% HP per second for players and 0.33% HP per second for Dinos (with a cap of 80)
    * Fixed Therizino and Moschops cloning exploit


    - Disabled placement of structures when recently stuck in geometry (addresses known undermesh exploits)
    - Fix climbing off of a ladder into geometry (including barriers) temporarily (addresses known undermesh exploits)
    - Prevented closing glider for a brief period after opening (prevents accidental closure when spamming to open)
    - Lower glider cooldown to 3s


    - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get through the map/mesh
    - Fixed issue where a second instance of certain boss fights could be started while someone was already inside
    - Reworked extinction mode save nuking to kill subfolders as well
    - Increased plantx projectile damage by 2.5x
    - Projectiles do 3x damage to durability of chest pieces while a glider is attached
    - Added logic to translate damage from player to their glider
    - Set a 10s cooldown between glides
    - Lowered glide speed by 40%


    - Concluded the Valentine's Day event!


    - Server-side update for Valentine's Day event content (Randomly Colored Dinos & Chocolate Cake "eggs"), optionally run with -vday if you want to use the 3x Mating/Maturation boosts


    - Increased the Procop's weight properly as mention in the TLC patch notes.
    - Fixed an issue with misaligned Direwolf sniff animation.
    - Fixed the Rex's missing color region.
    - Fixed an issue where the Mini Map Marker wouldn't display correctly in certain areas of the game.
    - Slightly decreased Rex's ability to climb slopes.
    - Fixed an issue where the Aberrant Direbear and Aberrant Bigfoot couldn't be transferred off of Aberration.
    - Fixed an issue where the Argent was missing its flying animation when using some mods.
    - Fixed an issue where the Karkinos couldn't jump underwater.
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when loading mods in single player.
    - Fixed an issue where armor would stack on the client side when using folders.
    - Fixed an issue where the Procop was not able to pick up flyers in its pouch.
    - Fixed an issue where the Procop's pouch would not stay open over server restart/relog in single player.


    - Fixed issue where Gigantopithecus were not loading their stats values from previous savegames. Server upgrade required!
    - Grinding Tek structures no longer yields Element Shards


    - Revamped Dinos: Procoptodon, Gigantopithecus, Direbear, Direwolf, T-Rex, and many new features and fixes, with full patch note details here:…-phase-1v278-patch-notes/
    - New configuration values:
    GameUserSettings.ini (or ? launch param):




    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • Server Version: v279.291

    - Fixed a server crash related to uploading and downloading

    Client Version: v279.282

    - Major Primitive+ update with a number of fixes, incorporation of major base game patches, as well as full Total Conversion functionality, including engrams, on Aberration and Scorched Earth.

    - Fix for Dinos starving when they have access to food

    - Bag size limit increased to 600 slots

    - Forced One-time mindwipe due to recent balance changes


    - Fixed multiple holes, collisions, and general bugs across all maps

    - Fixed a bug where the Poison Wyvern would loot player bodies from direct hits

    - Cliff platforms can no longer be built on top of Obelisk terminals

    - Cliff platforms can no longer be placed on world barriers

    - Fixed a bug which would cause flyers to flee from players when attacking water

    - Karkinos can no longer be grabbed by Quetzal grabbing Karkinos

    - Fixed a bug which would cause the Leech to be stuck on a player's screen when they die

    - Fixed a bug with ladders which would desync a character's client from the server

    - Fixed a bug with Tamed level 1 Griffin causing them to have negative HP

    - Fixed level of detail issues with the Tek Tapejara Saddle

    - Improved Flyer AI so that they no longer do circles into the air when attacking each other

    - Reduced Pachyrhino head armour

    - Reduced Flak armour scaling by 7%

    - Reduced HP of Argentavis by 20%

    - Reduced cloning cost of Griffin

    - Reduced the speed of Plesiosaur and Ichthyosaurus by approximately 35%

    - Reduced the amount of durability damage taken from projectiles when a Glider suit is equipped by approximately 60%

    - Reduced the resource cost of Fabricated Sniper recipe scale by 25%

    - Change weight of Cloth, Hide, Chitin, Flak, Fur, Desert, Hazard, and Ghillie

    - Increased Green House Structures HP and Decay Timer. The HP increase is not retroactive, and will only affect new structures.

