Neuer Wochenbericht (17.09.14)

  • Status Report - Week of 15 Sept 14
    posted on September 17, 2014


    This is the topic of this week’s status report. As we move forward with development on DayZ past 0.49 and into 0.50 this is one of our primary focuses. Throughout our Alpha and Beta phases the core engine that powers DayZ is created. During this process new engine functions are introduced, deprecated functions are removed, and the general nature of how a great deal of systems operate can completely change. Within normal closed development this would not be an issue, however developing DayZ in the open and updating the primary branch with any reliable frequency can leave us vulnerable at times.

    Individuals focused on identifying, and exploiting vulnerabilities during the development process -will- find holes. No amount of closed testing within a time scale that allows us to update the primary branch with reliable frequency, and keep to our target of a two to three year development cycle will stop this. However, Early Access does offer us an unparalleled opportunity to identify, and address potential vulnerabilities with how DayZ functions prior to the 1.0 that traditionally we would never have. Vigilance as these vulnerabilities are identified, and addressing them is critical to the stability of DayZ 1.0, and will serve to make the final product that much more of an enjoyable experience.

    That said, over the next month these are our security goals.

      [li]Purge of the stable branch hive [/li]

        [li]The intent here is to purge existing large volume magazines and legacy items from the economy[/li]

      [li]Working with BattlEye to deploy a new, more comprehensive method of detection[/li]
      [li]Closer collaboration between our internal hacks/exploit team and VAC[/li]
      [li]Addressing at an engine level current methods of rapid player position updates[/li]
      [li]Rolling out private shards for player rented servers with our game server provider partners [/li]

        [li]Private shard servers will offer the additional protection of server administrator level bans, password protection for private shard servers, and whitelist support[/li]

    As 0.49 rolls out to stable branch today, the most obvious change with this update (aside from the stable hive purge) is the move of the initial persistence feature for rented DayZ servers to an opt-in selection with each game server provider. Given that consumer data, and player storage is such a valuable and key feature to DayZ, and still very early we want to ensure that the system is a physical choice each game server administrator makes. While this system is refined, each game server provider operates a last known good fail-safe for servers opting in to persistence that will restore the storage from the last successful startup in the event of any unforeseen failure. Moving forward into 0.50, we intend to move persistence from this opt in system to all stable branch servers.
    - Brian Hicks / Producer

    Chris / Lead Artist
    "Character Art:

    Since my last report, we wrapped up on bugfixing some of the character art (for now anyways) and began working on medical scrubs, a prison uniform, and some new women’s clothing. Yes, soon you will be able to don a skirt as you mow down zombies, fulfilling that weird fantasy we all have. Work continues on the new civilian zombie and so far it’s looking quite nice. I’m looking forward to getting some feedback from the fans about him.


    The base vehicle model will be finished this week and we have begun working on the various parts which players will need to find in order to repair and maintain a working vehicle.


    We’re polishing up the AKS74U and the SVD of old, since we’re closing in on a centralized economy to regulate the number of them on the map. The MP133 and Lever action are waiting on sounds. A new weapon you can expect in the not-to-distant future is a Steyr AUG. One of my favorites."

    Standup Notes for the week of 15 Sept 14


      [li]Prison uniform[/li]
      [li]Medical Scrubs[/li]
      [li]Female clothing[/li]
      [li]AKS74U and SVD polishing[/li]
      [li]Steyr AUG model[/li]
      [li]Civilian Airfield structures[/li]
      [li]Leather craft able items[/li]
      [li]Vehicle components[/li]


      [li]Vehicle component & servicing design[/li]
      [li]Implementation of waterproof containers[/li]
      [li]Design on snares/traps[/li]
      [li]Implementation of drowning on player[/li]
      [li]Implementation of prototype wildlife trap[/li]


      [li]Various reload animations polishing[/li]
      [li]Rifle aim walks in progress[/li]
      [li]MP133 reload animations[/li]
      [li]Zombie movement design & prototyping[/li]
      [li]Motion capture session[/li]
      [li]MP133 reload config[/li]


      [li] Server/Client crash triage[/li]
      [li]Door reimplementation & bugfixing[/li]
      [li]Game control redesign implementation[/li]
      [li]Remote player movement enhancements[/li]
      [li] Security triage[/li]
      [li]Security on player location updates[/li]
      [li]Zombie behavior & AI[/li]
      [li]Sound-over-network enhancements & optimization[/li]
      [li]Player respawn/connecting fixes[/li]


  • Sicherheit

    Die Überschrift des wöchentlichen Status Berichtes.

