

    Vehicles have stereos that can listen to the "pirate" radio stations that pop up.

    Ability to use binoculars in a stationary vehicle

    Various size tires for the various vehicles; as in large tires only go on Urals, med tires on standard cars, small on bikes, etc......


    Bullet proof glass (within reason) that can be found at crash sites

    Bike locks

    Some vehicles have car alarms that you must be careful not to set off (or set off on purpose because someone is near)

    Passengers can blood bag each other if in the back seat

    Player does tuck and roll if ejecting from moving vehicle

    Railroads w/ working trains

    Vehicles can be covered by brush and shrubbery


    Police Cars

    Vehicles can be locked

    Some sort of hijacking mechanic (I jump in your car and hold a gun to your head, passengers can retaliate if they are present)

    Tandem Bicycle

    Can attach flood lights

    Can attach megaphone to yell at people from the car (direct chat shouldn't really work while in a vehicle except to those in a car....forced)

    Cannibalization of parts

    Spotlights on some vehicles that people would control from the bed of a truck.

    If heli pilot is shot, co-pilot immediately takes over. (there is two joysticks after all)

    Manual train carriage

    Row boats

    Doors actually open.....can be used as cover

    Tandem bicycle


    Flatbed gasoline trailers

    Car batteries that run out

    Car batteries that can be removed so your vehicle is not stolen

    Jumper cables for car batteries

    Car keys

    Hotwiring (with correct toolkit)

    Certain parts require two survivors (because of part size)

    Two survivors speed up tasks that could be completed solo


    Can be painted on

    Can be written on to leave messages (if you have the propper item)

    Armor plating (need a welder or some tool)

    Passengers can shoot from moving vehicles

    Flipable vehicles

    Lots more bicycles

    Can siphon gas from

    One tap of a tree or concrete block does not destroy your car and everything that you love

    More row boats/boats

    Fewer helicopters

    Helicopters MUCH harder to fly/maintain

    Can push vehicles

    Exploding cars can kick it's contents out onto the ground (not instant loss)

    Cars occasionally need to be jumped with jumper cables if the battery is almost dead

    Shopping carts/trolleys (like those used in The Road)

    Cars that are manual, rather than all automatic; would give you the ability to save gas and be a little more silent (higher gears at lower speeds)

    If you happen to come across a police car (if it's implemented) it automatically has a radio built into the vehicle.....you can now scan the freq's for survivors

    If ambulances are in.....^ ditto

    Repair shops are the only places you can do engine changes (might mean you and a fellow survivor or two must push the car towards the mechanics garage

    Engines have a far more advanced repairing mechanic (tool belts, spark plugs, hoses, etc) in addition to total engine replacements

    Ability to partially prevent bullet penetration by using junk loot to block paths (stuff phone books, etc)

    Ability to torch a vehicle with gas/matches and push vehicle down hill (or something) and cause a distraction

    Offensive modifications (snow plows, barbed wire, scrap metal spikes, etc)

    Functional trunks

    Operational windows

    Ability to camouflage parked cars (with branches, camo netting, grass) so that hiding your car is more subtle than currently. Perhaps make it so the car takes damage if you try to drive off without removing the camo parts.

    Ability to upgrade important components with very rare loot, so that survivors can work towards a superior performance vehicle (eg. Offroad tyres, exhaust silencer/muffler, turbocharger, nitrous injection, larger fuel tank)

    Ability to upgrade the standard locking system of a car - so breaking in and hotwiring it takes longer

    Different levels of headlight power (eg off, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full), so you can creep along a road on a dark night with the headlights at 1/4 power so that you are more difficult to spot communal vehicle radio, so that all passengers in the car are forced to listen to what the driver wants ability to do realistic things while in a vehicle like drinking, eating, combining ammunition, reloading weapons

    DIY LoJack, get two GPS units and some tape, follow someones car back to their base using existing tech

    Duck! - vehicle occupants can lower themselves into a brace position (so they are less exposed to fire) but are forced locked into first person perspective while ducking (looking at the floor of the car)

    Quelle: http://www.reddit.com/r/DayZ/wiki/suggestions

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • Code
    revision by DrBigMoney— 1 Monat ago

    Ist das dann trotzallem aktuell ? Oder nur nen uservorschlag auf der DayZ Reddit page ? Weil dann wäre es ja eher keine News... aber ich weiß es nicht.

    Wenn man sich die vorrangehende Legende ansieht

    Dann kommt davon ja bisher garnix, oder der Thread wurde nicht mehr geupdated. Ohne euch da irgendwelche Euphorien nehmen zu wollen, ich glaube der gehört ins Diskussionsforum nicht in die News.

  • Keep in mind, just because something is "confirmed" does not mean it is confirmed for alpha release