    - Increased Vault Storage slots from 150 to 350

    - Added Pincode to Refrigerator

    - Change Tek Saddle so that it can no longer be shot during lightning storms


    - Moschops damage (and harvesting) buffed by 30%

    - Introduced tighter limits on number of nearby cliff platforms

    - Fixed bug that caused Pachyrhino gas to give swamp fever

    - Fixed bug causing Ascension character loss if you hadn't interacted with a terminal

    - Fixed infinite looping chainsaw noise


    - Quetz c4 bomber exploit fixed
    - Fixed Otter weight limit working properly
    - Fixed Sarco not fitting through dino gates
    - Players can no longer be handcuffed to toilets
    - Wild Raptor now pounces players in PvE
    - Corrected the glowtail egg weight
    - Paracer Platform Saddle is now in Aberration Supply Crates
    - Moschops dossier updated
    - Debugging information for GetModifierKeys crash
    - Sponsored Mod Page Update
    - Fixed a rare physics crash related to destruction


    - Fix for allowing players to transfer between servers
    - Unversioned minor BattlEye update


    - Fixed tamed Oviraptors getting bunified
    - Fixed game exploits involving using a BattlEye bypass to ignore pin codes, access storage and the exploit the ascension mechanic
    - Fixed torch placement on tlc2 saddles
    - Moschops is now rideable!
    - Moschops harvesting effectiveness reduced by approximately 30%
    - Fixed a PvE bug causing non-allied dinos to rapidly lose their food under specific circumstances
    - Fixed friendly Raptor pounce dismounting nearby riders
    - Multiple fixes for Chick Hat placement


    - Added PixARK button to main menu.


    - Eggcellent Adventure, running until April 10th:…etail/1654384241440028827
    - Multiple mesh/base exploit fixes
    - Raptor Pack Buff now lasts for 45 seconds
    - Global Banlist URL has been updated to
    - Fix Raptor Basic Attack audio
    - Fixed Aberrant trike colourization
    - Sarco can now hurt target on roll even if it can't carry it
    - Fix for crash when equipping empty folder
    - Updated Argent claw grab back to original weight restrictions
    - Fixes for forceflee from Parasaur
    - Fixes for Parasaur not attacking targets when ordered to
    - Raptor can no longer pounce very small things like insects
    - Fix for trike getting stuck charging
    - Players can no longer build in the puzzle cave on Ragnarok
    - Fixed a bug where Spino Hydration buff would timeout unexpectedly
    - Pinned target no longer stays down if Raptor is killed
    - Removed pounces while being carried
    - Fix for Argent grabbing through walls


    - Added support for ARK Park dino export feature


    - Temporarily allowed Ragnarok puzzle cave building to allow players to evacuate the area. This will last for one week in order for players to move out any creatures left here. On the 27th of March we will be disabling building, so make use of this time!
    - Fixed an issue that caused the player to be ejected from the saddle when using the Raptor pounce
    - Fixed a bug that made Moschops rideable
    - Fixed an issue that caused pre-patch Argents to lack ability to craft in their saddle
    - Fixed the looping of the Spino torpor animation

    v279.22 (TLC Phase 2)

    Dino TLC - Argentavis!
    - Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
    - Can carry two creatures
    C - grabs/releases creatures with beak
    Right Click - grabs/releases creatures with claws
    - Health regen buff from consuming corpses
    - Saddle acts as a mobile crafting station
    - Reduced the weight of various resources by up to 50%

    Dino TLC - Parasaur!
    - Receives a sound tweak and some new abilities:
    - Alarm mode
    Can be put in turret mode and check for nearby threats
    Notifies you audibly and visually when threats are present
    - Scare small creatures
    C when ridden - scares away small/mid creatures
    Toggle for alarm mode to have it automatically do it
    - Scan
    Can trigger a scan (right click) when ridden
    Scans for nearby threats
    Notifies you visually when threats are present

    Dino TLC - Raptor!
    - Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
    - Pounce
    Press right-click to pounce on a target
    Pins small targets to ground for short period
    Press left-click to attack repeatedly
    - Pack Buff
    Activates with C key when 2 Raptors (with a max pack size of 6) are together
    Increases damage resistance
    Increases movement speed
    Increases attack speed
    Lasts 15s

