Aber wenn ich bei min eine 1 mache bedeutet es doch das immer mindestens 1 Auto spawn oder?
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenAber wenn ich bei min eine 1 mache bedeutet es doch das immer mindestens 1 Auto spawn oder?
Okay, dann habe ich da was falsch verstanden und werde es heute nach Feierabend ändern
Okay, dann habe ich da was falsch verstanden und werde es heute nach Feierabend ändern
Fehler wird nicht mehr angezeigt.
Hoffentlich spawnen die Autos dann auch
This should help with some of the events.xml definitions.
nominal How many items should spawn on the map, effects restock 0 = no spawn
lifetime How long (in seconds) something will be out before despawning, after being idle 3600 = 1 hour, 3888000 = until server restart
restock How long (in seconds) something will be out before respawning, after being idle only restocks when nominal > min. 1800 = 30 minutes
min Minimum count of item on map, effected by nominal 100 is average, above or below accordingly
quantmin Percentage of minimum amount of item there is (in stack) 0 - 100%, magazines, water bottle fullness
quantmax Percentage of maximum amount of item there is (in stack) 0 - 100%, magazines, water bottle fullness
cost Priority during restock and cleanup 0-100
flags Attributes if the item is available in map, by craft, or in cargo crafted="1"
category Loot category for spawn locations to choose from Links to mapgroupproto.xml for loot locations
tag Loot "location" within the group - only 1 per item name="shelves", name="floor"
usage Loot "groups" that can spawn the item - multiple per item name="Military", name="Town", name="Industrial"
value Rarity
The min and max you have changed below nominal refer to the damage (I've been told) - not amount of vehicles.
<nominal> is how many VEHICLE the server aims to keep on the map so set <nominal> to the maximum that you wish. Then change the children max to same as <nominal> then min to the minimum of vehicles you want the server to try and spawn.
FYI lifetime 300, appears to cause them to disappear very fast if damaged it seems.
This is the default events.xml for offraod hatchback below.This is telling the server to try and spawn 40 vehicles, with a minimum of 30 on the map at one time
<event name="VehicleOffroadHatchback">
<flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1" sec_spawner="0"/>
<child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="80" min="50" type="OffroadHatchback"/>