DayZ Update 1.03

  • DayZ Update 1.03

    wurde heute für die Stable Server veröffentlicht.

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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.


    Gunter 2

    The Gunter 2 is a small first generation family hatchback with front wheel drive.



    Selective-fire, integrally suppressed marksmen rifle, fed from a detachable magazine. Compatible with KA scopes, using 9x39mm rounds.


    New & improved weapon attachments

    • Regular and armour-piercing 9x39mm ammunition for the VSS
    • Tracer variants for 5.56x45, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R and .308WIN
    • Baraka sights
    • Backup Iron Sights (BUIS)
    • PSO-1-1 Scope, designed for the VSS rifle
    • Bayonets for KA, M4-A1, Mosin 91/30 and SK 59/66

    Combat features

    • Melee attack with firearms, knocking enemies back


    • Ability to break open locked doors with force


    • The universal light and the new night vision goggles can be attached to the Tactical Helmet


    • Chemlights and the Handheld Transceiver can now be attached to most backpack stripes
    • New belt, able to carry a knife sheath, gun holster, and canteen.


    • Ability to rotate items in inventory
    • Quick bar working in the inventory



    • Added: Chinese localisation
    • Added: Switch on/off for walk modifier ('CTRL' by default)
    • Added: Separated hold breath and walk inputs (both 'CTRL' by default)
    • Added: Erect, crouch and prone inputs (no binds by default)
    • Added: Turn on/off headlight/night vision goggles ('L' press/hold by default)
    • Added: Possibility to change the orientation of items in the inventory (press 'SPACE' while dragging item)
    • Added: New vehicle Gunter 2 with its attachments
    • Added: VSS rifle with its attachments
    • Added: 9x39 ammunition
    • Added: 9x39 armor-piercing ammunition
    • Added: Tracer ammunition (5.56x45, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, .308WIN)
    • Added: Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
    • Added: NVG head strap
    • Added: NVG can be attached to Tactical Helmet (hold 'L' to switch on/off)
    • Added: Universal Flashlight can be attached to Tactical Helmet (press 'L' to switch on/off)
    • Added: Baraka sights
    • Added: Backup Iron Sights (BUIS)
    • Added: PSO-1-1 Scope, designed for the VSS rifle
    • Added: Bayonets for KA, M4-A1, Mosin 91/30 and SK 59/66
    • Added: Firearms Melee Attacks with pistols, buttstocks, and bayonets
    • Added: Hand Saw
    • Added: 4-dial Combination Lock
    • Added: Strawberry Jam
    • Added: Handheld Transceiver and Glow Stick attachments on backpacks
    • Added: Separated erect, crouch and prone inputs
    • Added: Quickbar working in the inventory
    • Added: "You are here" marker on each tourist trail map stand
    • Added: Instead of press, some actions are now triggered by holding 'F' button for a continuous action
    • Added: New optional server.cfg parameter - disablePersonalLight = true/false; which toggles personal light on all connected clients
    • Added: Quantity bar for energy based items and fireplace
    • Added: New 'swayModifier' config param for weapons and their attachment
    • Added: Milliseconds to client/server rpt files
    • Added: check to prevent invalid requests from clients (inventory optimization)
    • Added: Possibility to execute different types of melee hits (expanded melee command to execute stationary melee animations)
    • Added: Character statistics into the main menu
    • Added: Baseball/nailed bat
    • Added: Drop and pickup sound for scopes
    • Added: Sounds for death animations
    • Added: Sounds for suicide animations
    • Added: Lock/unlock sound for doors
    • Added: Sounds for prone animation with a rifle in hands
    • Added: One male and one female character sound set
    • Added: Different character sounds when wearing certain headgear (e.g Combat Gas Mask, Motorbike Helmet)
    • Added: Belts (Military and Civilian version) with attachments.
    • Added: Wooden Crate (crafted).
    • Added: Hair hiding mechanism to avoid hair clipping.