    Dino TLC - Sarco!
    - Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
    - Idles with mouth open now
    - Death roll
    Grabs its target and rolls dealing damage and disabling them
    - Lunge
    Can lunge towards a target in front of it
    - 180 attack
    Can spin in place to attack foes behind it
    - Walkable
    Allows friendly humans to walk on and stand on its back
    Useful in water, you can move them to surface and use as a raft
    - Swimming depth
    Maintains its current depth when swimming
    Can lurk just below the surface
    - Piranhas Flee
    Piranhas flee when they encounter a Sarcosuchus
    Includes nearby ally Sarcos for players

    Dino TLC - Spino!
    - Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
    - Water buff
    Given when in water
    Bonus movement speed
    Bonus turning radius
    Bonus attack damage
    Bonus healing
    Persists for short period after leaving the water
    - Added Biped/Quadruped toggle C
    Stronger attacks
    Can turn in place
    Faster movement speed
    - Prefers prime fish for taming

    Dino TLC - Trike!
    - Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities:
    - Ram
    Charge up for short period
    Longer it's charged, the faster it goes
    Criplles target when hit
    Knocks small dinos away while charging (charge a group of dodos to see)
    - Rivalry buff
    Given buff when nearby to large carnivores
    Increases damage output slightly
    Decreases damage taken slightly
    Increases health by 10%

    - Ragnarok update
    Streaming bounds fix to help with memory
    Fixed multiple holes, bugged beacons, and floating foliage.
    Better lighting around LL dungeon
    - Hole fixes for
    The Center
    The Island
    - Fixed an issue where Griffin feather colors appeared to be default in single player.
    - Opened up transfers for the non-aberrant version of creatures to be transferred onto Aberration. For example, both Paracer and Aberrant Paracer can exist on Aberration

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • Current Version: 280.130

    - Raise Scorched Earth consumable lifetime to 90% from 30% of default

    - Added Titano spawns to Scorched Earth

    - Plant Z fruits can no longer soak turrets

    - Fixed a server stall

    - Arthropluera bite can now damage stone, metal, and tek structures

    - Arthropluera now takes 5x explosive, and 3x ranged damage

    - Fixed Element exploit on Island

    - Only log tribes over player cap on tribe-capped servers


    - Added the following admin commands: DestroyTribeId, DestroyTribeIdDinos, DestroyTribeIdPlayers, DestroyTribeIdStructures, and TPCoords.

    - Fix client softlock when teleporting to someone with TEK gear

    - Fix for server crash related to carrying passengers

    - Small Tribe: can only merge into another tribe if we have an available slot

    - Updated Bionic dinos to have unfertilized bionic eggs

    - Added wyvern bone constume to ARKaeology event cookpot


    - Fixed bug causing Arkaeology bones to disappear after restart


    ARKaeology Event

    Scavenge fossils from the various mounds that spawn on every map, be on the lookout for special mounds that contain items and use fossils to craft special skins!

    The event will run automatically from 15th of June to 15th of July on Multiplayer and Single Player. If you're using a non coredata mods, or a custom map, you can activate the event with the following commandline:


    you can also run that commandline after the desginated period to have the event continue, or opt-out using:


    - Brachiosaurus (Brontosaurus Skin)

    - Stygimoloch (Pachycephalosaurus Skin)

    - Styracosaurus (Triceratops Skin)

    - Dilophosaurus Mask (Hat Skin)

    Returning Bone Skins:

    - Rex

    - Carno

    - Raptor

    - Bronto

    - Stego

    - Trike

    - Giganotosaurus

    - Quetzalcoatlus

    - Jerboa

    - Wyvern

    Wild dinos also have a chance to spawn with additional colors: White, Yellow, Grey, and Black.

    * Event is not available in Primitive Plus.

