Rocket antwortet auf Fragen der Community

  • Im offiziellen DayZ Mod Forum gibt es schon seit längerem den 'one-line questions for Rocket' Thread. Nun hat sich Dean 'Rocket' Hall die Zeit genommen einen Großteil der Fragen zu beantworten. Wir haben es uns daraufhin nicht nehmen lassen die von Rocket beantworteten Fragen inklusive den dazugehörigen Antworten zu übersetzen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen.

    Quelle: (dayzmod . com)
    Übersetzung: (mydayz . de)

  • Wie findet ihr die Änderungen für die finale Version?

    Diskutiert mit uns!

    Quelle: (dayzmod . com)
    Übersetzung: (mydayz . de)

  • Ich finde man sollte das Shoot-on-Sight irgendwie beeinträchtigen so das man nicht mehr so geil drauf ist auf irgendwelche Anfänger zu schießen, weil die irgendwelche dämlichen Murder bekommen nur weil sie Zuhause geschlagen werden und ihre Wut an anderen "friendly" spielern auslassen -.-

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Dench ()

  • Die Änderungen klingen vielversprechend. Vor allem, dass "High-End" Waffen seltener und schwerer zu erhalten sein sollen. Mit einer AS50 irgendwo auf einem Krankenhaus liegen und andere Überlebende, die nur ein paar Bohnen und Würstchen suchen, abzuknallen, finde ich ohnehin "unrealistisch". Militärbasen sollten allgemein schwerer zugänglich sein. Mit Alarmanlagen die Horden von Zombies auf sich ziehen, wenn ein Überlebender an die Waffen will. Halt einfach etwas mehr Balancing.

    Und auch die Überlegung mit dem "auf die Toilette gehen" find' ich gut. Wenn man schon Essen & Trinken zu sich nehmen muss, muss man es auch irgendwann wegbringen. Wobei vielleicht die Zeiten der Notwendigkeit für Essen, Trinken und Exkrementieren angepasst werden müssten. So brauche ich keine 20 Dosen Bohnen am Tag um nicht zu verhungern ^^ Und ich müsste auch sicher nicht 30 mal eine "Spur legen".

    Aber was mich am meisten freut ist, dass die Spawn-Mechanik der Zombies angepasst wird. Ich spiele derzeit mehr auf meinem Server mit meiner Frau und vielleicht irgendwann noch mit 2-3 Freunden. Am meisten reizt mich, selbstgesteckte Ziele zu erreichen, z.B. ausreichend Essen/Trinken finden, kleines Lager errichten oder eine Stadt säubern. Wobei letzteres ja nicht möglich ist. So kommt dann für (Spieler wie) mich auch wieder mehr Motivation ins Spiel! :D

  • Overview of Rocket's AMA from today (self.dayz)

    submitted 1 Tag ago* by Grimzentide@Grimzentide on Twitter

    Original AMA Thread Here


    Do you think SA will come before April?

    Yes I think so, but anything could happen and usually does. We'll know more when the results of the tech test are out. Any dates before then would be pure speculation, and my last speculation didn't work out so good.


    Any possible date or time frame for the closed test? Last week you said it would start imminently, so I was wondering how soon that was.

    We're down to the last few things to fix before the first test servers pop online and we run the first full servers. Slowly we'll hand out the first keys and get a few servers running. Then we will reassess. It could go really well and we open up quickly, or it could go badly. Don't expect the tech test to be fun, or very pretty. It's a tech test, any game design that makes it into that will be a bonus.


    Rocket, when ArmA 3 comes out, are you going to mod DayZ into it or let the community do it?

    My real hope, is that the next "DayZ" comes out and get's it's big break in ArmA3. I made a space mod for ArmA2 that I never released, maybe I might make that for ArmA3! I guess someone will mod DayZ for ArmA3 and it will probably be great for it, that's the awesome thing about this community.


    I was wondering if you plan to implement a sewer system via instancing in the major cities of Chernarus+?

    I really want too. We'd need to do some magic though (or instancing... but only I am really happy with instancing as a solution at the moment! the programmers want to do it properly).


    Will the ragdoll system be initially available in the SA or you'll implement it later? I have fears about this because of the complexity of the RV engine. Keep up the good work, Rock on!

    No ragdoll currently, it is a significant amount of work and one we haven't done yet. We looked at it, even tried some, but it was just going to cause far too much delay.


    Is the idea of making security systems for underground structures still in? I remember you mentioned that if you ever get objects as their own entities going that you might be able to "program" them. .. i.e. grenade attached to a door etc

    I'm playing a lot of Space Station 13 at the moment and it is giving me some tremendous inspiration for ideas for base construction. But expect this more towards the end of this year. We have much ground to cover first.


    Has a chainsaw been added yet?

