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    Escapade VI - Anastara Rage


    🔥 Anastara in Flammen 🔥

    4 Teams gefangen in einem klassischen PVP-Szenario.

    Erobert die zentrale Flagge!


    Jeder Teilnehmende muss nackt kommen. Während der Besprechungsphase teleportieren wir jeden zum Event-Ort.

    Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für mitgebrachtes Equipment und bieten keine Lagermöglichkeiten!

    Es findet an diesem Abend kein Airdrop statt!


    PVP-CTF (Capture the Flag) Team Event mit Permadeath! 1PP!

    (in Planung sind 3 Spielrunden, evtl. 5)


    TREFFEN am Samstag, 16.11.2024 – 20:30 Uhr (im TS Eventbereich)

    START ungefähr 21:00 Uhr

    ENDE spätestens 00:00 Uhr

    Wo? - Hardline Anastara

    20:30 Uhr im Event-Channel im TS von

    Späteres Nachjoinen nach Absprache möglich!

    Teams / TS?

    Vier Teams treten gegeneinander an.

    TEAM Yellow


    TEAM Pink


    TEAM Red


    TEAM Green


    Die Teams können sich spontan im TS bilden. Kein Fraktions- oder Gruppenzwang. Es geht um Spaß!

    Was gibt es zu gewinnen?

    Ruhm & Ehre

    Das smarteste Team des Events verdient sich einen Platz in der KG-Ruhmeshalle und erhält die Krieger-Trophäe in Bronze. trophyImage-26.png


    Kommt nackt! Teilnehmer werden ins Gefängnis geportet.

    Zeitlicher Ablauf:

    Das Event endet nach 3 (5) Spielrunden!

    Was braucht ihr?

    Nur den Willen und die Lust dieses Event zu gewinnen.

    Der goldene Gurkenschäler segne euch!

    Die Veranstalter
    [gdzherz] Team

    Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer für Ihre eingesendeten Screenshots! <3

    Smokey - Hexe in der Nacht


    Snickers - Schattenspiel mit Kürbis


    Rammstein - Strand mit Abendhimmel


    Hansdieter - Stilleben im Untergrund


    Acki - Allein in der Nacht


    Shaitan - Hospital des Grauens


    KrawallKueken - Kürbis Banditen


    Hansdieter - Black Cat and Orange Pumpkin


    Hansdieter - Empty Fridge


    Shaitan - Pumpkin Chef


    Snickers - Skelettffreunde


    Vivi - Giftige Wolke im Krater


    Tobi - Scary CRK Medic


    Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer für Ihre eingesendeten Screenshots!

    Das GDZ-Team ist die Jury und wird intern die Screenshots anhand eines Kriteriensystems bewerten und den Sieger am 5.11.2024 nach dem Admintalk bekannt geben.

    Falsch! Es wird eine Com-Abstimmung geben! Wird gerade ausgearbeitet!

    PC Stable 1.26 Update 1 - Version 1.26.158898 (Release on 15.10.2024)


    • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
    • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
    • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
    • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.


    • Added Sakhal terrain
    • Rubber Boat
    • Ice Axe
    • Yellowfoot Mushroom
    • Reindeer
    • Winter-themed infected types
    • Winter-themed variants of existing clothing items
    • Budenovka
    • Snowstorm Ushanka
    • Ski gloves
    • Navy uniform jacket and pants
    • OMK jacket and pants
    • Walleye Pollock
    • Steelhead Trout
    • Shrimp
    • Scientific briefcase and keys
    • Canned crab
    • Down jacket
    • Ski goggles
    • Glass bottle
    • Heavy Metal Poisoning
    • Bushlat Jacket
    • Sherpa Hat



    • Brown Hare
    • Red Fox
    • Wolf trophy headdress
    • Shemag
    • Fishing jig
    • Wooden fishing hook
    • Consuming scorching hot items now slows consumption and causes damage
    • It is now possible to climb onto ledges while swimming
    • Authentication for official game servers
    • Some items can now freeze if exposed to low temperatures
    • Grass now bends under animals and infected
    • Terrain and object visibility settings
    • In-game server browser now verifies all official servers before displaying them
    • In-game server browser can now filter for maps
    • In-game server browser now allows sorting for maps in a separate column
    • Description field for servers, displayed in the server browser



