abwarten... wenn am Montag die FN FAL reinkommt, dazu die Mag. dann gibt es auch in den Zeltlagern wieder Muni.
Beiträge von Apollo28
hi Jericho88,
was am besten ist kann ich dir nicht sagen, da viele Hoster was anderes anbieten,
aus erfahrung kann ich sagen das Fragnet gut ist.
Public Server kannste nicht mit Dart überwachen, was ich dir dazu empfehlen würde ist ein Privat Server bei Fragnet, wo du auch dann mit Dart arbeiten kannst.
Zudem gibt es noch Vilayer, wo ich Persönlich sage, nicht mein geschmack, zudem ich bei dennen gut ein halbes jahr einen Server für die DayZ Standalone hatte (zum Glüch nicht mehr).Letztlich was du dir nimmst ist rein deine und deiner Kumpels Entscheidung.....
einfach signatur folgen
den link hier ist sogar das beste, man sieht die Waffen und das dazu gehörige Kaliber.
sicher, H%H wäre super aber die .308 tut es auch, mal was anderes als die Mosin die aus dem 18.Jahrhundert ist, leider
mal nicht den Kopf hängen lassen
sind beide ein und das selbe, 7,62x51 - .308, Militär - Zivil.
Will damit nicht sagen das Sie das tun werden, das man 7,62x51 in die Alaka pachen wolln, nur das sie ein und das selbe Kaliber haben, laut Diagram ist die .308 sogar besser
ist die Alaska Mod. schon auf Exp. ?
es kommt später das update, dafür mit einen kleinen Bonus
Status Report - Week of 01 September 14
Qüelle: http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-week-of-01-sept-14
As work progressed on dialing in the remaining critical issues with 0.49 (eg: Body temperature variations, duplication bugs, etc) the programming team has continued iterating upon our centralized loot architecture, as well as the major tasks such as ongoing work on replacing the renderer, replacing existing door mechanics, and the entire list covered in the stand up notes below.
Lets take a quick look at the distribution of ammunition, and the top 10 items that currently (as of 0.48 / Stable Branch) spawn. Please keep in mind this is very, very rough data. As we iterate upon the system, we will introduce more granular control over the quantity of each type of item that spawns, and what location in the world they are allowed to spawn in.
[img width=700 height=700]http://i.imgur.com/i8C5wtG.png[/img]
Looking at the above image, you can see that the highest quantity of spawning items is easily canned food goods. As we push more on the survival mechanics, and the centralized loot control - we'll see these item quantities begin to drop, and hopefully the amount of base survival items such as fishing hooks, rope, burlap sacks, and tools increase.
[img width=700 height=700]http://i.imgur.com/I5aNmKT.png[/img]
It is interesting to see the high quantity of ammunition such as 357 Magnum, and Shotgun so prevalent currently. We expect this data to shift greatly as we focus on supporting the -chance- for magazines to spawn with weapons. (Note: Chance, not all the time - but given the randomness of every weapon spawning across Chernarus, at least a few should have magazines and or clips)
In addition to this, the production, design, and environment teams have discussed the issue of player spawn locations - and the lack of traffic through the classic DayZ cities such as Chernogorsk, and Elektrozavodsk. The initial push to restrict player spawning in these regions was tied to the design of the Chernogorsk area, specifically the new tenement structures and the Balota airfield. As we move towards fully implementing centralized control over the economy this will become less of an issue. With this in mind, the Balota airfield as been redesigned and a new, further inland military base was created.
As 0.49 hits stable, players will begin to spawn all along the coast from Chernogorsk, to Novod. The reaction to this will be monitored, and the spawns will be adjusted accordingly.Finally, as mentioned on twitter, the team has identified a bug with the game server that we've noticed being exploited on stable branch. This bug is related to character/server initialization, and is a top priority issue for us. - Brian Hicks / Producer
Chris / Lead Artist
"Character Art
The firefighter helmet and SPOSN backpack are finished and are being tested currently in-game so they should be showing up in experimental shortly. We've begun working on the first new civilian zombie in quite some time and are looking into expanding the number of zombie heads for models so that they're not quite so repetitive. We're also working on some waterproof containers to keep player's gear dry during the frequent rain experienced on Chernarus. Work has also begun on the craftable player gear and items related to that system.
