Es gibt nur einen Wunsch den ich habe:
Das ich später einen oder mehrere Wölfe als Haustier halten kann.
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenEs gibt nur einen Wunsch den ich habe:
Das ich später einen oder mehrere Wölfe als Haustier halten kann. hmm dann schaut mal wer dort Staff Member ist: Pwnoz0r ist einer der DayZ Mod Devs.
@Focusritex3 Poste dein anliegen am besten dort rein:
dort wird dir eher mit scripting geholfen als hier bei uns.
Frage am besten mal dort nach:
DayZ Development @dayzdevteam 31 Min.
Survivors! Experimentals/Unstable servers are going offline too. Will be back in 60 minutes.
Edit: DayZ Development @dayzdevteam 5 Min.
Experimental/Unstable servers are back! Don’t forget to update your client.
#DayZ 0.61 Update #16 is Live on Exp. Branch (97MB). No Character Wipe, Supersonic Cracks/Shot Fly Sounds & Server Perf. Fix Preparation.
Fixed object deploy sounds not changing volume with game volume
Added a bunch of new item UI sounds
updated positioning of world water bottle & bota bag
updated jog right anim to work better with bottles
updated water bottle vm anims
Halved cost of burlap clothing
Reduced cost of candle/miner hat
Airdrop no longer spawns ammo
Airdrop falls slower
* Changed AI Controllers to once again be destroyed on Stasis, too much memory overhead to keeping them around on large maps. For servers with a lot of RAM, they can now optionally gain performance by running with -StasisKeepControllers to keep the AI's in memory.
* Fixed PhysX crash when using wheeled-vehicle Mods. (ARK: Moon Survival etc)
Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed client-side crash associated with Brontos.
* Fixed bug with Dino Weights not being applied onto Platform Saddles after unstasising
* Attached C4 is now always targeted by Turrets where possible
* Fixed C4 on groundable Flyers taking effect when they're not over-water
* Platform Saddle Passengers sitting on Furniture now get the standard percentage of their Weight added to the Platform Saddle Dino
* Veggie Cakes max Percentage Healing amount capped at 2100 HP
* Bronto attack AoE reduced by 30% for Tamed/Ridden Brontos, Bronto incoming damage multiplier from Explosions changed to 100% (from 50%) and from Fire to 75% (from 40%)
* 20% per Tamed Ptero Level reduction in Speed (~15% average reduction in Ptero Speed to Tamed Pteros)
* Fixed issue where attached Transponders were grounding Flyers.
* Made turrets shoot C4's attached to enemy dinos.
* Made all Flyers except for Quetz and Wyvern become 'grounded' if you put a C4 on them. To disable this behavior, launch server with ?ForceFlyerExplosives=true
* Veggie Cakes now have 10% healing of Herbis between 500 and 2500 HP over a 30 second duration, with 50% spoiling lifetime, and no longer are effective on Titanosaurus. Requires Server Update.
* Likely fix for client-side Health Meter getting stuck at zero.
Requires Server Update.
* Veg cakes should no longer be auto-consumed for Food by any dino except Achatina
* Veg cakes WILL be auto-consumed by any Dino for Health if their HP is below 85% (yes, even Carnivores, though to minimal benefit on them :stuck_out_tongue: ). The Dino will consume one Veg cake every 10 seconds until it has above 85% Health again.
* Chitin / Keratin can be placed in Feeding Troughs
* Sauropod Tamed Health gain (leveled-up portion) reduced by 30%
* Doedicurus and Carbonemys no longer gain Herbivore-healing from Veg Cakes
* Veg Cake max healing amount limited to 3000 HP over 10 seconds (otherwise 15% of max HP), in addition to instant +500 (edited)
* Herbivore Explosion Damage multiplier changed to 40% rather than 55%
* You can no longer erroneously shimmy up sheer landscapes on dinos.
* Fixed a client-side chat crash.
* Veggie Cakes now heal 15% in addition to +500 HP (on Herbivores), have cooldown interval reduced to 10s, and take 4x as long to spoil (edited)
* Herbivores now have 55% damage reduction from explosives and 62.5% damage reduction vs fire (due to their thick hides).
* Fixed some rare crash cases.
