DayZ Update 1.01

  • DayZ hat heute ein Stable Update auf Version 1.01(150505) bekommen! Übersetzung wird folgen.

    New firearms

    With each Platform Update, we're aiming to expand the variety of content available in the game. Our choice for 1.01 were two classic 7.62x39 rifles previously available in the legacy builds: the SK 59/66 and the CR-527, also supported by the re-introduction of the Hunting Scope!

    SK 59/66


    A ten-shot semi-automatic rifle fed from an internal magazine. It is an older model, but still reliable, using 7.62x39mm rounds. Can be equipped with a PU scope and an improvised suppressor.



    A bolt-action hunting rifle, fed from a detachable magazine. It's light-weight and accurate when used at intermediate ranges. Uses 7.62x39mm rounds. Can be equipped with a Hunting Scope and an improvised suppressor.

    Persistence fixes

    Undesirable persistence wipes were definitely among the most annoying issues reported in 1.0. With 1.01, we're introducing a system of Persistence Backups that aims meant to prevent problems with saving of the persistence data on the servers.

    This system will be available to both official and community owned server. We've seen some pretty good results on the Experimental branch so far. In any case, we will still be closely monitoring all incoming reports should any loot, bases, or other persistence data get deleted after server crashes/restarts.

    Server Performance Optimizations

    Good server performance is critical to ensure an enjoyable DayZ gameplay experience. In 1.01, our programmers have made some solid progress on that front. Official vanilla servers running at full capacity with 60 concurrent players should no longer be witnessing flying cars and other shenanigans on a regular basis.

    As far as community/modded servers go, please understand that increased player counts may and other modifications to the server setup have significant impact on the server performance, and problems may occur.

    We will continue with further optimisations over the upcoming updates. The most curious of you can take a look at the report on this topic by our Lead Programmer, Mirek Maněna.

    Voice communication improvements

    The voice chat in 1.01 is using a completely new codec that bumps the overall quality of the Voice over Network sound - especially with a high quality microphone. We've also added a mumbling sound filter for players who try to communicate when their speech is restrained with a rag.

    New status indicators & damage tweaks

    As a first step towards balancing the health and damage systems, we've added new icon status indicators that better communicate bleeding damage and the effect of medication (for example, the vitamins will now boost your immune system).

    We've also made some adjustments to the player damage, with the most visible example being the reintroduction of a bleeding damage penalty when walking barefoot. Furthermore, we removed the chance variable for bleeding damage dealt by bullets. Now, every bullet scratch causes bleeding 100 percent of the time.

    TrackIR Support

    TrackIR is a head tracking input device that allows you to use freelook independently from your mouse controls, and 1.01 now fully supports this input method. Popular and proven in Arma, introducing this input method was pretty straightforward for us, so we made that option available already. If you own TrackIR, you'll definitely have some fun when driving around in your ADA!

    50+ other changes and tweaks

    In addition to the highlights, we've introduced over 50 other changes and tweaks that make DayZ a better game. Read the full changelog below!

    Notes on the Update

    • Please verify your game files before playing, including User Data
    • Storage files from the Experimental branch of the game may not be compatible with the Stable branch
    • We recommend a persistence wipe for modded servers.
    • We've done some changes to the VoN Codec, so as server owners, when moving your current Server Config to the new patch, be sure to change your vonCodecQuality = 20

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.
    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.



    • Added: SK 59/66
    • Added: CR-527
    • Added: Hunting Scope
    • Added: Recovery backups to deal with data corruption during crashes, and user scheduled backups
    • Added: New stream from Kozlovka to Balota
    • Added: Over time self-closing of bleeding wounds
    • Added: Expanded admin logs (player positions, deaths and received hits)
    • Added: Script versioning to prevent future data incompatibilities
    • Added: Support for TrackIR head-tracking device
    • Added: Support for bullet shells dropping, and new sounds
    • Added: New audio controller for positional sounds, allowing us procedural control number or sound sources on models (Used to reduce number of bird sounds on trees.)
    • Added: Tree stem creak sounds
    • Added: Sounds when dropping items
    • Added: Implemented EQ filter for unconscious state
    • Added: Sound position offset feature to config
    • Added: New sounds for bullet shells dropping
    • Added: Antibiotics can fight diseases
    • Added: Vitamins can boost player's immune system
    • Added: Long torch (made of a long stick and rags)
    • Added: Various severities of bleeding
    • Added: Bleeding from bare feet
    • Added: Status indicators for bleeding and active medicament
    • Added: Masks and headgear provide some level of biological protection
    • Added: Close/open compass animations
    • Added: Voice effects for mumbling when gagged
    • Added: Ctrl + LMB will drop item from container (inventory)


