Beiträge von CloneSnow
Haben die was dazu gesagt, ob es noch neue Sachen dazu kommen zum Basebau ?
ich freu mich so sehr
ja das wird auch nocht gefixt
Die Helme sehen echt super aus
Hab dich auch mal geaddet was zu mir bin Ü20
Hab dich auch mal geaddet
Also hatte bis jetzt noch kein Herzinfakt .Würde aber auch gern wissen wann es kommt
richtig in der Mod Version gab es das nicht.Ich freu mich richtig^^ (y)
DayZ Standalone Patch 0.36.115535
[li]Actions: Vomiting have associated sound effects[/li]
[li]Actions: Can check pulse on unconscious players[/li]
[li]Actions: Searching for berries will now add berries to your inventory[/li]
[li]Actions: Eat All now supported for consumables[/li]
[li]Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animations[/li]
[li]Animations: Player now can sit with gun/weapon[/li]
[li]Environment: New rock textures[/li]
[li]Food: Sambucus berry item added[/li]
[li]Food: Canina berry item added[/li]
[li]Graphics: Adding lights to currently rendered scene changed[/li]
[li]Map: Olsha has been updated[/li]
[li]Map: Khelm has been updated[/li]
[li]Map: New rock formations outside Svetlo have been created[/li]
[li]Map: New Orthodox Chapel has been created[/li]
[li]Map: Police Stations & Medical Centers have been placed across the map[/li]
[li]Map: New villages surrounding Svetlo[/li]
[li]Medical: Players can have a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" with pulse checking actions)[/li]
[li]Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind, calculated on server and distributed to clients[/li]
[li]Weather: Rain now causes items and player to become wet[/li]Fixed:
[li]Actions: Added 'inUseItem' back to action on target function[/li]
[li]Actions: Proper nutritional value will be added when eating near empty food[/li]
[li]Actions: Berry picking script messages to player improved.[/li]
[li]Graphics: SSAO in options saved[/li]
[li]Graphics: Rain effect settings changed[/li]
[li]Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28bytes vs 12 bytes per vertex)[/li]
[li]Graphics: Spot light culling fixed[/li]
[li]Graphics: Fix of terrain intersections [/li]
[li]Graphics: Fix of geometry trace for flares[/li]
[li]Login: Failure during new character creation could cause player to get stuck as unconscious[/li]
[li]Map: Optimizations for Svetlo performance[/li]
[li]Map: Forests surrounding Svetlo bugfixes[/li]
[li]Medical: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions[/li]
[li]Medical: Epi-pens will now wake anyone (briefly) from unconsciousness even if blood very low[/li]
[li]Medical: Defibrillator used for restarting the heart of players who have a heart attack[/li]
[li]Medical: Unconsciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack)[/li]
[li]Medical: Melee damage application system changed to better balance[/li]
[li]Medical: Chance of bleeding from fists reduced significantly[/li]
[li]Medical: Disconnected players avatars did not take shock or blood damage[/li]
[li]Zombies: Zombies aims mostly for chest area now when attacking[/li]Quelle:
Bilder dazu:
Polizeistation in Krasnostav…-20-04-38-53-931.jpg.html
Polizeistation in Gorka…-20-05-13-23-554.jpg.html
Der kam nicht sehr weit mit seinem Auto…-20-04-25-38-298.jpg.html
Orthodoxe Kirche in Olsha…-20-04-21-38-341.jpg.html
Olsha selbst,hat sich sehr verändert…-20-04-23-41-664.jpg.html…-20-04-24-36-033.jpg.htmlOlsha von oben
Neue Statusmeldungen:…-20-04-56-25-315.jpg.html…-20-04-56-52-941.jpg.html -
ich finde man merkt es das sie was tuen
Ich will die Standalone, GermanDayZ!
Hallo Germandayz,
Ich wollte mich mal Vorstellen habe euch per google gefunden.
Spiele Arma 2 Dayz seit 2 Monaten und muss sagen ich komm davon nicht weg^^
Zocke gern Militärsimulationsspiele .Habe deswegen mir auch ein eigenen Whitelisted Dayz Server gemietet ....
Zu meiner Person 28 Jahre alt bin Admin vom Beruf komme aus NRW
Interessiere mich rund um was mit Computer zutun hat.
Spiele auch im Clan KSK wir zocken eigentlich fast alles