DayZ Patch 1.7.4

  • Die Hunde werden sicher eine neue Herausforderung! Darauf freue ich mich.
    Auf die hightech transformocopter eher weniger, keep the oldschool runnin´. :D

    Das oben kurz angerissene Erfahrrungssystem sprich "skill tree" - mäßiges würde ich auch sehr feiern.

    Spontanität muss wohl überlegt sein!

  • Solls ne Überlebenssimultor werden oder wie ::) Mein Gott das istn Spiel und sollte an sich
    nicht so krass realistisch sein wie ihr es wollt. Da kann man halt nen Heli fliegen und jetzt ?


  • Ich möchte nochmal anmerken das es andere Communitys gibt, die den Patch total Falsch übersetzt haben. Bitte nicht auf diesen verlassen, das was ich oben geschrieben habe ist Korrekt.

  • Nicht wirklich ::) denn du hast

    [NEW] New combat mode icon (G17) thanks Alexander.


    [NEU] Neues Icon für die G17


    Ist nicht wirklich dasselbe. Ich will nicht klugscheissen, nur anmerken ;)

    Edit: So wie ich das grad sehe, hat sich das Changelog sowieso komplett geändert ... einige Sachen rausgenommen, einige neue hinzu gekommen (zum Glück ist auch der MV22 und das Flugzeug raus - und die Hunde derzeit auch ;D)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Amano ()

  • Es scheint so als wäre der Changelog aus dem Anfangspost hinfällig.

    Mittlerweile wurde der Thread in zu größten Teilen ausgetauscht bzw. gelöscht.

    Hier der neueste Changelog zu DayZ v1.7.4 (Community Edition)

      [li][NEW] class Mi17_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned. (Mi17_DZ)[/li]
      [li][NEW] An2_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned.(AN2_DZ)[/li]
      [li][NEW] AH6X Now Unbanned. (AH6X_DZ)[/li]
      [li][NEW] BAF_Offroad_D Now Unbanned.[/li]
      [li][NEW] BAF_Offroad_W Now Added.[/li]
      [li][NEW] Fully Removed Save button from action menu.[/li]
      [li][NEW] New combat mode icon (G17) thanks Alexander.[/li]
      [li][NEW] Gender section screen thanks F0rt.[/li]
      [li][NEW] You can no longer place tents in ponds.[/li]
      [li][NEW] Disabled greeting menu .[/li]
      [li][NEW] Disabled radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen.[/li]
      [li][NEW] General speed up of the login process.[/li]

      [li][UPDATED] Combat Logging "Fired Near" checks are now limited to 8 metre radius.[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] Combat Logging "Projectile Near" Have now been removed while we look for a less intensive way to track projectiles.[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] Combat Logging is now removed on death.[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] Corrected legs and hands fractures they must be set with actual value.[/li]

      [li][REMOVED] Damaged logging to .rpt removed all traces of dmg to a player.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] An2_2_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] MV22 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] S1203_ambulance_EP1 Got replaced during testing to a hmmv class vehicle.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS From Loot table.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] UH60_wreck_EP1.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 Removed due to its heal abilty.[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] Dogs Removed while we rewrite the hud and correct a few other issues. (attak, Getin/out of vehicles)[/li]
      [li][REMOVED] UH60M_MEV_EP1 Removed due to its heal abilty.[/li]

      [li][Fixed] Adding checks for female skin humanity/login.[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Adding female skin to variables.[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Fixed Parachute so jumping out of choppers won?t kill you.[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Event Handle for wrecked choppers this should allow the smoke on wrecks to work all the time.[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Event Handle for Vehicles this fix's problems with local vehilce damage calls..[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Remove objects from DB by objectID and objectUID only. (Should fix Deployable problems)[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Debug menu options are no longer editable.[/li]
      [li][Fixed] Locked Singleplayer Menu[/li]

    Upstream hive (public hive):
    Adjusted the respawn rates of vehicles. Previously all vehicles had pretty long respawn time making them a bit too rare.
    Still requires a server restart for vehicles to show up in-game.

      [li][UPDATED] Destroyed low-end (boats, bicycles) vehicles now respawn after 3h.[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] Destroyed medium-end (normal cars, motorcycle, quads) vehicles respawn after 12h.[/li]
      [li][UPDATED] Destroyed high-end ( aircraft, all-terrain) vehicles respawn after 24h.[/li]

    Note: Respawn rates are our recommended rule set, they may differ on some private hive servers.