    Laut Brian Hicks wird unter Anderem auf die Sicherheit großen Wert gelegt von Version 0.49 zu 0.50. Die Ziele auf dem Weg sind Folgende:

      [li] Säuberung des Stable Hives - unter anderem um die "gecheateten" Iteams loszuwerden[/li]
      [li] Neue, verbesserte Erkennungsmethoden in Zusammenarbeit mit Battleye[/li]
      [li] Bessere Zusammenarbeit mit den Hack/Exploid Dev Team und VAC[/li]
      [li] Verbesserte Bewegungserkennung von Spielern auf Engine Level[/li]
      [li] Einführung der "Private Shards", Server mit eigener Datenbank sozusagen - Damit verbunden sind mögliche Admin Bans, passwortgeschütze Server und Whitelist Unterstützung[/li]

    Die Itemspeicherung auf Servern wird nun vorerst als Option für Serverbesitzer eingeführt, soll bis 0.50 aber auf allen Servern dauerhaft eingestellt werden. Sollte das Laden der Item Datenbank mal fehlschlagen wird den Admins immer ein Rollback auf die letzte Funktionierende zur Verfügung gestellt.

    Ansonsten wird betont, dass die Arbeit an neuer Kleidung gut voran geht und das erste Fahrzeugmodell in Kürze fertig ist, auch wird fleißig an Autoteilen gebastelt, die Spieler für die Reparatur eines Fahrzeugs brauchen.

    Weitere Zielsetzungen in Kurzform:


      [li] Gefängnisuniform[/li]
      [li] Krankenhauskittel[/li]
      [li] Damenkleidung[/li]
      [li] AKS74U & SVD Optimierung[/li]
      [li] Steyr AUG Modell[/li]
      [li] Gebäude für das zivile Flugfeld[/li]
      [li] herstellbare Lederitems[/li]


      [li] Bugs beheben[/li]
      [li] Autoteile & Wartungsdesign[/li]
      [li] wasserfeste Items[/li]
      [li] Fallen & Fallstrick[/li]
      [li] Ertrinken...oder Ertränken, ich bin mir nicht sicher[/li]
      [li] Wildfallenprototyp[/li]


      [li] Optimierung von einigen Nachladeanimationen[/li]
      [li] Gehen mit angelegter Waffe[/li]
      [li] MP133 Nachladeanimation[/li]
      [li] Zombiebewegungen, einige davon Prototypen[/li]
      [li] eine Motion Capturing Session ;D[/li]
      [li] MP133 Nachladekonfig[/li]


      [li] Bugs beheben[/li]
      [li] Server/Client Crashes[/li]
      [li] Redesign der Türmechanik & Fehlerbehebungen[/li]
      [li] Redesign der Steuerung[/li]
      [li] Verbesserungen in der Fernabfrage von Spielerbewegungen[/li]
      [li] Sicherheitsverbesserungen[/li]
      [li] Verbesserungen in der Positionsbestimmung von Spielern[/li]
      [li] Zombieverhalten & KI[/li]
      [li] Sound-over-network Optimierungen[/li]
      [li] Fehlerbehebung bei Spielerrespawn und beim verbinden mit einem Server[/li]

    For longer than I can remember, I've been looking for someone like you.

    Someone with a head like yours, and a torso too.

    Birds sing, and YOU'RE GONNA PAY,

    THE END!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MaVerick[LAS] ()

  • Klingt alles sehr gut :D

    Der beste Satz:
    Since my last report, we wrapped up on bugfixing some of the character art (for now anyways) and began working on medical scrubs, a prison uniform, and some new women’s clothing. Yes, soon you will be able to don a skirt as you mow down zombies, fulfilling that weird fantasy we all have.

    Frei übersetzt:
    Seit meinem letzen Report haben wir mit der Fehlerbehebung einiger Charakteranimationen aufgeholt und mit den Arbeiten an OP-Bekleidung, Häftlingskleidung und diversen neuen Frauenkleidern begonnen. Ja... bald werdet ihr in der Lage sein, diese seltsame Fantasie, die wir wir alle haben, auszuleben und einen Rock tragen können während ihr Zombies niedermäht...

  • Ja... bald werdet ihr in der Lage sein, diese seltsame Fantasie, die wir wir alle haben, auszuleben und einen Rock tragen können während ihr Zombies niedermäht...

    Ich sehe schon vor meinem geistigen Auge, wie Transvestiten durch Berezino ziehen und alles mit der AK über den Haufen schiessen.