Status Report -07. July 15
reportet July 08, 2015
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Greetings Survivors,
Work continues on Experimental Branch where the team is working on reaching a suitable build candidate for the next Stable update. In this week's Status Report we'll see Lead Producer Brian Hicks commenting on upcoming changes to stable as well as a bit on the future plans for 0.59 on Experimental Branch. We'll also see Lead Designer Peter Nespesny commenting on both the current and upcoming state of the scheduler in charge of character updates.
Contents This Week
Development Board Spotlight
Dev Update/Hicks
Dev Update/Peter
RTX 2015
Community Spotlight: AUS vs UK - Round 1
Development Board Spotlight
[img width=700 height=416]http://trello-attachments.s3.a…49/civilianSedanPffft.jpg[/img]
Dev Update/Hicks
Greetings Survivors,
This week I'd like to recap some of the upcoming changes to stable (when 0.58 goes live) for those that are not up to date with Experimental Branch. Once 0.58 goes live, we can start discussing 0.59 plans and intent.
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Guardhouse Buildings:
As work is underway on regional control over the central loot economy, in the interim the guardhouse structures spread across the entirety of the map will not be spawning any loot. This is done to preserve the restriction of high end military loot to the military bases and camps inland in Chernarus. The structures themselves remain enter-able, but until regional control is implemented on stable branch - they will remain without spawning loot.
[img width=700 height=393][/img]
The structure some folks have referred to as the "Camo Building" or the "Jail House" has been problematic for some time. We've issued hotfixes, and addressed several bugs related to it - but the core issue that needs to be addressed is on the player controller. Rather than continue to issue small hotfixes (otherwise known as bandages on a broken leg) the issue needs to be resolved at the cause. To that end, the loot that would normally be spawning within these structures will be redistributed to other military buildings (tents, camps, barracks, etc)
"Ghost Sounds"
Those who have played DayZ throughout its Early Access development are probably no stranger to the notorious "ghost sounds" bug. Splitting ammo, bandaging, opening soda cans, etc being partially played, and well outside of the range of the actual sound effect. Fortunately, during 0.58 development we were able to get some of the gameplay programmers time to look into this issue, and we are now confident that on 0.58 the issue has been finally slain. So be very aware after the next stable update, if you *hear* a sound effect playing - it IS near you. Be careful out there!
[img width=700 height=393][/img]
Wrecks (Non interactive)
With work on the central loot economy continuing, and the functionality of how it operates being iterated upon - Non interactive wrecks (tanks, destroyed UAZ's, etc) have been removed from the loot spawning tables, and the environment team will begin using them in their "devastation passes" across Chernarus. As with other structures, items that would normally spawn there will be redistributed across Chernarus. Note: This does NOT include interactive wrecks, such as vehicles you can open the trunks/doors/etc on.
Animation Glitching
The gameplay programming team is currently investigating the cause and symptom behind the notorious animation glitching bug. (Weapon swapping constantly) As well as the issues with dropping your weapon when vaulting. The weapon vaulting fix should be coming to experimental soon, and it is the aim of the team internally to also include a fix toward the weapon swapping animation bug.
[img width=700 height=393][/img]
Photo Credit:
Loot Respawning / Persistence Enabling
Persistence itself has been functioning for some time, the cause behind it being manually disabled on 0.57 stable servers is tied to an issue with loot respawning. We're aiming to have this issue resolved before we push 0.58 to stable branch, once we've tested this on experimental and are confident in the fix - players will be able to resume making camps, storing gear, and so on.
Similar issues with dynamic event cleanup and respawn were the cause of static dynamic events - and these issues are currently being investigated, and are marked critical for the 0.58 launch.
In addition to these issues, bugs related to severe player position desyncronization are currently being investigated, and flagged as a must fix for 0.59.
I hope this brief list of information pertaining to 0.58 helps update those who may have not kept a close eye on the experimental branch updates.
- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer
Dev Update/Peter
With the 0.57 stable version of DayZ many of you experienced weird behaviour on the character side such as freezing core updates for hunger, thirst, bleeding and others which in many cases rendered character temporarily immortal or in worse case killed him instantly after login back to server. Unsurprisingly the root of all these issues was in the scheduler which is handling character updates recently.
During our in house testing we didn't catch some circumstances leading to not clearing character properly from scheduler's array of active characters. This issue was especially triggered by respawning and in some cases by disconnecting from the server.
After some time the scheduler array become partially populated by ghosts and newly connected or respawned players were forced to live outside of it. As scheduler wasn't aware of their existence it didn't processed core updates for them. Fortunately now it's fixed, tested and ready to go so I hope you'll don't experience such issues soon.
With proper updates... see you in Chernarus folks!
- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
RTX 2015
[img width=700 height=329][/img]
Lead Producer Brian Hicks will be speaking at RTX 2015 - discussing the plans for apocalyptic Chernarus moving into the end of the year. From expanded base building options, new vehicles, modding support, character soft skills, and upcoming engine changes Brian will discuss and demo some of the upcoming changes to the post apocalyptic survival simulator DayZ. Q&A to follow!
Community Video: "AUS vs UK - Round 1"
This week we have a bit of a team based rumble. Via the Youtube channel TeamLiveAction, I was served a short video depicting the showdown between the "AUS" and "UK" teams. Even though the video only shows a fraction of the event, seeing two large teams like that arranging to have a go at each others was awesome!
