Update Nr. 6 unterwegs.. 30 Minuten Downtime
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Update Nr. 6 unterwegs.. 30 Minuten Downtime
[img width=700 height=285]https://dayz.com/files/post/10…fbx4G1aqmjomjd_header.jpg[/img]
Status Report -10. May 16
veröffentlicht am Mai 10, 2016
Dev Update/Hicks
Greetings Survivors,
As I'm sure many of you are aware, 0.60's first few iterations have hit experimental branch. Despite our feedback tracker being offline for upgrades, our fantastic userbase has submitted hundreds of new issues on the temporary bug reporting sub forum over at the Official DayZ forums (forums.dayz.com) and we are all blown away by the support and engagement. The demand for access to experimental branch servers has been overwhelming, and far exceeded any previous experimental branch interest levels.
For those interested in what experimental branch is, or have questions as to why experimental branch servers are intentionally kept at a certain quantity - check out these two forum posts by myself, and our community moderator PurePassion.
Past that, we have several blocking issues holding us back from pushing 0.60 to experimental branch. Let's take a quick look at some of them below:
- Error Messages when picking up any item with attachments that has been placed on the ground, and then moved to inventory
- Player Item Loss when logging off while holding backpack
- Several server crashes causing VERY short server uptime
- Client crashes when navigating certain coastal cities
- Weapon Attachments twitching randomly out of sync with weapon and player hands
- Client stuck on black screen after launching PC in some configurations
- Players seeing other players stuck in climbing animation in some situations
- Client crash after exiting to Main Menu in some configurations
- Character unable to see their clothing after initial spawn and login
- Client Crash when connecting to a new server
- Roads visible through some objects
- And more..
We've fortunately been able to squash several issues related to disappearing items after swapping, some blocking issues preventing some players from starting the client at all, and rolled out some new debug logs to help the programming team to analyze existing server crashes.
Now that we have 0.60 on experimental branch, we can let you all know what our milestone goals are for 0.61 build!
0.61 Milestone Goals:
- Server Login Queue
- Merge of New Audio Technology from Arma 3 Eden Update
- Update of Weapon Sounds for New Audio Technology
- Dynamic Spawning of Infected
- Predators (Wolves)
While 0.61 will more than likely have additional changes, the above updates are what we are focused on as priority for the 0.61 update.
We're all extremely excited and happy to see such a positive reaction to the Enfusion Engine's renderer, and the environmental improvements to the coastal cities in Chernarus. The entire DayZ development team is chomping at the bit to get 0.60 to stable branch and join you all in DayZ's latest update.
- Brian Hicks / Creative Director
Back to Contents
Dev Update/Peter
With first experimental iterations of 0.60 version available publicly there emerged some questions related to gameplay mechanics. I would like to remind you that there is no need to worry since most features and mechanics are a work in progress, not to mention that everything is being currently rewritten in Enforce script including core gameplay functionality.
The current state of advanced weapons handling in 0.60 can be somewhat confusing as there are no proper animations connected to it, so it's nearly impossible to visualize and read the state of the weapon. New animations regarding weapons handling, some of which were already showcased by our Lead Animator Viktor, will be implemented with the new character as there is no point in doing the same work twice, which also applies for other features which were postponed a bit. I understand that it can be tiresome waiting for improvements but it's for a good reason and it will help us make the best game. Most of the mechanics can be rewritten in parallel so that old and new implementations coexist together. Good examples of this are user interface, damage system, animation system, the renderer and many others. However this sadly wasn't the case with weapons, where crucial changes have to be made directly in a living and functional system (a similar situation for this is with vehicles for example). Due to this limitation we went into release with a state of weapons handling which may be unpleasant to players as many of its mechanics are not obvious.
Of course, things like a higher chance of weapon jams or even jamming pristine weapons with pristine ammunition are purely on the configuration side of things and they are set like this because it's easier to test them especially in an internal environment and hand in hand (as it's the same build) with the publicly available build on experimental branch with a much wider audience. I'm not personally thrilled that such loose configuration can leave a bitter taste in the mouths of players when playing with new features, but you can count on it being set in reasonable numbers for stable release (I don't want to say balanced, as huge balance passes will take place in the future when most of the features will be in their final or nearly final state).
Carry on... see you in Chernarus folks!
- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
Quelle: dayz.com
Dev Update / Hicks
Grüßt euch Survivor,
Dass die Version 0.60 nun auf den Exp. Servern ist, hat sich mittlerweile denke ich rumgesprochen. Mittlerweile wurden von der Community hunderte von Bugs reportet – vielen Dank dafür! Wir sind fleißig dabei diese auszuwerten. Die Nachfrage nach Zugang zu den Exp. Servern ist überwältigend, in keiner der vergangenen Exp. Versionen gab es solch ein Interesse.
Für alle, die sich weiter informieren wollen über die Exp. Version bzw. welche Probleme auftreten und wie man sie möglicherweise lösen kann:
Hier eine Auflistung der Fehler, warum das Update noch nicht reif für Stable ist:
• Fehlermeldungen, die beim Aufheben von Waffen mit Zubehör auftreten
• Itemverlust beim Ausloggen mit Rucksack in der Hand
• Servercrashes
• Clientcrashes in den Küstenstädten
• Blackscreen beim Starten des Spiels bei manchen Konfigurationen
• Spieler stecken in der Kletter-Animation fest
• Client Crash nach dem Wechseln ins Hauptmenü bei manchen Konfigurationen
• Nach Einloggen wird dem Char keine Kleidung angezeigt
• Straßen sind durch manche Gebäude sichtbar
• Und mehr…
Ein paar andere Fehler konnten wir bereits beheben, beispielsweise die dafür sorgten, dass einige Spieler das Spiel gar nicht starten konnten, Items die nach dem Tauschen verschwinden usw..
Ebenfalls haben wir unsere internen Debug Logs erweitert, sodass Servercrashes besser analysiert werden können.
Da 0.60 jetzt auf Exp ist, die Meilensteine für 0.61:
• Warteschlange für Server
• Einbringen der Audio Technik des Arma 3 Eden Updates
• Anpassung der Waffensounds an neue Audio Engine
• Dynamisches Spawnsystem der Infizierten
• Raubtiere (Wölfe)
Natürlich wird es vermutlich noch weiteres mit 0.61 geben, die oben genannten Dinge haben aber Priorität.
Wir sind alle extrem erfreut über die ganzen positiven Reaktionen und das Feedback, das wir bisher erhalten haben in Bezug zum neuen Renderer und den Veränderungen an der Küste. Wir konzentrieren uns nun voll darauf 0.60 Stable fähig zu gestalten.
- Brian Hicks / Creative Director
Dev Update / Peter
Nach Veröffentlichung von 0.60 kamen relativ schnell einige Fragen zu den Gameplay Mechaniken auf. Ich denke ich muss nicht erwähnen, dass die meisten Mechaniken noch mitten in der Entwicklung sind und noch in das neue Enforce Skript umgeschrieben werden müssen.
Die neuen Mechaniken des Waffenhandlings verwirren möglicherweise den einen oder anderen, da die entsprechenden Animationen noch nicht im Spiel sind. Aus diesem Grund ist der aktuelle Status der Waffe schwer nachzuvollziehen. Ein paar der kommenden Animationen wurden bereits von Lead Animator Viktor vorgestellt, diese werden mit dem neuen Player Controller im Spiel erscheinen. Ich weiß es ist lästig auf die Verbesserungen zu warten, aber es ist aus einem guten Grund. Die meisten Mechaniken können parallel überschrieben werden bzw. können zusammen im Spiel existieren. Beispielsweise ist das beim neuen User Interface, dem Schadenssystem, dem Animationssystem, dem Renderer und weiteren der Fall. Im Bereich der Waffen Mechaniken ist dies leider nicht möglich, hier müssen die Systeme direkt ausgetauscht werden. Aus diesem Grund haben wir dies in einem noch nicht fertiggestellten Zustand veröffentlicht, was viele als sehr unangenehm empfinden.
Natürlich können Dinge wie Ladehemmungen auch so ins Spiel gebracht werden. Am besten wird dies aber parallel, in der Exp. und der internen Version getestet. Ich weiß, dass viele von der Häufigkeit der Ladehemmungen nicht begeistert sind, es muss aber gesagt werden das die Exp. Server genau dafür da sind. In der Stable Version wird das ganze besser balanciert.