    Fortitude rework

    - The threshold for being knocked out increases with fortitude increases

    - Increased natural insulation from fortitude by 8%

    Small Tribe Server rule changes

    - 24 hr cooldown on tribe slot reuse

    - Disabled dino unclaiming

    - Disabled non-tribe pin code access to structures

    Tek Rex

    - 5% of wild Rex spawns are tex

    - 20% higher wild level

    - New breeding line


    - Tek Tapajara saddle range reduced by 75%

    - Fix for server performance in certain situations

    - Many hole fixes across all maps

    - Ragnarok optimizations

    - Rendering fixes

    - Fix emissive when moving the camera

    - Fix for ambient occlusion rendering issue

    - Max level increased by 1 to 131

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

  • v282.110 - server only

    - Fixed upload exploit


    - Updated mod contest link on home page

    v282.104 - server-side

    - Addressed exploit

    - Battleye update


    Extinction Chronicles III:

    - Added Tek Raptor

    * New breeding line

    * 5% chance to spawns

    * 20% higher base level

    - Added new color set (red, black, white, grey)

    - Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Pants)

    - Increased maximum player level by 1


    - Added time out to clients who aren't responding

    Aberration Balance:

    - Increased Plant-Z range by 300%

    - Enabled Tek Teleporter on Aberration

    Scorched Balance:

    - Crop plots can now be grown where you'd expect (no more sunlight issues)


    - Removed ability to join a tribe as a tribe leader, you can only merge

    - Fix for tek sword exploit

    - Fix for rendering exploit


    Extinction Chronicles II

    - Increased Player and Dino Level Cap by 1

    - Added 3 new Explorer Notes

    - Added Corrupted Boots unlockable

    - Fixed Corrupted Helmet colorization

    - Tek Stego (with new breeding line, 5% chance to spawns, 20% higher base level)

    - Be on the lookout for Purple, Blue, Black, and Grey dinos for the next week!

    Addressed map exploit

    The Center bosses now yield more Element (30, 83, and 184 for Easy, Medium and Hard respectively)

    Scorched Earth

    - Electric Storm only affects tek weapons, tek turrets, tek saddles, and tek shield generators

    - Electric Storm duration bumped to 8 minutes


    - Riot shield can now be crafted from the fabricator

    - Crop plots now correctly grow when out range

    Added admin commands

    - RainDinos

    - RainDanger

    - RefillStats

    - GiveArmorSet

    - GiveWeaponSet

    - GiveItemSet

    - ClearMyBuffs

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • Current Version: 288.114

    Element Veins

    - Fix for bug in cleanup

    Winter Wonderland

    - Tweak to GachaClaus loot

    Winter Wonderland!

    - Raptor Claus

    - Flies over any map between 0am and 2am in-game (with event enabled)

    - Drops Holiday Gifts

    - Gacha Claus

    - Spawns where you'd find Parasaurs on all maps

    - Has holiday colors and wears a Santa Hat

    - Cannot be tamed

    - Doesn't like being near other wild dinos

    - Accepts Coal

    * Gives Holiday Items in return

    * Drops Dino Candy

    * Feed this to a tamed dino for a strange effect

    - Accepts Mistletoe

    * Gives Items in return

    - Colorization

    - 20% of wild dinos will spawn with Holiday colors

    - Uses the ActiveEvent system

    - ActiveEvent=WinterWonderland

    - Cleans up after ActiveEvent is reset

    - Auto applies to all non-TC sessions from 12/18-1/7 (UTC)

    - Run with ActiveEvent=None to disable


    - Fix for King Titan environmental effects starting again after boss despawned

    - Fix for other bosses interrupting King Titan environmental effects

    - Cave entrance cooldown display bug fix

    - Increased radius of city meteor shield

    - Improvements to dome shaders

    - Reduced meteor impact damage to 750

    - Improvements to height fog in desert biome


    - Increased Mek sword damage to tamed titans approximately 9x

    - Increased Mek pistol damage to tamed titans approximately 3x

    - Increased turret damage multipliers to tamed Titans

    - Changes to Titan downloading

    - Titan is disabled for 15m after download

    - Titan takes increased damage during this time

    - Increased Titan download cooldown to 6+ hours

    - Fix typo in vertical Can't Damage message

    Orbital Supply Drop

    - Buffed Legendary Drops in difficulty and quality of loot

    - Can now be claimed by a tribe in PVE

    - Only that tribe can disable shield, eject items, gather loot

    - Fixed bug that eventually only allowed 1 event at a time in a session

    - Improvements to shield behavior on low FPS servers

    - Improvements to attacker pathing and behavior

    - Legendary crates must be completed to wave 7 to eject items

    Element Vein

    - Can now be claimed by a tribe in PvE

    - Only that tribe can harvest element

    - Fixed bug that eventually only allowed 1 event at a time in a session

    - Improvements to attacker pathing and behavior

    Desert Titan

    - Increased damage when it strikes itself with lightning

    - Improvements to Desert Titan follow to address flying away

    - Fix for flocks not defending properly

    - Improvements to tail attack accuracy

    - Made tail attack damage consistent

    - Disabled cryoing the flock

    - Fixed encumbered movement when walking on a Desert Titan

    Dropped Items

    - Improvements to dropped item interpolation on low fps servers (less poking -through ground)