    • Updated official server naming conventions in coherence with the server browser update
    • Reworked character heat comfort and how it is influenced
    • Rebalanced the insulation values of most clothing items
    • Renamed "bad" insulation to "worst" for better understanding
    • Reworked fishing action and its chances, including audio and particle effects (let go of LMB to reel in a fish when caught)
    • Fishing bait is no longer crafted, but an attachment of hook
    • Slightly rebalanced the nutrition values of fish
    • Eating raw fish now causes food poisoning instead of salmonella
    • Worms are now stackable
    • It's now possible to dig multiple worms at once with certain tools
    • Reworked the common cold into stages, added pneumonia
    • Codeine pills and morphine now suppress common cold and influenza symptoms
    • To tackle animal predators being an easy source of food for highly geared players, we have infected predator meat with a disease
    • All edible items can now be added to cooking slots
    • All edible items can now be heated up to warm up the character when consumed
    • Tweaked water gain from food items, decreased the gain from cooked items
    • Removed rough and precision soft skills
    • Firewood can now be stacked up to 3 times in the inventory
    • Tweaked the minimum and maximum temperatures of items
    • Players now gain temporary immunity to the common cold after beating it or any of its later stages
    • The flare gun ammunition now spins slightly on descent
    • Active rain/snowfall now decrease the hearing of infected
    • Force feeding is now only possible when facing the player
    • Sitting in a vehicle with running engine will now set your character's heat comfort to neutral
    • Heat packs cool down over a longer period and give drastically more benefit
    • Traps now require bait and might catch different animals depending on the bait
    • Traps now play a sound when they aught an animal
    • Traps in water play a particle effect when they caught an animal
    • Reduced damage taken by traps on catch
    • Increased chance of catching animals via trap
    • Reduced time required for traps to catch an animal
    • Significantly increased the weight of animals pelts
    • Terrain detail video settings are now hidden and set to one value that corresponds to the multiplayer settings (it was always forced to one value by the server anyway)
    • Optimized world loading for respawning players (PC only)
    • Reduced the AI alertness from pistol shots
    • Strongly reduced the AI alertness from shots of the Sporter
    • Heat buffer (+ symbol) now shows progression on HUD and its behavior has been slightly altered
    • Reduced size of the cargo on most jackets, pants and vests
    • Adjusted inventory sizes of various items
    • Many continuous actions have now their camera view angle limited to the general area, where the action is conducted
    • It's not possible to construct garden plots below certain environment temperatures



    • Fixed: A glitched military convoy position at Dubrovka
    • Changed: Morning fog behavior, there is always morning fog around the coast and in the low altitude valleys. The density is randomized, it can be too thick sometimes
    • Changed: Wind direction and speed is giving clues about how the upcoming overcast will be
    • Changed: Large-scale rebalancing of clothing items and firearms
    • Changed: Morning fog behavior, there CAN be a morning fog which is on the river and around its bed. The density is randomized
    • Changed: Livonia now has sudden overcast changes. The sudden change always ends with a bad weather and the duration of it shorter compared to normal overcast changes
    • Changed: Wind direction and speed is giving clues about how the upcoming overcast will be
    • Changed: Default date reset interval moved from Aug-Sept to July-Aug
    • Changed: Large-scale rebalancing of clothing items and firearms



