Beiträge von Urs

    DayZ Update 1.17

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    PC Experimental 1.17 Update 1 - Version 1.16.154657 (Released on 23.03.2022)


    • CR-550 Savanna rifle
    • Longhorn pistol
    • P1 pistol
    • Craft-able Spear (Bone & Stone head variants)
    • Pitchfork
    • Craft-able Bone knife
    • Cleaver
    • Meat tenderizer
    • Kitchen timer
    • Craft-able Fireplace stand
    • Brooms can be lit and used as a torch
    • Improvised clothes from rags
    • Improvised Rope Belt
    • Improvised gas mask filter
    • Gas mask filters can now be refilled with charcoal tablets
    • Additional sensitivity settings (camera, aiming)
    • Cookware is slowly getting damaged by being used
    • Gas mask filters get damaged while in use
    • Voice activation setting for VOIP
    • Ability to go back and forth through multiple actions on the same item
    • New point of interest on Livonia


    • The sound of hitting an obstacle with a vehicle while reversing wasn't played
    • Dropped items were pushed upwards in certain situations (
    • During punching the player would turn sideways in some situations
    • The sound of the Sarka 120 engine came from the front, whereas the engine is in the back (
    • Shelters weren't build-able on some places
    • A burned-out fireplace is no longer producing light
    • Canceling activation of the bear trap and landmine caused errors
    • The visual effect of the contaminated area partly persisted after it was despawned (
    • Focus zoom briefly reset during several actions in the 1st person (
    • Hair clipped with NVG head strap on female characters
    • An incorrect texture of ruined wheels caused a server error on restart
    • Issues with object occlusion on a military guardhouse
    • Players could climb through closed windows on some buildings
    • The player was able to pick up the fire barrel while items were attached to it
    • The sound of starting/stopping engine was not present for other players
    • Sound of opening or closing vehicle doors was not present for other players (
    • The sound of turning on/off the alarm clock wasn't audible for other players
    • A staircase handrail in one of the city house blocks was missing a collision
    • The attachment icon didn't correctly reflect attached optics and rails on weapons (
    • Attaching more nails to the flag pole caused errors
    • Sharpened wooden sticks caused errors when damaged
    • Traps did not react to vehicles
    • Fixed several environment issues on Chernarus and Livonia
    • Light and heavy melee attack combinations would sometimes result in too much damage ( - private)


    • Reworked Niznohe village on Chernarus
    • Microphone now continues to listen while the player is tabbed out, but only if option "Graphics and sound" is set in the "Update in background" option (
    • VOIP push-to-talk mode now has a release delay of 0.5 seconds to prevent voice cutouts
    • All heat sources are now emitting heat
    • Sensitivity settings is now exponential instead of linear
    • Bark can now be harvested with axes
    • Adjusted the wolf model to allow a more precise headshot
    • The burning duration of torches now correctly depends on the amount of fuel
    • Food can be baked in a cookware even without lard or water
    • Food looses its quantity when cooked in a cookware even without lard or water
    • Weapon sway increases dramatically while the character is rolling
    • Fireplaces start heating up the player character faster now
    • Position of the light source for Sarka 120 when only a single headlight is on was set to the proper position
    • Players are no longer able to get into a vehicle while holding a heavy item (
    • Stone knifes can no longer be sharpened with a sharpening stone
    • Updated the game credits


    • Added: OnAnimationPhaseStarted callback on Entity
    • Added: Ability to override the position of motor sound for vehicles (for soundcontroller) (
    • Added: Exposed GetAllowDamage to script
    • Added: Possibility to add multiple variants of same actions to scroll through
    • Added: Support for angleAltitudes and analysisLength in the OutsideTerrain config class. Note that analysisLength is used to generate angleAltitudes, so if angleAltitudes is defined then analysisLength does not get used. If using angleAltitues, exactly 512 entries should be specified.
    • Added: "-cfgpaths=" launch parameter to define additional paths to rvconfigs for the game to load when filepatching is enabled to quickly test configs without making a pbo
    • Added: Modification of arrays in rvconfig by using operator '+='
    • Changed: Changes to Longhorn position, names of selections, some cleanup. Model config cleanup
    • Changed: Fireplace and Bonfire uses UniversalTemperatureSources
    • Changed: ActionWorldCraft and ActionBuildPart to use the new action variants system
    • Changed: Fireplace tripod is now actual animated attachment of a fireplace (previously part of fireplace mesh)
    • Changed: More clock/timer common functionality moved to the base class
    • Changed: Tree harvesting configuration data moved from script to configs
    • Changed: Updated SetVoiceOn() (which is exposed to script) to receive new optional parameter toggled, and also fire engine event every time VOIP state changes
    • Fixed: Workbench crash when using undefined class in a template