    - Prevented dropped items from falling through structures on load

    - Prevented dropped items from ghosting through structures if thrown close to them


    - Improvements to egg interpolation on low fps servers (less poking through ground)

    - Prevented eggs from falling through structures on load

    - Prevented eggs from ghosting through structures if thrown close to them

    - Fix for invisible Rock Drake and Wyvern eggs


    - Increased accuracy of AOE attack

    - Reduced AOE damage to compensate for increased accuracy

    - Wild Velonasaurs will no longer shoot for too long

    - Fix for Wild Velonasaurs not doing damage in PvE

    - Improvements to desyncs between spines and damage

    - Reduced hovering when walking

    - AOE attack will no longer loot victims


    - Fixed anim bug related to Ice Breath

    - Fixes for several orientation desyncs

    - Fixes for desyncs when moving on low fps server

    - Minor buff to landing damage

    - Improvements to ice breath targeting

    - Added message when you are unable to dive

    - Slowed down baby Managarmrs


    - Fixed instances where Enforcer could teleport to a non-existant wall

    - Fixed instances where it could jump back to its last jump position


    - Improved Scout tagging accuracy

    - Improvements to player inspection mechanic

    - Scout will now show floating damage text when damaged

    Item Balloon

    - Fixed instances of it not going to the correct destination

    - Fix for cases where balloons didn't explode after landing

    - Improvements to weight calculation


    - Fix for unclamped loot quality

    - Fix for incorrect UI when taming is interrupted

    Ice Titan

    - Fix for broken dino animations related to Ice Breath

    - Increased collision radius for shoulder Corruption


    - Improved flyer following when in water

    - Added Whistle Land Flyer command

    - Commands a flyer to land nearby


    Fix low frequency crash


    - Improvements to landing logic


    - Improvements to server performance

    Map Markers

    - Add support for decimal values

    Snow Owl

    - Slowed down baby food consumption rate


    - Disable healing when frozen


    - Fixed exploit related to structure pickup



    - Improved accuracy of sword in all scenarios

    Structures+ Integration

    - Can pick structures up within 30s of placing


    - Charge Lantern

    - C4

    - Elevator Platforms

    - Elevator Tracks

    - Electric Generator

    - Grill

    - Industrial Forge

    - Industrial Grinder

    - Chem Bench

    - Fabricator

    - Tek Generator

    - Tek Replicator

    - Tek Transmitter


    - Fixed bug that breaks Cryopod, Managarmer, etc. outside of English

    Rock Drake

    - Resurrect Tek Rock Drake saddle


    - Fixed bug with private servers



    - Improved Managarmr's ice breath accuracy

    - Buffed Managarmr stamina regen slightly

    - Managarmr babies can now be trained to behave better

    - Managarmr babies will no longer lose patience 100% of the time when following


    - Velonasaur will no longer hit the area underneath large dinosaurs

    - Velonasaur head whip should no longer harvest bodies

    - Fixed issue with spines not always appearing on non authoritative clients

    - Velonasaur head whip no longer shoots through walls

    - Fixed Velonasaur spines shooting through shields

    - Velonasaur now grounds flyers slightly faster

    Corrupt Dinos

    - Corrupted Wyverns will despawn if they get too far from a completed Element Vein or Orbital - Supply Drop

    - Fade out added to Corrupt dinos when teleporting

    - Corrupt Dinos will de-prioritize flier targets, or targets based on fliers

    - Corrupt Dinos now deal more damage to Tek Shields


    - Titans despawn timer checks only regard players within the arena

    - Potential fix for increasing timer after long cooldown scenarios

    - Increased starvation time for Titans (~30m to just over an hour)