    • Fixed: Server crash when planting seed into a watered garden plot (T138343)
    • Fixed: Server error when crafting torch (T136903)
    • Fixed: Building position updated after the first open/close door action (T137749)
    • Fixed: Issue with flickering lights when there were more than 6 lights in render view (now sorted based on the distance) (T136038)
    • Fixed: Transition between close and distant light is now instant (without dark gap in-between)
    • Fixed: Jammed weapons make shooting sounds for other players
    • Fixed: A crash when looking at the outside terrain from the close-up at certain terrain configurations
    • Fixed: Sea outside of the terrain borders was not rendered when enableTerrainSynth was set to false
    • Fixed: Black dots on a single wooden plank model
    • Fixed: Incorrect visuals for Patrol Pants in 1st resolution LOD
    • Fixed: ClockHour and clockMinute animation sources now synchronize with the accelerated time
    • Fixed: Breath vapour should now properly handle temperatures lower than its lower range threshold
    • Fixed: Torch displaying "pieces" as quantity
    • Fixed: A dropped Road flare now points forward, not always north
    • Fixed: A dropped Flash light now points forward, not sideways
    • Fixed: Universal Light and Pistol Light now face forward when dropped, not sideways
    • Fixed: Corrected texts and animations for digging hidden stash
    • Fixed: Watering a garden slot had no progress bar
    • Fixed: Possible desync issues when using base building actions
    • Fixed: Torch did not update its quantity while not burning when rags were added to it
    • Fixed: Infected can attack player through tent walls
    • Fixed: Weapon fire mode is not saved upon relogging (T137708)
    • Fixed: Infected can hit player character through walls (T138230)
    • Fixed: Equipment window gets cut off on specific resolutions (T128448)
    • Fixed: Loot in infected corpses spawns after a while (T133245)
    • Fixed: Drinking gasoline does not harm your character (T117406)
    • Fixed: Character doesn't go to the crouch position when lying on the back and moving (T138970)
    • Fixed: Lens flares are visible when unconscious
    • Fixed: Server crashed when a session was terminated
    • Fixed: Car/Truck battery was invisible when attached to Battery Charger
    • Fixed: Boxed Headlight Bulb could not be opened
    • Fixed: Player could not drink from pumps with item in hands
    • Fixed: NBC Gloves typo
    • Fixed: Input configuration compatibility problems that would result in the character being stuck in crouch, issues with leaning and holding breath
    • Fixed: Issue in vehicle physics regarding in them appearing twitchy to nearby clients
    • Fixed: Server error while drinking from a well.
    • Fixed: Drinking from wells/pumps with an item in hands.
    • Fixed: Quickbar not being visible despite it being on in HUD settings.
    • Fixed: Items could be rotated even when they were not being dragged.
    • Fixed: Buried containers were unable to dig up.
    • Fixed: Inventory could not be scrolled all the way down.
    • Fixed: Weapon swap animations were not played when switched via Quickbar.
    • Fixed: Weapon dropped by restrained player was unusable.
    • Fixed: Player was not able to type into the chat bar.
    • Fixed: Melee with a one-handed item pushed character forward - allowing to look through walls.


    • Changed: Limit of dynamic lights in render view has been increased to 16
    • Changed: Many fixes and tweaks to the Chernarusplus terrain
    • Tweaked: Ladders on deer stands should be easier to get on
    • Removed: airtemperaturecheck() function removed and its functionality moved to a new modifier breathvapourmdfr.c
    • Changed: Config parameter recoilModifier[2] now used to modify cam offset
    • Tweaked: Minor improvements for the fireplaces
    • Tweaked: Minor improvements for the radial menu
    • Tweaked: Improved Road flare particles
    • Tweaked: Torch no longer illuminates the world during daytime any more
    • Tweaked: Muzzle flash illumination range at night increased from 5m to 15m
    • Tweaked: Improved variability of the muzzle flash particle for the VSD and LAR rifles
    • Tweaked: Improved visibility of the blood splatter particle
    • Tweaked: Smoke particles on weapons
    • Tweaked: Decreased lethal radius of the landmines
    • Changed: Melee refactor
      • targeting related changes, locking of aim when the attack is committed (turning while attacking is not possible now)
      • damaging of vehicles/doors
    • Changed: Extended checking of client-server inventory requests (inventory optimization)
    • Changed: Read and check of file signatures moved to different thread so it won't block the main thread
    • Changed: Checking client signatures on the server is done in multiple frames
    • Changed: Possibility to render proxy objects on creatures
    • Changed: Unified unlocking behaviour for house doors (using Lock pick or brute force)
    • Tweaked: Death darkening not playing when already unconscious
    • Tweaked: Inventory improvements to correctly display more items in the vicinity
    • Tweaked: Inventory icons for bladed weapons, food and drinks
    • Tweaked: Projectiles damage
    • Tweaked: Bleeding sound
    • Tweaked: Distance attenuation for weapons reloads
    • Tweaked: Land Mine activation/explosion sounds
    • Changed: Jumping is disabled when a player is significantly injured
    • Changed: Separated hold breath and walk inputs
    • Tweaked: Disabled locking of aim while the melee attack is committed.
    • Tweaked: Character statistics in the main menu
    • Tweaked: Melee damage
    • Tweaked: Melee armour


