Unturned hat ein Grafikupdate bekommen ;D ?
Beiträge von z13l5ch31b3
...wieviel er in seine linke Jackentasche kriegt ::) ...
Ich glaube ich muss mein ManHunt auf der Wii (lül -echt) mal wieder aktivieren . -
Mir ist.... ̶s̶̶e̶̶e̶̶k̶̶r̶̶a̶̶n̶̶k̶ Sehkrank.
[img width=300 height=150]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net…9/9d/Main_old_sights2.jpg[/img]
Schuldig.Der User unter mir meidet die Küste, und rennt stets im Nordwesten rum.
Habe mir mal alles zu Gemühte geführt, und verstehe alle Seiten. Habe ebenfalls meine Probleme mit andi gehabt, und auch schon gegen ihn als Mod gewettert (-so mit 'ich mache 3 Kreuze wenn du endlich kein Mod mehr bist'), muss allerdings revidirend Ergänzen (und ich hoffe das weiß er), das ich ihn und seine Arbeit als Mod doch würdige und als Bereicherung für das Forum zähle.
Man kann halt nicht immer die selben Ansichten vertreten, und da denke ich muss andi -nicht im Sinne als Mod, sondern als User, wenigstens etwas Akzeptanz walten lassen (da beharrst du dann auf deinen Standpunkt [und das ist auch gut so], leider ist dieser dann Gesetz/das Maß der Dinge). Das er dann grün aufblinkt ist für den ein oder anderen User dann natürlich ein etwas bitterer Nachgeschmack, der allerdings Problem des jeweiligen Users ist.
Das dazu.Bohnentechnisch finde ich das es ausreichen würde, diese einfach alleinig auf die Posts zu beschränken. Schön das mir der Zufall so in die Hände spielt,... [img width=100 height=23]http://s14.directupload.net/images/140922/sz7oiini.png[/img]. Dieser zusammen mit dem 'Gefällt mir' Button sollten für ein repräsentatives Bohnensystem zehren, und dazu noch völlig ausreichend sein.
Der User unter mir ist Forensüchtig!
Ich verstehe nicht, dass Server, die so unzuverlässig sind also grade am Starten, Beenden oder Sonstwas überhaupt angezeigt werden. Spricht nicht gerade für eine gute Serversoftware
Der war gut :D![img width=499 height=381]http://i.epvpimg.com/COuwb.jpg[/img]
[li]Keine mutwillige Base Zerstörung [/li]
[li]Kein Basecrash
(Bsp: Fliegen eines Flugzeugs/Helikopters direkt in eine Base)[/li]
[li]Benutzung von Exploits/Duping/Baseglitching führt zu einem sofortigen Bann[/li]
[li]Keine Beleidigungen, kein Rassismus, kein Sexismus, altersgerechtes Verhalten[/li]
[li]Nur Deutsch oder Englisch im Side Chat[/li]
[li]Kein Voice- im Side-Chat[/li]
[li]Kein Safezone-Spawnpunktcamping[/li]
[li]In erster Linie müsst ihr auf euren Stuff selbst aufpassen[/li]
[li]Kein direktes/indirektes Combatlogging[/li]
[li]Feindliche Basen dürfen nicht übernommen werden[/li]
[li]Bei Verstoß wird einmal verwarnt, beim zweiten folgt unmittelbar ein Ban
(Ausnahmen: Basecrash -> unmittelbarer PermaBan, Combatlog -> 24h TempBan)[/li]Logo & Regeln werden noch überarbeitet; Joinbugs mit Zahlen & ähnlichem sind bekannt , nach Serverrestart können auch diese Nicks joinen
just close please
Der Videotitel lässt ja schon wieder alles erahnen.
...Bohemia n Ticket schreiben ?
/edit: DayZ gibts im Moment btw günstiger >:D
Und wie man dem Anfahrtsplan entnehmen kann, sind sogar Parkplätze in Kamy eingezeichnet -top!
Official Alpha 10 Release Notes
Added a brand new Character Creation System complete with custom face, body morphing and fully visible clothing and armor on your character. With it you can make customize your character and make him or her look like you’d like. Future versions will include custom skin, eye color and hair style choices. Also included in this build are a shit ton of new lootable or craftable clothing including: Kevlar helmets, swat helmets, bandanas, goggles, sun glasses, denim jacket, pants, worn boots and tank tops. You can also remove, make a favorite outfit and put it back on quickly using the -, star and + buttons below the new character mirror in the inventory menu as well as rotating around your character in the mirror. Profile Creation has been added to the game options menu where you can create your custom charters as well as zoom in and pan around them.
