UPDATE: 1.0.5 wurde veröffentlicht!
DOWNLOAD CLIENT 1.0.5: http://board.germandayz.de/dow…-epoch/dayz-epoch-105/260
DOWNLOAD SERVER 1.0.5: http://board.germandayz.de/dow…poch-105-server-files/261
Changelog zum nächsten DayZ Epoch Update wurde veröffentlicht:
[li]BTR90 HQ ride in back option. Fank[/li]
[li]Version check for dayz.pbo. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Updated dayZ Lighting by Axeman disabled by default, uncomment line in init.sqf to enable. @andgregor[/li]
[li]Added upgrade in place option for stairs with railings. @Sequisha @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fix server startup issues when using "CA folder fix" on some A2 and A2 free installs. @icomrade[/li]
[li]Geomety of wood walls changed to fix players phasing though the wood walls. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]Completed trade counter was incorrectly returning output count instead of actual number of trades. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Incremental water bottle had a typo in the picture path. fixes: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1084 @vbawol[/li]
[li]second attempt at fixing <NULL> kill messages from vehicles. @icomrade[/li]
[li]remove setdamage 0 on godmode/indestructible base objects so they can be maintained. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fixed error in expression when removing buildings. Fank[/li]
[li]Was possible to fill a mixed gas with an empty jerry can. Fank[/li]
[li]Fixed undefined variables s_player_tamedog and dayz_myLiftVehicle. Fank @vbawol[/li]
[li]Typo in server_traders.sqf for Napf, Sauerland, and panthera. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Old Towngenerator Config. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Models/textures by Paul Tomany. @Sequisha.[/li]
[li]Special thanks to http://verthosting.com for hosting our development server. [/li]
[li]Base Building Godmode is now included. Use DZE_GodModeBase = true; to enable it. (Disabled by Default) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Config based trader setup option that is more performant, however does not track inventory. DZE_ConfigTrader = true; and #include "\dayz_epoch_b\CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp" in description.ext Fank @Skaronator @vbawol[/li]
[li]Static build construction count will force the constructioncount to number set by DZE_StaticConstructionCount = # in init.sqf. Fank[/li]
[li]Stacking of 10oz silver bars into briefcases, also traders now give this as change if return is 2-9 10oz silver bars. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Variable DZE_DamageBeforeMaint to control what damage level is needed for the maintain option to appear. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Keep safe/lockbox vars server side. This should help with performance. @maca134 @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Added SQL Function DeleteNonKeyVehicles run before server start and SQL event UnlockNonKeyVehicles run once a day. Use one or the other not both. @maca134 Fank[/li]
[li]Option to disable R3F weight system. DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = false in init.sqf to disable. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Added to heli crash code, Blackhawk and Seahawk Wrecks by * [GLT]Myke http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10670[/li]
[li]Added following Config Classes: M113_UN_EP1_DZ M113_UN_EP1_DZE M113_TK_EP1_DZ M113_TK_EP1_DZE BTR90_DZ BTR90_DZE BTR90_HQ_DZ BTR90_HQ_DZE LAV25_DZ LAV25_DZE LAV25_HQ_DZ LAV25_HQ_DZE Fank[/li]
[li]Fix init errors, improve antihack. @icomrade[/li]
[li]Add missing sensor for aircraft dealer on Napf. JoSchaap[/li]
[li]Traders now give ItemTinBar in exchange for TrashJackDaniels. @vbawol[/li]
[li]M107 zeroing was stuck at 500m now set to default settings. @vbawol[/li]
[li]DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0.09 by default should fix issues with maintain option not working when damage is set to 0.1 with SQL event. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fix for Death Messages <NULL> when attacker is in vehicle. @icomrade @vbawol[/li]
[li]Added missing DZE fueltracks to DZE_fueltrackarray. Fank[/li]
[li]Fix AI from being counted as zeds. @jwo7777777[/li]
[li]Issue with Scaffolding being too close and killing player. Fank[/li]