Wir sehen uns in Chernarus Leute
- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
Status Report -26. May 16
veröffentlicht am Mai 26, 2016
Dev Update/Hicks
Greetings Survivors,
As I'm sure many of you are aware, 0.60's first few iterations have hit experimental branch. Despite our feedback tracker being offline for upgrades, our fantastic userbase has submitted hundreds of new issues on the temporary bug reporting sub forum over at the Official DayZ forums (forums.dayz.com) and we are all blown away by the support and engagement. The demand for access to experimental branch servers has been overwhelming, and far exceeded any previous experimental branch interest levels.
For those interested in what experimental branch is, or have questions as to why experimental branch servers are intentionally kept at a certain quantity - check out these two forum posts by myself, and our community moderator PurePassion.
Past that, we have several blocking issues holding us back from pushing 0.60 to experimental branch. Let's take a quick look at some of them below:
- Error Messages when picking up any item with attachments that has been placed on the ground, and then moved to inventory
- Player Item Loss when logging off while holding backpack
- Several server crashes causing VERY short server uptime
- Client crashes when navigating certain coastal cities
- Weapon Attachments twitching randomly out of sync with weapon and player hands
- Client stuck on black screen after launching PC in some configurations
- Players seeing other players stuck in climbing animation in some situations
- Client crash after exiting to Main Menu in some configurations
- Character unable to see their clothing after initial spawn and login
- Client Crash when connecting to a new server
- Roads visible through some objects
- And more..
We've fortunately been able to squash several issues related to disappearing items after swapping, some blocking issues preventing some players from starting the client at all, and rolled out some new debug logs to help the programming team to analyze existing server crashes.
Now that we have 0.60 on experimental branch, we can let you all know what our milestone goals are for 0.61 build!
0.61 Milestone Goals:
- Server Login Queue
- Merge of New Audio Technology from Arma 3 Eden Update
- Update of Weapon Sounds for New Audio Technology
- Dynamic Spawning of Infected
- Predators (Wolves)
While 0.61 will more than likely have additional changes, the above updates are what we are focused on as priority for the 0.61 update.
We're all extremely excited and happy to see such a positive reaction to the Enfusion Engine's renderer, and the environmental improvements to the coastal cities in Chernarus. The entire DayZ development team is chomping at the bit to get 0.60 to stable branch and join you all in DayZ's latest update.
- Brian Hicks / Creative Director
Back to Contents
Dev Update/Peter
With first experimental iterations of 0.60 version available publicly there emerged some questions related to gameplay mechanics. I would like to remind you that there is no need to worry since most features and mechanics are a work in progress, not to mention that everything is being currently rewritten in Enforce script including core gameplay functionality.
The current state of advanced weapons handling in 0.60 can be somewhat confusing as there are no proper animations connected to it, so it's nearly impossible to visualize and read the state of the weapon. New animations regarding weapons handling, some of which were already showcased by our Lead Animator Viktor, will be implemented with the new character as there is no point in doing the same work twice, which also applies for other features which were postponed a bit. I understand that it can be tiresome waiting for improvements but it's for a good reason and it will help us make the best game. Most of the mechanics can be rewritten in parallel so that old and new implementations coexist together. Good examples of this are user interface, damage system, animation system, the renderer and many others. However this sadly wasn't the case with weapons, where crucial changes have to be made directly in a living and functional system (a similar situation for this is with vehicles for example). Due to this limitation we went into release with a state of weapons handling which may be unpleasant to players as many of its mechanics are not obvious.
Of course, things like a higher chance of weapon jams or even jamming pristine weapons with pristine ammunition are purely on the configuration side of things and they are set like this because it's easier to test them especially in an internal environment and hand in hand (as it's the same build) with the publicly available build on experimental branch with a much wider audience. I'm not personally thrilled that such loose configuration can leave a bitter taste in the mouths of players when playing with new features, but you can count on it being set in reasonable numbers for stable release (I don't want to say balanced, as huge balance passes will take place in the future when most of the features will be in their final or nearly final state).
Carry on... see you in Chernarus folks!
- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
morgen Abend.
Tisy wurde noch einmal erweitert:
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/u2hmUQG.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/7nAkkTX.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/IDu6LAF.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/VUnZyr0.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/qXAQm5Y.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/WIlncd6.jpg[/img]
Ein weiteres Update.. 478 mb
, dass ich keien Plan hab wohin ich das folgende Bild posten sollte?
[img width=700 height=233]http://i.imgur.com/N01EkKb.png[/img]
Es wird morgen kein Stable Update geben, wurde bereits bestätigt.