    Nope, not yet. We've only really started on item art asset development recently, as we just confirmed all our desired item architectural changes are possible.


    Do you have anything in the works for more obtainable skins like the hero and bandit skins?

    You can cloth yourself in custom items for each body part. So effectively, you create your own skin. We're still looking at options for humanity and we aren't tied down to a system yet.


    can we expect some unannounced surprises in the standalone release?

    Absolutely. For the next 12 months at least, probably beyond that.


    From my point of view, one big issue of Arma/the mod is that a camo-player being 20 meters away is way harder to see, then the same player being 400 meters away. Same goes for loot on current crash-sites etc. Mainly because of the rendering distance of vegetation. Are you aware, and do you agree that this is quite important? Any plans on how to address it?

    It is important, we're aware of it - but we haven't got it planned to be addressed yet. We're still on these major, sweeping, architectural changes.


    I've been quite impressed by seattle map in TOH. Would it be possible to rework the map to make it playable in DayZ?

    It's very impressive map, but the issue is more it was designed for something specific (helicopters). DayZ needs interiors, they're really important. I think DayZ needs a new map, BI made, that features a western city... let's just say I have plans :)


    Are we going to be able to hide from zombies in trees and bushes? Swarm of zombies, I'll just sit in this bush until they give up.

    Yes. Although for a few months expect these new mechanics to spontaneously break and hilarity ensu


    Has Marek Spanel (CEO at Bohemia Interactive Studio for those who don't know) played the mod/sa and given any feedback on it?

    Marek has been extremely involved since very early in DayZ (since shortly after it's release really). He continues to be a key contributing member of the team both at a management/steering level and also with design.


    How do you deal with the stress of the game? When you get overloaded with Questions and the difficulties with the development etc, whats your method of keeping things together?

    Bizzarely enough, aside from running or one of my hobbies like mountaineering or wakeboarding (which I can rarely do here) - the greatest stress relief comes from modding someone elses game. I love KSP and love modding for it, and I am really in love with Space Station 13 at the moment, and loving making new maps and editing/modding it. There is something inherently beautiful about modding that I just love. I probably was having a slow-moving nervous breakdown towards the end of last year, really. But this year has been great, the progress has been outstanding and all the huge gambles we took architecturally last year have started paying off.


    With implementation of clothing slots, what type of range of clothing has the team discussed and what kind factors have gone in on the decision process? (ex camouflage, body & head armor, degrading rates,)

    All of the above!


    How do you intend to build upon the vehicle system and how you repair vehicles. Will it be a standard hunt for parts or will you be able to remove a few working parts from other damaged vehicles to rebuild your own?

    Not initially, vehicles will remain very, very basic. But later we will add great depth to the parts mechanic something like a "vehicle construction" system. This will be our first foray into "endgame" type content, after we have stabilized the build.


    Will there still be a 'dot' system and will it potentially still allow ESP hacks (which are hard to detect)?

    I want to remove the crosshair but I suspect we will have it configurable by servers. Same with 3rd person, but no firm decision is made yet we need to test everything out with you guys first. Hacking is something we will have to work on for the life of the product. I.e. forever. We just have to try this new architecture and continually innovate, adapt to the change of pace. That's just the reality of the world.


    Are you still considering underground bases? It was mentioned early on but not so much since.

    Once we have things really stable and solid, like a really good experience (I estimate loosely on my return from Everest in June), I think we will start with base construction. I've been playing A LOT of space station 13 and it has given me some great ideas.


    The end game. While 'surviving' is a big part of the game, there is a point where you have little more to do apart from hunting down other people or continuing to hoard things. Is there something in the works for people to aspire to? Something like 'If you want to go to this island, you have to survive x days' or another survival based benefit? (even small achievements) I'm looking it from the perspective of longevity rather than having the game degrade into a FPS with cities, zombies and flares. tl;dr - I'm geared up rocket, Do I go out shooting people dfens style endlessly or live in the forest like a hermit? Is there something more to aspire to?

    Firstly, once we have DayZ stabilized into something reasonable - we will look at some advanced vehicle stuff. I.e. sort of vehicle construction, adding different parts to vehicles etc... Then towards the end of the year, probably, looking at base construction as an entirely new game mode.


    Can we expect any new guns/gear upon foundation release?

    yes lots


    Will each gun have their own unique sound in SA? I ask because it can be frustrating not knowing if I'm being shot at by an M24 or a DMR. Knowing the difference would help me know if I should make a break for it or not.

    Ermm... sound isn't something we've played with alot yet. It's something we can easily improve - we want the freedom now to innovate, which means not getting locked down because we created certain content. The pace of our innovation is insane at the moment and is entirely changing the landscape of the future content changes.


    You compare the SA to Minecraft a lot in terms of the foundation release and then content updates thereafter, alpha pricing, etc. Are there any plans in the forseeable future for a one-time or yearly Minecon-style DayZ event?