[li]Stuck in infinite trading loop when item is out of stock. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fixed backpack disappearing issue. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Some fixes and optimizing to PVS/PVC system to only send to other players nearby. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Bleeding was not visible to other players due to typo in new PVS/PVC system. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Re-classed Land_Ind_Pec_03b to fix ladder errors in log file. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Issue that prevented the server from starting. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Some typos in the loot table. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]DZE_MissionLootTable - Some things are missing. @vbawol @Skaronator[/li]
[li]General cleanup and fixes. Fank @Skaronator @icomrade @vbawol [/li]
[li]Selling vehicle will now remove the key if you have it on your toolbelt. Fank[/li]
[li]R3F weight now in Kg for every language except english. @VeryBigBro[/li]
[li]Increased trader prices for Armed vehicles and pipebombs. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Added BAF_Merlin_DZE and MH60S_DZE to traders. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Trade metals option removed from self actions as it should no longer be needed with new trader code. @vbawol [/li]
[li]Re-added old trader code for backwards compatibility. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Moved binaries to root of server files and wrote up basic install upgrade guide. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Napf Island v0.99 ist, mit Erlaubnis von #momo#, jetzt standardmäßig enthalten. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136469-Napf-Island-beta\[/li]
[li]Sauerland Map v1.7.00.2 ist, mit Erlaubnis von falconsan, jetzt standardmäßig enthalten. https://github.com/falconsan/D…blob/master/changelog.txt - http://www.s6computer.de/[/li]
[li]optimierte Server/Client-Kommunikation mit PVS+PVC Methoden aus DayZ Mod 1.8. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Modulare Bauten werden direkt nach Serverstart geladen, Vehikel danach. @Skaronator @zabn[/li]
[li]"Maintain Area" sollte jetzt besser funktionieren. Der Server updated das Object nun selbst anstatt es zu entfernen und neu zu bauen. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Hive Dll auf den letzten Stand von rajkosto geupdated und "custom child 396" und "397"-Aufruf hinzugefügt, um den Datumseintrag der Baseobjekte zu aktualisieren. *Siehe Bemerkung unten! @Tansien @vbawol[/li]
[li]Der Händler wechselt nun automatisch in die entsprechende Währung beim Einkauf (der Spieler muss es vorher nicht selbst machen). @vbawol[/li]
[li]Autos, kleine Trucks und Boote können nun mit dem Chinooks gehoben werden. Die Fahrzeuge müssen aufgeschlossen und unbemannt sein. Standardmäßig an, benutze DZE_HeliLift = false; in init.sqf um es abzuschalten. @Zabn @vbawol[/li]
[li]40% Chance einen Edelstein zu erhalten, wenn man eine ruinierte Mine wegräumt. @vbawol[/li]
[li]M107_DZ zu Military, MilitarySpecial, IndustrialMilitary und Helicrash loottable hinzugefügt. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]MAAWS (Raketenwerfer) zur Helicrash loottable hinzugefügt. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]Neue begehbare Gebäude für Chernarus und andere Karten hinzugefügt. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]Erlaube Admins Loot Spawn Timer anzupassen, benutze dafür DZE_LootSpawnTimer via init.sqf. Standard: 10 @SGanthony[/li]
[li]Option angeboten um die loot tables aus dem mission file zu laden. Mit DZE_MissionLootTable = true; werden loot configs via missionConfigFile gesucht. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Wood Crate Storage - Rezept 6 x PartWoodLumber = ItemWoodCrateKit. @Mochnant[/li]
[li]BAF_Merlin_DZE - Platz 15/150/5 (Waffen/Items/Rucksäcke). @Skaronator[/li]
[li]BAF_AS50_scoped_DZ-Konfigurationen, aber immer noch nicht bei den Händlern oder Loottable. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Das Aufstellen eines Plotpoles lässt für den Erbauer das bebaubare Gebiet anzeigen. Es verschwindet mit dem Ausloggen und kommt nur wieder wenn der Plotpole neu gesetzt wird. @dayz10k @vos[/li]
[li]Globale Variable um auf Straßen bauen zu können; DZE_BuildOnRoads = true; (Standard: DZE_BuildOnRoads = false;) @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Globale Variable für den Baubereich und Ausgrenzungsbereich rund um einen Plotpole, aktiviert via mission file. DZE_PlotPole = [x,y] im mission file kontrolliert den [Radius, Ausgrenzungszone]. Standard: DZE_PlotPole = [30,45]. @dayz10k @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Globale Variable für das Einstellen ob ein Spieler als Zombie spawnt. DZE_PlayerZed = false; (Standard: DZE_PlayerZed = true;) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Anti-Teleport Log System. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Falsche deutsche Übersetzungen. Fank[/li]
[li]Medizinische Aktionen im Fahrzeug behoben. @icomrade[/li]
[li]Falsche KSVK Klasse die bei Massengräbern spawnen. @Skaronator via MGT[/li]
