Stable Update 1.23

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  • New Vybor Airbase - ist damit das NWA gemeint, das umgestaltet wird? Oder ist es eine zweite Location und wird es dort quasi ein riesiger Militärkomplex mit sehr kurzen Wegen?

    "It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache."

    - Frank´n´Furter

  • Fröhliche Patchnotes können hier gelesen werden:


    PC Stable 1.23 Update 1 - Version 1.23.156951 (Release on 07.11.2023)


    • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
    • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
    • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
    • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



    • Characters can now push vehicles
    • Designated marksman rifle (DMR) with 10- and 20-round magazines
    • Field Shovel
    • Padded Gloves
    • Winter Coif
    • OKZK hat
    • Petushok hat
    • Firefighter M3S Wreck
    • The server browser now displays the number of players in the waiting queue
    • Sound for deploying fireplaces and improvised explosives
    • Sounds for crafting rags
    • Sounds for washing hands
    • Sounds for locked valve doors
    • Sounds for cutting planks
    • Sounds for (un)equipping the pipe wrench
    • Sounds for pulling corpses from vehicles
    • Sounds for placing a claymore mine
    • Sounds for placing and arming the improvised explosive
    • Sounds for crafting fireplaces
    • Sounds for crafting a hand drill
    • Functionality to hide/show the password when entering servers



    • Major overhaul of the skybox and its textures
    • Reworked the interior of the large castle tower
    • Removed a redundant sound during the gas canister explosion
    • Disabled shadows for fireworks and reduced their light radius to reduce their performance impact
    • Increased maximum bandwidth limits of Client->Server traffic to reduce movement desync when firing weapons
    • Updated the game credits
    • Renamed the fire-mode of the crossbow from semi-auto to single (
    • The clutch for the M3S now triggers faster
    • Increased the inertia of the M3S
    • Slightly adjusted the weight of the M1025 Offroad to be able to climb climbing hills
    • Adjusted explosion sounds and ranges
    • Tweaked red tracer bullets for better visibility (
    • Adjusted vehicles for better control on grass


    • Changed: Reduced the spawning of warm hats to account for newly added items


    • Added: Overhead lines for the railway network
    • Changed: Major overhaul for the Vybor Air Base (NWAF)
    • Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
    • Changed: Moved VSD and FAL to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers
    • Changed: Moved KA74, KA74U and M16A2 to higher military tier spawns


    • Changed: Base building items can no longer be placed in the Livonia underground
    • Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
    • Changed: Moved VSD and Aug from military to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers


    • Added: Group Spawning system (documentation)
    • Added: JSON file system to assign gear for players to spawn with (documentation)
    • Added: New gameplay json parameter to disallow items spawning in underground areas (documentation)
    • Added: Gameplay config ability to disable respawn of unconscious players from the ingame menu (documentation)
    • Fixed a typo related to vehicleparts resulting in CE errors
    • Fixed: Items spawned by CE as attachments are not affected by quantity min and max set in types.xml (
    • Fixed: Certain spawnabletypes.xml setups could crash the server (


    • Added: The server browser now displays the number of players in the waiting queue
    • Added: DLC section
    • Fixed: Traditional Chinese language was not properly functioning


    • Added: 'Object.GetActionComponentsForSelectionName', 'Object.GetActionComponentCenter', 'Object.GetActionComponentCenterOOB' and 'Object.GetActionComponentMinMax'

    • Added: Expanded on the Door API for Building, adding in events, state accessors and getting the maximum door count
    • Added: "space" panorama layer
    • Added: "atmosphere" panorama layer, deprecated "sky" panorama layer
    • Added: Renamed "horizon" panorama layer, deprecated "horizont" panorama layer
    • Added: "spaceIntensity" to weather config, controls brightness of space texture
    • Added: "atmosphereIntensity" to weather config, controls how much of the atmosphere is visible
    • Added: Diag menu "DayZ render > Sky" for disabling individual parts of the sky (documentation)
    • Added: Script Editor: Dropdown 'Build' > 'New Errors Are Warnings', works same as command parameter '-NewErrorsAreWarnings=1'
    • Added: 'HumanInputController.OverrideFreeLook' to force enable/disable freelook
    • Fixed: Attached sounds would play at the origin of the parent when offset
    • Fixed: r-value would be ignored when finding a function to be called, i.e. a static function could be called through any variable like 'GetGame().SpawnEntity' where 'SpawnEntity' is a static global function
    • Fixed: Sky was purple in buldozer under circumstances where the weather was not being updated due to horizon not being initially set on world load
    • Changed: Streamlined the deploy sound playback script implementation
    • Changed: 'Object.GetBonePivot' now supports memory lod, added 'Object.GetMemoryLevel'
    • Changed: Moved 'string.Get' and 'string.Set' to native for slight performance improvement
    • Changed: Moved "starsIntensity" to lighting config to configure at each sun angle
    • Changed: 'LightingNew' config will now ignore any class that starts with 'Default', can be used for inheriting default parameters amongst sun angle/height/overcast groups
    • Changed: Config entries that expect a color now support a single float value as a grayscale entry without alpha (e.g. LightingNew diffuse entry)
    • Changed: 'HumanInputController' overriding supports 'HumanInputControllerOverrideType' to allow overriding a value for only one input frame
    • Changed: Exposed 'moonDayIntensity' and 'moonNightIntensity' in 'DefaultLighting' to config, previously hardcoded in 1.22 and earlier as 1.0 and 5.0 respectively


    • Added a warning icon to the "Disconnect Warning Session lost" error
    • The server browser now displays the time of day on the server
    • Fixed: It was not possible to interact with error message pop ups after losing connection with the controller (
    • Fixed: Overlay elements were still present after accepting an invite to a server
    • Missing control hint to switch the camera position between shoulders
    • Fixed: The tooltip for "save character" was fully capitalized
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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

  • PC Stable 1.23 Update 2 - Version 1.23.157045 (Release on 30.11.2023)





    • Fixed: Sever details in the server browser claimed a missing Livonia DLC for servers not running Livonia
    • Fixed: Closing the server details in the server browser unfocused the launcher
  • Beitrag von Pettacs ()

    Dieser Beitrag wurde von DagiWeh aus folgendem Grund gelöscht: Spam ().