    • Added: Launcher now verifies all official servers before displaying them


    • Added: 'CGame.ReloadShape' to reload an objects p3d through script (diag only)
    • Added: Support for NoiseSystemParams::shotVolExponent in Infected.hpp config file, which affects volume fall off shots heard by infected
    • Added: Diag Menu: "Enfusion World > Bullet > Simulation" to pause and step through physics simulation
    • Added: GetAimingHandsOffsetLR, GetAimingHandsOffsetUD script API
    • Added: Ability to define a texture layer with a certain projection vector into Multi and Super shader (documentation coming soon, Adam Franců)
    • Added: Script functions IsPointInPolygon, IsPointInPolygonXZ, IsPointInTriangleXZ, TriangleWindingXZ
    • Added: Exposed various getters for Car wheel contact
    • Added: Configuration of the sea - parameters MaxTide and MaxWave in cfgWorlds. Diag menu option to set the sea level to maximum or minimum
    • Added: Script function GetAdditionalHealthTypes
    • Added: CGame.SurfaceGetSeaLevelMin() and CGame.SurfaceGetSeaLevelMax()
    • Added: dBodyGetWorldTransform and dBodyGetDirectWorldTransform to EnPhysics
    • Added: 'Human.PhysicsGetPositionLS' and 'Human.PhysicsGetPositionWS'
    • Added: Config entry 'animPhysDetachSpeed' for any entity with dynamic physics, a zero-value means the player will not stay on the entity, any positive non-zero value means the player will stay on the entity until that speed (m/s) is reached, then the player will slide backwards
    • Added: "SurfaceInfo.GetByName" and "SurfaceInfo.GetByFile" to directly get the SurfaceInfo
    • Added: Partial implementation of 'animPhysDetachSpeed' for static objects (such as House), the player will never slide
    • Added: 'Pawn.ForceCorrection' for forcing network corrections to the owner
    • Fixed: 'DbgUI.SliderFloat' not accepting inputs or rendering
    • Fixed: A bug that could be abused to obfuscate files
    • Fixed: EntityOverlapSingleBullet had incorrect parameter count
    • Fixed: FindFile script method did not handle the pattern correctly on linux (
    • Fixed: FileMode.WRITE was not truncating the file on Linux (
    • Fixed: 'Human.PhysicsGetPositionWS' and 'Human.PhysicsGetRotationWS' would ignore enfusion parent
    • Fixed: 'DayZPlayer.SetDirection' would only set the players direction after they had moved
    • Fixed: EEHitBy events were not being fired after entity is destroyed/killed
    • Changed: Vertex limit in a single p3d model has been increased from 32 thousand to 65 thousand - requires binarize.exe in DayZ Tools to be updated to take advantage, which will occur later
    • Changed: The vehicle UI has been refactored to allow for more extendability. In the current version (1.26), both the old and new solution are present to give time for mods which would use the vehicle UI scripts to change to the new version without pressure. With version 1.27, the old solution will be removed completely. By default, the old UI solution is used. In order to switch to the new version, run the game with startup parameter -scrDef=VEH_UI_REFACTOR. The relevant changes are present within IngameHud.c
    • Changed: SurfaceGetType(3D) now returns the Y position the surface was found
    • Changed: Tree and grass material property `perlinDirAffection` will now have square reduction of its magnitude below the value of 0.5, resolving some visual noise of trees and grass
    • Changed: Clutter generation speed has been significantly increased on higher cell size terrains
    • Changed: Surfaces can now define a 'stepParticle' and 'wheelParticle'
    • Changed: Some minor documentation improvements around physics getters for Human
    • Changed: 'Human.PhysicsGetTransformWS' now returns the true world space with enfusion hierarchy
    • Changed: Roadways no longer create physics for dynamic objects
    • Tweaked: Debug shots trace now outputs speed of projectile upon exiting a surface


    • Added: Template library filtering
    • Fixed: Export Shapes to Imagery functionality now continues to work even after invalid path is specified
    • Fixed: Renaming an object/shape layer works now, instead of creating a new layer
    • Tweaked: "Remove + Delete from HDD" from Object layer window has been replaced with "Remove" option which does NOT delete the corresponding file
    • Tweaked: Removed various unused options from Terrain -> Preferences
    • Tweaked: Generate layers process has been optimized and is now faster
    • Tweaked: Improvements to the mass conversion of PNG to PAA for layers (you can select parallel conversion)