    - Consuming Kibble will no longer increase food for Titans

    - Remove cooldown in singleplayer - Titan summon

    Desert Titan

    - Prevented flocks from being able to hit through buildings/terrain

    - Flocks will now dismount riders during the boss fight

    - Prevent encumbered players from moving on Desert Titan

    Forest Titan

    - Fix for Forest Titan hitting things through ground terrain

    - Forest Titan arena wyverns now take damage from Forest Titans

    - Trees will now be cleaned up after Forest Titan is despawned


    - Fix for crash caused by garbage collected replicated properties

    - Fix server crash when running DumpDinoStats cheat as a spectator

    - Fixed server crash related to Forest Titan and damage numbers


    - Fix for Mek occasionally consuming 1x element when not refueling

    - Improved accuracy of the Mek sword swing when the server is running at less than 10 fps

    - Prevented the Q button from allowing spyglass use while riding the Mek


    - Reduced damage taken from corrupted dinos by 60%


    - Reduced disconnects


    - Updated localization strings from CrowdIn


    - Cryo freezing is now reported in tribe log

    Snow Owl

    - Snow Owl is now much better at actually hitting things with their melee attacks


    - Gasbags is now much better at actually hitting things with their melee attacks

    - Allowed rider to fish from Gasbags

    Element Vein

    - Fixed replication issue with secondary Element Vein colors

    Orbital Supply Drops

    - Supply Crate shields take damage from projectiles/other damage sources again

    Delivery Crate

    - Engrams no longer count towards delivery crate weight


    - When controlling a Scout, any voice chat comes from the Scout rather than the player controlling the Scout.


    - Non-crater forest Redwoods will no longer take damage and fall


    - Fixed for Gacha sadness not resetting in SP

    - Fixed for dummy items getting left in Gacha inventory


    - Set Gnashed attack to not affect robots (allo bleed attack)


    - Disabled flyers in Forest Titan artifact cave

    287.103 - server only

    - Fix for saddle dupe method


    - Fix for Mek damage bug that was caused by low server FPS

    - Fix for some timeout false positives to servers



    - Increased rate of starvation by approximately 3x

    - Prevented all Titans from basing on any character

    - All Titans now do significant dmg to OSD shield / crates

    - Made improvements to issue where Desert Titan would randomly fly away

    - Fixed stat reset when downloaded on a server

    - Wild Titans now deal 5x dmg to tamed Titans

    - Accumulated damage during Titan boss fight now determines quality of titan tame (was previously health at tame time)

    - Added min/hour display to cooldown timer, set CD for bosses to 6 hours. (Both initial spawns and repeated summons)

    - Titans tame time - reduced to 1~ day tame same server

    - Set food to 0 once they get downloaded to another server

    - Health regen turned off after 1 hour post tame

    Desert Titan

    - Prevented stasis on dedicated for flocks

    - Changed lightning recharge time to 8 seconds (from 5)

    - Prevented lightning from hitting through walls

    - Reduced lightning attack range by 33%

    Ice Titan

    - Added failsafe for ice aura when tamed

    - Removed ice block that was obstructing Ice Titan fight

    Forest Titan

    - Fixed vine attack not showing on low fps servers

    - Speculative fix for Titan falling through floor


    - Fix for double inventory

    - Fixed bug where punching Gacha's make them eat faster

    - Fixed bug where baby Gacha's make crystals

    - Made Gacha's corpse last longer, and also added the chance to harvest stone


    - Fix for Velonasaur stamina drain not working on tamed.

    - Fix for Velonasaur breath getting stuck

    - Reduced the activation radius for minigun mode to help issue with turret mode not always activating when it seems like it should

    - If Velonasaur doesn't have a rdier, minigun aoe and minigun mode can no longer be used while based on a platform saddle

    - Attempt to fix issues with Velonasaur constantly draining stamina when minigun or aoe are interrupted at unintended times

    - The speed flyers are grounded by Velonasaur is now based on health stat. Large high level flyers will now be grounded slower.

    - Fix infinite stamina glitch when you force a Velonasaur to poop while shooting


    - Fixed harvest component so that Megatheriums can harvest berries and thatch from bushes


    - Baby Managarmr now only does his moves while following

    - Increased Managarmr stamina usage for chained jumps

    - Fixed Managarmr dashing when encumbered.

    - Fixed Managarmr jumping and diving while encumbered

    - Fixed exhale vfx appearing while dead.