WeaponsThe Rossi R92 is finished being animated. We're just waiting for sounds and then it'll be good to go. The animators also began work on the M133 earlier this week so it won't be too far behind the repeater. Something a bit newer is an AKS74U which is a work in progress by one of our talented artists and I, in my spare time (of which I do not have much), have begun a labor of love – a Derringer pistol. I was also happy to hear that the cattle prod and stun baton are functioning. Finally players will have an alternative to using lethal weapons to temporarily incapacitate other players in unsafe situations, rather than simply kneecapping them.
[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/9QbYMhA.jpg[/img]
Not a whole lot new here. We're continuing work on the civilian airport structures to replace objects at the NEAF. Mario, one of our senior artists began doing some planning for the long-abandoned prison complex which will be something worked on in between higher priority tasks and will take quite some time to finish. We've also begun discussing ways to introduce some visual variability of the numerous small villages since they contain mainly the same, rather small, number of house models. "
Viktor / Lead Animator"In the last couple of weeks we were busy with various bugfixes. Besides small gestures and bow related polishing we have fixed some major issues like players falling after drinking bottle, taking item in hand while handcuffed and other. One of new additions is the possibility to run up and down stairs. This was mainly a programmers task since it had to be changed in the engine.
After we added running while restrained we focused on crouch restrained player. Now there are two crouch restrained poses - one after someone forces you to restrain and one when you move. Yes that means we introduced restrained crouch walk, so you can take your captives with you anywhere now.
Another big area we started to improve by the end of august are zombies. First we are still in process of designing and preparing for the new advanced AI. We’ve discussed and designed the new zombie AI with programmers and designers but it will take some time until we see it in the game. Until then we have added a few small improvements. Now there are different zombie runs, walks, idles. That means if more zombies are chasing you, each will move different. We already have some more ideas that will significantly improve the experience."
Standup Notes for the week of 01 Sept 14
[li]Firefighter Helmet[/li]
[li]New civilian zombie[/li]
[li]SPOSN Backpack[/li]
[li]NEAF civilian hangar[/li]
[li]New 55-gal drum[/li]
[li]AK101 retexture[/li]
[li]M4 Drum Mag[/li]
[li]Pack of cigarettes[/li]
[li]Skate helmet[/li]
[li]Bottle of voka[/li]
[li]Dime bag[/li]
[li]Range Finder[/li]
[li]Leather wallet[/li]
[li]Radio Cassette player[/li]
[li]RGD2 smoke (white, black)[/li]
[li]Waterproof packable bag[/li]
[li]Waterproof backpack[/li]
[li]Grenade, chemlight, flare related animations[/li]
[li]Zombie variation animations done[/li]
[li]Bow animations polishings[/li]
[li]Repeater reload animation in progress[/li]
[li]General Bugfixing[/li]
[li]Script/Config work for additional weapon types[/li]
[li]Vehicle classification prototyping[/li]
[li]Vehicle component prototyping[/li]
[li]Horticulture design/bug fixing[/li]
[li]Sounds for melee weapons[/li]
[li]Melee combat tweaking[/li]
[li]Door reimplementation[/li]
[li]New gamecontrols[/li]
[li]Inventory bugfixes[/li]
[li]Throwing items fixes[/li]
[li]Dead zombies disappearing fixes[/li]
[li]Code cleaning and optimizations[/li]
[li]Loot statistical data collecting[/li]
[li]Graphical representation of statistical data[/li]
[li]Type related loot cleanup[/li] -
hallo Community,
das Betreffen des Char Reset, habe ich folgende erfahrung gesammelt.
Bei uns im Clan, selbst ich war betroffen hatten das problem, manche sogar ein paar mal.
Was ich meine ist wenn ihr auf (Wait for Host) Warten auf Hoster habt, wenn dies der fall ist bei neu joinen auf nen anderen Server oder durch einen Restart auf den Server wo ihr immer zockt, solltet ihr sofort mit ESC verlassen und warten, in der regel dauert es ca. 11 minuten nach server restart bis eine genaue rückantwort kommt.
Bei uns sind die Server restart immer zur vollen Stunde; 13 - 17 - 21 - 01 - 05 - 09 - 13, die die im Clan sind loggen erst nach 15min zur vollen Stunde eines Server Neustart ein, seitdem gibt es keine Bambis mehr.bei fragen stehe ich gerne bereit.
Mfg. Apollo
einfach nur very nice Urs (y) .... weiter so
hi, bin auf der suche nach einer BEC Scheduler, die einen Server restart alle 8 stunden macht mit ankündigung.
Kann mir wer bitte helfen.
Gruss Apollo
wenns passt dann passt
nach dem motto
suchen tun wir immer.
hi, sind die Experimental server im mom. offline ?
hi, sind die Experimental Server in mom. off line ?