ZitatAlles anzeigenrocket2gunsRocket 82 Punkte 12 hours ago
But I viewed the new collision system developed at bratislava and it blew my mind. A procedural system as part of packing the game raycasts to generate the navmesh in grid across entire terrain. This means navmesh is generated for the entire map, including buildings and trees and fences. The data was almost completely clean. It was beautiful.
What happens now is our programmers use this new system, with a new method, to ensure that zombies only walk on this global navmesh.
This will revolutionize the zombies, imho. It not only changes their behavior but reduces their performance overhead. The engine only needs to check if the zombie is inside the navmesh and not to constantly raycast for geometry collision.
This does not solve dynamic objects (other players, zombies, animals), but we can deal with that next.