First, send email at, which contain:
server specs + internet connection
server location, server timezone
your contact information - forum account, skype or icq account
To set up server you need:
beta 95389 or higher
addon @DayZ_linor v031 hotfix 3, unpack it to arma 2 dir
@hive -unpack server hive files to arma dir
lingor island from here, note the hotfix at download page (link). Then make modfolder, for example @lingor.
[*]Mission file wich you get from admin, place it in MPmissions, dont forget to mention it in cfgdayz/server.cfg
keys" unpack keys into ArmA 2 dir
unpack to arma 2 dir "cfgdayz" config folder / BattlEye
After unpack, modify cfgdayz/server.cfg , change adminpassword, servername, missionname
Then modify rcon password in cfgdayz/battleye/beserver.cfg
then modify DayZ_Server_Start.cmd, make SET ARMA2_DAYZ_PATH="C:\ArmA2\" string to right folder.
Optional update
- new option to freeze or set optional date/time
- ammo count proper save
1. Download dayz_server.pbo and put it in your "arma2\@hive\addons" folder with overwrite existent file.
2. Download server_time.sqf and put it in your "arma2\cfgdayz" folder.
*** server_time.sqf IS REQUIRED to start the server with new dayz_server.pbo
You can setup server time in server_time.sqf
Download:…d-dayz-arma-2-beta-patch/ or