    • Fixed: Cast warning spam caused by a modded playerbase class
    • Changed: Greatly optimized RecipeChache, now built automatically on startup (mods no longer require to rebuild it when adding custom recipes)
    • Changed: Loading unpacked mods using -mod= parameter (both game and workbench) no longer requires deprecated mod.cpp, now reads from CfgMods class in config.cpp
    • Added: '-gproj custom.gproj' parameter to workbench for custom selection of gproj files.
    • Changed: Constants are now moddable through modded class
    • Fixed: FPrint crash when writing extremely large strings to file
    • Changed: Increased max file size limit for script created files to 50MB
    • Added: Despawn times for dead bodies of players, infected and animals can now be assigned separately (CleanupLifetimeDeadPlayer / CleanupLifetimeDeadInfected / CleanupLifetimeDeadAnimal for globals.xml)
    • Added: Energy Manager - new config parameter convertEnergyToQuantity = true;
    • Added: New script events OnQuantityChanged() & OnAttachmentQuantityChanged(ItemBase item)
    • Added: Human::LinkToLocalSpaceOf & Human::UnlinkFromLocalSpace for character link to different entities
    • Changed: Rework of user action inputs, bringing support to add inputs for user actions and modify input behavior.
    • Changed: Rework of user actions initialization. Set actions have been moved from config to script. The use of multiple mods is now supported by the action system. Reduced number of steps for creating new user actions.
    • Tweaked: User actions selection process and conditions check optimizations


  • Das ist übrigens "Gunter 2"


    Added: Firearms Melee Attacks with pistols, buttstocks, and bayonets

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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

  • Schönen guten Morgen Zusammen,

    ich habe mir das ChangeLog der kommenden Version 1.0.3 durchgelesen und muss sagen das mich die Version nicht wirklich vom Hocker holt. Klar sind da ein paar Sachen drin die nützlich und gut sind. Aber insgesamt sind es leider viele Sachen die zu spät kommen oder schon durch MODs oder gar den Serverbetreibern in das Spiel gebracht wurden.

    Das es jetzt zusätzlich den Golf gibt finde ich jetzt nicht spektakulär, ich hätte mir lieber die "Wurf" Aktion inkl. Animation und alles was dazugehört gewünscht. Denn ein neues Fahrzeug ins Spiel bringen übernehmen jetzt andere Leute (Modder), nicht mehr die Entwickler von Bohemia. Und da gibt es auch schon Fahrzeuge die Besser zur der Atmosphäre passen als der Golf!!!

    Bugs beheben ist wichtig und längst wurden nicht alle Bugs aufgezählt die behoben wurden in der Version. Im Feedback- Tracker sind noch mehr geschlossen worden die es hier in den ChangeLog nicht geschafft haben.

    Ich finde es sehr schade wie langsam Bohemia eigentlich vorankommt. Denn versprochen wurde eine höhere Schlagzahl an Changes. Dies scheint abermals wiederlegt zu sein. Die Entwickler scheinen mit den unzähligen Bug Behebungen dermaßen beschäftigt zu sein das es Ihnen nicht mehr gelingt das eigentliche Spiel voranzutreiben.