* Crash fix for servers when loading save games with certain Mods!
* Ended Turkey Trial Event! (deprecated items)
* Reintegrated PhysX 3.4 for larger performance gain. Fixed PhysX memory leak!
* Taking various Eggs now aggro the respective species
* Improvement to Dino movement physics accuracy when riding a Dino
* Changed Item stack size limits to Beer Barrel: 3, Catapult: 1, Wind Turbine 1
* Eliminated Cross-Transfer exploit and took GM actions.
* Fixed rare server crash.
* Dedicated Server: Temporarily rolled-back PhysX version to 3.3 in order to resolve Memory Leak. Recommend upgrading to this version until 252.5 is ready which will fix the leak Requires Server Update.
* When run with ?DestroyUnconnectedWaterPipes=true or official servers always, after two days real-time the pipes will auto-destroy if unconnected to any non-pipe (directly or indirectly) and no allied player is nearby. (edited)
(you don't have to test that :wink: )
* Spam-structure building is now rate-limited to help out slow servers.
* 80% improvement to foundation testing calculation to reduce server stalls when building on slow servers.
* Fixed a Moschops ambient harvesting crash
* New GM Commands:
TakeAllStructure: gives your tribe all the structures of the team you're currently looking at.
TakeAllDino: gives your tribe all the dinos of the team you're currently looking at.
GMBuff: gives you god, infinite stats, AI ignorance, and a bunch of experience.
GMSummon: summons a tamed dino that isn't cheat-tamed, so still requires a saddle.
* "OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0" can now be set in [ServerSettings] INI, not only via the launch commandline ("?OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0")
* Fixed PhysX crash on TheCenter with large overlaps. Requires Server Update.
* Fixed issue with ragdolls falling thru the ground (new PhysX inverted ray trace direction on terrain heightfields :-P). Requires Server Update
* Fixed Megalosaurus losing its Tame Affinity whenever it wakes up due to Night-time. Requires Server Update
* Signed additional PhysX DLL's to help resolve some BattlEye connection issues, and removed some unnecessary PhysX DLL's.
* Raised proximity structure limit to 10,500 (the structure limit is actually working now with the new PhysX!). Renamed the server variable to "TheMaxStructuresInRange" so that all servers get a one-time reset to the new value: ?TheMaxStructuresInRange=10500 (or in the [ServerSettings] of GameUserSettings.ini). Requires Server Update
* You can now put Leech Blood in your quick item slots in order to feed it to the Moschops. Requires Server Update
* Reintegrated the Item Quantity limits for various structures that was lost in the merge from v251. Requires Server Update
* ARK: Turkey Trial 2! New challenge and cosmetics! Earnable Emotes! (this system also enables Mods to add more Emotes to the game!)
* New Dinos: Achatina, Megalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, & Moschops!
* New Mechanic: Breeding Phase 3: Random Mutations and Family Trees. At last!!!!
* All-new Caves on The Island, redesigned with proper shipping-quality layouts and graphics & increased challenge (ALL Cave Structures will necessarily be wiped in this version). (Still to come beyond this are the Underwater Caves & Tek Cave.)
* 2 new mythos Explorer Notes for each character
* Approximate 15% server performance increase due to massive replication & physx efficiency improvement
* Whistle Ordering Groups! Create groups by class, or specific-dino! Awwww yeah! (also Whistles to group-set Follow Ranges)
* New Whistle Type: "Move To", point at an arbritrary location and tell your dinos to move there!
* VFX indicators for whistle commands: Move To, Attack, and Group-Selected Units. ARK RTS?
* Extra Option to "stream" in "Far" map sublevels, for large memory and performance gains (but reduced visual quality & draw distance).
* Tamed Giganotosaurus HP & Damage reduced by approximately 15%
-(Multiplayer) Fixed bug when attempting to load and play an old saved game with more than 20 holes in a floor
-(Multiplayer) Fixed a specific race condition when launching game causing client to fail to joining saved games
-Fixed old pot and water skins not being able to hold water
Oder die neuere Version die auf Desolation aufbaut, diesmal aber mit Genehmigung und weiss ich nicht was alles:
Was ich bisher gesehen habe sieht richtig gut aus.