Added a new zombie horde world heat map system that tracks how much noise and smells have added up in a zone. Over time the zone will cool down, but if it heats up too fast spider zombies will come and investigate the area. If they find something and start screeching a horde will soon follow. Campfires, forges, smells and dead animal gore also contribute to the heat maps intensity.
Added a new Wellness System that can go up and down based upon your eating habits, disease and death. Your wellness influences your stamina and health cap and can go from 0 to 200 over boosting these caps. Note: 100 is your base starting wellness. If you live well you’ll benefit from it with more stamina and health potential. If you live poorly you’ll suffer with less stamina and health. You can check this stat in your character screen. Remember that dying is bad so you have to play the game a little more cautious. It is possible to live well for several days and raise your wellness level quite high and reap the benefits of boosted stamina and health.
Added a new model based destructible/upgradable door system provides elegant door animations, multistage destruction and upgrades to all player built and intact world doors. Now you know when a door is going to break open with physical model changes, particle effects and impact sounds. Also replaced all world doors with new model ones
Added our enhanced buff system which controls the new debuff hunger and thirst states with multiple stages. Dehydration will kill you faster than starving and both lower your wellness. Also the broken leg system has been reworked to a more intuitive healing system with a splint icon. The new system allows buffs to affect other buffs, buffs to affect zombies and animals and even apply critical and timed damage. With it clubs have a chance to do criticals on heads, arrows cause bleed out on other players and animals and torches can light zombies on fire. Zombies are immune to bleeding, sickness, and disease.
Added a brand new server browser with a completely overhauled GUI. The new browser spools pages of servers better and has a large row of top buttons providing options to sort servers by Standard, Modded, Peer to Peer, Friends, History/Favorites, LAN and more. The main left panel has a sub header with icons for easily digesting server information and sort by many categories including ping. The browser also includes a new vertical server stats page on the right with a custom server message, and server address link
Added a township system that creates small towns in random gen can appear in every biome type with a greater probability than cities but less probable than rural locations along roads. They are smaller than cities but can have between 2-8 blocks with each block having anywhere from 4 to 8 buildings.
Added Linux 32 bit client and the Linux dedicated server 32 bit only. Future versions will include 64 bit.
Added Steam offline mode support. now you can play Survival SP or Survival MP by yourself or continue your client hosted games offline
Added a post apocalypse world destruction art pass. Every structure has been upgraded with boarded windows, cracked windows, broken windows, partially broken doors, locked doors, old blinds and more.
Added new random gen locations with custom signs including Shotgun Messiah’s gun stores and Pass-n-Gas gas stations as well as several new wasteland city buildings, rubble piles, parking lots, 4 farm shed variants and 4 vacant junk filled lot variants to the world
Added new concrete fort building path. You start with a rebar frame and place it. Then you upgrade that with wood planks which places the concrete forms. Then you take a bucket of concrete mix and pour it on the wood form and when it dries the wood pops off and you have hard reinforced concrete. Also added a new broken concrete texture
Added new better ladder physics so players can stay on ladders easier and fight from ladders
Added 5 new craftable containers that are labeled with symbols for player crafted storage to keep your items organized including guns, ammo, supplies, food and explosives
Added new search by ingredient that shows uses of an item
Added mouse over ingredient name tooltip to crafting tarp
Major efforts put into server performance which should support more players in multiplayer than before. Optimized mesh building of chunks so that this should take less CPU powerAdded new improved wood hit set for using wooden weapons to hit zombies and objects in the world of varying material types
Added scrap armor recipes
Added bio-fuel. It is made from animal fat in the beaker
Added pigs, stags drop animal fat and animal fat to fat zombie loot
Added new nail gun to loot which can be used to upgrade forts really fast or used as a weapon requires new nail ammo which can be found in loot or forged
Added recipe for concrete mix
Added new recipe for gravel using small stones. Note the old two recipes are still there as well
Added a baby cotton plant that grows into the existing cotton plant
Added lead and tungsten trophies to the loot
Added reinforced concrete ramps
Added a texture quality option to Options->Video to allow to down sample textures to half and quarter resolution. This will lead to memory and speed improvements on lower end hardware
