DayZ Standalone Update 0.53.126348 (Experimental)

  • DayZ Standalone Update 0.53.126348 (Experimental)

    Zu experimental Updates gibt es nie öffentliche Changelogs, alle Infos kommen von anderen Spieler.

    Größe: 1.1GB



    -Blauer Raincoat
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]
    -Pinker Raincoat
    -Schwarzer Raincoat
    -Roter Raincoat

    -Sweater (weiß und schwarz)
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    Aus Kleidung können Armbänder gecrafted werden.

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    -Quilted Jacket
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [Melee Weapons]

    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=401][/img]

    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    -Hay Hook
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [Misc Items]

    -Flare Gun+ Flare Gun Ammo
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    -Zucchini Samen
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    Updated locations:

    -Skalisty Island
    2 neue Häuser und die kaputte Burg Ruine
    [img width=700 height=393][/img]
    [img width=700 height=390][/img]
    [img width=700 height=437][/img]
    [img width=700 height=437][/img]
    [img width=700 height=437][/img]

    New locations:

    - neue Insel mit dem Gefängnis

    Mehr Bilder dazu findet ihr in diesen extra Thread:…-insel-gefangnis-komplex/

    Herstellen von Leder-Klamotten:

      [li]T-shirts now only take up one inventory slot instead of two instead of 2[/li]
      [li]Raincoats now only take up two horizontal inventory slots instead of 4[/li]
      [li]Assault vests now only take up four inventory slots instead of 6[/li]
      [li]Liquids independent of specific container types Canteen/Bottles can hold Gas[/li]
      [li]Trucks spawn with full gas tanks and can run people over again[/li]
      [li]You can no longer put clothes with items inside them inside other clothes, same with backpacks[/li]
      [li]Christmas trees removed (Teddies remain available at different spawn points)[/li]


      [li]Rapid Rotation while sitting is fixed[/li]
      [li]Drinking from ponds or lake could result in getting stuck in the animations[/li]
      [li]Flare (from gun) can't be seen by others[/li]
      [li]Fire light can't be seen at night[/li]
      [li]"The new shovel can be used to make garden plots, but it can't dig tiles" - (1 report)[/li]
      [li]Hatchet Melee against zombies causing no damage - (2 reports)[/li]
      [li]Audio - Your player footsteps are heard slightly behind or to the side of you. (multiple reports)[/li]
      [li]Catwalks on the prison tower look to be causing fractures - be careful when walking on the metal gangways outside the tower[/li]

    Quelle: Reddit

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von saiboT ()

  • Vorsicht richtig dumme Frage: Ist es nicht eher unpraktisch zu der Insel zu schwimmen ? War länger nicht mehr im Wasser, aber bisher hat man doch immer seinen Loot, also Rucksack+Waffe verloren. Ist das nicht immer noch so ? Sorry, wenn das schon vor 5 Updates behoben wurde und ich das nur nicht mitbekommen habe ;)

  • Vorsicht richtig dumme Frage: Ist es nicht eher unpraktisch zu der Insel zu schwimmen ? War länger nicht mehr im Wasser, aber bisher hat man doch immer seinen Loot, also Rucksack+Waffe verloren. Ist das nicht immer noch so ? Sorry, wenn das schon vor 5 Updates behoben wurde und ich das nur nicht mitbekommen habe ;)

    Ziemlich Lustig wie sich die Leute hier 10 Mal entschuldigen eine Frage zu stellen die sie als eventuell Sinnlos erachten...

    ...ich glaube das schlimmste was dir hier passieren kann ist das du eine dumme Antwort zurück bekommst. Geflame auf eine Frage hin, gab es hier glaub ich noch nie;)

  • Ich bin heute morgen nach Skalisty geschwommen und habe weder Waffe noch Rucksack verloren.

  • Unofficial Data-mining for Experimental | 1/30 | 0.53 (2) [EXP]

    Loot Tables here:

    Domestic Pigs removed from domestic spawn points.
    V3S now upto 15 Spawns, and Spawns points have practically doubled.
    B_Flare_Single, added to spawns. Anywhere ammo spawns.
    Flaregun added looks like its sharing spawn points with more melee weapons rather than guns.
    Miscellaneous new stuff i won't be going too in depth with are Tool_HayHook, Hatchet, Tool_Pipe, Tool_Broom, Cultivation_ZucchiniSeedsPack, Tool_Iceaxe, Tool_SteakKnife, Raincoat_Black, Raincoat_Pink, Raincoat_Red, Raincoat_Blue, Sweater_Gray, Sweater_Blue, Sweater_Green, Sweater_Red, QuiltedJacket_Black, QuiltedJacket_Green, QuiltedJacket_Blue, QuiltedJacket_Red, QuiltedJacket_Grey, QuiltedJacket_Orange, QuiltedJacket_Yellow, QuiltedJacket_Violet, Tool_LugWrench, Tool_FieldShovel all added.
    The puffy jackets have been removed, BubbleGoose_Blue, BubbleGoose_Red, BubbleGoose_Green, BubbleGoose_Orange.
    Container_Bear. Container_BearWhite, Container_BearDark, Container_BearPink all added to spawn. looks like they are keeping the christmas bears around.
    They fixed the green checkered dress to spawn now, it had a typo as I mentioned in one of my old logs.
    Attachment_Bayonet_AK new AK attachment spawning in mi-8 Heli's.
    M65_Jacket_Black, M65_Jacket_Khaki, M65_Jacket_Tan, M65_Jacket_Olive added to spawns in UH1Y Heli's
    New spawns points for prison Land_Prison_LargeWall, Land_Prison_MainCastle_EXT added, looks like they have police station like gear, even MP5's / mag, and Police / OREL outfits, Black Balaclava (this has always been police station/car gear only). Other stuff includes PrisonUniformPants, PrisonUniformJacket and ton of books, medical supplies.
    A bunch of spawns in the Main Castle Prison have the term "scalar" instead of a spawn rate number. I don't know if they will spawn or not.
    There is also a Special Spawn room in the Prison with Military barrack Guns and attachments including AKM AK101 etc. No other Military barrack gear like High Cap vests or grenades.
    Fuel Stations now have the option to "Use the Stand" instead of Fill Canister. Maybe we can direct fill cars now?
    Wells now have "Use the Pump" instead of Drink water/Fill bottle, with an animation. Looks like they made a global action that works with anything in your hand and empty hands for drinking. Filling Cooking pots and canteen alike.
    You can now cancel action while doing horticulture actions.
    New Set Bear Trap action is in the code. No Spawns though.
    Fill bottle still works in river water.
    The "My body feels wet" message may start coming sooner that before as the threshold is changed from 0.3 to 0.05.
    New Liquid types and classes have been added, including Water, River Water, Vodka, Beer, Gasoline, Diesel. Looks like they are preparing for different water containers.

    Crafting changes:

    Cut out X seeds removed from this file, confirmed still working (1 report), so probably in another file now.
    Craft Leather Sack option for Deer Pelt using the Knife. It just got removed.
    Rope / Metal Wire / Duct Tape (Definition not in this file, see below) can now be used to restrain people.

    Consumable Changes:

    Ghillie Suit should now be paintable, the typo is fixed.
    Crafting Armbands from Rain Coats, with a knife and or axe.
    You can stack Armbands like rags, and split them.
    You can now Tan Animal Pelts with Garden Lime to make Tanned Leather, Looks like pretty much all animal pelts now can make leather. Even bear pelt is defined already o.0. This 'Tanned Leather' can be combines and split like rags. Does not look like Tanned leather has a use yet.
    Found Duct tape Definition, yes it does restrain people as well.

    Cooking Changes:

    Craft_FireplaceKit_Rags: Craft_FireplaceKit_Base is modified, this uses Stick + Rags.
    Craft_FireplaceKit_Bandage: Craft_FireplaceKit_Base uses Stick + Bandage.
    Craft_FireplaceKit_Paper: Craft_FireplaceKit_Base uses Stick + Paper.
    Craft_FireplaceKit_Book: Craft_FireplaceKit_Base uses Stick + Book.
    Fill_CookingPot_With_Bottle added.
    Empty_CookingPot added.
    A ton of old food recipes removed, stuff that were never in the game like Pizza and Pie.
    Some class definitions about cookware and fireplaces were modified. Fireplace is now 3x3 in Inventory and hold 5x3 of space.
    New Action on fireplace "TurnOnAgain" with "Blow air into fireplace" as the text.
    I'm not sure where it defines the different fireplace upgrades, I thought it would be in this cooking file but its not.


  • glaube nicht mal das es ein wipe gibt.


    Übrigens: Mit der Veröffentlichung von Patch 0.53 auf die offiziellen DayZ-Server wird es übrigens einen kompletten Hive-Reset geben. Charaktere auf den regulären Servern werden also vollständig zurückgesetzt. Private Server sind davon nicht betroffen.

    german dayz ist doch private.......!?!