[li]Der Panzerungswert für RBWheel am SUV war niedriger als es sein sollte. @SGanthony[/li]
[li]Problem des Waffenverlusts bei Massengräbern behoben @vbawol - http://epochmod.com/forum/inde…092-player-grave/?p=33281[/li]
[li]Mehr Übersetzungen. @dayz10k, @VeryBigBro (Russian), JoSchaap (Dutch), @Geodar (Czech), @krazey (German)[/li]
[li]Kettensagename war nicht korrekt - aus horlite wird nun hermlite. @vbawol[/li]
[li]das Entfernen der nächstgelegenen Panzersperre sollte nun funktionieren. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Lingor Händler spawn. @dayz10k @sekra[/li]
[li]Verschwinden des Safes beim aufmachen. (benötige Feedback!) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Falscher include in der CfgMagazine Datei. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Beim Bauen eines hölzernen Garagentors wird nicht mehr "Build Fire" angezeigt. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Man bekommt keine 3x3H-Barrieren zurück, wenn man eine 5H-Barriere abbaut @Skaronator[/li]
[li]BattlEye kicks für einige Spieler beim Tod. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Währungstausch basiert nun auf einer Rate von 10 Einheiten. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Drastisch erhöhte Basenpanzerung. Türen sind nun widerstandsfähiger als Wände. @vbawol[/li]
[li]erweitertes Händlerlogging und Anpassung der Namen für ausverkaufte Gegenstände @ctc.Sebi[/li]
[li]Balance Loot table. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]Waffenslots der Safes 25 reduziert, nach dem Anheben auf 50 wurden Probleme mit Inventar gemeldet, dies soll das nun revidieren. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Preise für hochwertige Gegenstände (Waffen,Vehikel,Essen...) wurden überarbytet. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Alle Kupferpreise wurden zu 2 Silber im Einkauf, 1 Silber im Verkauf geändert. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Radius Überprüfung um das nächstgelegene Tarnnetz abzubauen (vorher 10m, jetzt 3m). @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Loot Verbesserungen (basiert auf dem Feedback des Skaronator.com Server) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Kupfer ist keine gültige Währung mehr. Existierendes Kupfer verbleibt im Spiel, hat aber zur Zeit keinen Nutzen. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Updated Hive dll benötigt DatabaseMySql.dll im arma 2 oa Verzeichnis sowie ein installiertes visual studio 2013 redistributable x86: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us…oad/details.aspx?id=40784[/li]
[li]dayz_vb.bikey und dayz.bikey Schlüssel wurden entfernt und einr neue Versionen des dayz_epoch104.bikey Schlüssels wurde hinzugefügt. Für den Vorschlag geht der Dank an @Tansien. @vbawol[/li]
[li]externe bikeys befinden sich nun in einem Unterverzeichnis, benutzt nur die schlüssel der Karte die gerade läuft, um bessere Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.[/li]
[li]pook_H13_amphib, GNT_C185F und GNT_C185E verursachen Server FPS Probleme und sollten nicht benutzt werden. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues/969[/li]
[li]Models/textures von Paul Tomany. @Sequisha.[/li]
[li]besonderer Dank geht an http://bmrf.me/; für das Hosting unseres development-Server.[/li]
[li]Napf Island v0.99 with permission from #momo# now included by default. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136469-Napf-Island-beta\[/li]
[li]Sauerland Map v1.7.00.2 with permission from falconsan now included by default. https://github.com/falconsan/D…blob/master/changelog.txt - http://www.s6computer.de/[/li]
[li]Optimized Server/Client Communication with PVS+PVC methods from DayZ Mod 1.8. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Modular building spawning now ahead on server start, vehicles spawning after it. @Skaronator @zabn[/li]
[li]Maintain Area should work now much better. The Server update the Object itself and doesnt remove and rebuild it anymore. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Updated Hive Dll to latest from rajkosto and added custom child 396 and 397 call to update the datestamp of base objects. *See notes below! @Tansien @vbawol[/li]
[li]Trading now makes change and auto combines into the highest denomination. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Cars, small Trucks, and Boats now able to be lifting with Chinooks only. Lifted vehicle must be unlocked and unmanned. Enabled by default use DZE_HeliLift = false; in init.sqf to disable. @Zabn @vbawol[/li]
[li]40% chance to payout a single gem on removal of mine ruins. @vbawol[/li]