    Probably, no plans as yet. I would say by June we have a good picture on the success of DayZ as a whole and sometime around then we'll have a good think about the future.


    How long is the invite only SA test going to last before it opens up to the rest of us?

    As long as it takes to smooth out the architectural issues.


    the price

    Cheap for a start, rising in price during development.


    How often will updates come out ?

    Daily/weekly. Pushed through steam as delta updates (<3 you steam!)


    Will there be some kind of report system in case of hackers ?

    TBC, likely something we will have to work on improving for the entire life of the product.


    To what extent will customization go, e.g clothing, character

    clothing, full range of selections: Head, eyes, torso, pants, feet, gloves, vest, backpack.

    gefunden bei:…f_rockets_ama_from_today/


    noch eine wichtige Info:

    SCAM WARNUNG!!!…ndalone-beta-test-118859/

  • Wieder neue News+Screens:…-last-two-weeks-have-gone

    Ivan is back!

    The last two weeks have gone extremely fast for us. As many will have noticed, we didn’t do a devblog last week. While the aim is produce an update every week (scheduled for Friday), the reality is that development will always have priority over our devblogs - and there has been a huge amount of real work to do on the project!

    To celebrate Ivan returning to assist with the tean; Ivan, Matt, and myself held a design meeting in a rather unusual setting - we went from a hike around a lake area in the Czech Republic. We got some excellent idea’s - and we’re all thrilled with the great concepts Ivan has been bringing. We look forward to including Ivan on our next video blog.

    Project Team Expansion

    One of the biggest changes in the last week has been the expansion of the project, both in scale and scope as well as with personnel. We’ve been getting more and more people involved, both locally and externally. Many of these people are from within the community. We hope that these people will be able to assist us in really pushing the game to its limits.

    Multiplayer Testing

    Our internal closed testing has been continuing, and then pausing, as we identify and fix crashes and other issues. The vast amount of changes we have made require meticulous testing. We’re hoping to begin our first large-scale capacity testing next week (assuming we have a stable enough build). This will involve us working the server over with around 50 people initially, then working up to 150 and beyond to obtain metrics as to what limitations we will have.

    Architecture Developments

    Our lead programmer has been continuing the revision of the entire engine multiplayer to operate under the server-client MMO model. The results have been outstanding, and it is going to radically change the product. As these changes are made we are filter them onto the approach taken at other levels, ensuring everything is moved from being done at a client level to being done at a server level.

    We have been experimenting with some novel approaches such as not having loot spawned at the server level, but having it spawned at the database level - therefore negating the ease with which loot tables could be produced and allowing us to conduct a form of economic regulation to item spawns dynamically. I think the end result, however, will be a mixture of the two approaches due to performance requirements.

    Character Development

    This is the absolute core of our current design efforts. As such, you can see some new screen shots of the new ethnic heads available for female characters. We want to allow characters to be fully customized and reflect the players story as they are going along. This has included some fantastic ideas inspired by the community. Until initial release, the vast majority of our efforts will be with expanding options for developing and customizing your character.

    Inventory system

    Based on feedback and development, changes continue with this area. It’s starting to operate really well. Our programmer here, Jirka, will eventually move onto the crafting system. He has been wanting to move onto this for some time, as it is a personal area of interest for him.

    As part of the inventory system, we have started detailed work on the attachment system. Like the customization of characters, we want to allow maximum ability for the customization and development of a players weapons. As part of this, all weapons being introduced into DayZ are being redeveloped from scratch at extremely high detail. The work being produced so far is outstanding! This means that, on release, there will be less weapons in the standalone - but it allows us the ability to continue each week to release content updates with new weapons and items.

    World development

    Massive areas are changing here. Ivan Buchta having returned from his time in the Greek Prison has been a huge asset to the team, working with our world designer SenChi (designer of the Ironfront worlds) to redevelop Chernarus. I have included some low-detail screenshots taken by SenChi showing some of his developments.

    Art development

    New clothing, items, weapons, buildings, “special areas” are all the foci of art development. We are greatly expanding our team of artists, as we have hundreds of new items we want to include in the world.

    This week’s blog is pretty light on detail and excitement, but the pace is such that pausing to write about it is taking too much time! Overall, each week is proving to be more exciting for us than the last.


    Part of a regular feature we will be doing is to take peoples questions on twitter (hastag: #AskDayZ) and facebook - Matt will select a few and we will answer them.

    Will we be able to host private (hive) servers? (Christian Haschek)

    Private servers will be supported. The issue of private hives (central servers) is still an open question. Initially the answer is definitely no, as we need to concentrate the database centrally so we can continue development and change it regularly. There is a wider issue of regulating both the economy of DayZ, in terms of controlling item spawn, and ensuring a balanced approach. I think it comes down to a question of timing, much like with the mod.