Nein, hab nur ne 6K Leitung und war heute innerhalb 2 Stunden 4x drauf... wenn auch nur bis zum nächste nCrash
Tisy Base wurde überarbeitet
[img width=700 height=393]http://images.akamai.steamuser…87534CF1C5F6458E3583640B/[/img]
1 Stunde Downtime für ein 212 mb großes Update
Die Tisy Base in echt einmal eine Raketenbasis...
[img width=600 height=380]https://urbexzone.files.wordpr…011/06/brdy-001.jpg?w=614[/img]
Auf Stable ist das Problem leider sehr verbreitet, in 0.60 scheints besser. Geht also nicht nur dir so
This morning after having a coffee and catching up on e-mail I started going over tweets people had sent to myself, and the official DayZ Dev Team twitter account and I noticed some statements, albeit from a albeit small portion of the community, but ones I thought needed addressing none the less.
First off however, let me take a moment to thank the overwhelming support the DayZ community has given us thus far in our efforts to iterate on 0.60 experimental branch. You guys have helped us isolate a large amount of issues that didn't come up under the first stage of testing with our internal QA teams and that is outstanding.
Hats off, applause all around.
You guys *rock*.
Now, while going through the tweets this morning I did notice a good deal of frustration from this vocal minority in the community surrounding a lot of issues (Requests to push the current 0.60 build to stable right away, Frustration that experimental servers were not online at all times, Anger over experimental branch servers not being increased to ensure all those interested could log in, Misunderstanding over allowing content creators to show 0.60 to their audiences, Requests to take stable branch official servers offline and switch them to experimental, etc) - but the core of the issues all pointed back to one shared root: Availability of player slots on Experimental Branch.
While I sympathize with those who are frustrated that they cannot get on to an experimental server due to demand, as it is regrettable that the nature of experimental branch does not allow all of you to be guaranteed access I think it is important we revisit this stickied forum post from 2014:
"This branch is by its own definition "Unstable". In simplest terms, the purpose of experimental branch is for the development team to experiment with builds in a larger userbase than our internal QA.
Sometimes that results in us finding issues we cannot catch internally, sometimes that means we can verify fixes on issues with very low repro rates.
Sometimes the builds are very unstable. (As mentioned prior)
The branch exists for load/volume/stress testing. Those who go through the process of manually opting into this branch (its not super visible - by design) and dealing with whatever issues the current build on it may have, get to sometimes see content and systems not quite ready for prime time. However, that does not mean that is the purpose of the branch.
As the nature of the experimental branch is for the above mentioned testing methods, neither uptime, character data, nor stability is guaranteed."
Experimental Branch usage is (like the rest of development) an iterative process. We (the DayZ Dev Team - and specifically Production, QA, and Build Management) start small and scale up as we identify critical issues and gain more confidence in the build's performance in stress scenarios. You might have seen this visible in the next day update to experimental branch, and the increase of player slots per instance to 60 players. To those who don't follow experimental testing closely this might not be super obvious, but this has provided us with *VERY* valuable data.
I'm going to try and answer/explain a few of the topics tweeted at us over the span of last night below:
Why won't you just push 0.60 to stable now? / It has to be better than 0.59:
Well, simply put we just can't do that. There are quite a few issues that would flat out prevent a large amount of the userbase from playing DayZ at all. From the ever present "Application Error" to black screens on launch, server crashes, and many more - The build *has* to stay on experimental so we can get it to a state that allows the vast majority of the DayZ playerbase to play and test it on stable branch.
Lets not forget that all branches of DayZ Early Access are testing branches! The testing base and goals scale up from our Internal QA, to Experimental Branch, and finally to the Stable branch as the default build you play when you install DayZ on Steam. I know it is not the popular thing to say, and the less fun part of my job involves having to take the brunt of passing on bad news - but your patience, participation, and feedback is and will help us get this build to stable as soon as possible.
Why are the experimental servers down in my region? / Why aren't the devs saying anything about the server being down in my area?:
Keep in mind the DayZ Dev Team operates out of Central Europe, and depending on where you are in the world there is a high chance the developers are in bed / haven't had time yet to analyze the issues causing the outage. Time Zone differences can be confusing, trust us we know! Pair that with the fact that server availability, distance from the Prague offices, and latency can fluctuate greatly depending where you are in the world - and it can and will lead to server downtimes in your region. A good example of this is the Oceanic and Asia regions - of which we've been fighting server issues and connection speeds throughout experimental branch usage. So please, be patient with us - we haven't forgotten anyone and will get the servers up as soon as time, and process allows. As well, sending tweets out every time a server crashes or goes offline due to a bug or server hardware issue isn't practical given how frequent this can happen on the experimental/unstable branch.