    Die, Bart, Die

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Urs ()

  • Was daran unrealistisch? Schon mal versucht ein Zelt im schlammigen Teichboden zu befestigen? Selbst wenn es gehen würde sollte man da wohl keine Waffen reinlegen sonst sind die bis zum nächsten mal Verostet ;)


  • Es gibt seit gestern im Direktdownloadbereich auch eine neu Version, welche mit Testing bezeichnet wird.
    Ist als gelistet.

    Dieser Moment, wenn ein Gast DEINEN Controller nimmt und sich als Spieler 1 anmelden will. MEIN Haus, MEIN Controller, ICH BIN Spieler 1.

  • Der aktuellste Changelog zu v1.7.4 sieht aktuell so aus:

    [NEW] class Mi17_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned. (Mi17_DZ)
    * [NEW] An2_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned.(AN2_DZ)
    * [NEW] AH6X Now Unbanned. (AH6X_DZ)
    * [NEW] BAF_Offroad_D Now Unbanned.
    * [NEW] BAF_Offroad_W Now Added.
    * [NEW] Fully Removed Save button from action menu.
    * [NEW] New combat mode icon (G17) thanks Alexander.
    * [NEW] Gender section screen thanks F0rt.
    * [NEW] You can no longer place tents in ponds.
    * [NEW] Disabled greeting menu .
    * [NEW] Disabled radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen.
    * [NEW] General speed up of the login process.
    * [NEW] Street Lights now active in towns. (will be removed in hotfix)
    * [NEW] (*.2 Hotfix)Added some Anti-cheat.
    * [NEW] (*.3 Hotfix)Added local copy of cert if it cant get one online, version checks.
    * [UPDATED] Combat Logging "Fired Near" checks are now limited to 8 metre radius.
    * [UPDATED] Combat Logging "Projectile Near" Have now been removed while we look for a less intensive way to track projectiles.
    * [UPDATED] Combat Logging is now removed on death.
    * [UPDATED] Corrected legs and hands fractures they must be set with actual value.
    * [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Updated hive .dlls to fix a reconnect issue with prepared statements.
    * [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Increased m107 loot chance to 0.02.
    * [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Lowered As50 loot chance to 0.01
    * [Fixed] Adding checks for female skin humanity/login.
    * [Fixed] Adding female skin to variables.
    * [Fixed] Fixed Parachute so jumping out of choppers won?t kill you.
    * [Fixed] Event Handle for wrecked choppers this should allow the smoke on wrecks to work all the time.
    * [Fixed] Event Handle for Vehicles this fix's problems with local vehilce damage calls..
    * [Fixed] Remove objects from DB by objectID and objectUID only. (Should fix Deployable problems)
    * [Fixed] Debug menu options are no longer editable.
    * [Fixed] Locked Singleplayer Menu
    * [Fixed] (*.1 Hotfix) Players with high CharacterID weren't dying properly.
    * [Fixed] (*.2 Hotfix) Fixed 2nd Parachute removal issue.
    * [REMOVED] Damaged logging to .rpt removed all traces of dmg to a player.
    * [REMOVED] An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.
    * [REMOVED] An2_2_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.
    * [REMOVED] MV22 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.
    * [REMOVED] S1203_ambulance_EP1 Got replaced during testing to a hmmv class vehicle.
    * [REMOVED] BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS From Loot table.
    * [REMOVED] UH60_wreck_EP1.
    * [REMOVED] HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 Removed due to its heal abilty.
    * [REMOVED] Dogs Removed while we rewrite the hud and correct a few other issues. (attak, Getin/out of vehicles)
    * [REMOVED] UH60M_MEV_EP1 Removed due to its heal abilty.

    - Aber ACHTUNG: VORERST läuft es nur auf unseren Hiveservern! Wenn ihr euer DayZ upgradet könnt ihr nichtmehr ohne weiteres auf unseren Privatservern zocken, bis das Update für deren Serverapplikation auch umgesetzt wurde! -

    Die, Bart, Die

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Urs ()

  • Zitat von TL;DR

    * [UPDATED] Combat Logging "Fired Near" checks are now limited to 8 metre radius.
    * [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Increased m107 loot chance to 0.02.
    * [UPDATED] (*.1 Hotfix)Lowered As50 loot chance to 0.01
    * [Fixed] Fixed Parachute so jumping out of choppers won?t kill you.
    * [REMOVED] BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS From Loot table.

    Die l85 AWS ist endlich weg :)