Beiträge von saiboT
Status Report -14. May 15
reportet 14 May , 2015[img width=700 height=285]http://dayz.com/files/post/969…JWLebsN6MqVQ1T_header.jpg[/img]
Greetings Survivors,
This status report came a bit later than usual as we wanted to include some of the results and findings from this weeks experimental releases, as well as shed a bit of light on the intent of said releases. As we tread on into May, we'll be rolling 0.56 into 0.57 development with the intent of a regularly scheduled end of month release. Ramping up to this, you'll see frequent experimental branch updates and experiments ongoing on that branches servers.
As internally we spent time investigating server side performance, as well as the effect of various systems on production server performance we discovered abnormally high performance cost related to infected AI. As said performance should be lateral at a certain point, we've been fluctuating configurations and builds on the experimental branch to properly replicate the production environment and profile the exact location and behaviour of the source of the performance drop.
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/aA8zgGQ.jpg[/img]
On the player side, we've made strong gains performance wise. We're seeing a gain of 4x higher performance per average player count, and this is instantly visible in gameplay. As the programming team moves ahead on investigating infected costs on server side performance, we'll be disabling infected spawning on stable branch servers (post-stable update)to ensure the highest quality of gameplay on that branch. Experimental will proceed with infected performance tests so we can as soon as possible return the infected to Chernarus en masse.
If you're curious how this work is going, once the end of the month stable update (0.57) releases - keep an eye on experimental branch.[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/d7soEuO.jpg[/img]
I'm personally excited to see the gains on the player and gameplay side - we've still got a long way to go until feature complete, but I'm excited to chase you all across Chernarus.
Really not a bandit,
- Brian Hicks / Lead ProducerStandup Notes for the week of 14 May 15
(Note: Standup notes are not a change log - they are a quick high level look at tasks the teams worked on throughout this week)
GAZ Volga
Civilian Bus
VZ61 Scorpion
New Zombie Models
Civilian Hiking JacketDesign:
Transfer of skinning to EnScript
Transfer of traps to EnScript
Tripwire Traps
Design of damaged barrel usage
Profiling server performance for existing scriptsProgramming:
Inventory refactorization bugfixing
Dynamic Events spawning bugfixing
Loot Distro bugfixing
AI Performance Analysis & Bugfixing
Character Controller
Login Que Design
New Damage Sys.
Server & Client Crash FixesQuelle: dayz.com
Hallo Überlebende,
Dieser Wochenbericht hat sich etwas verzögert, da ich ein paar Ergebnisse der exp. updateS ansprechen wollte, als auch mitteilen zu können, wie die Chancen für ein Stable Update stehen. Update 0.56 wird zusammen mit 0.57 Ende des Monats kommen. Das heißt auch, dass diesen Monat noch mehrere exp. Updates kommen werden.
Intern sprachen wir diese Woche sehr viel über die serverseitige Performance und wie die verschiedenen Systeme diese beeinflussen. Ein großer Faktor ist die KI der Zombies. Auf exp. versuchten wir daher verschiedene Konfigurationseinstellungen um zu schauen, wo genau die perf. verloren geht.
Auf Spieler-Seite haben wir die performance schon verbessert. Wir sehen einen Gewinn von 4x höherer Performance pro durchschnittlichen Spieler. Während das Programmier-Team den Performance-Verlust durch die Zombies untersuchte, werden wir mit kommenden Stable Update den Zombie-Spawn ausstellen. Dies sollte eine starke Gameplay-Verbesserungen ermöglichen. Auf Exp. wird derweil an der Zombie-Performance getestet, sodass wir schnellstmöglich den Zombie-Spawn wieder einstellen können. Wenn ihr neugierig seid, wie dies funktioniert, schaut Ende des Monats während des StableUpdates mal auf die Exp. Server.
Ich persönlich bin begeistert, dass sich etwas an der Performance tut - aber wir haben noch einen weiten Weg vor uns bevor die Arbeit daran beendet ist.
Wir sehen uns in Chernarus.
-Brian Hicks / Lead Producer
Standup Notes für die Woche des 14. Mai ( KEINE Changelogs)
• GAZ Volga
• Ziviler Bus
• VZ61 Scorpion
• Neue Zombie-Modelle
• Zivile WanderjackeDesign:
• Einsetzen der EnScript-Engine beim Häuten
• Einsetzen der EnScript-Engine bei Fallen
• Stolperfallen
• Design von beschädigten Tonnen-Nutzung
• Bugfixing
• Einstellen der serverseitigen Performance für momentane ScriptsProgrammierung:
• Inventar-Überarbeitung Bugfixing
• Dynamische Events Spawning Bugfixing
• Loot-Verteilung Bugfixing
• KI Performance Analyse & Bugfixing
• Spieler-Controller
• Server Warteschlange
• Neues Schadenssystem
• Server & Client Crash fixes -
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/Pq2TLkn.jpg[/img]
Ja, ne Tonne, Mags für: UMP, AK101, M4
leider alle 3 crashsites am NWA fest...
3 Server, überall das gleiche[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/AvN20UJ.jpg[/img]
Bin gerade fleißig am zocken,
größter Fund neben UMP Mag etc.:Crashsite bei Stary weg, dafür am NWA gleich 2 gefunden!
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/uESfVgp.jpg[/img]
1PP mit Helm:
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/UwB60BG.jpg[/img]
Exp. Update!
