Und das CL liest sich echt Super!
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenUnd das CL liest sich echt Super!
Wann kommt es auf die Server?
OK super!
WENN.. und ich wiederhole.. WENN ich es schaffe, dann zum 18 Uhr Restart.
Und? Hast du es geschafft?
Würde mich auch interessieren, wir wollen heute abend mal wieder zoggen und suchen einen Namalsk 0.6 Server
Da ich wohl aktuell das meiste alleine mache, habe ich es nicht geschaft, nein.
GOGO Mithra, role that up to date, we don't wanna freeze anymore
Zitat von Namalsk Changelog v0.60Alles anzeigenTemperature system changes
New: Wearing the ghillie suit now gives you a partial ability against the cold environment
Changed: More balancing has been done in the temperature script - some positive and negative factors changed, affecting the player's temperature
Changed: Heat pack item can now add 5 degrees to the current player's temperature
Changed: With DayZ 1.7.3 isinbuilding function got fixed and so the detection and building factor is working correctly
(few highlights of the new temp script changes)
Make sure you move enough
Do not try to swim
Buildings are good, but you are not 100% cover at nights (half efect of the negative night factor while in buildings)
Heatpacks are now better
Wearing ghillie suit will help you a bit, but it does not have effect like warm clothes have