    - Attempts to fix issues with Managarmr getting stuck

    - Fix issue with baby Managarmr jumping around like crazy

    - Attempts to fix issues with ice bream being inaccurate on server as well as added debugging for the issue.

    - Reduced IK interp speed in hopes of fixing issue with Managarmr leaning over ledges too quickly

    - Added hat sockets to Managarmr

    Snow Owl

    - Disabled Freeze against players in PVE. Owl can apply encapsulate buff to enemy players to heal, but cannot freeze them

    - If the enemy player runs away a certain distance (800) from where he got the buff, the buff now deactivates

    - Set owls to not regain hp when killing corpses

    - Fixed state where you could attack while encapsulated

    - Encapsulate frozen time reduced

    Element Vein

    - Re-enabled!

    - Updated elementnode harvest components to not be harvestable with anything other than metal tools

    - Element harvest values adjusted to fit our desires

    - Lost corrupt dinos now teleport to the path

    - Changed priority selection for points and difficulties

    - Changed auto-destruct time to 1 hr

    - Fixed edge case where events would stop spawning


    - Re-enabled!

    - Meteors will no longer kill dinos inside of the city or the domes


    - Attack range increased on left/right/double attacks

    Orbital Supply Drops

    - Crate smoke effect no longer renders as separate transparency. Works with atmospherics now.

    - Fixed hard crates giving Element

    - Lost corrupt dinos now teleport to the path

    - Changes to priority selection for points and difficulties

    - Changed auto-destruct time to 1 hr

    - Fixed edge case where events would stop spawning


    - Fixed incorrect name descriptions on small and extra small kibbles


    -Added tek engrams unlocked to be unlocked by Titan deaths

    Dropped Items

    - Decreased dropped item interpolation to help with through the world cases (more to do here)


    - Can now shoot pistol while not aiming

    - Fixed issue where Mek would be pushed in siege mode

    - Disabled hit react in siege mode

    - Icon now shows level

    - Unmounting a Mek in tight spaces will no longer eject a player out of the map

    - Spyglass use disabled while in Mek


    - Fixed terminal crafted scouts being overpowerered

    - Scout can no longer be cryo'd.

    - Attempts to fix issues with Scouts tracker appearing on players when it shouldn't be.


    - Fixed issue with third-person view

    Tek Bridge

    - Fixed placement for allied tribes


    - Anky's no longer harvest berries with their primary attack

    - Anky's alt attack no longer harvests stone


    - Level is now shown on unassembled Enforcer and Mek blueprints (instead of just the crafted items)


    - Prevented Gasbags from launching or floating when encumbered

    Gravity Grenade

    - Now untargetable by turrets after exploding so turrets don't waste ammo on it

    Corrupt Dinos

    - Can no longer be carried

    Extinction Map

    - Deleted unneeded LODs

    - Dino spawn fixes

    - Foliage fixes

    - Fixed holes in the map

    - Prevented structures from building near Ice Titan fight

    - Set City Terminals to have 60 slots instead of 20


    - UI no longer lists the Helena Walker notes twice

    - Improvements to dome PP

    - Added support for buffs structures to DebugMyTarget.

    - Fix rare crash related to cryo

    - Disabled flying in artifact caves


    - Disabled element veins due to base destruction issues, will be re-enabled at a later time



    - Enabled transfer of all Extinction Expansion Pack dinos to Aberration (except Snow Owl)


    - Fix for Gacha's sad effects not playing properly

    - Fixed bug where taming didn't decay over time

    - Fixed bug where taming didn't reset when a different player/tribe started taming

    - Fixed bug where taming was always at 100% effectiveness

    - Set Gacha to have a lower chance of dropping an item when wild

    - Adjusted Gacha loot to skew towards lower quality rolls being more common

    - Increased Gacha affinity gained per level to match other dinos of similar size

    - Reduced the max quality of generated items to a more appropriate amount

    - Adjusted how much food Snow Owl pellets give

    - Fixed issue with disappearing saddle


    - Made Gasbags like their favorite taming food again


    - Fix for XP exploit

    - Disabled ability to cryo rafts and motorrafts

    - Disabled ability to cryo Cryosick dinos

    - Cryo sick dinos take 10x damage

    Orbital Supply Drop

    - Enabled Element Veins

    - Fixed issue with certain OSD mode networks

    - Fixed issue where crate could respawn in the same location after crate landed


    - Titans should no longer consume food in singleplayer

    - Fix for game save location (should auto migrate)


    - Fixed issue with spines floating after a dino mesh is harvested too quickly.