[li]M107_DZ to Military, MilitarySpecial, IndustrialMilitary and Helicrash loottable. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]MAAWS (rocket launcher) to Helicrash loottable. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]New enterable building added for Chernarus and other maps. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]Allow Admins To Customize Loot Spawn Timer using DZE_LootSpawnTimer via init.sqf. Default: 10 @SGanthony[/li]
[li]Provide option to have loot tables loaded from mission file. DZE_MissionLootTable = true; will look for loot configs via missionConfigFile. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Added Craftable/Buildable Wood Crate Storage. Recipe 6 x PartWoodLumber = ItemWoodCrateKit. @Mochnant[/li]
[li]BAF_Merlin_DZE - transportMaxWeapons 15, transportMaxMagazines 150, transportmaxbackpacks 5. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Added back BAF_AS50_scoped_DZ configs, still not on traders or loot tables. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Placing a plot pole now creates a preview of the "safe" build area protected by the plot pole. This is only viewable by the plot owner, will disappear upon logout, and is only re-creatable by re-placing the plot pole. @dayz10k @vos[/li]
[li]Global variable to allow building on roads with DZE_BuildOnRoads = true; (Default: DZE_BuildOnRoads = false;) @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Global variable to set plot pole radius and exclusion zone, enabled via mission file. DZE_PlotPole = [x,y] in the mission file controls the [Radius, Exclusion zone]. Default: DZE_PlotPole = [30,45]. @dayz10k @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Global variable to disable Player Zombies with DZE_PlayerZed = false; (Default: DZE_PlayerZed = true;) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Anti-Teleport Log System. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Wrong German translations. Fank[/li]
[li]Fix medical actions in vehicles. @icomrade[/li]
[li]Wrong KSVK class spawning on mass graves. @Skaronator via MGT[/li]
[li]Armor value for RBWheel on SUV was lower than it should have been. @SGanthony[/li]
[li]Fixed issues with losing weapons when on graves @vbawol - http://epochmod.com/forum/inde…092-player-grave/?p=33281[/li]
[li]More Localization (translations). @dayz10k, @VeryBigBro (Russian), JoSchaap (Dutch), @Geodar (Czech), @krazey (German)[/li]
[li]Fixed incorrect spelling of chainsaw name was horlite needed to be hermlite. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Remove nearest tranktrap via toolbox not working properly. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Lingor trader spawn. @dayz10k @sekra[/li]
[li]Disappearing of Vault while unlocking. (Need Feedback!) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Wrong include in the CfgMagazine file. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Crafting a wooden garage door no longer says "Build Fire". @dayz10k[/li]
[li]You will no longer get a 3 by 3H - barrier cube if you remove a 5H - barrier cube @Skaronator[/li]
[li]BattlEye kicks for some players on death. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Changed currency conversion rates to multiples of 10. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Drastically increased base building armor levels. Doors now have much higher armor than walls. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Extended Trader logging and fix for sold itemnames @ctc.Sebi[/li]
[li]Balance Loot table. @Sequisha[/li]
[li]Lowered Safe weapon storage count to 25, to address reports of more safe inventory issues after it was raised to 50. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Prices were reviewed and modified for many of the higher tiered weapons/ammo/vehicles/food. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]All copper prices have been changed to 2 silver to buy, 1 silver to sell. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Radius check for Remove Nearest Camo Net (from 10m to 3m). @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Loot Improvements (Based on the Feedback of the Skaronator.com Server) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Copper is no longer a usable currency. Existing copper will remain in game, but has no current use. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Updated Hive dll requires DatabaseMySql.dll in arma 2 oa root and visual studio 2013 redistributable x86 installed: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us…oad/details.aspx?id=40784[/li]
[li]Removed dayz_vb.bikey and dayz.bikey keys and added new version ed dayz_epoch104.bikey key. Thanks to @Tansien for the suggestion. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Also moved external bikeys to sub folder, for best security use only the bikeys for the map your running.[/li]