    • The server browser might not display servers - a fix is in the works - THIS CAN BE SOLVED BY RESETTING FILTERS
    • Respawning from unconscious might result in disconnect from the server
    • Weather can be desynced for players after server start - a fix is in internal testing
    • Thawing frozen items in cookware is too slow - a fix is in internal testing
    • Heavy Metal Poisoning Screen effect is present after respawn - a fix is in internal testing, can be solved by reconnect
    • Vehicles or boats behave weirdly next to rocks (, - a fix is in internal testing
    • Character is stuttering while passing doors
    • Camera twitches after vaulting over fences/walls (
    • Sakhal map doesn't have translated name and description - a fix is in internal testing
    • Alarm sound of Warhead bunker entrance can play permanently after server restart
    • Some ice sheets cannot be climbed on
    • Tents can clip into ice sheets after being packed
    • Boats and players in them are not getting any damage in crashes
    • Small stutters can happen when walking/sprinting into the sea
    • Climbing on boat, especially with no or low stamina, can cause animation glitches
    • Some food can clip into fireplaces and ovens when added to cooking slots - a fix is in internal testing
    • Inconsistencies with the cfgweather.xml ( - a fix is in internal testing
    • Thawed snow area around fireplaces is not visible at night
    • PC server descriptions do not support new line characters - a fix is in internal testing

    Auch nach dem Modded Abschlussballern möchten wir euch gerne die Kill-Logs in der einfachen Ausführung zeigen.

    Bleibt [gdz] treu! Wir danken euch [gdzherz]

    Viel Spaß in der 1.26!