Why aren't there more player slots? / Lots of people want to play, let us all play:
The experimental branch testing phase is *not* set up to ensure availability and accessibility to all. Besides it not being practical on an infrastructure point, the nature of how we use experimental branch means we need to be able to create false stress situations for the game server instances, the central hive, and in some cases even the server hardware. Now, as experimental branch testing moves forward on any given build we slowly increase the player slots for that branch whenever possible. Be it actual game server instances slots, or allocating additional hardware when possible. Simply put, especially at the initial stages of a build being on experimental branch, we *need* to see how the build operates under extreme demand, we need to see it fail, and we need to analyze that data and make changes where necessary. That said, we are looking into increasing the branch player capacity within reason. Don't expect several thousands more player count capacity, as that is what stable branch is for - but we recognize the demand and are doing everything we can to help alleviate the issue.
Why are streamers given special treatment? / I should be able to play there too:
Early on after the first build of 0.60 was pushed to experimental I realized we just didn't have the infrastructure or hardware available to let everyone who wanted to see 0.60 on experimental branch that wanted to, and we wouldn't be able to flex up to accept all of the demand. Realizing this, at the end of the work day a development box that I use to capture footage for our Youtube Channel, and bug bash internal development builds was taken offline and converted to point to the experimental branch in the hopes that we could at least through allowing content creators to showcase the build let those who couldn't get onto an experimental branch server *see* how 0.60 was operating, performing, and moving along. The hardware used was not powerful enough to actually operate an actual experimental branch server, and would for certain buckle under the demand, but through reallocating this one small instance we could at least provide 30 or so content creators from across the globe, and across multiple languages give thousands more people a look at how things were looking on the march towards 0.60 stable branch. Creators of all audience sizes, and regions across the globe were given access to the box and asked to use said access to help alleviate the stressed demand on experimental branch by sharing their experiences on their distribution methods (Youtube, Twitch, Twitter). Through this method we were able to allow thousands of additional people to see and experience 0.60 experimental branch that we would not have been able to otherwise.
Some people seem to think that experimental server resources were diverted to allow content creators access to 0.60, or player slots that could have been used for general experimental branch usage were given to these users. Simply put that is not the case, as mentioned before the server utilized was my personal work box and would not be able to handle such a demand. This was easily demonstrated earlier this morning when some enterprising folks acquired and distributed the IP address to this PC and the game server rapidly failed and stopped operating for several hours.
No one was being denied playable server slots on experimental, and while we did ask content creators to be discrete so as to not compound the issue with experimental branch being at capacity that plan upset a small portion of the community, and for that I am sorry. It was never my intention to make anyone feel less important than anyone else in the community, the intent was explicitly to allow as many people as possible to at least *see* 0.60 experimental.
Why don't you just take stable servers offline and convert them? / No one is using stable servers, switch them over:
While it may seem that way to some users, DayZ has an active player base of several hundred thousand that cycle in and out (call it turnstile if you will) and it is important that we not just switch off game servers that users call home. We already fight issues with this in the case of some stable branch official servers, you may have seen it visible in forum posts asking where a specific official branch server that went offline was, and how users could get their camps, vehicles, etc back. As we move forward with development and push changes such as the final redesign of our server browser out, increasing visibility and thus reliability in these stable branch servers becomes even more paramount. For a game that is effectively a service in some definitions, like DayZ can be, we need to provide a certain amount of stability and reliability with the official DayZ servers. Switching them off and converting them to experimental branch due to a short term increase in demand is - in short, as I like to call it - "A bandaid on a broken leg". We all recognize that as we continue to move forward with major engine updates to Enfusion/DayZ demand will likely increase on this branch, and while we still have to keep the experimental branch within a certain limited capacity compared to stable branch, we *are* working on being able to increase (flex) experimental branch player slots to try and alleviate the demand as best we can with resources that do not compromise the integrity of stable branch official servers.
I hope the answers above help you understand why/how things are done the way they are. I know some of the answers might not be what some of you want to hear at the time, but I felt it was important to address the questions and concerns raised via twitter over last night.