[li]pook_H13_amphib, GNT_C185F and GNT_C185E causes Server FPS issues and should not be used. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues/969 [/li]
[li]Models/textures by Paul Tomany. @Sequisha.[/li]
[li]Special thanks to http://bmrf.me/ for hosting our development server.[/li]
[li]Proper mission file support and bikeys for SMD Sara A2 http://forums.bistudio.com[/li]
[li]In game clarification on modular removal: you cannot delete locked doors, you must remove the lock first. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Added updated setDamage exception to battleye scripts.txt. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Built in antihack enabled by default via mission init.sqf. @facoptre[/li]
[li]Added Czech localization Credits: GeodarCZ, Brovns, Doomscythe[/li]
[li]DZE_requireplot override variable added. DZE_requireplot = 0; in init.sqf disables plot pole requirement to build. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Bell 47/H-13 Helicopter by hcpookie http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22143[/li]
[li]Incorporated DayZ CE skin changing routines for melee weapons and add back actions after skin changes. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Proper stringtables (options) on SkinBase craftables (bandages, canvas) @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Optimized RoadFlare/chemlight JIP code to use only one allMissionObjects call instead of two. @vbawol[/li]
[li]dayz_minpos was incorrectly set to 0 for chernarus and should have been -1 or less. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fixed some typos in Sahrani mission files. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Removed radar from GAZ Vodnik. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Incorrect call compile paths for tavi traders.[/li]
[li]Armored SUV DZ had incorrect max weapon count. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fixed two createvehicle calls for weapon spawn_loot. @Torndeco[/li]
[li]Building count limiter was using wrong position command now uses correct one. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fire requirement for crafting can now be used off the ground without issues. @vbawol[/li]
[li]setdamage.txt fixes for hatched/chainsaw - scripts.txt and publicVariable.txt updated. @infiSTAR[/li]
[li]Increased chances for silver and gold mine veins.@vbawol[/li]
[li]Lower plank pack spawn chance raise sledge handle and fishing pole chances in farm spawns. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Must drop backpack or filled chainsaw before you can change clothes. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Removed 10m check for nearby players when changing clothes. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Null cleanup was not working as intended disabled by default needs further testing. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Lower zombie attack range and made static at 2.5m. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Restructured server files. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Models/textures by Paul Tomany. @Sequisha.[/li]
[li]Special thanks to http://bmrf.me/ for hosting our development server.[/li]
[li]Many unneeded diag_log calls removed.[/li]
Bell 47/H-13 Helicopter:
[img width=700 height=259]http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/bellciv_4.jpg[/img]
[li]NEW] In-game Map - Unused Arma UI has been removed, from DayZ CE 1.8. @Skaronator[/li]
[li][NEW] Gear is only accessible in vehicles with "G" key due to removal of Arma Map Menus, from DayZ CE 1.8. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Radiation effect with geiger counter sounds and eventual rapidblood loss when player goes out of the map for too long.[/li]
[li]Craft-able Gunrack with 6 x PartWoodLumber makes GunRack_DZ that holds 20 weapons/10 magazines. http://i.imgur.com/mfY0uLN.jpg @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Craft-able Base Fire Barrel FireBarrel_DZ with an empty Fuel Barrel, Full Jerry Can, and 4x WoodPile. http://i.imgur.com/2KHWdMS.jpg @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Craft-able 5x Wide HESCO barrier from, a 3 wide HESCO and 2x 1 wide HESCO. http://i.imgur.com/beWNQtH.jpg @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Craft-able Round Sandbag Fence (BagFenceRound_DZ) from ItemSandbag. http://i.imgur.com/WlblRPf.jpg @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Vehicle upgrade system with 4 stages: 1=performance, 2=armor, 3=cargo, and 4=fuel. To upgrade a vehicle you must first find the lvl 1 performance manual and two engine parts then right click next to your vehicle. @vbawol[/li]
[li]The above documents to the discoverable documents. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Can now examine Murder Boards via Newspaper Obituaries. @vbawol[/li]
