hallo ich habe folgendes Problem seit kurzen spawnen keine helichrash und Fahrzeuge nicht mehr kennt jemand diesen Fehler und kann mir weiter helfen habe alle Dateien schon durch den Validator gejagt ohne erfolg also ohne Fehler
CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticHeliCrash" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticHeliCrash" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticMilitaryConvoy" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticMilitaryConvoy" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticPoliceSituation" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticPoliceSituation" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticTrain" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "StaticTrain" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleCivilianSedan" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleCivilianSedan" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleHatchback02" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleHatchback02" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleOffroad02" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleOffroad02" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleOffroadHatchback" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleOffroadHatchback" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleSedan02" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleSedan02" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.
5:34:14.894 !!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleTruck01" does not have position 'player', so it needs configured positions.
5:34:14.894 !!!!!! [CE][DE] DynamicEvent "VehicleTruck01" setup is invalid, event will be disabled.