gibt es ein Update auf die aktuelle Version von DayZ?
MfG Poison Idea
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gibt es ein Update auf die aktuelle Version von DayZ?
MfG Poison Idea
hier ist ein Links zu einer aktuellen Version von Namalsk 0.75
Könnt Ihr das installieren?
MfG Poison Idea
Bin grad noch im Urlaub. Schau's mir an wenn ich wieder da bin
Werd leider noch etwas warten müssen.
Dayz und Namalsk 0.75 ist noch nicht wirklich kompatible mit dem rMod 2.1.
Gibt anscheinend noch ne Menge probleme damit.
Also auf kann ich auf jeden fall nicht updaten weil ab kein CustomLoot mehr funktioniert. Auf 0.75 kann ich mal versuchen zu Updaten. Es ist aber zu überlegen ob ich rMod mal draussen lasse. Weil wie ich gelesen hab gibt es mit 0.7.5 viel neue Waffen und Fahrzeuge.
Da ist zu überlegen rMod weg zu lassen.
Was meint ihr?
probieren geht über studieren
ohne rmod komm ich dann auch mal auf nen vanilla-namalsk
Der Changlog:
Release [v0.75]
<< General >>
Changed: All of the needed files were updated to be compatible with DayZMod
Changed: Hitsounds for infected (you will no longer hear default arma2 hitsound when shooting infected)
Changed: All infected are using (zombieLoot) Namalsk cfgLoot classes now (to counter the amount of loot the infected can spawn using classic DayZMod cfgLoot classes)
Changed: Although you will meet the new infected (viral) during your survival attempts on Namalsk, it uses different (new) classes
Changed: Loot is now more scarce on Namalsk
Changed: Bloodsucker spawn should be more rare again (+spawn density parameter extended, see init.sqf file in mission pbo)
Fixed: Travelling over Tara bridge should be safe again
<< Loot tables >>
Added: "ItemNails" to "genericNamalskNoFood", "genericNamalsk"
Added: "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled" to "militaryNAC"
Added: New types of food into "foodNamalsk"
Changed: All custom "CfgLoot" classes to match the new DayZMod's format
Changed: All custom "CfgBuildingLootNamalsk" classes to match the new DayZMod's format
Changed: Increased the basic infected count in "CfgBuildingLootNamalsk" classes
Changed: Several infected parameters (count, chance,..) in Namalsk loot tables
Changed: The golden mine aka "Land_dlouhy1" building with 53 possible residential loot spots was "relooted" to 25 loot spots
Changed: "BAF_AssaultPack_DZN" changed to "DZ_British_ACU"
Fixed: Few loot positions on some objects to prevent script errors when using this spot to spawn
Removed: "10Rnd_127x99_m107" from "militaryNAC" and "militaryNamalsk"
- Lowered spawn chance of "ItemWatch", "Makarov", "MakarovSD", "Colt1911", "Binocular", "LeeEnfield" and "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar"
- "WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar" changed to "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar"
- Added "MeleeBaseBallBat", "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet"
- Lowered spawn chance of "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet", "WeaponHolder_PartEngine", "ItemKnife"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash"
- Added "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar"
- "WeaponHolder_ItemMachete" changed to "MeleeMachete"
- Lowered spawn chance of "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet", "PartWoodPile"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash", "Binocular"
- Lowered spawn chance of "ItemWatch", "Crossbow_DZ"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash"
- Lowered spawn chance of "MedBox0_DZN"
- Lowered spawn chance of "MedBox0_DZN", "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_762"
- Removed spawn of "M107_DZ" and "BAF_AS50_scoped"
- Added spawn of "trash"
- Added spawn of "trash"
- Added spawn of "trash", "Sa58P_EP1" and "Sa58V_EP1"
- Lowered spawn chance of "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_76"
- Added spawn of "trash", Sa58P_EP1 and Sa58V_EP1
- Lowered spawn chance of "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_762"
- Removed spawn of "M107_DZ"
MilitarySpecialNAC, MilitarySpecialNACER7
- Added spawn of "trash", "Sa58P_EP1" and "Sa58V_EP1"
- Lowered spawn chance of "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_762"
- Removed spawn of "M107_DZ"
Added: New loot scheme "CfgBuildingLootNamalskNO50s", which removes er7 variants and KSVK_DZN (check init.sqf file in mission pbo for more info)
Added: New picture for mission loading screen
Changed: All of the needed files were updated to be compatible with DayZMod
Changed: Battleye filters to support newest DayZMod release and DayZ Namalsk / Namalsk Crisis changes
Changed: Functions for spawning static helicrashes and medical care packages were completely redone to support
Changed: Starting location of "Ka60_GL_NAC" helicopter (to prevent weird bumping on helipad)
Drängt sich natürlich die frage auf ob man das Teil Restetten sollte und alle starten bei null
Lange Patch liste, mein englisch ist mist :o
Resetten für aktuelles DayZ ist gut.
Werde mal meine Freund darauf vorbereiten
MfG Poison Idea