[li]ItemPlotDeed to discoverable documents (leads to crafting a plot pole). @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Added Player Names that killed Objects to diag_log @Torndeco[/li]
[li]Added Player Worldspace location to Connect/Disconnect/Combat Log RPT messages. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]dayz_sellDistance variables are now split into "dayz_sellDistance_boat", "dayz_sellDistance_vehicle" and "dayz_sellDistance_air" - @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Surrender (options > controls > "Surrender") action now drops your weapons and places your hands on your head. While surrendered other players can access your gear.[/li]
[li]Remove nearest tanktrap with right click option on toolbox @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Faster in string function by Killzone Kid http://killzonekid.com/arma-sc…a-string-within-a-string/[/li]
[li]Halo jump option from a helicopter when above 400m. @zabn[/li]
[li]Localization support added. @zabn @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Added dutch translations. JoSchaap[/li]
[li]Added Russian translations. @VeryBigBro[/li]
[li]Added French translations. @th4z[/li]
[li]Chernarus-Spawnselection and 1.8 GUI-Icons to the dayz_code.pbo - experienced server admins can use it. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Global variable if player is fresh spawned. Can used for custom script like in spawn-camera script ("freshSpawn = 0" - Normal Spawn / 1 - fresh spawn as zombie / 2 - fresh spawn as player) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Added 7 more male skins from Arma http://i.imgur.com/1b0n2Jy.png @axles @vbawol[/li]
[li]Added 8 more Trucks from ARMA: V3S_Civ, V3S_TK_EP1_DZE, V3S_RA_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE, UralCivil_DZE, UralCivil2_DZE, KamazOpen_DZE, MtvrRefuel_DZ, MTVR @vbawol[/li]
[li]Destroy tent option when you have a full Jerry Can and Matches. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Tag friendly system now stores your 5 most recent friends with your life. Building on another friends plot and you are already tagged you still need to look at the owner once to complete the handshake so that you can start building. Server admins can disable this with DZE_FriendlySaving = false; in the init.sqf @zabn @vbawol[/li]
[li]Player can now get crushed if they get out to close to a wall or building. Successful wall glitches now result in death ONLY if your get out position intersects a building. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Can now maintain lightpoles with a lightbub. @vbawol @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Directly Disconnect (back to lobby) if you press abort > yes - @Skaronator[/li]
[li]New Weapons, most of which are backpack compatible: M60, M240 scoped, M249 scoped, MG36 variants, RPK-74, M8 SAW, Bizon, Saiga12K, KSVK, M4+203 HOLO SD @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Extra security features. @facoptere[/li]
[li]Owner can now remove modular parts (walls, etc) without having to destroy them. NOTE: nothing is refunded/no rubble. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Unlocking a vehicle should now show you which key was used (no more guessing game!) @vbawol @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Swinging melee weapons and cracking locks (multiple attempts) will trigger hunger/thirst. @vbawol[/li]
[li]New building supplies (mortar, cinder, wood packs) to Wholesalers @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Area maintenance of bases @vos (Axe Cop) @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Server can now control now fast the periodic client save interval is on the fly. Actual server fps is used to determine how fast the clients can update min 10 seconds max 60 seconds.[/li]
[li]Humanity changes: Give player humanity for killing bandits with no murders. Prevent humanity loss from killing player zombies and give a small humanity increase. @Armifer[/li]
[li]Trading log-system (server-side) was improved. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Back-end loot configs and loot spawning rates. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Plot pole no longer falls over and can be destroyed but has armor=1000.[/li]
[li]Fixed unable being able to sell satchel charges. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Fix for diag_log statement when player buying vehicles @Torndeco[/li]
[li]Building on roads no longer allowed as it was intended. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]M4SPR spawns now with 30 Rnds Stanag mags and not anymore with 20 Rnds. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Fixed expression error with vehicles/safes when loading a large inventory. @vbawol[/li]