[img width=700 height=437]http://i.imgur.com/bs23eGc.jpg[/img]
Hi DayT-Fresh420,
Es wäre wirklich schön, wenn du versuchst die Suchfunktion zu benutzen, zu solchen Themen gibt es etliche beiträge
schau dich mal im News bereich um, gerade Exp. 0.56 sind Bilder, als auch Videos zum neuen Scope
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/Eh41ByB.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/rTx9yuk.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/Bu2FNtu.jpg[/img]
(auch in blau + Mützen)
neue LRS:
[img width=700 height=437]http://i.imgur.com/PTISrnn.jpg[/img]
red 9 buttsock
[img width=700 height=560]http://images.akamai.steamuser…BF7A83802E2D89C72B2388C3/[/img]
[img width=700 height=560]http://images.akamai.steamuser…668108C5553AFEF40E53EEA3/[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://www.dayztv.com/wp-conte…6-hunting-scope-is-in.jpg[/img]
Wer sich die Tonne bisschen anscheuen möchte:
Ab 3.24 min. -
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/DMVBSXq.jpg[/img]
Loot Tables here:
New Wild Animal Added, "Animal_VulpesVulpes". Possibly Foxes.
Zombie spawns increased from 1100 to 1240.
Various changes to many town and city zombie spawn quantities.
Myshkino base has spawn points for zombies now.
Loot Categories and tags added to most spawn points.
CLIP_308Win_Snaploader added to spawns. replace old blaze snap loader.
Winchester70 rifle added to spawns, with Ruger1022.
Land_WW2Monument_stele and Land_ChristmasTree finally removed from the table. Lol.
Land_Village_store added class location, it only has soda's and other loot categories/tags listed.
Fuel car has some conditional changes, can't really make out what it is.
All reference to the word kindling has been replaced with sticks. Eg: Chop kindling to Chop sticks. chopsticks hah that unintentional pun.
You can now cancel when setting up a rabbit snare.
A lot of changes in the HitLegs Class including new state messages and Status Indicators.
StaminaRegain class added, seems to have 5 stages of increasing thirst maybe. Looks like a work in progress.
Suprisingly SVD/Mags are not in the loot tables, which means if you found it was pure luck thanks to loot economy and it does not spawn in heli's YET
With loot economy in play most of the information here will not be as useful, as spawning will be more dynamic. This is just a report of the changes in the files not how the game will use it.Crafting Changes:
'Craft Improvised Arrow from' Changed to 'Craft Bone Arrow from'.
Craft Bone Fishing Hook changed to Craft Improvised Hook.
Inventory contents now taken into account when attaching PlateCarrier components.
CraftHandDrillKit added, Crafting_WoodenStick + Consumable_Bark_Oak.
DecraftHandDrillKit added.
Loot Tags added to various item definitions.
Sticks can be attach to barrels,
Ashwood sticks can be use to attach meat.
Small Fish Trap now may have damaged states / textures.
HandDrillKit Class Definition Added.
New Class CfgNonAIVehicles, with ProxyMeat_steak definition and various animation states for meat. Maybe this is for the animation during cooking with a stick.Consumable Changes:
TanningConsumable_PeltMouflon - Tanning of Mouflon pelts added.
All the class definitions of consumable items got Loot Tags, eg: Paper (Civilian/Office).
Chemlight no longer child of Roadflare.
Some classes have more conditions relative to use with Barrel, inconclusive on what they do.Cooking Changes:
Loot Tags and categories added to a bunch of items.
IgniteByHandDrillKit function added
PoseTowardsFire function added (cooking with stick).
FireplaceBase is now split up, to use as a parent class for Fireplace and BarrelHolesBase. Cooking with a barrel might work.
BarrelHoleBase has the following functions, OpenLid, CloseLid, IgniteByMatch, IgniteByFlare, Extinguish.
BarrelHoleBase extends to 4 variant colors, Green, Blue, Red and Yellow.
CfgNonAIVehicles now has a new child class ProxyBook_kniga. I have no idea what this is about the only other class in this is a Cooking Pot reference. Could be leftovers from some debugging maybe. Could be animation states for cooking with a barrel.These note are relative to the first version 0.56 Experimental from 5/7 with the stable version of 0.55. The different categories are based on real files that are extracted, they don't necessarily have to mean what they are named after. Let me know what else you want looked at. Have fun!
To Backtrack my old changelogs here is the last one I did for 0.55 : Datamining_55-4
Note: If I mention a corresponding item to spawn with, it means that items spawn rate was lowered to accommodate the new item.Note: This is spawning loot table of the current version items may still be in the game files. (3D models + textures might be in but not spawning)
Note: Sometimes there are thing i can't interpret from the code, you have to understand its code I am looking at in the files, some of it are numbers and expressions that might not mean what I think they mean.
Note: I don't have a reference for what building name is reference to what but you may be able to get something out of the map websites as a ref so ill name the code names.Quelle: reddit.com
Kein Datum bekannt, vielleicht nächste Woche, vielleicht erst in 3 Wochen.
Und ja alle werden ihren Char + evtl. Zelte verlierenbtw, falscher Bereich.. verschoben
Hab heute 3 Stück gefunden
[img width=700 height=393]http://abload.de/img/dayz_2015_05_09_13_256vubw.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://abload.de/img/dayz_2015_05_09_13_267kudr.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://abload.de/img/dayz_2015_05_09_13_261fu3u.jpg[/img]