    • Thrown Spears, Sharp/LongWoodenSticks and Torches can fall through the ground
    • Extinguished brooms and torches can't become wet and rain doesn't extinguish them
    • Brooms and torches can be extinguished even if they are not lit
    • Tripwires are triggered in a wider range than intended
    • Buried items offer the action to bury them again
    • A pistol attached to the chest holster, placed within the plate carrier pouches, drops on the ground upon reconnecting
    • The CR-550 does not offer dry fire
    • When roasting food on the sharp wooden stick, the wrong animation is played
    • When kindling/fuel items becomes ruined in fire, the player is unable to add the same item
    • Server: In the offline database, "types.xml" is missing default parameters





    Ich habe geplant am Freitag zum 12 Uhr Restart ein nächstes GDZ Update zu veröffentlichen.

    Geändert wird unter anderem die Größe des Metallrohr Tragegurtes, es ist möglich das dieser despawnt wenn es in einem Inventar liegt.

    Um Verlust zu vermeiden sollte in der Zeit der Tragegurt am Rücken oder in der Hand getragen werden, ob leer oder voll ist egal.

    Ich würde gerne heute abend (19Uhr?) ein neues Feature auf dem Testserver testen (das welches im letzten Update zu crashes geführt hat) und bräuchte ein paar Testspieler um die Crashs und Funktion zu prüfen.

    Wenn jemand etwas Zeit und Lust hat kann gerne im TS vorbeischauen.

    Deine getestetes Item hat keine Selection im Modell, kann somit nicht mit einer hiddenSelection überschrieben werden.

    Sonst müsste dein Code (meistens) so aussehen


    Hallo Community,

    leider musste das Hauptfeature des neuen Updates, wegen Gründen, bis auf weiteres rausgenommen werden. :lovedayz:

    Öffentlicher Changelog 1.93

    - cj187 MoreItems Mod bei uns integriert und komplett überarbeitet und optimiert.

    -- Feldbandage, Funkgeräte, Zangen, SamSplint, WD40 etc.

    - Fraktions Armbinden können mit einem Farbeimer gefärbt werden

    - Neues Rezept: Armbinde + 20% Farbeimer

    - Reichweite der Mod Funkgeräte erweitert (siehe Beschreibungen)

    - Funkgeräte Batterie funktioniert nun korrekt

    - WD40 Dosen explodieren bei Beschuss/Feuer

    - Ein Versuch das Modell der Vanilla Spritze zu beheben. Modell war im Inventar unsichtbar.

    - Ab Montag wird die Lifetime der Bilder(rahmen) sowie die Elektrik/Lampen von 30 Tagen auf 7 Tagen gesenkt.

    -- Die Lifetime der Items werden weiterhin durch eine Flagge resetet.

    -- Damit werden diese Items kontinuierlich spawnen und nicht durch max. Werte limitiert.


    Dann baue deinen Server zum Vanilla Deer Server zurück. Dort gibt es ja keine Probleme.

    Dann wieder Schritt für Schritt in die Richtung wie er sein soll. Gewöhn dich gleich an diese Prozedur, habe schon aufgehört zu zählen wie oft ich das machen musste.

    Ich würde die Klasse nicht FO_Nail nennen, ebenso ist vieles unnötig und nur weil deine Nailbox 300 ausgeben soll heißt das nicht das Nail auch soviel aufnehmen kann, so würde ich es testen

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