DayZ Unleashed Update 0.9.6

  • DayZ Unleashed Update 0.9.6

    CHANGE LOG 0.9.6:


      [li]Updated DAYZAI to 1.9.1[/li]
      [li]Added 1-3 clips to spawn with a weapon[/li]
      [li]Converted Player classes over to a skill based system where users will gain performance enhancing abilities based on the number of times the class based skills have been used. (Repair car increases engineer abilities)[/li]
      [li]Increased Aggro decay for kneeling and prone stances[/li]
      [li]actionHeliSwitch.sqf Added check to turn on engine if vehicle is above[/li]
      [li]Antibiotics limit chance of self blood bag infection to 50% versus medical skills.[/li]


      [li]New Hive tables (Variables) to be used to store players information in the hive.[/li]
      [li]Added loot positions[/li]
      [li]Self blood bag immunity when under effects of antibiotics[/li]
      [li]Transfusions have 25% chance of infection versus medical skills when player is under influence of antibiotics, (50% without).[/li]
      [li]Infection immunity with morphine use while under influence of antibiotic...[/li]



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Urs ()