Added tallow made from animal fat in a cooking pot
Added Animal Stealth and sneak damage (must be crouched and they must be unaware). NOTE: animals do not affect player stealth state
Added new hard to get loot stash in each apartment building which include a munitions crate and Shotgun Messiah crate
Added animal gore block which spawns after looting an animal or after an animal dies. These contribute to the horde heat map
Added vegetable stew
Added mold time to forge
Added shipping crates which must be broken to expose a lootable interior crate
Added new shotgun messiah loot containers
Added spawnDeadChance to biome spawning to allow the simulation of ambient ecosystem heat and the potential to spawn scout hordes not directly due to player interaction
Added both good and bad wellness attributes to all foods
Added goldenrod seed recipe
Added slight animated wobble to campfire and forge lights to create natural bouncing shadow effect, as a followup to the disabled flicker that caused headaches previously
Added MacDyvers guide to scrap metal crafting which unlocks scrap iron armor recipes
Added new craftable Wooden Hatch Doors which can be placed to fill a ladder hole. Note the top ladder block must be placed first
Added zoom function to sniper rifle scope part for a makeshift telescope
Added: Hard coded backpack for the player, this will always be on the player. Note: future version will include crafting backpacks
Added gravel to mining and added stability to coal and potassium nitrate
Added to Navezgane the new small gun store in the snow biome and the large gun store to the wasteland biome
Changed Overhauled clubs. They use more stamina now and have a slower animation but do more damage. Barbed and spiked clubs have a chance to do bleeding damage
Changed farming with a complete overhaul. The hoe now raises dirt and makes the dirt it raises fertile (along with a new fertile dirt texture) and the ground adjacent to it gets flattened out and it clears out the grass and turns it to regular dirt. So you can make these nice pretty looking farm fields now and its easy to tell where to plant as well. Seeds will project where the plant will be planted when you focus on a spot. Also crops won’t break if walked on any more and grass doesn’t grow under your crops or on the dirt adjacent to it that was hoed. If you want to grow grass just place a dirt block. Also we added goldenrod farming
Changed Bone breaking. Now there are two stages. A sprain or break. Both can be splinted. Splints are still applied like before but when you splint your leg it replaces the broken leg icon with a splint icon. When the leg heals the splint icon is removed. If you fall while splinted the splint will break off and a new one will be needed
Changed removed planks block and many other old blocks that used its textures
Changed replaced old wood planks with new plank counterparts
Changed updated fertile farm ground texture
Changed farming grass no longer will grow on hoed earth. Crops will not grow on placed dirt only on hoed dirt. Grass grows on placed dirt blocks. The hoe turns dirt into fertile farm ground now
Changed icon for lead trophy
Changed removed deprecated material metal_no_distortion
Changed wasteland cars are easier to mine for resources
Changed updated white brick and decayed brick textures
Changed updated adobe peach and white textures and clay roof texture
Changed all sidewalks to be cracked with a new sidewalk texture
Changed corn crops to new growing concept
Changed Antibiotics and grain alcohol cook twice as fast
Changed gas cans are now made from grain alcohol and bio fuel
Changed: Reduced the health of pigs to match stags
Changed cloth and plant fiber torches now require animal fat
Changed yucca juice now takes 4 yucca
Changed removed recipes for concrete blocks replaced by new upgradable concrete forms
Changed dirt to grow grass in at a random time interval
Changed you can’t eat or drink if you are full or not thirsty
Changed If you eat or drink excess food or water increases your meter more than 100% (but it still shows as 100%). (i.e. this means food/water can be over saturated)
Changed lowered airdrop medicine quantities a bit
Changed moving in water slows you down
Changed now plants continue growing, even if no player is around
Changed Forge and Campfire now operate if no player is nearby
Changed Creative menu can now also be enabled per client with the “cm” / “creativemenu” command
Changed almost all prefabs to use a new Terrain Filler block. This allows these prefabs with allow topsoil decorations true flag to fit into nearly all biomes for better locational variety
Changed fuel values and weight values of many objects
Changed resource rocks no longer drop coal or potassium nitrate powder
Changed fire should debuff if in water
Changed hay bales can now be picked up and negate all fall damage
Changed Air Drop from hours to Days and changed the Default to Every 3 Days and change the options to Disabled, 1 Day, 3 Days, 7 Days
Changed in game option main categories to Stock, Modded and Multiplayer reorganizing the options under these 3 new fields and reordered the options under them to better match our new server browser structure.