    - Fixed stamina issues with Velonasaur getting in a state where it was stuck charging stamina without doing an ability.

    - Fix for Velonasaur being able to ground boss flyers

    Tek Bridge

    - Removed bug that caused vaults to float when a bridge was disabled

    - Vaults no longer block bridges

    Dino Leash

    - Added smaller radius for breeding


    - Fix for Mega Mek regaining health

    - Set Mek pistol to be unable to damage metal or tek

    - Increased damaged to Mek when in siege mode

    - Disabled shield retracting when Mek is still flying upward

    - Fixed issue with Mek shields preventing the buffs/debuffs from applying

    - Prevented shield from deploying within range of enemy turrets

    - Mek siege cannon and missile pod projectiles move slower and can now be properly targetable by turrets

    - Adjusted Mek charge-up for siege to be quicker

    - Adjusted Mek drag weight to match their size

    - Auto-colorize Mek backpacks with the Mek's colors

    Snow Owl

    - Fix bug that caused players to go into a weird state after being affected by its ice bomb

    - Snow Owl encapsulate healing amount is now based on the Owl's base health instead of the healed dino's base health

    - Set Owls to not 'poop' so frequently so they are a more rare resource


    - Now requires half second pass before allowing another forward dash after jumping.

    - Adjusted ice breath to not be usable directly behind you on the ground.

    - Fixed Managarmr laying carno eggs

    - Fixed issue with damage calculation

    - Fixed issue with FOV calculating incorrectly when user has a non-default FOV setting.


    - Hid blank buff that appeared when blinking with an Enforcer

    - Enabled Scouts and Enforcers to be crafted in the city terminals


    - Scouts no longer drop eggs

    - Enabled Scouts and Enforcers to be crafted in the city terminals


    - Desert Titan node health fix

    - Titan beta/gamma health fix

    - Improved Desert Titan basing

    - Transmitter UI no longer shows Titan is downloadable during two hour download limit


    - Chinese strings added


    - Set max Override Difficulty to 5

    Extinction Map

    - Disabled meteor event for now due to meteors causing damage in unintended areas

    - Fixed ice cave water spawner overspawning, added cave water spawner with hostile dinos

    - Updated spawn volumes to fix Beaverpocalypse

    - Updated Wasteland cavern water spawner volumes

    - Fixed sound radius for street lights, no longer can be heard by everyone in the area

    - Fixed various map holes

    - Converted all of the water ppvol DoF to use Gaussian settings matching those on the Island

    - Map streaming fixes

    - Water plane fixes

    - Fixed some floating resources

    - Fixed teleporting between domes breaking their effects

    - Dome streaming fixes

    - Updated drag weight values for dinos that did not have it set so they're not all pick-up-able by a Ptera (Gacha, Gasbags, etc)

    285.105 (server-only)

    - Fixed Cryopod disappearing on server transfer


    - Extinction Expansion Pack!

    - Removed Bodybags exploit!

    - Group ranking number increased by 5


    - Extinction Chronicles V

    - Added Tek Quetz

    * New breeding line

    * 5% chance to spawns

    * 20% higher base level

    - Added new color set (black, red, green, purple, white, blue)

    - Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Gloves)

    - Increased maximum player level by 1

    - Climbing pick meshing fixes

    - Better handling for low fps server dino attacking

    - Fix for failure to cleanup structure placers

    - Pre-emptive API for server structure cleanup improvement

    - Increased damage range for players/dinos on surface of Aberration


    - Fix for climbing pick exploit

    - Reduced timers on official servers to 15 minutes (previously 30)


    - Extinction Chronicles IV

    - Added Tek Parasaur

    * New breeding line

    * 5% chance to spawns

    * 20% higher base level

    - Added new color set (green and black)

    - Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Chest)

    - Increased maximum player level by 1

    - Hole fixes on The Island, Ragnarok, Scorched Earth, The Center, Aberration

    - Windmills are no longer affected by electric storms

    - Decreased Cliff Platform build radius by half

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.