    There be any new features in the first version of the standalone or it will be the classic DayZ (Martin Rangelovwill)

    The experience will be entirely new. There is virtually nothing that has been directly ported from the mod, everything has been redone. This wasn’t our original intention (hence the December deadline) - but it has evolved this way. We’re all glad it has!

    End Game content - Other than the mad max mods to cars, what other endgame solution is there other than everyone becoming bandits, the forums have made mentions and suggestions of random events like raiding a c130 crash site or setting ambush to NPC convoys, What do the dev’s have in store for us? (Rhys Fiander )

    Endgame is an open question, and is something we will look at later once we have got the basics where we want them (player customization, controls, animations, zombies, loot spawn, attachments, disease, hacking, etc…). I’m personally not a fan of NPC’s but we have been keeping this available as an option for development. I kind of think using NPC’s is cheating in this context. I am sure we can come up with a more creative way of doing these kinds of events, working directly with the community.

    Dean: will you being adding other food and drink types (Ross J MacGregor)

    The list of planned items is huge. A reasonably small functional set will be available initially, then new items and weapons during weekly updates.

    Are you working on other ways to indicate hunger, thirst, temperature to achieve a more minimalistic HUD or getting rid of it completely and instead use sounds and such ? (Jesper von Hundhufvud)

    The current situation is “no HUD” and we hope to keep it this way, demonstrating through the use of sounds and animations. We do need to add options for those with hearing impairments and we will look at those options too.

    Did Dean get a date in the end or was it a romantic evening for one? WHY DID HE NOT TELL HER HOW MANY LAMBORGHINIS HE WILL HAVE?! (Regan Bamfield)

    It was a very romantic evening for me cleaning my sneaker collection (I’m a total sneakerhead), so no - I did not get my date in the end! No matter how many Lamborghini’s I promised!

    What will be the pricing on standalone? (Dylan Panda Belisle)

    It is still to-be-confirmed. However, to put it in perspective, I want a higher price than nearly everyone else in the company. So we’re not talking an expensive product. Released now, I am confident people are getting more than required value from the product.

    Will you continue pursuing/developing the humanity system? have you made/felt the need to make any changes? (Daniel Yacoubian)

    I think this will continue to be developed throughout the life of the product, it will be a very subtle art to get it right.

    Will the number of zombies be increased, or should we expect a similar amount? (Kyle O’Dowd)

    Yes, expect the numbers to increase as they are controlled directly on the server independent of player locations.

    @Lirik - Will there be character slots or will it be limited to one survivor?

    Initially, just one live character for each player account. We store a huge amount of data for each character, so we need to limit it.

    @Biddaman - From what we know about next gen consoles so far, would Dayz be possible to run on those machines?

    Personally, yes I believe it would be technically possible. Some of the consoles will be easier than others. There are some issues with requirements for publishers which are really annoying, and I have been frustrated in the past with some of the rules required that force some weird design changes in games (I don’t like tutorials!).

    @zSc0pe - Will there be changes with the chat? I would like to be able to type or talk to friends in game without the whole server knowing

    We’ve started development of a basic radio system. If you’ve played Space Station 13, you’ll recognize this system. More to follow on that. And love the songs by the way!

    @jerry_hopper - Will the squadXML be overhauled,2 achieve more interaction ‘outside’ the gameserver? or will there be some API which taps in dayz?

    API is something we, longterm, want to look at for nearly everything - considering the outstanding creativity within the community. In particular I think it is best to allow the community to develop its own player profile statistic sites. But this is something that will come much later in the year.

    @Ray23estRay - If there will be any further map releases for DayZ in the future,will they be released as DLC content for money?

    We are starting our planning process for this, but we don’t have any idea how we would monetize it. There are issues with the DLC model we would want to avoid. We’re hoping we will be so successful in sales, that we can just release as a free content update.

    @TheBeehawk - What kind of vehicle customisation [sic] is planned?

    I have only basic ideas on this currently, essentially functioning similar to the weapon attachment system we have designed. If your car has a missing or damaged door, take the door off another car. But of course, if they are different colors, you’ll see that. Each part also has various damage states, so we end up with GTA-esque damage visuals.

    @Chernoeb Will there be different servers with different weapons. Example: One server has DMR’s while another server has no DMR’s

    Not initially. Either loot will be entirely controlled centrally by the central server, or it will spawn based on loot probability tables, or (most likely) a combination of the two.

    @poopthought - Do you have any malls, hotels, prisons or bigger hospitals planned for the standalone?


    @EvanLutes1999 - Will there be the old weapons from the mod, new weapons, or a mix of both?

    New weapons, based on the old weapons.

    IAsh - How many clothing varieties should we expect?

    Once released, expect new content every week. We are planning hundreds and hundreds of clothing varieties.