DayZero 1.0 inkl. Podagorsk

  • DayZero 1.0 inkl. Podagorsk…ownloads;sa=view;down=147

    Podagorsk Release

    [FIXED/NEW] General Zombie AI Fixes
    - Zombies are now properly controlled by close clients only.
    - Zombies will not excessively lag due to control client being too far away.
    - Zombies pathing has been slightly improved.

    [NEW] Weapon Attachment System
    - You can now attach modifications to guns that have the approperiate rails/spot for it
    - NATO Attachments: M68 CCO Scope, HWS (HOLO) Scope, M150 ACOG Scope, M203-40 Grenade Launcher
    - EAST Attachments: KOBRA RDS, PSO-1M2 Optics, GP-25 Kostyor Grenade Launcher
    - UNSPECIFIC Attachments: Marksman Scope, Suppressor
    - All attachments are found in either NATO or EAST kit pouches

    [NEW] Full Podagorsk Release
    - Customized Podagorsk island
    - Fully wartorn map with NATO/EAST camps
    - Minor and major fixes (see below)

    [NEW] UI Updates
    - UI is now fully white apart from food/drink icons.
    - UI will no longer blend into nature and remain more visible.
    - Icon size has been reduced from 64x64 to 32x32 to not be as intrusive.
    - New UI Screenshot:

    [UPDATED] Car spawns should now be more dynamic

    [UPDATED] Lights can now be properly shot and turned off

    Podagorsk Specific:

    [NEW] Car wrecks
    - Specific car wrecks can now be looted
    - Doors, trunk and hood can be opened
    - Open cardoors give minor bullet protection

    [NEW] Additional Vehicles
    - HMMWV M240 added (nerfed, equivalent to regular HMMWV)

    [NEW] Road to Airfield
    - Along the road to the airfield is a huge bunker checkpoint complex.
    - The new complex is easily defendable, be cautious - scout ahead.

    [NEW] Bridge to Sona
    - Sona Island can now be accessed through a small wooden bridge.
    - The bridge has sunken into the water in some places.
    - On this bridge you are 100% exposed - be cautious.

    [NEW] Airfield
    - The airfield now has slightly more NATO high-tier loot.
    - Added 2 crashed C130 and 1 more NATO barracks.
    - The distance between all spots is equivalent to 6 runs up and down the NWAF on Chernarus.

    [NEW] Small NATO outpost in Sona Island Castle
    - Sona Island now has a minor NATO camp inside the castle.
    - Protvino has had it's NATO camp reduced in size and loot due to it's close proximity to Sona.

    [FIXED] Spawning
    - Spawning now only occurs north of the river.
    - It is now easier to orientate where you spawn.

    [FIXED] Barns entrances
    - Several barns were too high up in the air and caused instant death upon entering.
    - These barns now have debris leading up to the entrance without the need to vault in.

    [FIXED] Firestation in Kovrov
    - The firestation in Kovrov has been relocated to Kirsanov.
    - It is now impossible to go under and inside the firestation, thus remaining hidden.

    [FIXED] Commercial concrete slabs
    - It is now impossible to enter the concrete slabs, thus remaining hidden.

    [FIXED] Castles
    - Castles can now be safely entered without falling to your death.


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