Changed removed Difficulty Presets, Damage Given and Damage received and rolled them into one new category called Difficulty with 6 levels 1. Scavenger, 2. Adventurer, 3. Nomad, 4. Warrior, 5. Survivalist and 6. Insane
Changed updated particle system on wall torch, campfire and forge
Changed updated shader on sniper rifle
Changed increase zombie dogs pain-hit pause to make dogs better
Changed increased chance for rare books to appear
Changed random gen spawning to limit the largest buildings in the cities with the new MaxPerHub function. F.E you should only see one movie theater or 1 of the same large apartment building
Changed updated English.txt with all new in-game items, blocks and clothing
Changed optimized resource boulders to use less draw calls
Changed recipes learned from books will now show on the tooltip above the toolbelt
Changed improved locker loot, added clothes and football helmets
Changed disabled BB Colors on server names and chat window
Changed lowered volume of frig, chainsaw and auger
Changed: Zombies respawn immediately in wasteland. 4 days in other biomes. Animals respawn
every 5 daysFixed
Fixed bug in spawn algorithm that led zombies spawn in player’s view cone
Fixed prefabs and roads overlapping sometimes causing an asphalt block with air density
Fixed Terrain decoration flag on small trees in burnt forest
Fixed dysentery so it advances and lasts forever until cured
Fixed Goldenrod doesn’t break when you walk on it
Fixed wrong popup “Player was kicked by server” if a player was kicked and disconnected from another server after being kicked
Fixed with Unity 4.5.4: game window always on top
Fixed with Unity 4.5.4: Mac full screen sometimes shows texture garbage
Fixed flickering between up/downgrades of block entities
Fixed not being able to eat food that increases hydration when full. Food is discarded in this case but hydration is consumed
Fixed improperly rotated cabinets in the apartments
Fix airdrop crates showing smoke if they are in unloaded chunks
Fixed culling distance on wall torch, campfire and forge
Fixed scope aim location on sniper rifle, added muzzle origin
Fixed Dropped items like grass should not clip into terrain any more
Fixed dupe bug that allowed you to copy your inventory on exiting the game with Alt-F4 or killing the game process
Fixed game speed exploit when moving from single player to a multiplayer server
Fixed zombie pain-hit pause
Fixed weight of scrap lead so that single trophies can be scrapped
Fixed bug that ambient sound volume was also controlled by music volume slider
Fixed joining a password protected server through steam://connect/ links or the friend list while the game is not running
Fixed console commands issuing exceptions will not spawn in the server log any more
Fixed (Mac/Linux only): problem that some float values were read wrong on non-english locales
Fixed nullref in buffs
Fixed password for a door or chest was using a header font
Fixed replaying a saved game you can reread the books again
Fixed ambient loops to not use 3d position
Fixed repair wrench should not be allowed to upgrade concreteServerConfig.xml and Dedicated Servers
Added Linux Dedicated Server Support
Changed in game options to Standard, Modded and Multiplayer reorganizing the options under these 3 new fields. Changing Modded options or XML files will make a server sort into the modded server listAdded config options: ServerDescription, ServerWebsiteURL
Removed serverconfig options PlayerDamageGiven and PlayerDamageReceived. Those are integrated with the GameDifficulty (0 = 200% given, 50% received, 1 = 150% / 75%, 2 = 100% / 100%, 3 = 75% / 150%, 4 = 50% / 200%, 5 = 25% / 250%)
Removed horde mode and death match parameters (DayCount, FragLimit, MatchLength, RebuildMap) from serverconfig.xml
Renamed VACEnabled to EACEnabled
For servers to show up in the new “standard” category in the server browser the following settings have to be at their default values: DayNightLength = 40, DropOnDeath = 0, DropOnQuit = 1, CraftTimer = 1, LootTimer = 1, EnemySenseMemory = 60, EnemySpawnMode = 3, NightPercentage = 20 – 50, BlockDurabilityModifier = 100, LootRespawnDays = 7, LootAbundance = 100, AirDropFrequency = 72, BuildCreate = false. Also the XML files in Data/Config/ may not be modifiedChanged default port to 26900. If this port is used and the server set to public it will be found in the local LAN in the LAN tab of the server browser
Tools and Modding
Folks we’re not really officially supporting modding yet but we’re working on some of the proper framework to do so. That said here are some things that have been done or are in the works.
Changed Xml configuration files reside now in Data/Config for modding
Because we changed our Block IDS dramatically for organizational and performance benefits we have asked Hal 9000 to create a prefab conversion utility which thankfully he agreed. The Utility converts your previously built user prefabs to our new block IDs so you can use them with Alpha 10. More info and download here: http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetPrefabConverter
Hal 9000 is also working with us on an official Xml Editor which will help folk’s mod the game. It can be downloaded here: http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetXMLEditorKnown Issues
Some clients may experience connection problems while playing which can result in the world chunks not drawing and zombies not moving. This can be fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting
When loading a previous saved game Weapons can sometimes load rotated incorrectly. This can be fixed by switching hold items
Impact sounds for chainsaws/augers still use bullet impact sounds which is why they are too loud which will be fixed in the next build
The Iron armor and scrap armor sets are missing their materials and appear to be chrome. This will be fixed in the next patchPlaying Old Versions
We’re also making the last stable Alpha 9 build and older builds available to re download so here’s how you do it.