    • Fixed: A server crash when a character with a corrupt inventory tries to connect
    • Fixed: A server crash when a server with a garden plot on it was restarted
    • Fixed: A server crash related to script array manipulation crashes
    • Fixed: A client crash related to script array manipulation
    • Fixed: A client crash related to a light being removed while still in use
    • Fixed: Multitude of environmental issues (missing collisions, sudden LOD changes, hit materials, models adjustments) - as reported in Ticket T136380
    • Fixed: Typos in localization
    • Fixed: Possibility to toggle headlights when both are missing or destructed
    • Fixed: Some actions on target have incomplete action messages
    • Fixed: Crafting improvised suppressor took only 1% from the duct tape
    • Fixed: Landmine not detonating when it becomes ruined while it is armed
    • Fixed: Various IK poses (Stone, Medium Tent, BK-18)
    • Fixed: Chemlights glowing in cargo for 10 seconds
    • Fixed: Animals have no collisions with vehicles
    • Fixed: Shooting through a ruined suppressor did not emit muzzle flash
    • Fixed: Fireplace does not upgrade to stone circle if smaller stacks of stone are used
    • Fixed: Wolves attack animals rather then humans
    • Fixed: Sound sources on trees move with entity during cut down tree action
    • Fixed: SG5-K with compensator uses regular gun shots sounds (used sounds for silencer)
    • Fixed: Sea chest can be put into another sea chest - T135962
    • Fixed: When preforming suicide headgear does not get damaged
    • Fixed: Player's ankles can disappear while wearing Orel police pants
    • Fixed: Bullets are not registered after the weapon was raised close to the wall - as reported in Ticket T136559
    • Fixed: AIs get stuck near obstacles (reduced chance of occurrence)
    • Fixed: Motorbike helmet visually disappears after few steps
    • Fixed: Player gear is teleported to exact place where he logged in after being skinned and quartered - as reported in Ticket T136367
    • Fixed: icons representing ammo are small - as reported in Ticket T136555
    • Fixed: Tactical googles have no texture - as reported in Ticket T135082
    • Fixed: AI walking through ground pipes
    • Fixed: Server crash - as reported in Ticket T134543 + T136323 + T135501
    • Fixed: Server crash when HTTP request does not return OK
    • Fixed: Player might not be killed when shot with 12ga pellet
    • Fixed: Wooden logs get duplicated when building base of Fence and WatchTower
    • Fixed: ADA 4x4 won't stop after driver jumps out of it
    • Fixed: Some clothes cannot be damaged on ground
    • Fixed: Removing the rag from the mouth, make the rag slots smaller
    • Fixed: Temperature measurement has a question mark in the result text
    • Fixed: Players are able to access dismantle action on towers from the outside - as reported in Ticket T136666
    • Fixed: Bullets do not interfere with the player's body when fired through sea water


    • Tweaked: Inventory improvements in the visuals and performance of inventory code, including the
      • addition of hierarchical attachment visualisation,
      • hiding unused attachment categories (greatly uncluttered the Watchtower for example),
      • inclusion of dedicated icons for these categories and overall bugfixes.)
    • Tweaked: Improvements to server performance (central economy, networking and AI)
    • Tweaked: Weapon muzzle attachments now steam during rain while they are hot
    • Tweaked: Weapons animations polishing (animations speed, clipping)
    • Tweaked: Sounds for climbing ladders
    • Tweaked: Sounds for take item in hand action
    • Tweaked: Projectile speed and air friction
    • Tweaked: Rebalanced projectile damage
    • Tweaked: Rebalanced character damage system
    • Tweaked: Rebalanced armor against projectiles
    • Tweaked: Shock damage for projectiles (chance to fall into unconsciousness increased)
    • Removed: Chances for bleeding wounds from projectiles hit
    • Removed: Flickering effect (roadflare)
    • Tweaked: Antibiotics and vitamins only support single use consume action
    • Tweaked: Traps no longer function as melee weapons
    • Tweaked: Hen spawn zone reworked to better fit environment (should not spawn inside industrial and other unnatural areas)
    • Tweaked: Many improvements, tweaks and fixes for ChernarusPlus terrain
    • Tweaked: Improvements to server performance (central economy, remote projectiles are not real)
    • Tweaked: Damage to bare foot for non-roadway surfaces
    • Tweaked: Infected damage system
    • Tweaked: Recoil (KA-M, BK-18, M4-A1,Mosin 91/30 and VSD)
    • Removed: Chance to spawn SG5-K with 15Rnd magazine
    • Updated: Inventory icons (placeholder icons replaced)
    • Tweaked: IK pose for long torch
    • Tweaked: Rangefinder zoom set to 4x
    • Updated: Credits


