Lass krachen in....BALOTA
Hier heute mal von mir wie versprochen die Auswertung der Logs was ich ebend neben der Arbeit gemacht habe
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet darf sie behalten
21:18 CinZane kills Oliver with a Headshot – SKS
21:19 xTheStriker kills the[more or less] Innocent Criosdan with a Shot to the Head !
21:19 FetterFlutz revenges Criosdan and kills xTheStriker with a shot in the Chest – AKM
21:20 CryZ kills Fetter Lutz with the mighty CZ75 !
21:21 CryZ is on a Killing Spree killing poor Dagiweh with the Mighty CZ75 and a shot to the Head!
21:47 Luck got Lucky and Shot Mosin who bleeded until he was Dead
21:50 Werbung [is that allowed here?] killed UftiUfti and his CREW Crew crew with an SKS!
21:54 Kana without any Mercy killed LeSchtroumpf with the god old SteyrAug
22:04 PD HalfMoon shows Kana the Afterlife with some Bullets out of an AKM
22:06 CryZ is going straight for the Title and kills schoeni with an AKM
22:30 Luck is Lucky again killing the Lovely Dagiweh with an AK74
22:30 Malte [its always Maltes fault] kills Fetter Lutz with an SKS
22:31 Puchacz fearless engages Kana and kills him Sucessfully with an PM73Rak
22:31 R4zor uses my favoruite Weapon MP5 and Kills Schoeni!
22:32 Zilean kills R4zor with one Shot from a Mosin to the Chest !
22:34 Bimber finishes CryZ and stops his KillingSpree with a Shot from the Blaze!
22:39 Streetu joins the Fight and Kills Kana !
22:40 xTheStriker is going for the Title aswell and kills Bimber with a Blaze!
22:40 Close Race and Luck kills PD HalfMoon with the Help of cz527
22:41 Werbung is going strong at the end and kills xTheStriker with an SKS
22:53 PHEXLYN [and Mav] [who would have thought that?!] kills Werbung with an SKS
22:56 last Minutes and Mosin kills Phex in the middle of the Balota Airfield with some shots of an SKS
21:56 Maverik Revenges Phexlyn and kills Mosin with an AK74
CryZ = 3 Kills
Tante Edith sagt Luck hat ebenfalls 3 Kills!
xTheStriker = 2 Kills
Werbung = 2 Kills
Wenn ich mich nicht verzählt habe und die Logs lügen, dann haben damit CryZ und Lucky Luck das Rennen gemacht!