    20:52:53 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6584.6, 2522.7, 6.2>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6514.6, 2476.1, 13.5> with Blaze from 84.3771 meters
    20:55:43 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6597.9, 2498.8, 6.0>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6586.7, 2491.8, 6.2> with HK MP7 from 13.1442 meters
    20:55:55 | Player "HD" (DEAD) pos=<6590.1, 2494.1, 6.2> killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6594.8, 2496.4, 6.0> with HK MP7 from 5.20037 meters
    20:56:52 | Player "23.m0ab- Squad" (DEAD) pos=<6713.2, 2941.7, 7.2> killed by Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" pos=<6707.0, 2946.0, 7.2> with HK-417 from 7.55204 meters
    20:58:06 | Player "HD" (DEAD) pos=<6628.4, 2584.9, 11.4> killed by ZmbF_ShortSkirt_Black
    20:58:16 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD)pos=<6627.7, 2584.1, 11.4> killed by ZmbF_ShortSkirt_Black
    21:00:11 | Player "TomiKelly" (DEAD) pos=<6578.5, 2792.0, 6.5>) killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6501.6, 2783.8, 23.2> with SV-98 from 79.0349 meters
    21:01:27 | Player "Rattenjunge" (DEAD) pos=<6463.7, 2532.6, 6.2> killed by Player "Murphy"pos=<6391.0, 2625.9, 9.3> with SV-98 from 118.334 meters
    21:03:42 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6484.2, 2357.4, 9.2> killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6472.1, 2372.9, 8.6> with AUR A1 from 19.6572 meters
    21:07:40 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6489.2, 2431.8, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6499.7, 2436.7, 6.0>) with AK-74 from 11.5102 meters
    21:08:01 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6436.8, 2432.3, 8.0>) killed by Player "Andy Ommsen" pos=<6430.2, 2437.2, 8.0>) with AKM | Hyper Beast from 8.26057 meters
    21:08:10 | Player "Andy Ommsen" (DEAD) pos=<6436.4, 2432.8, 8.0>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6469.7, 2477.6, 6.2>) with Blaze from 55.8126 meters
    21:08:48 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6539.3, 2333.3, 9.4>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6456.7, 2443.6, 6.3>) with Blaze from 137.827 meters
    21:10:03 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6524.5, 2798.6, 9.6>) killed by Player "TomiKelly" pos=<6532.2, 2805.8, 9.6>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 10.5567 meters
    21:11:04 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6577.9, 2793.1, 6.5>) killed by Player "Andy Ommsen" pos=<6574.2, 2794.8, 4.7>) with SV-98 from 4.36931 meters
    21:12:22 | Player "Andy Ommsen" (DEAD) killed by Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" pos=<6582.1, 2792.0, 8.1>) with HK-417 from 1.49471 meters
    21:13:59 | Player "Andy Ommsen" pos=<6420.3, 2224.1, 6.2>) killed by Player "Vika_die_Eule" " pos=<6421.1, 2222.9, 6.2>) with AK-74 from 1.44313 meters
    21:16:29 | Player "Andy Ommsen" (DEAD) pos=<6421.8, 2222.8, 6.2>) killed by Player "LonsesomeCowboy" pos=<6422.0, 2225.0, 7.3>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 2.43936 meters
    21:19:11 | Player "[BBS] Niko" (DEAD) pos=<6618.3, 2429.2, 8.3>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6613.9, 2430.2, 8.3>) with AK-74 from 4.47723 meters
    21:22:33 | Player "Rattenjunge" (DEAD) pos=<6590.3, 2489.3, 17.3>) killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6588.3, 2486.4, 15.8>) with AK-74 from 3.81393 meters
    21:23:52 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6590.6, 2318.8, 7.1>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6617.6, 2410.9, 24.0>) with Blaze from 97.4839 meters
    21:25:53 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6610.3, 2429.9, 23.3>) killed by Player "TomiKelly" pos=<6519.2, 2451.2, 6.2>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 95.1512 meters
    21:26:15 | Player "Copperhead Kate" pos=<6365.0, 2230.2, 5.0>) killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6363.1, 2229.5, 4.7>) with AEK-918G from 2.02547 meters
    21:27:10 | Player "Andy Ommsen" (DEAD) pos=<6477.4, 2260.3, 5.7>) killed by Player "TomiKelly" pos=<6493.6, 2267.6, 5.8>) with FN FAL from 17.8054 meters
    21:27:40 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6479.7, 2252.3, 5.7>) killed by ZmbM_SurvivorDean_Black
    21:28:26 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6485.2, 2360.7, 8.6>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6472.7, 2371.6, 8.6>) with AK-74 from 16.6071 meters
    21:28:50 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6547.1, 2336.6, 45.6>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" pos=<6419.6, 2239.1, 7.0>) with Barrett M98B from 165.034 meters
    21:29:35 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6413.7, 2233.6, 5.9>) killed by Player "LonsesomeCowboy" pos=<6419.1, 2237.0, 5.9>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 6.31763 meters
    21:31:27 | Player "Vika_die_Eule" (DEAD) pos=<6416.1, 2240.0, 5.9>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6411.4, 2234.4, 5.9>) with MP5-K from 7.28929 meters
    21:31:37 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6411.4, 2235.3, 5.9>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6408.3, 2217.5, 5.9>) with M4-A1 from 18.0338 meters
    21:31:49 | Player "LonsesomeCowboy" (DEAD) pos=<6408.3, 2224.3, 5.9>) killed by Player "TomiKelly" pos=<6404.0, 2230.2, 5.9>) with FN FAL from 7.29985 meters