Dann solltest aber auch dazu sagen,dass er bei denen auf dem Teamspeak sein muss und Task Force Radio braucht und die Mod ist Firstperson only.
* v251.4: Integrated newer, more efficient PhysX runtime that improves performance approximately 15% on complex saves/servers. Can be accessed on the 'experimental' Steam branch, if you'd like to try it out we recommend backing up your savedata just in case it causes any issues. Please give us any technical feedback if you find issues with the new PhysX here (v251.41 server update fixed issue with not getting Flyer-dismounted within caves):…ons/0/208684375431054830/
* Unversioned Hotfix: Client-side changed Dino Tamed-On/Uploaded-From HUD info to only be visible on Unconscious Dinos, even if they're your own team. Also hid that info when "Hide Server Info" option is enabled.
* Fixed a CrossARK inventory transfer crash. Requires Server Update.
* Made Flyers dismount in Scorched Earth caves properly. Requires Server Update.
* Made Spoil Timers retain their realtime values thru CrossARK transfers. Requires Server Update.
* On CrossARK servers, your Dinos will now indicate the server they were Tamed on when you look at them (and you can see this on dead enemy dinos as well, along with the server they were previously Uploaded from, if any, useful for tracking points of origin.) Requires Server Update.
* Fixed a case of Dinos falling thru bases/floors on client
* Fixed server option ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts to work properly for inventories that have been loaded from saved game (so it works properly now Requires Server Update.
* Enabled full Cross-Ark Survivor/Item/Dino transfers between all Official Servers of a specific game mode (PvP, PvE, Primitive).
* Added new server commandline/ini option ?MinimumDinoReuploadInterval=1000 for number of seconds cooldown between allowed Dino re-uploads (defaults to 0, set to 43200 on Official Servers which is 12 hours). Remaining cooldown time is displayed on the Dino Upload UI.
* OfficialServer Transferred Dinos now display the name of the server they were transferred from when looking at them (only displays this info when dead if a non-Tribe Dino).
* Fixed issue with Wild Dinos spawning inside bases (may still be an 'edge case' if you have a very long fence with few nearby structures; requires at least 15 "core" structures within a 6000 unit radius to prevent spawn, or tamed dino within a 4000 unit radius, but otherwise will work properly now).
Improved bullet flyby playback
Fixed occlusion weirdness on a few sounds
Fixed a few weapons playing 3rd person reload sounds on deploy
Tiny bit of misc sound polish
Reduced stuttering near bases
Added Water Bottle viewmodel
Removed ability to menu-drink from bota bag/water bottle
Revolver refire rate increased
Revolver aimcone increased
Revolver damage decreased very slightly
Combat log includes timestamp
Fixed some issues with pool.mode set to 2
Set pool.mode to 2 by default
Shelves can no longer be placed on deployables
Pumpkins can no longer be stacked
Made projectile anti hack stricter
Fixed rendering layers on some trees
Fixed client side socket handles sometimes not being destroyed
Fixed a small client side coroutine memory leak
Added pooling support to client side lock entities
Optimized player model and name tag scripts
Made debug.ambientvolumes dev-only (potential exploit)
Hier diese Mod für Arma 3 ist wie die gute alte Arma 2 DayZ Mod.
