MYDAYZ Epoch Lingor

  • Epoch Lingor

    IP-Adresse / Port:
    Slots: 50
    Version: 1.0.3
    Hive: myDayZ Community-Hive

    Schwierigkeitsgrad Veteran (angepasst)

    Third-Person: AUS*
    Fadenkreuz: AUS
    Todesmeldungen: AN


    Side-/Group-Chat: AN
    Ingame-Zeit: GMT-5
    Restarts: alle 3 Stunden beginnend um 00:05 Uhr


    *First-Person Hybrid (Third-Person is allowed while in a Vehicle or if you want to build something)
    Custom View Distance: 3000m Fixed
    No OP or IMBA-Vehicles, Vehicles may have armor but no guns, or guns but no armor, not both at the same time.
    Perfect Weather (like it should be on a tropical island)
    Custom Loottable, less MGs, less Snipers, Gold/Silver-Bars can be found..
    Custom Building-Placements
    Custom Traders with a new Tradercity in Rolan & some single traders around the map
    Custom Trader-Prices and new Items (like the new small "Bell 47" Choppers)
    Safezone around the Tradercity where you are safe from other players & zombies
    Dynamic Sidemissions (Marked on your Map)! Fight AI and get the Gold (and other rare items) from the dead Bodies
    Dance on Fireplaces ;)
    Drink water directly from wells
    Custom Self-Bloodbagging (30% Infection-Chance, you can lose up to 1500 blood from infected bloodbags, non-infected bloodbags can give you 2000-5000 blood. Heros (>5000 Humanity) have a lower infection chance, a shorter animation and get 4000-7000 blood when using a self-bloodbag
    High-Loot-Areas are No-Build Zones, so dont expect to find blocked baracks or things like that
    Graphical Killmessages in the upper left corner (Killmessages only when killed by another player and without showing distance)
    Animated Crashsites (Choppers, C130J, Osprey...), which fly over the map and can be shot down. If you own a radio (which is lootable), you can receive SOS-Calls from Crashsites
    Fastrope for Choppers
    Soundmod: J.S.R.S + CBA (optional)

    für alle die mal mit perfektem adminsupport den dschungel rocken möchten ;)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von skamasutra ()

  • Animated Crashsites (Choppers, C130J, Osprey...), which fly over the map and can be shot down. If you own a radio (which is lootable), you can receive SOS-Calls from Crashsites

    Kenn ich aus Caribou schon

    Dance on Fireplaces ;)

    Das sinnfreieste script in DayZ EVER

    Dynamic Sidemissions (Marked on your Map)! Fight AI and get the Gold (and other rare items) from the dead Bodies

    Viel zuleicht eingestelle NPCs wie auf fast allen anderen Epoch Servern auch.

    Edit:Server wird auf geupdatet.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • ja das liegt wohl daran das caribou von der gleichen person gemacht wurde, der die mod eingestellt hat :)

    wohl wahr, das npc zeug kann mir auch gestohlen bleiben...keine ahnung warum das da reingeworfen wurde.
    evtl kommts ja raus wenn die leute keinen bock mehr drauf haben