Thank you all for being so awesome, and joining us in this incredible and sometimes stressful journey that is the development of what I think is one of the best gaming experiences of all time.
Quelle: forums.dayzgame.com
Heute Morgen beim Kaffee trinken hab ich mir die ganzen neuen E-Mails, Tweets usw. angeschaut, natürlich spiegeln diese Rückmeldungen nur die Meinung von einem kleinen Teil der Community wieder.
Gleich vorneweg, vielen Dank für den klasse Support bisher, es gibt schon Unmengen von Daten zum Auswerten für uns. Viele dieser sind uns bei den internen Tests nicht aufgefallen. Vielen Dank!
Ihr seid der Hammer!
Beim Lesen des ersten Feedbacks gab es natürlich auch einen kleinen Teil, der sehr frustriert ist. (Anfragen 0.60 jetzt auf Stable zu spielen, Frustration das die Exp. Server abstürzen oder offline bleiben, die Anzahl der Exp. Server, einen eigenen Server für Youtuber/Streamer, Anfragen Stable Server auf Exp. umzustellen usw.) – Zusammenfassend also die Anfragen auf mehr Slots für den Experimental Branch.
Ich kann total nachvollziehen, dass es sehr ärgerlich ist nicht auf die Exp. Server zu kommen, aber es muss ganz klar gesagt werden, dass es der Sinn der Sache ist, dass nicht alle Spieler Exp. Serverslots bekommen sollen. Eine kleine aber wichtige Definition zur Experimental Version:
Diese Version ist „Unstable“. Es soll in diesem Branch in einen größeren Umfang getestet werden, als im internen Kreise möglich ist. Damit können Fehler und Bugs gefunden werden, die wir sonst übersehen würden bis sie in der Stable Version erscheinen.
Manchmal ist diese Version sehr instabil.
Dieser Branch existiert für Stresstests. Alle die diese erste öffentliche Version spielen, treffen auf mehr Fehler als gewöhnlich, das liegt daran, dass es Content gibt, der eigentlich noch nicht 100% fertiggestellt ist.
Die Exp. Server sind für die angesprochenen Testverfahren gedacht, weder Uptime, Charakterdaten oder Stabilität sind garantiert.
Der Experimental Branch ist wie auch der Rest der Entwicklung ein iterativer Prozess. Wir (das DayZ Entwicklerteam – und speziell die Produktion, Qualitätssicherung und Build Management) beginnen bei einer neuen Exp. Version erst klein und wollen dann nach und nach mit dem Entdecken von kritischen Fehlern die Version aufstocken und verbessern. Beispielsweise erfolgte ja gleich am nächsten Tag (Donnerstag) ein entsprechendes Update und es wurden die Server auf 60 Slot vergrößert. Diese Daten die wir dadurch sammeln, sind extrem wertvoll für uns.
Ich werde mal auf die wichtigsten Themen und Fragen der bisherigen Rückmeldungen eingehen.
Warum haut ihr die 0.60er Version nicht einfach direkt auf Stable? / Sie ist jetzt schon besser als 0.59.
Das können wir nicht tun. Die aktuelle Exp. Version hat noch einige große Fehler, alleine schon weil aktuell nicht alle Spieler aufgrund von technischen Fehlern spielen können. Angefangen vom „Application Error“ über Black Screens, Servercrashes und viele mehr – Diese Version bleibt auf Exp. bis diese Probleme behoben wurden und alle Spieler die Möglichkeit hatten die Exp. zu testen.
Wir dürfen aber nicht vergessen, dass auch die Stable Version nur eine Testversion in einem Early Access Titel ist!
Ich weiß das sind nicht die gewünschten Worte dazu, aber mit Geduld, Teilnahme und euren Feedback kommen wir der Stable Version immer näher.
Warum sind die Exp. Server in meiner Region down? Warum gibt es bei diesen Downtimes keine Informationen vom Entwicklerteam?