1. Open your steam client.
2. Click on Games/View Games Library
3. Right click ‘7 Days to Die’ and select properties
4. From the new popup dialogue box select the ‘BETAS’ Tab
5. Under ‘Select the beta you would like to opt into’ – select ‘Alpha 9.3 Stable’
6. The game will then update and download Alpha 9.3
7. Switching back to the latest version is as easy as repeating steps 1-4 and on step 5 choose the option ‘None – Opt out of all Beta Programs’ and you’ll revert to the latest version -
Einige bekommen grade durch diesen Kompatiblitätsmodus ein paar extraFPS, in mod Zeiten wurde der Command -winxp dafür benutzt. (directX9 Nutzung anstatt 10)
[img width=671 height=61]http://fs1.directupload.net/images/141120/f2jozkh3.png[/img]
...undundund -
Der Banner sollte der Einfachheit halber direkt zum relevanten Whitelisting-Thread im Forum verlinken, in dem dann eben auch nicht mehr drinstehen sollte, dass die Whitelist mit den Serverrestarts aktualisiert wird (Ich glaube das ist schon geschehen).Ich hoffe nicht,.. solangsam reichts mit der Spieleranzahl für 2 Server :> .
Ich kriege bei fast allen Servern immer so eine rote Meldung, dass der Server keine
Verbindung zum Master Server hat. Ich starte dnan auch jedesmal mit einem neuen
Avatar anstatt meinem eigenen.Woran liegt das?
Liegt daran das der Server keine Verbindung zum Hive (Masterserver) hat. An deiner Stelle, wenn ich gutes Gear hätte, würde ich erstmal nicht einloggen. Wenn die Verbindung nämlich auf einmal steht,.. oder nur kurz steht, überschreibt der Freshspawn deinen alten Save.
So, mal Vorurteilsfrei, da ich mir das Video bisjetzt nicht angesehen habe. Lediglich den Beitragsverlauf entnehmend muss ich sagen (an alle Namens-Farbnuancen): Euer Niveau war mal besser.
Superfette Montage mit Thema Häuserkampf: komplettes Kampfgebiet Elektro mit häufigen Straßen und Gartenwechseln mit vielen Gefechten und/oder Aktionen
Superlowe Montage mit Thema Häuserkampf: ein oder zwei Gebäude in 'Шоaцcнiммэя' ohne sich viel oder garnicht zu bewegen und wenig bis garkeinen Kills oder Aktionen.
Dann kann man dem Op auch schreiben das seine Montage aus den und den Gründen im Vergleich zu dem und dem Video nicht so prickelnd bis scheisse ist. Aber einen Shitstorm abzulassen wie peinlich diejenigen sind und sie in ihrer Spielweise (und da nehme ich mal Bezug auf den Post von Sirius'
Wenn ein Trupp meint er müsste sich in einem gewöhnlichem! Haus einigeln, soll er das doch machen... Bitteschön' ) zu kritisieren, -nope. Jeder so wie er meint, und ich denke wir sind uns einig das die 'Qualität' eines Videos nicht im Zusammenhang mit der Spielweise steht.Hätten sie von da oben einen nach dem andern weggenietet und nen 'Killstreak' von 10+ gehabt weil einfach jeder sie nur da raus haben wollte, hättet ihr sie gefeiert was für ne geile Aktion sie sich da gerissen haben. Das ganze dann noch gut editiert und fertig wäre auch aus einem Superlowem-1HausCamp-Video ein Hit geworden.
Also bitte bleibt bei Videobewertungen konstruktiv, ihr wollt schließlich auch das man konstruktiv über eure Videos urteilt.
So, und nun schaue ich mir mal das 'wohl nicht ganz so toll gewordene' Video an (aber steht da jetzt 10min< mach ichs aus -nur im vorraus ) .
/edit: 24min sind mir def zu lang, mal so als Kritik ...
Guter Ansatz, kommt aber ziemlich Äaufdringlich' daher. Finde es im Verhältnis zur SB auch zu groß.
Den weißen Schriftzug über der SB rot färben sollte ausrechen und verursacht weniger Augenkrebs bei Dauer-SB-Benutzung. -