DayZ Patch - Hotfix

  • DayZ Patch - Hotfix

    Bevor wir ein Update mit der Versionsnummer 1.8.1 bekommen werden, wird ein Hotfix v1.8.0.3 veröffentlicht.
    Dieser Changelog wurde auch schon an Rocket geschickt und wird sich wohl auch nicht mehr ändern. Changelog:

      [li][FIXED] - Loot system lockout timers updated. (Should correct 0 loot pile issues)[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Chop wood from any location. (You are no longer able to collect wood without being near a tree)[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Object locations on server start should spawn correct. (Potentially fixed issue with tents,camonets clipping into the ground)[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Moved gutting back to PV (this should correct gutting issues)[/li] Changelog:

      [li][FIXED] - Loot Spawning underground.[/li] Changelog:

      [li][FIXED] - Database cleanup has now been fixed and camo net added.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Date sync has now bee fixed to provide night time again.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - SVD and SVD_CAMO firemodes now working as they should.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Motocycle tt650 now has modified hitpart system should hopefully fix repair issues with it.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Backpack sounds not playing for opening the backpack of other players.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Building Delays Fixed. (Buildings will now only have 1 pass per the timer. Zeds 5 mins, Loot 15 mins) - Should provide FPS boost.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Loot Bias system Fixed. (Limits the amount of Piles within a building every 15 mins) - Should lower overall loot spawned, Should provide FPS Boost[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Potential fix for the action menu issues. [/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Fixed duping of meat while gutting animals and removing fuel/parts from a vehicle[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Remove gas,repair,salvage etc. options from incorrect object.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Time sync on login[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Incorrect right click menu in gear if a melee object is on a player's back.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Removed refuel option on destroyed vehicles and study body option on animals.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Gutting animals works properly now[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Humanity system and kills displaying incorrect.[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Blood level is now synced direct to server every 10 secs. (No more sending to all players on server) Performance Boost.[/li]

      [li][UPDATED] - Mechanic - Sepsis chance from "bleeding" raised from 1% to 30% (More like 3% once 10% bleeding effect is taken into account).[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] - System - Zed Aggro on all Weapon fire now changed to a more dynamic system to allow the overall distance the shot was hered to changes the way and amount of zeds responce. ((50 Meters and below = Run to location),( 50-71 = 50% chance they walk to location), (70 meters and up = walk to location))[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] - System - Zed Damage output base scale lowered (from 300 Normal/400 Viral to 200 Normal/300 Viral)[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] - PBX Boat speed reduced from 125 to 85.[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] - Login time has now been reduced.[/li]


    Die, Bart, Die

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Urs ()

  • Wieder ein neuer Hotfix für 1.8 veröffentlicht.
    Der Changlog hält sich in Grenzen. Changelog:

      [li][FIXED] - Loot system lockout timers updated. (Should correct 0 loot pile issues)[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Chop wood from any location. (You are no longer able to collect wood without being near a tree)[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Object locations on server start should spawn correct. (Potentially fixed issue with tents,camonets clipping into the ground)[/li]
      [li][FIXED] - Moved gutting back to PV (this should correct gutting issues)[/li]

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