    21:31:50 | Player "TomiKelly" (DEAD) pos=<6403.9, 2227.2, 5.9>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" pos=<6411.6, 2230.3, 5.9>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 8.25546 meters
    21:31:57 | Player "Copperhead Kate" (DEAD) pos=<6410.0, 2214.6, 7.9>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6408.4, 2216.1, 5.9>) with M4-A1 from 2.97057 meters
    21:32:17 | Player "[GDZ]CinZane" (DEAD) pos=<6391.1, 2246.6, 6.6>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6406.4, 2232.0, 5.9>) with M4-A1 from 21.1826 meters
    21:33:43 | Player "Vika_die_Eule" (DEAD) pos=<6591.8, 2805.7, 9.1>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6591.9, 2805.1, 9.5>) with (MeleeFist)
    21:35:08 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6354.8, 2267.9, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rudd Dreibaum" pos=<6369.9, 2246.6, 6.0>) with M4-A1 from 26.1293 meters
    21:35:29 | Player "Rudd Dreibaum" (DEAD) pos=<6357.5, 2253.3, 5.9>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" pos=<6360.4, 2264.2, 6.0>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 11.2557 meters
    21:35:51 | Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" (DEAD) pos=<6360.1, 2265.1, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6358.1, 2264.2, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 2.19518 meters
    21:36:33 | Player "Vika_die_Eule" (DEAD) pos=<6410.2, 2655.2, 9.6>) killed by Player "M*sli" pos=<6354.5, 2654.9, 17.7>) with SV-98 from 56.2887 meters
    21:37:08 | Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" (DEAD) pos=<6365.9, 2257.7, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6364.3, 2259.0, 6.0>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 2.13731 meters
    21:38:19 | Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" (DEAD) pos=<6351.2, 2239.9, 5.5>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6345.7, 2245.9, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 8.14709 meters
    21:38:15 | Player "23.m0ab- Squad" (DEAD) pos=<6549.7, 2604.6, 14.0>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6552.3, 2608.1, 14.0>) with FN FAL from 4.39793 meters
    21:38:41 | Player "Rudd Dreibaum" (DEAD) pos=<6358.7, 2266.2, 6.0>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6360.5, 2265.7, 6.0>) with M4-A1 from 1.90475 meters
    21:38:58 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6331.6, 2312.0, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6323.1, 2296.0, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 18.1191 meters
    21:40:28 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6511.8, 2593.5, 14.0>) killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6520.2, 2597.4, 13.9>) with AK-74 from 9.24979 meters
    21:43:03 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD)pos=<6600, 2555.3, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rudd Dreibaum" pos=<6601.5, 2557, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 2.30152 meters
    21:43:56 | Player "Rattenjunge" (DEAD) pos=<6488.5, 2337.4, 7.4>) killed by ZmbF_ShortSkirt_red
    21:44:07 | Player "Copperhead Kate" (DEAD) pos=<6487.3, 2344.5, 8.1>) killed by Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" pos=<6473.8, 2353.8, 8.1>) with AKM | Hyper Beast from 16.3686 meters
    21:45:55 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6631.2, 2585.1, 11.4>) killed by Player "Rudd Dreibaum" (DEAD) pos=<6629.1, 2584.9, 11.4>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 2.12497 meters
    21:45:55 | Player "Rudd Dreibaum" (DEAD) pos=<6629.1, 2584.9, 11.4>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6631.1, 2585.1, 11.4>) with Blaze from 2.02004 meters
    21:49:24 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6630.6, 2582.8, 7.6>) killed by ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal
    21:50:38 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6466.6, 2375.4, 8.4>) killed by ZmbF_JournalistNormal_White
    21:51:16 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6487.1, 2359.2, 9.2>) killed by Player "Rattenjunge" pos=<6465.2, 2377.6, 8.1>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 28.6579 meters
    21:52:38 | Player "Rattenjunge" (DEAD) pos=<6466.8, 2378.8, 8.1>) killed by Player "Vika_die_Eule" pos=<6472.7, 2363.3, 8.6>) with MP5-K from 16.5946 meters
    21:53:38 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6583.2, 2454.8, 6.0>) killed by Player "Rudd Dreibaum" pos=<6618.4, 2452.0, 6.0>) with AK-74 from 35.3623 meters
    21:54:47 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD)pos=<6422.9, 2228.7, 10.5>) killed by Player "Some1callforbackup" pos=<6424.0, 2230.6, 10.2>) with M4-A1 from 2.21833 meters
    21:55:30 | Player "Rudd Dreibaum" (DEAD) pos=<6490.7, 2264.5, 5.7>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6480.7, 2264.5, 5.6>) with MP5-K from 9.99809 meters
    21:57:01 | Player "M*sli" (DEAD) pos=<6480.0, 2259.7, 5.6>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6474.6, 2263.3, 5.9>) with AK-74 from 6.48387 meters
    21:57:58 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6428.2, 2225.8, 10.2>) killed by Player "Some1callforbackup" pos=<6424.6, 2223.9, 10.2>) with M4-A1 from 4.14051 meters
    21:58:03 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6475.4, 2308.8, 6.6>) killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6464.2, 2297.9, 6.3>) with AKM | Hyper Beast from 15.6753 meters