V0.50 Changelog:
Fixed climb rope action bugging out if grabbing a rope while in another rope’s top trigger vicinity
Fixed getting damage from small rock fake drop
(Multiplayer) fixed small rock duplication
(Multiplayer) Fixed not getting any prompt when trying to join a game from the Steam friend list when the game is already running (in title or MP scene)
Fixed performance issue if players wore red paint around large distorted mutants
Added inventory gamepad navigation to new find cache photos and flintlock parts
(Building) Explosive holder now allows the new interaction scheme, switch with which item to add with the “Rotate” button
Fixed whoosh sfx playing several times in a row repeatedly before even finishing when batching items to or from crafting mat by holding right click
Fixed hold right click batching in inventory wrongly triggering in some cases, like after emptying waterskin
Added a slight thirst threshold before it is possible to drink from waterskin or pot in inventory to prevent spamming the polluted water damage
Fixed some structures not getting cut from nav mesh correctly on loading a saved game
Batteries inventory tooltip now displays amount
Cassette player fake drops no longer floats mid air
It is no longer possible to use air cannister while not carrying a rebreathing
(Multiplayer) Fixed stone caches loaded exploded from a save not properly working for clients
(Balance) Aloe, Chicory, Coneflower, Marigold are now limited to 10 each in inventory
(Balance) Meds, crafted meds, energy mixes are now limited to 5 each in inventory
(Balance) Hard AI setting: fire damage ratio 50% of normal
(Balance) Hard AI setting: creepy fire damage 35% of normal
(Building) Fixed grab chair icon turning on then off before being in range of use
(Multiplayer) Fixed “cold & wet” tutorial not getting cleaned up after dying and respawning
(Multiplayer) Fixed mutant babies not dealing damage correctly to clients
Players now smoothly move into position when climbing onto a rope
Fixed some bag inventory icons set to wrong icon
Fixed player camera sometimes becoming offset after being knocked into water by an explosion
Fixed axes sometimes appearing to hit enemies after weapon has already swung through screen
Fixed texture stretching on top of shipping crates
Fixed some incorrect survival book recipes
Creepy mutants now try to avoid following players down narrow passages inside caves
(Multiplayer) Fixed (again)other players being visible during red death screen
(Multiplayer) Fixed host not revivable after opening the pause menu
Tortoises now have same drop as turtles
Fixed a couple icon not refreshing issues with racks
Fixed eating spoilt oysters not having the spoilt meat poison effect
(Multiplayer) Fetching items backpack now restores content of water holder and other item bonus such as the incendiary upgrade
Fixed a case of “Fire1″ action icon not showing in inventory tooltip for hybrid equipment/edible items (like waterskin or meats)
Shipping manifest can now be seen in survival book notes (page 3)
(Multiplayer) Fixed boat loading unmoored from dock when launching game with a client in lobby
(Multiplayer) Fixed client not getting fat man entry in bestiary when hit
(Multiplayer) Improved emergency/last moment shutting down of server & client connection, should help with cases of player staying connected in game after application closed without going through the menu or not being able to restart server immediately
Fixed story item pickups respawning when game was saved/loaded
(Balance) Hard survival setting: player fire damage x2 from normal
(Balance) Hard animal setting: land animal spawn amount 66% of normal
(Balance) Hard animal setting: fish spawn amount 66% of normal
Fixed bug with ocean sometimes rendering extra reflection layers on custom quality setting
(Balance) Each killed fish now has a 2 in game days respawn delay
(Balance) Hard animal setting: fish respawn delay is 5 in game days
(Balance) Increased health of pale skinnies and cannibal leaders in hard mode
(Balance) Reduced chance of enemies being knocked down from heavy attacks in hard mode
Animals now run away from player more consistently
Fixed game settings for difficulty no longer changing after going back to title screen once
Fixed excess dsp usage on surround sound setups
Fixed physics sound lag when destroying loot boxes
Optimized reverb zone triggers
River sounds come in and out more smoothly
Wounded screams stop on death
Viewmodel sound timing tweaks
Ambient sound timing tweaks
Fixed placement effects spawning at the world origin when deploying objects to sockets
Misc sound polish
Added placement sounds for deployable building parts
Fixed decor NRE with pool.mode set to 2
Fixed chat graphics issues with pool.mode set to 2
Fixed building placement guide with pool.mode set to 2
Rewrote network group updating (less traffic, more robust)
Fixed editor-only components being included in release build
Fixed empty update being called on hundreds of entities (overhead)
Enabled pool.player_model by default on 64bit systems
Shortened prefab names in print_prefabs console command
Optimized some light components
Rocket launcher costs more HQM
Rockets cost an additional pipe
Oil Barrel HP lowered to 50
Waterpipe shotgun no longer needs pipe (lol)
Flamethrower balance - Much more fuel needed to raid
Flamethrower stream graphics tighter
Added Semi Auto Body (SAP/SAR component)
Reduced Spring and Sheet Metal HQM yield in recycler
Radiation has more of an exposure gradient
Reduced radpill spawns
SAR buffed
Added Food Box to Junk Piles
Added new full body hazmat suit
Reduced crafting costs of bone type armor
Added protection to wolf headdress