DayZ Standalone Update 0.53.126147 (Experimental)
Zu experimental Updates gibt es nie öffentliche Changelogs, alle Infos kommen von anderen Spieler.
Größe: 456.6MB
[li][Animations] animated water pumps. Seems to only apply to blue pumps[/li]
[li][AI] Animal AI improved. Not sure about specifics.[/li]
[li][Loot] handheld scopes can move up and down now[/li]
[li][Loot] Fireplace kits have a new model but don't seem to be able to be lit like before. Bug or mechanic change?[/li]
[li][Mechanics] You can tie people up with duct tape and rope, uses 100% of duct tape.[/li]
[li][Gear] Full ghillie is now paintable[/li]
[li]Eugen says to expect rollbacks and desync with this version. Apparently there are some new sanity checks in place.[/li]
[li]possible bug where players die when tied up (1 report)[/li]
[li]possible crash when throwing items (1 user reporting)[/li]
[li]pumpkins grow with 0% food.[/li]
Improved Animal AI:
[img width=700 height=393][/img]
Paintable Full ghillie:
[img width=700 height=437][/img]
Quelle: reddit