    21:59:38 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6430.4, 2223.1, 6.0>) killed by Player "Murphy" pos=<6457.5, 2245.7, 5.8>) with AKM | Hyper Beast from 35.2263 meters
    22:01:15 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6417.8, 2287.1, 6.6>) killed by Player "[GDZ]CinZane" pos=<6420.2, 2286.6, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 2.5088 meters
    22:01:26 | Player "Murphy" (DEAD) pos=<6423.0, 2221.8, 10.2>) killed by Player "Some1callforbackup" pos=<6420.8, 2221.3, 10.2>) with M4-A1 from 2.27897 meters
    22:03:16 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6471.1, 2373.5, 8.6>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6479.7, 2368.7, 8.6>) with AKM | Hyper Beast from 9.8491 meters
    22:06:17 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6474.5, 2255.6, 5.9>) killed by Player "SirMerlin" pos=<6473.8, 2257.3, 5.7>) with Armbrust from 1.9043 meters
    22:06:29 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6473.8, 2257.3, 5.7>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6446.2, 2231.3, 5.8>) with MP5-K from 37.9188 meters
    22:07:10 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6457.4, 2208.1, 6.0>) killed by Player "[GDZ]CinZane" pos=<6418.1, 2218.2, 10.2>) with SV-98 from 40.8311 meters
    22:07:05 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) " pos=<6455.1, 2208.4, 6.0>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6456.4, 2208.6, 6.0>) with MP5-K from 1.32523 meters
    22:08:26 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6461.5, 2247.0, 5.9>) killed by Player "SirMerlin" pos=<6448.2, 2226.5, 5.8>) with MP5-K from 24.4687 meters
    22:09:04 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6454.4, 2208.7, 6.0>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6456.7, 2208.1, 6.0>) with MP5-K from 2.46514 meters
    22:09:34 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6437.0, 2205.2, 7.1>) killed by Player "SirMerlin" pos=<6435.1, 2203.7, 7.1>) with MP5-K from 2.44535 meters
    22:10:55 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6610.5, 2443.1, 6.0>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6610.0, 2442.6, 6.3>) with (MeleeFist)
    22:11:03 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6413.8, 2289.4, 6.0>) killed by Player "Vika_die_Eule" pos=<6430.6, 2284.9, 6.2>) with AK-74 from 17.3666 meters
    22:12:24 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6452.0, 2241.0, 5.9>) killed by Player "[GDZ]CinZane" pos=<6428.3, 2226.2, 10.2>) with SV-98 from 28.3296 meters
    22:13:16 | Player "[GDZ]CinZane" (DEAD) pos=<6415.8, 2282.8, 6.0>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" pos=<6414.6, 2281.9, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 1.53766 meters
    22:16:34 | Player "Vika_die_Eule" (DEAD) pos=<6477.8, 2366.1, 8.6>) killed by with 6-M7-Splittergranate
    22:17:02 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6490.0, 2373.5, 8.1>) killed by Player "SirMerlin" pos=<6486.4, 2375.1, 8.1>) with AK-74 from 3.8812 meters
    22:17:03 | Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" (DEAD) pos=<6473.0, 2362.4, 8.6>) killed by with 6-M7-Splittergranate
    22:17:07 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6491.5, 2369.1, 8.1>) killed by with 6-M7-Splittergranate
    22:20:31 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6491.9, 2366.9, 8.1>) killed by Player "Johnson" pos=<6491.8, 2406.1, 13.6>) with SV-98 from 39.608 meters
    22:21:53 | Player "Johnson" (DEAD) pos=<6472.4, 2371.9, 8.6>) killed by Player "Some1callforbackup" pos=<6480.2, 2370.9, 8.6>) with M4-A1 from 7.80937 meters
    22:24:16 | Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" (DEAD) pos=<6471.1, 2367.3, 8.6>) killed by with 6-M7-Splittergranate
    22:24:54 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6470.4, 2372.4, 8.6>) killed by Player "Some1callforbackup" pos=<6482.8, 2370.5, 8.6>) with M4-A1 from 12.5899 meters
    22:26:39 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6477.3, 2382.3, 8.1>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" pos=<6472.9, 2382.3, 8.1>) with AK-74 from 4.38625 meters
    22:28:36 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6422.8, 2222.6, 10.2>) killed by Player "*VCU*Der Blaue Bob" pos=<6424.7, 2222.7, 10.2>) with M4-A1 from 1.877 meters
    22:44:08 | Player "LonsesomeCowboy" (DEAD) pos=<6479.2, 2364.8, 8.6>) killed by Player "SirMerlin" pos=<6434.9, 2402.1, 8.0>) with SV-98 from 57.9233 meters
    22:45:26 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6482.6, 2376.2, 8.1>) killed by Player "SirMerlin" pos=<6405.1, 2492.9, 13.6>) with AKM | Hyper Beast from 140.171 meters
    22:45:21 | Player "Vika_die_Eule" (DEAD) pos=<6468.4, 2373.0, 8.6>) killed by with EGD-5-Splittergranate
    22:47:14 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD) pos=<6446.8, 2387.3, 8.0>) killed by Player "Some1callforbackup" pos=<6485.5, 2364.3, 8.6>) with Barrett M82 from 45.0236 meters
    22:48:08 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6484.2, 2375.7, 8.1>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes" pos=<6477.8, 2380.0, 8.1>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 7.65069 meters
    22:51:01 | Player "SirMerlin" (DEAD)pos=<6455.3, 2457.1, 6.0>) killed by Player "*VCU* Smokey Eyes"pos=<6452.4, 2458.2, 6.0>) with M4-A1 | Howl from 3.06755 meters
    22:52:00 | Player "[TAC]*OPA*SpaceMarine" (DEAD) pos=<6041.7, 3314.3, 63.2>) killed by ZmbF_ShortSkirt_red

