Beiträge von Maxy

    Focus for the development team over the last week has primarily been on resolving server and client crashes discovered during internal testing of 0.49. Rather than address the crashes with a potential hotfix after the update (given the impact of the associated central hive reset and the steps taken to address the more prevalent duplication and abuse methods) the choice was made to unlock the update from our regularly scheduled maintenance window of Wednesday and rapidly iterate upon experimental.
    What does this mean for the average chernarusian survivor? We will be pushing rapid updates to experimental and iterating 0.49 until the build is in a state ready for stable branch. We believe this will only be a matter of a few days. When the build is ready for stable branch we will work with our game server partners to bring stable branch offline, and update steam.

    Additionally, the programming and design teams have been working together to investigate and resolve several key cheating and bug abuse methods including but not limited to:

    Server/Character force re-initialization
    Rapid micro player location updates (slide/glide teleporting)
    Community interest in exactly how the northern regions of Chernarus will be developed has been ongoing, and after discussion with Senchi our Lead World Designer we've put together a rough guide for the development of these regions.

    As you can see looking at the map above, the environment team has a clear plan for developing the north and inland regions. When work on the northern corridor has completed the environment team will begin revitalizing existing legacy villages and towns throughout the map. This means that once the villages and towns of the north listed in the above image are completed, the team will begin renovating the original Chernarus towns and villages to bring their look, feel, and layout more in tune with the reality of a post-apocalyptic world.

    Lastly, this Friday will be the first of our now weekly dev streams on Head over to at 18:00 GMT +2 this Friday and members of the development team will be playing DayZ and answering questions from the chat. -- Brian Hicks / Producer

    [img width=700 height=700][/img]

    Peter / Lead Designer

    "This week there has been ongoing work on advanced weather impact, which is being expanded, partially rewritten and tweaked to provide better utilization and feeling. Also newly added mercury thermometer comes in hand if you are unsure about your body temperature. The prototype of the dynamic events system - the UH-60 gets company from the eastern camp, the well known Mi-8 helicopter. A few new items were added recently from the PAX showcase, such as the stun baton and balaclavas and they will be available for public in next experimental version. As well hunting will be expanded with the useful snare trap shortly.

    We are currently focused on cleaning and redoing configurations for all doors as their handling was fundamentally changed in the game engine. Improvements which will be noticeable at first is the easier interaction with them - forget about nightmare which door to choose from action menu to open those you want to while you are standing near to more of them as now it takes into account what your cursor is aiming at and it's not proximity based. The second welcomed change is related to the audio side - sounds of doors opening and closing are possible now and are already plugged in and you can really tell difference. (Although the variation in sound effects are not quite there yet)

    More sounds will come later for example for locked doors because with recent door improvements we can finally start working on barricading. We have already done some design outline and analysis toward barricading mechanics - to allow you to take existing structures and occupy them for your needs. First thing to come will be (un)locking the door's lock with a lockpick which will be expanded with different padlocks and even combination ones. Later the wooden planks, nails and other material come to use in combination with tools which gain other purpose aside from melee only.

    Keep your ears open while looting... see you in Chernarus folks!"

    Chris / Lead Artist

    "Character Art

    Since the last update, the biggest change with character art has come with the creation of a new base body type with is ~10% more slender than the previous. It is more fitting for somebody surviving in a harsh environment and will help reduce the number of clipping errors between clothing/player bodies. Because of this and recent changes to how characters are assembled and to their animations, we have been doing a lot of bug fixing. Unfortunately that means pausing the creation of new items by some of our artists to fix the worst of these issues immediately, however, we're mostly past this and will begin again on some new clothing “sets”. Work on reshaping other items to reduce the severity of clipping will be ongoing.

    Weapons (or the AKS-74-and-U)

    Many of you were happy to learn about the AKS-74U and many asked me on twitter and on the DayZ forum which caliber it will be chambered for. Surely, we would not add a 5.56mm AKS-74U, right? I mean, they never *really* made a direct AK100-series equivalent for the AKS-74U after all.

    [img width=700 height=393][/img]

    Well, you'll be happy to learn we are, in parallel, working on art for 5.45x39mm ammo. In other news, The MP133s animations have been finished and are now pending sounds and the lever-action repeater is ready to deploy, following implementation by design.


    Friends, I am happy to report that we have officially begun working on the art for our first vehicle. Until this point, our working prototype has been an old vehicle from ArmA2 but now, we are working on a brand-new V3S with many of its components (i.e. wheels, doors, etc...) separated into different meshes to work in a similar manner as weapon attachments."

