Kannibalismus und Gyrocopter

  • Hi, habe den Youtubechannel von Shinkicker gefunden...


    Man beachte insbesondere das Video "Human Cannibalism - early prototype" :D

    "Will also include code to make humanity drop upon eating, but will give a large boost of blood count. I also plan to make it so you can gut downed Zombies too, but the flesh has a lower blood count and a high chance of infection,

    Might even come up with a Cannibals special skin so you no who the psychos are."

    ....und auch interessant ist das Gyrocopter Vid^^
    ...das hat er vor einem Monat hochgeladen also durchaus möglich das dieses Teil schon irgendwo zu finden ist! :)

  • es ist soweit :D

    DayZ2017 1.1

    New Features

    * Dead Players / Zeds can be gutted and cooked with detrimental effect on humanity and high chance of infection
    * Zombies Hordes Spawn in Forests
    * Zombies spawn ratios and sensitivty raised.
    * Gyrocopters added (land and water based) - water based can also be used on land.
    * New Female Survivor Model (can wear backpack)
    * New Bandit Model
    * New Hero Model
    * New Tent Model
    * Bus Interior Retextured
    * Added Retextured AN2 Civil
    * Changed Survivor2_DZ to Epic_Beard_Man.
    * Tank Armour Levels Lowered massively.
    * Loot rebalanced (matches more common).
    * Animal Spawn ratios brought back to default.

    Bug Fixes
    * Backpacks can now stow weapons
    * Tank LODS fixed
    * Male Survivor Rvmats Fixed (they now show blood on the models)
    * Various start up errors fixed.
    * Removed Marek_DZ (Medic could self heal)
    * Missing ice_apo_resistance\data\us_soldier_sabot_body_wound1.rvmat''


    Downloadlink für DayZ2017 1.1


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