Now, unfortunately I missed the event, but the reason for highlighting these guys this week is due to initially finding the following video:
Yep, it does look like the guys are going at it again for a second round on July 25th 2015 at 10:00 (UTC + 1). I'm definitely looking forward to the event, and if you have the time as well, I'm sure you would enjoy swinging by to see the two teams duking it out in Chernarus.
Youtube: TeamLiveAction
Twitch: There are several streams linked in the descriptions for the YT videos, but this one seems to catch a bunch of them:…w/boydy73/locosutra/m4loo
As always, if you have a nice video containing DayZ footage you'd like to share, or if you have come across some DayZ footage from other content creators, just post it in the Gallery section of the DayZ forums and we'll happily have a look.
Header image credit: Jack Smith
- Michael aka SMoss / Community Manager
Seid gegrüsst Survivors,
Das Team arbeitet weiter daran eine taugliche Version zu erreichen für das nächste Stable Update.
In diesem Wochenbericht spricht der leitende Entwickler Brian Hicks über die kommenden Veränderungen für das nächste Stable Update und ein wenig über die Zukunftspläne für die Experimental Version 0.59.
Außerdem spricht der leitende Designer Peter Nespesny sowohl über den aktuellen als auch den zukünftigen Stand des Schedulers(Steuerlogik) der u.a. verantwortlich ist für die Aktualisierung der Statuswerte.
Dev Update/Hicks
Diese Woche möchte ich ein paar Dinge passend zum kommenden Stable-Release ansprechen, für diejenigen, die sich noch nicht mit der aktuellen Exp. Version auseinandergesetzt haben. Sobald 0.58 auf Stable gespielt wird, können wir anfangen uns intensiver mit der Exp. Version 0.59 zu beschäftigen.
Ein Team arbeitet weiterhin an der Einführung einer Region-Kontrolle für das Lootsystem. Solange wir diese Möglichkeit nicht haben, wird es vorerst mit 0.58 kein Loot an diesem Gebäudetyp geben. Somit möchte wir den Reiz erhöhen die speziellen Militärbasen zu besuchen und das Reisen ins Landesinnere verstärken. Das Gebäude bleibt weiterhin begehbar, es wird nur vorerst nichts zu finden sein.
Das "Camo Gebäude" , "Jail" oder "Prison" macht schon nun seit einiger Zeit Probleme. Wir haben schon einige Hotfixes veröffentlicht und Bugs behoben, aber das Hauptproblem liegt beim Player-Controller. Daher wird das Loot dieses Gebäudes vorerst auf die anderen mil. Gebäude verteilt (Zelte, Baracken etc.)
Jeder der schon ein paar Spielstunden in dieser Spieleentwicklung hat, sollte diese nur zu gut kennen. Insbesondere das Splitten von Ammo, Essen/Trinken von Dosen welches global zu hören ist vermutlich bekannt. Während der Arbeit an der 0.58 Version war es uns möglich uns genauer mit diesem Bug zu beschäftigen. Wir haben diese Soundsbugs behoben. Also wenn ihr ab nächstem Stable-Update etwas hört, seid vorsichtig, jemand ist in der Nähe.
Während die Arbeit am zentralen Lootsystem fortgeführt wird, wird der Loot an Wracks (Panzern, UAZs etc.) temporär entfernt, da diese ebenfalls das Gleichgewicht stören. Auch das Loot dieser Typen wird auf andere Bereiche bzw gebäude verteilt. HINWEIS: Das beinhaltet nicht Fahrzeuge die sich öffnen (Türen) lassen.
Animation Glitching (Waffenwechsel-Bug)
Das Gameplay Programmierteam ist derzeit auf der Suche nach der Ursache dieses Anzeigefehlers. Ebenfalls wird der Fehler des Waffen-hinlegen nach Springen untersucht. Das 2te Problem wird bald auf Exp. behoben sein und auch das andere Problem versuchen wir mit einzuschließen.
Loot Respawning / Persistenz-Aktivierung
Persistenz selbst funktioniert nun schon seit einiger Zeit, der Grund warum es mit 0.57 abgeschaltet wurde ist ganz einfach der Lootrespawn. Wir versuchen dieses Problem noch in der Exp. 0.58 zu lösen. Sobald dieses behoben ist, können die Spieler wieder Camps errichten und ihr Gear sichern. Das gleiche Ziel haben wir uns mit den derzeit statischen Events ( crashsites und V3S Spawn) gesetzt.
Zusätzlich versuchen wir mit Version 0.59 ein paar Desync-Ursachen zu lösen.
Ich hoffe diese kleine Liste gibt nun ein bisschen Einsicht über den aktuellen Stand der Exp. 0.58 Version.
- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer
Dev Update / Peter
Mit Update 0.57 haben viele von euch erfahren, dass der Status (Hunger, Durst etc.) sich nicht verändert und nur das Reloggen hilft, welches dann teilweise zum Tod führte. Die Quelle dieses Problems haben wir im Steuerungsprogramm des Charakters gefunden. Dieses Problem haben wir gelöst und es wird bald auf Stable aufgespielt.
Wir sehen uns in Chernarus Leute!
- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
RTX 2015
Lead Producer Brian Hicks wird auf der diesjährigen RTX auf die Pläne für Ende des Jahres eingehen. Diese sind insbesondere Basebuilding, neue Fahrzeuge, Modding, Sozialkompetenz und kommende Engine-Veränderungen. Q&A folgend!