    Fehlt hier an der Stelle die Konkurrenz der anderen Studios? Bisher hat es kein anderes Entwickler Studio geschafft ein Produkt wie DayZ in den Markt zu werfen das eine echte Gefahr war, schade eigentlich...



  • Moin moin,

    ich bin auch etwas enttäuscht. Inhaltlich keine großen Neuerungen. Der Golf ist zwar nett, soll sich auch gut fahren, aber geht an meinen Bedürfnissen komplett vorbei.

    Mittlerweile bin ich abgestumpft, wenn es um DayZ SA und die dazugehörigen Patches geht. Das Spiel hat die Alpha imho nicht verlassen, sondern wird nach wie vor gepatcht...

    Trotzdem gibt die Version 1.03 feine Details, die mich ermutigen, weiter zu spielen.

    Besonders gut finde ich, dass man jetzt fast alles, was man in der Hand hat, als Schlagwaffe benutzen kann.

    Insgesamt ist 1.03 für mich eher ein Patch als ein Update...

  • Denn ein neues Fahrzeug ins Spiel bringen übernehmen jetzt andere Leute (Modder),

    Hut ab, vor deren Arbeit! Aber die MOD Fahrzeuge sind einfach nicht vergleichbar mit den von BI ! Die hälfte sieht nach Fortnite aus !

    UAZ ist ein gutes Bsp. .. erst ging er ohne Türen, dann ging er nicht mehr, dann ging kein Licht mehr! .. yeah MOD rein raus rein raus rein raus!
    Warum ist denn aktuell denn kein MOD Fahrzeug auf einen der GDZ server ? :P wenn die so super sind ?

    Mittlerweile finde ich, BI sollte viel mehr MOD striken, wenn ich mitbekomme, dass viele neue Spieler NUR noch NO Stamina, Map/Marker, Trader und all den Käse kennen, und denken DAS wäre DayZ

    Ich empfinde den Patch eigentlich als sehr gut, und seit es Modding gibt, war es doch klar, dass es teils so kommen wird.
    InventoryPLUS ist ja auch wieder verschwunden, nachdem der Patch die Funktion des Inventar öffnens ermöglicht..

    Aber ist jede MOD "weniger" nicht gut für Performance etc ? ... eine MOD weniger die updaten muss.. .

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    Added: Night Vision Goggles (NVG)

    Added: NVG can be attached to Tactical Helmet (hold 'L' to switch on/off)

    Added: Universal Flashlight can be attached to Tactical Helmet (press 'L' to switch on/off)


    "Gunter 2"


    Neuer Ladebildschirm:


  • ENDLICH!!!

    Added: Hair hiding mechanism to avoid hair clipping.

    Abwarten :D

    versteh ich das richtig dass die haare nicht mehr durch die kopfbedeckung glitchen?

    Vielleicht ..

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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

  • Changelog des neuen Exp Update 1.03.151487


    • Added: Belts (Military and Civilian version) with attachments.
    • Added: Wooden Crate (crafted).
    • Added: Hair hiding mechanism to avoid hair clipping.


    • Fixed: Server error while drinking from a well.
    • Fixed: Drinking from wells/pumps with an item in hands.
    • Fixed: Quickbar not being visible despite it being on in HUD settings.
    • Fixed: Items could be rotated even when they were not being dragged.
    • Fixed: Buried containers were unable to dig up.
    • Fixed: Inventory could not be scrolled all the way down.
    • Fixed: Weapon swap animations were not played when switched via Quickbar.
    • Fixed: Weapon dropped by restrained player was unusable.
    • Fixed: Player was not able to type into the chat bar.
    • Fixed: Melee with a one-handed item pushed character forward - allowing to look through walls.


    • Tweaked: Disabled locking of aim while the melee attack is committed.
    • Tweaked: Character statistics in the main menu.
    • Tweaked: Melee damage.
    • Tweaked: Melee armour.
  • Habt ihr in euer Events die Spawnpunkte für den Golf?

  • :/

    Interessant. Aber in den Eventspawn ist es nicht angegeben. Und habe auch keinen gefunden. Naja.