    Standup Notes for the week of 08 Sept 14


    V3S Transport Truck
    New civilian zombie
    NEAF civilian hangar
    New 55-gal drum
    5.45mm ammo
    Radio Cassette player
    RGD2 smoke (white, black)
    Waterproof packable bag
    Waterproof backpack

    Grenade, chemlight, flare related animations finished
    Repeater reload animations done
    Throwing animations in progress
    MP133 reload animation in progress
    Arming/Disarming animations polishing in progress

    configs and scripts for new items
    added mi8 for random spawning
    advanced weather impact on player
    reconfiguring doors and adding sfx
    barricading mechanic outline
    finalizing new controls

    Character and inventory items duplication fixing
    Melee combat tweaking
    Shotgun shooting over network fix
    Door reimplementation (now in internal testing and bugfixing)
    New gamecontrols
    Forced reinitialized players
    Desync issues
    Better sound over network
    Central economy (type related cleanup and respawn, dynamic tweaking)
    New basic zombie behavior
    Partial reworking of respawn / cleanup system according to required type-related implementation

    macht sinn son post zu eröffnen...
    die werden ihn sicher lesen und ihre spielweise ändern.

    akzeptiert es, dass jeder anders spiel und ihr einfach verarscht wurdet.

    So is das nunmal in nem Spiel ohne Regeln

    Damit ist übrigens folgendes gemeint:…2B30B7634BB381AC465F30DD/

    Es würde herzlich wenig bringen jetzt zu reseten. Einige Spieler würden die neue Lootmechanik ausnutzen und dank Zelten genug Militaryloot bunkern, sodass sie über Jahre hinweg praktisch nichtmehr farmen müssen und weiter KOSen können.

    Das Ziel des Resets (Nämlich eine besser balancierte Spielumgebung zu schaffen, in der nicht jeder zweite Spieler wie ein Soldat rumläuft) wäre somit verfehlt. Wenn man nicht binnen 2 Stunden wieder nahezu full equiped ist, überlegt man es sich 3x, ob man versucht einen Spieler zu töten, oder dem Trouble lieber aus dem Weg geht.

    Is so nicht ganz richtig, der Reset is hauptsächlich für die gedupten Sachen bzw. Hackermagazine.
    Ich denke, dass man auch danach nach 2 Stunden wieder full equippt ist.


    Arseny Smirnov ‏@_SenChi__ 7 Std.

    #DayZ Прорабатывается вариант уменьшения детализации новых городов для увеличения производительности.

    Frei von Google übersetzt, man kann erkennen, um was es geht ;)


    Erwägt Optionen, um die Körnigkeit von neuen Städten zu reduzieren, um die Leistung zu erhöhen.…istent_set_to_hit_stable/

    das versteht ihr alle etwas falsch ich und meine kumpels serverhoppen nichtum helis zu finden ... wir sind da um pvp zu machen und um uns auszurüsten. Aber da man am Airfield nunmal kaum Spieler trifft muss man mehr server ausprobieren und so kommen auch die funde zustande. Naja das dann so oft am Airfield Helis sind kommt mir schon etwas komisch vor jeder 2ter server ist einer wenn nicht sogar 2 auf einem von möglichen 73 auf der ganzen map ... :o

    Glückwunsch, du hast das Spiel nicht verstanden.


    hab jetzt über das Wochenende mal einen "neuen" Shooter - Insurgency - ausprobiert.
    Basiert auf der Source Engine, koste 14€ bei Steam.

    Was aber anders is, als bei BF, COD etc.
    Fast jeder Schuss ist tödlich, wenn man denn trifft. Die Waffen haben einen großen, realistischen Recoil.

    Es gibt keine Unlocks, o.ä.
    Was es gibt sind verschiedene Char-Klassen, wie Sniper, Machine Gunner, Rifleman etc.

    Außerdem gibt es verschiedene Spielmodi, ähnlich wie bei BF, aber auch andere wie z.b. einen VIP Zum Exfiltrationsplatz begleiten..

    Das Spiel macht echt nen Heidenspaß, da man eigentlich immer in Deckung sein muss und vorallem mit seinem Team sehr taktisch agieren sollte, sonst hat man null Chance.

    Hab persönlich selten so einen anspruchsvollen Shooter gespielt, da ist nix mit Rennen und Ballern

    Vll findet sich ja der eine oder andere.

    Hier noch ein Video von Moondye7, ders auch angespielt hat.…=UUgKhWV2Wg2zzfF4pRcItdhw