Hallo liebe Mitstreiter und Mitstreiterinnen,
einige von euch kennen vielleicht das Gefühl, wenn man in eine Ecke gedrängt wird und irgendwann nicht mehr selbst aus dieser raus kann. Hilfe wird gebraucht, doch danach zu fragen ist schwieriger als sich viele vorstellen können. In den vergangenen Tagen ging auf einigen DayZ bezogenen Seiten ein Hilferuf um, den ich euch heute etwas näher bringen möchte.
Es geht um LKP1, ein Mitglied der großen DayZ Community und seines Zeiches "Content Creator". Er produziert Musik, welche er gegen einen kleinen Aufpreis zur Verfügung stellt und auch in Videos und Streams genutzt werden kann. Besonders die Tage ein heikles Thema, Twitcher werden ein Lied davon singen können. Dieses Jahr war für uns alle eine Herausforderung neuen Levels, seine Geschichte ist noch deutlich härter. Aber schaut selbst:
ZitatAlles anzeigenYou all know me as LKP1 a random guy on the internet who loves to make music and play DayZ. Not so long ago I had an operation which left me in constant pain to the point even a short walk around the house would leave me rattled with agonising pain. Most of my days over the last few years consist of laying in my bed 22 hours a day, while still trying to be the best father and husband I could be.
Last year, I went in for an operation that could give me a slim chance in returning to some normality and possibly leading a better life. Unfortunately, it didn’t have the outcome we all desired and I was now in more pain than I had been in before. Extreme doses of Morphine are all that can take the edge of the pain. I kept hope that things would slowly improve.
Fast forward to a few weeks after the operation and the pain gets worse, only this time it wasn’t the pain in my body but the pain in my heart as my wife and I separated. I left the family home leaving my 3 kids with their mother, to go and live at my mom’s place. This situation is not ideal, my mother is old and dementia is gaining on her. She’s in need of more care and I can’t provide that; while I need care myself. It has also meant that due to the corona virus, the distance and the fact I can’t travel that I have hardly seen my kids in the last year.
My wife is a wonderful woman in so many ways and is the love of my life. Sadly, she too has her demons she is fighting. I hope you understand that I don’t feel comfortable talking about her situation as right now it is not what this is about. But I will say that I suffered a lot from abusive behaviour due to her mental health. I had hoped that the separation would not be permanent but she had different thoughts on that matter and has recently filed for divorce.
I always thought that love would overcome all, I still believe that but it is the love for my children that will get me through this. They are the sole reason I fight the pain every single day and do all that is in my power to be the best father I can be. OK I can’t do half the things that other kid’s fathers can do. But I can guide them and teach them to never give up, and to always fight. Even when you are at your bleakest moments you somehow, somewhere, someway find a way to keep going on in life.
There is so much I could write in to this message. But I want to tell you about a recent change in my luck because that is why I’m writing to you.
Recently, my local government has finally assisted in giving me the correct status in my claim for re-accommodation. I now, finally after a long battle have a new home to move into!!! It is close to my kids and their schools, and simply is everything I need. My sister is now taking over the care for my mother so she’s in good hands.
This right here, what you’re reading now is my somehow, somewhere, someway moment, a cry for help!
In order for me to register for the correct benefits I need, I must to be in my new home. Once registered the process will not happen overnight and I have no way of supporting myself. I cannot work and what benefits I currently receive will not cover my monthly fixed expenses let alone all the extra expenses I’m now confronted with.
I’ve always been self-reliant and self-sufficient but now my back is against the wall.
It’s easy to offer help to others but it’s hard for me to ask for help. But now I have to put my pride aside because I need all the help I can get.
I need help and I’m asking for your support by buying one of my Cinematic Ambient music albums because I worked hard on them and that way my pride still stands.
But if you’ve enjoyed my music for the DayZ community and/or are willing to help a struggling survivor and father out, all donations are welcome as my meagre savings will be gone before Christmas.
You will find a link to do either in this message and I will be forever grateful of your generosity
Merry Christmas & Thank You
Wenn ihr einem Mann und Vater in Not helfen möchtet, denn schaut bitte auf die extra von Spaggie eingerichtete Seite. Dort findet ihr weiter unten Informationen zu seinen bisher produzierten Alben und natürlich auch den Spendenlink zu PayPal. Spendet ihr mindestens 15€, so bekommt ihr den Download Link zu dem jeweiligen Album zugeschickt und könnt die Musik denn für eure Zwecke nutzen. Alternativ könnt ihr natürlich auch nen 5er rüberschieben, jeder Beitrag hilft.
Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit denke ich, dass die DayZ Community als Ganzes auch Einzelmembern unter die Arme greifen kann, wenn dieses denn nötig ist. Beispiele gab es dafür in der Vergangenheit schon mehrere, auch mit Beteiligung unsererseits. Wie immer ist dies natürlich keine Pflicht, aber falls ihr die Tage auf eine Schachtel Zigaretten oder Ähnliches verzichten könnt, bei LKP1 ist das Geld momentan gut aufgehoben.