Beachtet bitte, dass das Entwicklerteam aus Mitteleuropa aus agiert. Das bedeutet, dass je nach Land bzw. Zeitzone die Entwickler zu diesem Zeitpunkt möglicherweise nicht arbeiten bzw. schlafen. Des Weiteren sind teilweise die Verbindungen zwischen unserem Büro in Prag und Servern auf anderen Teilen der Welt nicht besonders gut, sodass ein Problem nicht immer innerhalb weniger Minuten gelöst werden kann. Als Paradebeispiel dient die Region Asien/Ozeanien, wo wir immer wieder gegen Fehler auf große Entfernung angehen müssen. Also ich bitte um etwas Verständnis für unserer Team, wir vergessen niemanden und wir sind dranne alle Server laufen zu lassen. Es ist ebenso nicht nötig uns mit entsprechenden Tweets zu benachrichtigen, wenn ein Server off geht, bekommen wir das mit und das ist gerade in der Exp. Version leider regelmäßig.
Warum gibt es nicht mehr Spielerslots? / Es wollen viel mehr Leute spielen, lasst uns alle spielen!
Die Exp. Testphase soll nicht jedem einen Platz bieten. Abgesehen von der unpraktischen Infrastruktur, während der Exp. Phase sollen die Server unter Stresstests laufen. Das bedeutet diese sollen knüppeldick gefüllt sein und mit Anfragen von anderen Spielern bombardiert. In dieser Form lassen sich die besten Daten zur Serverperformance sammeln. Auch die Server Hardware kann so besser getestet werden. Sofern die Auswertungen dieser Daten es zu lassen, werden dann die Spielerslots mit zukünftigen Updates erhöht. In der Exp. Version ist es einfach nötig zu sehen, wo die Grenzen der Server liegen und wann unter welchen Bedingungen diese abstürzen. Nur so können Verbesserungen in Angriff genommen werden. Wir werden im Laufe der Exp. Phase weitere Spielerslots anbieten, erwartet aber nicht mehrere 1000, wie erwähnt sollen die Server ausgelastet sein.
Warum bekommen Streamer/YouTuber eine Sonderbehandlung? / Ich sollte die gleichen Möglichkeiten haben.
Kurz nach dem Veröffentlichen der 0.60 Version auf den Exp. Servern wurde mir bewusst, dass wir nicht die Hardware und Infrastruktur besitzen, um allen Spielern die Möglichkeit zu geben einen ersten Eindruck zu gewinnen. Mit dem Broadcaster Server können nun viele Youtuber und Streamer die 0.60er Version ihren tausenden von Zuschauern vorstellen. So erreichen wir mit weniger Slots einfach deutlich mehr Interessierte. Die Hardware die für diesen Server läuft ist kein normaler Server und dieser würde daher eh nicht als öffentlicher Exp. Server laufen. Spieler aus allen Ecken der Welt und allen möglichen Sprachen können so einen ersten Eindruck der Version bekommen. Leider meinten bereits einige Spieler mit Hilfe von DDoS Angriffen diesen Server immer wieder abstürzen lassen.
Also wir reservieren hier keineswegs einen potentiellen Server für alle exklusiv für die Streamer. Mit einen winzigen Teil der Community können wir so einfach einen riesen Teil erreichen. Es tut mir leid, dass wir manchen das Gefühl geben, dass manche Spieler wichtiger als andere sind – das war nicht unsere Absicht.
Warum macht ihr nicht einfach aus Stable Server entsprechende Exp. Server? Viele Stable Server sind gerade jetzt ungenutzt.
Die Spielerbasis die immer mal wieder DayZ spielt, liegt bei mehreren 100.000 Personen. Daher ist es wichtig, dass wir nicht einfach das „ zu Hause“ von einigen Spielern stehlen. Unabhängig von den aktuellen Exp. Servern gibt es immer wieder Fragen im offiziellen Forum wo denn der und der offizielle Server ist, da dort ihre Basen standen. Mit weiterer Entwicklung und der Überarbeitung des Serverbrowsers, werden offizielle Server dann übrigens einfacher zu filtern sein. Offizielle Server wird es immer geben. Wenn wir weitere Engine teile in kommenden Exp. Updates austauschen, werden wir entsprechende Schritte gehen um mehr Server bereitstellen zu können. Aber wie gesagt, nur bis zu einem bestimmten Punkt, da die Server ausgelastet werden sollen.
Ich hoffe ich habe die wichtigsten Fragen hiermit beantwortet und ihr versteht nun warum wir diese Entscheidungen getroffen haben – auch wenn sie vielen von euch vermutlich nicht gefallen.
Vielen Dank für eure ganze Unterstützung und die Teilnahme an dieser geilen Reise, der Entwicklung, welche meiner Meinung nach der spannendste Teil eines Spieles ist.
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/JgJ11Ng.jpg[/img]
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