Question About Chernarus Extended

  • Hello!

    Sorry for taking this in english, but I dont speek/read german.. so just getting this far was an adventure :D
    Anyways... Chernarus Extended looks really really sweet. I am how ever wondering, can I set up a private server with the download thats on this site? I'm a part, and host, of a very small gaming community (basicly me and bunch of friends really), and we would REALLY like to try this one out.

  • Good evening.
    Sry but my english is no the best, so sry for errors.
    This Server not copyrighted. So thats an yes for if you can and an no for if you only need the files from our downloadsite. You can't make your private server with the files if you dont have the keyfiles. If not you can have it from us, just reply if you need the keyfiles for your server than we will send you a pm with instructions for the keyfiles.

  • Hallo,

    Hello more,

    My german is not really good, I left school few years ago.
    I saw your videos about your map "Chernarus extented" and I recognize that it's a really great job ;)

    I'm co-admin on a french server :

    So, I ask you that if it's possible for you to give the keyfiles that we need to use this map on our server.
    Of course, we will write you some credits on our server's description if you are agree.

    Thanks by advance,