[li]No more bleeding trees, rocks, etc with melee weapons from DayZ CE 1.8. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Variable added to player zombie vision to better support anti-hacks @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Lower chance to play fly sounds when near dead bodies. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Documents now examine one at a time, also fixes getting the same item for each document. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Server now only saves the first 20 magazines on disconnect to prevent saving items in overflow that can cause player inventory corruption. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Zombies no longer attack players unless they have true line of sight. @vbawol[/li]
[li]RPT error on all clients when dragging a player. @zabn[/li]
[li]Reduced zombie attack ranges back to normal levels since it is no longer needed due to removal of vilas vehicles. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Small typo in Axeman's tower light code was preventing it from working. @Torndeco[/li]
[li]Case sensitivity issues with last versions SQL update calls.[/li]
[li]Recent Murders on the Murder Board in trader cities now works properly. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Mission name and descriptions now conform to template. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Increased armor levels on wooded modular base building objects by 300%.[/li]
[li]Increased armor levels on cinder and metal modular base building objects by 20%.[/li]
[li]Removed 12m restriction of other players when buying and selling vehicles. Added requirement that you must be the last to get in the drivers seat to sell the vehicle.[/li]
[li]Opening supply crate now returns a empty supply crate. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Updated Makarov, MakarovSD, and M1911 damage settings to the same as DayZ CE 1.8. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Base building enhancements and changed count down timer. @zabn[/li]
[li]Base Building now requires a plot pole again. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Backpack pickup method @vbawol[/li]
[li]Dust effect from removed.[/li]
[li]Unused code and images removed @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Map markers for other players and empty vehicles (blue/orange/green dots & vehicles) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Removed humanity heartbeat code @vbawol[/li]
[li]Road Cones at Bash and Klen traders that would cause Vodniks to spawn in and launch vertically. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]In-game Map - Ungenutzte Arma Benutzeroberfläche wurde entfernt. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Das Gear in Fahrzeugen ist nun nur über "G" verfügbar da die Karten-Optionen von Arma entfernt wurden. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Wenn der Spieler die Karte zu lange verlässt wurde eine "Strahlungszone" eingerichtet in der man Geräusche eines Geigerzähler hört und es zu schnellem Blutverlust kommen kann.[/li]
[li]Baubarer Waffenhalter "GunRack_DZ" aus 6 x PartWoodLumber In dem 20 Waffen und 10 Magazine platz finden. http://i.imgur.com/mfY0uLN.jpg@dayz10k[/li]
[li]Baubare Feuertonne "FireBarrel_DZ" aus einer leeren Fuel Barrel, einer Jerrycan und 4 Holzstücken. http://i.imgur.com/2KHWdMS.jpg @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Baubare x5 HESCO Barriere aus einer 3x großen und zwei 1x großen Barriere. http://i.imgur.com/beWNQtH.jpg@dayz10k[/li]
[li]Baubare runde Sandsackmauer "BagFenceRound_DZ" aus einem Sandsack. http://i.imgur.com/WlblRPf.jpg@dayz10k[/li]
[li]Ein Fahrzeug Upgrade System mit 4 Stufen 1=Geschwindigkeit, 2=Panzerung, 3=Item-Slots, und 4=Treibstoff. Um ein Fahrzeug Upgraden zu können brauch man erst den Stufe 1 Plan und 2 Engine Parts. Dann gibt es im Scrollmenü die Möglichkeit das Fahrzeug aufzurüsten. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Die oben genannten Pläne sind findbar und in der Loottabelle eingetragen. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Man kann die letzten Morde in den Zeitungstodesanzeigen sehen. @vbawol[/li]
[li]"ItemPlotDeed" Ist ein findbarer Bauplan für den PlotPole @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Mit "Aufgeben" (options > controls > "Surrender") Lässt der Spieler seine Waffe fallen und hebt seine Hände hinter den Kopf. Während ein Spieler dies tut kann man in sein Gear sehen.[/li]
[li]Durch Rechtsklicken auf die Toolbox kann man die nähste Tanktrap entfernen. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Schnellere String Funktionen von Killzone Kid http://killzonekid.com/arma-sc…a-string-within-a-string/[/li]
