Für die Leute unter Euch die einen eigenen DayZ Server 0.63 Exp. betreiben und sich fragen wie kann ich die Stamina anpassen, versuche ich das hier kurz zu erklären.
Benötigt wird:
Wenn Ihr die beiden Tools installiert habt, könnt Ihr los legen.
Stamina verändern oder ausschalten:
- DayZServer stoppen.
- Die Datei "/dta/scripts.pbo" mit Rechtsklick (PBO MAnager -> Extract to scripts/) entpacken.
- Jetzt die Datei "constats.c" im Ordner "\dta\scripts\3_Game\" mit Notepad++ öffnen.
- In Zeile 336 - 368 sind die "Verbrauchswerte" der Stamina eingetragen. Diese könnt Ihr nach euren Bedürfnissen anpassen. Quellcode siehe unten.
- Wenn Ihr die Stamina angepasst habt, speichert die Datei.
- Nun müsst Ihr den Ordner "\dta\scripts" wieder Rechtsklicken packen (PBO Manager -> Pack into "scripts.pbo").
- Das Verzeichnis "\dta\scripts" könnt Ihr löschen um euren Server sauber zu halten.
- Server starten und schauen ob alles geklappt hat.
Beispiel für einen PvP Server wo die Stamina deaktiviert wurde ersten 8 Zeilen sind mit dem Wert ( = 0 ) gesetzt.
// unit = currently percent (stamina max is 100)
const int STAMINA_DRAIN_STANDING_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much sprint depletes stamina)
const int STAMINA_DRAIN_CROUCHED_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much sprint in crouch depletes stamina)
const int STAMINA_DRAIN_PRONE_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much sprint in prone depletes stamina)
const int STAMINA_DRAIN_SWIM_FAST_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much fast swimming depletes stamina)
const int STAMINA_DRAIN_LADDER_FAST_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much fast ladder climb depletes stamina)
const float STAMINA_DRAIN_HOLD_BREATH = 0.2; //in units (how much holding breath depletes stamina)
const float STAMINA_DRAIN_JUMP = 0; // in units (how much jumping depletes stamina)
const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_LIGHT = 0; //in units (how much light melee punch depletes stamina)
const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_HEAVY = 0; //in units (how much heavy melee punch depletes stamina)
const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_EVADE = 0; // in units (how much evade depletes stamina)
const int STAMINA_GAIN_JOG_PER_SEC = 2; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while jogging)
const int STAMINA_GAIN_WALK_PER_SEC = 4; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while walking)
const int STAMINA_GAIN_IDLE_PER_SEC = 5; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while iddling)
const int STAMINA_GAIN_SWIM_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while slowly swim)
const int STAMINA_GAIN_LADDER_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while slowly swim)
const float STAMINA_GAIN_BONUS_CAP = 3.0; //in units (tells how much extra units can be added at best to stamina regain)
const float STAMINA_KG_TO_STAMINAPERCENT_PENALTY = 2.5; //in units (by how many units is max stamina bar reduced for each 1 kg of load weight)
const float STAMINA_MIN_CAP = 5; //in units (overload won't reduce max stamina bar under this value)
const float STAMINA_SPRINT_THRESHOLD = 25; //in units (how many units of stamina you need regained in order to be able to start sprinting)
const float STAMINA_HOLD_BREATH_THRESHOLD = 10; // in units
const float STAMINA_JUMP_THRESHOLD = 20; // in units
const float STAMINA_MELEE_HEAVY_THRESHOLD = STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_HEAVY; // in units (how many units we need to make a heavy hit in melee)
const float STAMINA_MELEE_EVADE_THRESHOLD = 8; // in units
const float STAMINA_REGEN_COOLDOWN_DEPLETION = 0.45; // in secs (how much time we will spend in cooldown before the stamina will starts with regeneration)
const float STAMINA_WEIGHT_LIMIT_THRESHOLD = 5000; //! in grams (weight where the player is not penalized by stamina)
const float STAMINA_KG_TO_GRAMS = 1000; //for kg to g conversion
const float STAMINA_SYNC_RATE = 1; //in secs
const float STAMINA_MAX = 100;
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18.11.2018: Sourcecode angepasst nach neuer Server Version.