    • It is currently not possible to drink from certain water sources.
    • When using the in-game text chat, you will not see your own messages. Other players can.
    • 2-handed rifles can only be dragged and dropped via a small piece of their "Equipment" tab icon.
    • A jammed BK-18 cannot be fixed.
    • Official servers may be listed as private or in the Community tab.


  • Stable Update 1.0150627

    Hallo Überlebende,

    Wir haben ein neues stabiles Update, das Hotfixes für das aktuelle 1.01-Update bereitstellt .

    Dieses stabile Update aktualisiert auch die Serverdateien.


    • Behoben: Serverabsturz durch eine Bärenfalle
    • Behoben: Client-Fehler treten auf, wenn das Inventar im Fahrzeug bearbeitet wurde
    • Behoben: Clientfehler bei der Verwendung des Entfernungsmessers
    • Behoben: Zombies können durch die geschlossenen Türen einer Garage laufen
    • Behoben: Spieler können ihre eigenen Chat-Nachrichten nicht sehen
    • Behoben: Es ist nicht möglich aus Teichen zu trinken
    • Behoben: Das Verlassen von Leitern auf der halben Plattform kann einen blockierten Charakter erzeugen - eir im Ticket T136605 gemeldet
    • Behoben: Zerstörte improvisierte Schalldämpfer unterdrücken immer noch das Feuer
    • Behoben: Autobatterie, die an den Zenit-Sender angeschlossen ist, wird nach dem Wiederverbinden nicht mehr sichtbar
    • Behoben: Sortierung von Symbolen kann umgekehrt werden (Serverbrowser)
    • Behoben: Die Ursache für das Minimieren des Spiels bei Verwendung von Lautstärketasten auf einer Tastatur und ähnlichen Problemen wurde behoben
    • Behoben: Server-Browser-Updates beim Laden und Sortieren der Server
    • Behoben: Falsche Anzeige der Serverzeit, wenn der Server in den Wintermonaten läuft
    • Behoben: Filteraktionen haben jetzt einen Throbber
    • Behoben: Serverbrowser wird jetzt aktualisiert, wenn kein Server gefunden wird
    • Behoben: Der Name des ZCharakters sollte korrekt angezeigt werden
    • Behoben: Fortschrittsstatistik sollte korrekt angezeigt werden


    • Optimiert: Verbesserte Serverleistung (Soundeffekte werden nicht auf einem Server ausgeführt)
    • Optimiert: Inventar-Leistungsaktualisierungen (im Allgemeinen und in bestimmten Situationen, z. B. beim Öffnen des Inventars mit mehreren Gegenständen in der Nähe)
    • Optimiert: Lange Fackel verwendet jetzt Pipe-Attack-Animationen
    • Optimiert: Optik des Server-Browsers


    • Erwägen Sie die Verwendung der Steam-Clientoption, um die Integrität des Cache für lokale Spiele zu überprüfen, um nach dem Herunterladen dieses Updates beschädigte Daten zu vermeiden.
    • Bei Problemen lesen Sie bitte die häufig gestellten Fragen zu Bohemia Interactive , die DayZ-FAQ oder die BattlEye-FAQ
  • Behoben: Zombies können durch die geschlossenen Türen einer Garage laufen

    Behoben: Zerstörte improvisierte Schalldämpfer unterdrücken immer noch das Feuer

    Behoben: Es ist nicht möglich aus Teichen zu trinken

    Behoben: Autobatterie, die an den Zenit-Sender angeschlossen ist, wird nach dem Wiederverbinden nicht mehr sichtbar

    alles ein Tag zuspät ! Gestern beim Event ist das alles passiert ..