[li]HALO Jump Option wenn man mit dem Helikopter über 400m fliegt. @zabn[/li]
[li]Lokalisierung nun unterstützt. @zabn @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Holländische Übersetzung hinzugefügt. JoSchaap[/li]
[li]Russische Übersetzung hinzugefügt. @VeryBigBro[/li]
[li]Französische Übersetzung hinzugefügt. @th4z[/li]
[li]Chernarus Spawnauswahl und 1.8 GUI-Icons in die dayz_code.pbo eingefügt - für erfahrene Server-Admins. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Globale Variable wenn der Spieler Spawnt. kann für zusätzliche Script benutzt werder wie z.B. einfliegende Spawn-Kamera ("freshSpawn = 0" - Normal Spawn / 1 - fresh spawn as zombie / 2 - fresh spawn as player) @Skaronator[/li]
[li]7 neue Männliche Skins von Arma eingefügt http://i.imgur.com/1b0n2Jy.png @axles @vbawol[/li]
[li]8 neue Trucks aus Arma hinzugefügt: V3S_Civ, V3S_TK_EP1_DZE, V3S_RA_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE, UralCivil_DZE, UralCivil2_DZE, KamazOpen_DZE, MtvrRefuel_DZ, MTVR @vbawol[/li]
[li]Zelt zerstören Option eingefügt wenn man eine Volle Jerrycan und Streichhölzer dabei hat.. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Tag system speichert nun die 5 am meisten getaggten Leute. Zum bauen muss trotzdem nochmal getagged werden. @zabn @vbawol[/li]
[li]Man kann nun Laternen mit Glühbirnen aufrüsten. @vbawol @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Neue Waffen: M60, M240 scoped, M249 scoped, MG36 variants, RPK-74, M8 SAW, Bizon, Saiga12K, KSVK, M4+203 HOLO SD @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Neue Sicherheitsfeatures. @facoptere[/li]
[li]Man kann nun gebaute Modular-Sachen abbauen ohne sie vorher Zerstören zu müssen.[/li]
[li]Man sieht nun beim aufschließen von Fahrzeugen welcher Schlüssel benötigt wird. @vbawol @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Schlagwaffen benutzen und Schlösser aufbrechen verbraucht Hunger und Durst.[/li]
[li]Mehr Bausachen beim Wholesaler (Mörtel, Holz) @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Server kann nun Speicherintervall vom Spieler kontrollieren.[/li]
[li]Humanity wurde erneuert. Man bekommt nun Humanity indem man Bandits tötet.[/li]
[li]Der Trading Log wurde verbessert. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Loot Konfigurationen. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Plotpole fällt nichtmehr um und kann nichtmehr zerstört werden.[/li]
[li]Das verkaufen von Satchelcharges wieder möglich. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Der diag_log statement wurde gefixt wenn sich Spieler ein Fahrzeug kaufen. @Torndeco[/li]
[li]Das Bauen auf Straßen ist nun nicht mehr möglich. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]M4SPR spawnt nun mit 30Rnd Stanag munition anstatt mit 20Rnd's. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Error beim öffnen von großen Inventaren gefixt. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Keine Blutenden Bäume, Objekte mehr wenn man mit eine Schlagwaffe benutzt. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Geringere Chance Fliegen nahe von Leichen zu hören. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Server speichert jetzt nur die ersten 20 Magazin-Slots um Datenverlust zu vermeiden. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Zombies Attackieren nurnoch Spieler in ihrem direkten Blickwinkel. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Der RTP Error erschein nun nichtmehr beim ziehen einer Person. @zabn[/li]
[li]Zombie Reichweite von Schlägen verringert. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Groß/Kleinschreibfehler in der SQL Datenbank gefixt.[/li]
[li]Die letzten Morde werden nun sofort dort aufgelistet. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Missions und Kartenname passen nun zur Kofiguration. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Haltbarkeit von Holzwänden etc. um 300% erhöht.[/li]
[li]Haltbarkeit von Steinwänden etc. um 20% erhöht.[/li]
[li]12m Etfernun von Spielern beim verkaufen von Fahrzeugen entfernt. Vorraussetzung ist, dass man der letzte ist, der auf dem Fahrersitz war.[/li]
[li]Öffnen einer Nachschub Kiste bringt eine Leere Nachschub Kiste + Inhalt. @dayz10k[/li]
[li]Bei der Makarov, Makarov SD und M1911 wurde der Schaden angepasst.[/li]
[li]Für das Base Building ist nun wieder ein Plotpole notwendig. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Aufheben des Backpacks @vbawol[/li]
[li]Staub effekt aus der entfernt.[/li]
[li]Ungenutzte Codes und Bilder entfernt @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Map Marker für andere Spieler/Fahrzeuge. @Skaronator[/li]
[li]Humanity herzschlag. @vbawol[/li]
[li]Die Straßenpylonen bei Klen und Bash entfernt um das Hochfliegen von Vodniks zu entfernen. @dayz10k[/li]