    Guten Abend!

    Ersteinmal <3 lichen Dank an Zoppel für seine stetige, ausdauernde und liebenswürdige Art das Abschlussballern anzukündigen und sich darum zu kümmern! Danke :*

    Für alle Interessierten:

    Sicher habt ihr euch gewundert, warum wir dieses Mal die drei größten Küstenorte zur Auswahl stellen.

    Wir möchten, dass dieses Mal am Abschlussballern teilgenommen werden kann, ohne sich vorher großartig organisieren zu müssen, mit anderen abzusprechen und und und. Natürlich könnt ihr das trotzdem machen!

    "Wie bekomme ich wo eine Waffe her" "Ich möchte nicht so weit rennen zum Abschlussballern, dann peng, bin ich tot und muss wieder 20 Minuten hinlaufen..." "Ich komme von Deer und bin nackt, was nun?" und so weiter

    Bei diesem Abschlussballern stellen wir um 20 Uhr im Großraum der ausgewählten "Baller-Stadt" mehrere schöne Waffenstashes (bspw. als Underground Bunker oder einfache Tonnen oder kleine Base) gefüllt mit feinstem Ballerkram, damit wir es ordentlich krachen lassen können. Selbstbedienung!

    Um kurz vor 20 Uhr am Montag, 14.10.2024 veröffentichen wir hier im Thread dann eine Karte, auf denen alle Stashes eingezeichnet sind. Einfach hinlaufen und ausrüsten. Natürlich dabei aufpassen :P

    Die ReSpawn-Punkte sind dann am letzten Abend vor der 1.26 auch nur im Umkreis der gewählten Stadt aktiviert, so dass ihr schnell wieder am Ort des Geschehens seid.

    Hier ist der Text in einer Stichwortliste zusammengefasst:

    Einfache Teilnahme ohne große Vorbereitung

    Drei Küstenorte zur Auswahl

    Weniger Notwendigkeit zur Abstimmung und Organisation

    - Mehrere Waffenstashes (z.B. Bunker, Tonnen, kleine Base) in der gewählten Stadt ab 20 Uhr

    - Karte der Stashes wird kurz vor 20 Uhr am 14.10.2024 veröffentlicht

    - Respawn-Punkte nur im Umkreis der gewählten Stadt aktiviert

    [gdzherz] :ak: Wir sehen uns beim Abschlussballern :m4: [gdz]

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.
    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.