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Beiträge von Maxy
Gar ned,
Die gibst du bei Steam -> rechtsklick auf DayZ -> Startoptionen einNacheinander immer so:
-xxx -yyyy -zzzz -
Moondye7 >
Vielen herzlichen Dank für die Mühe !
Kann ich das für Arma3 auch so übernehmen?
Vielen Dank
Aber kann DayZ ned mehr als 2047 VRam benutzen?Die Bohne bekommst später am PC
Hallo zusammen
Hab jetz mein neues System:
Amd FX 8350
MSI R9 290x Gaming
16 GB DDR3
DayZ / Arma 3 auf ner SSDBenötige bitte, da ich mich damit null auskenn (und da in jedem Guide was andres steht), die Startparameter
-sonstigeAusserdem weiss ich ned, was ich bei:
-und ich glaub noch nem Wert
eintragen sollUnd bzgl Ingame:
Weiss ich auch ned so recht, was ich wo einstelln muss, hab zwar rumprobiert.. Aber komme trotzdem ned über 20-23 FPS in Städten
Weder in Arma3 noch in DayZ
Wäre super, wenn mir wer helfen könnte
denke mal den arma editor
klingt doch gut :)!
@ Black: sorry, wusste ich net, dass so viele Fragen, bekomme ja zurzeit net viel mit
@ Urs: Cool
Jetz gibts ja bald die Möglichkeit mit privaten Servern.
Ist hier was geplant, mit PW nen Server zu mieten?
Hallo,Ich bin neu hier im forum und möchte mich zu diesem thema äußern.
Ich selbst bemerke selbst das seit dem letztem patch vermehrt von cheatern hingerichtet wurde, teils von unsichtbaren, teils von leuten die auf einmal neben mir standen.
Was ich sinnvoll fände, wäre das man angezeigt bekommt von wem man getötet wurde und wenn der verdacht besteht das es sich um einen cheater handelt, das man die option bei der spielerliste mit rechtsklick die option bekommt einen spieler zu melden, wenn dieser dann mehrmals gemeldet wurde, sollte eine prüfung des accounts stattfinden und ggf. ein global ban erfolgen. In wie weit das durchsetzbar ist, weiss ich nicht.
wirds nie geben
@_SenChi__: #DayZ
New military base (not tents camp) in progress, will be located in north areas. -
Hab zur zeit auch recht wenig lust aber is ja auch ned wild.. Aber dieses rumgeheule is furchtbar
Oder ihr haltet euch an die offiziellen Regeln.
Ihr habt den Server doch eh nur, dass ihr euch in Ruhe equippen könnt und dann auf nem anderen Server PvP machn könnt -
Merkst was? -
Wie schauts mit den FPS aus? Hab auf .49 nur noch innerorts 17-19 fps
Davor um die 23 fps -
@ Urs: sorry für die Nicht-Formatierung und danke fürs Formatieren
Am Handy ist das echt Kacke -
Status Report - Week of 29 Sept 14
posted on October 1, 2014[img width=700 height=400]http://dayz.com/files/post/229…Z5D9pBuy7Pvu_original.jpg[/img]
Over the last week (and throughout the next few) a good deal of work has been done to gauge current server side performance, player and AI limitations, and the immediate steps required to increase the current limits. In tandem with work done with BattlEye, our game server provider partners, and our internal security team we have also continued work addressing immediate security concerns and ways to mitigate them in order to provide an enjoyable player experience.
Players will begin to see these appear in the following ways:
[li]Experimental Branch will begin operating at 50 players per server[/li]
[li]With the short term goal of deploying this to stable branch servers as well[/li]
[li]Experimental Branch will deploy and test new forms of detection from BattlEye[/li]
[li]Over the next few months we will use experimental branch to roll out changes to Zombie AI & Sensor functions[/li]
[li]Within weeks you will begin to be able to rent private shards of the central DayZ hive along with your DayZ server instance from your preferred game server provider[/li]
[li]In October and November you will see experimental branch servers rolled out with varying player counts as the team tests optimization measures aimed at server performance and data management[/li]Pairing this work with work currently under way by the design and programming teams to support the upcoming experimental release of both our first vehicle, as well as the first iteration of barricading via locked doors and the methods to break them down will greatly expand the player experiences as we close out 2014. It is important to pay attention to the project status reports, and developer streams as well as participate in discussion on the official forums to maximize your engagement with the development process.
- Brian Hicks / ProducerChris / Lead Artist
"I'm happy to say that our programmers are looking into a bug which was preventing us from creating better looking 3D camo so with any luck, I'll be able to show you some in-game pictures of what we came up with in the next couple of weeks.
Planned is to include wearable active camo, and some which you can craft onto your long rifle. I was pleased to see the overwhelmingly positive response received from the first pics of the hermit zombie in last week's report. We have devised a scheme to create a set of zombie 'dolls' which are skinned already and will allow us to rapidly iterate new zombie types by 'dressing the dolls' with new or existing survivor clothing models and baking them to a new texture.
Work continues on vehicle parts, new survivor clothing models, and the new weapon models (Derringer, AUG, AKS74U). The release of the MP133 and Repeater were held up pending creation of sounds as, rightly so, the new door sounds superseded weapon sounds in priority."
Standup Notes for the week of 15 Sept 14
(Note: Standup notes are not a change log - they are a quick high level look at tasks the teams worked on throughout this week)Art:
[li]Prototyping procedural color changing for weapons[/li]
[li]Polishing bush rag and 3D camo for weapons[/li]
[li]Rangefinder Optic view[/li]
[li]New fishing related items[/li]
[li]Plants for horticulture[/li]
[li]Craftable vest and coat[/li]
[li]3/4 length women's pants[/li]
[li]Various car parts[/li]
[li]Medical Scrubs[/li]
[li]Steyr AUG[/li]
[li]Zombie 'paper dolls' for rapid iteration and creation of new zombie types.[/li]
[li]Prison Uniform[/li]
[li]Large military tent[/li][li]Bugfixing character art and environment models[/li]
[li]Player animation graph bugfixing[/li]
[li]Zombie mocap processing[/li]
[li]Unarmed player sprint [/li]
[li]Lowered one handed Pistol Animations[/li]
[li]Zombie Animations[/li]
[li]Player Pistol Animations[/li]
[li]Configs and scripts for new items (lockpicks, rangefinder)[/li]
[li]Configs and scripts for hermit zombie[/li]
[li]Configs and scripts for MP133, Repeater[/li]
[li]Weather impact on player and carried items[/li]
[li]Vehicles and their parts[/li]
[li]Animal and zombie AI[/li]
[li]Advanced melee combat string table[/li]
[li]Inventory fixes[/li]
[li]Security on player location updates[/li]
[li]Doors locking and destroying[/li]
[li]Zombie phantom sounds[/li]
[li]Performance issues[/li]
[li]Unintentional weapon switching[/li]
[li]Broken door states in navmesh[/li]
[li]Improved persistence saving[/li]
[li]Diagnostics for debugging[/li]
Quelle: dayz.com -
Zudem ist es nicht erlaubt Spieler auf Grund von PvP zu kicken. Wenn sich einige Leute beschweren und dem nachgegangen wird, kann es sein dass sie euch den Server dicht machen.Gesendet von meinem iPhone mit Tapatalk
jawoll, so ist es..