Mod auf server Installieren und Types.xml

  • <cost>100</cost>

    <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>

    <category name="food"/>

    <usage name="Farm"/>

    <usage name="Hunting"/>


    <!-- WindstridesClothingPack -->

    </type name="Blue_Leggings"> (Nimm "/" da raus.)








    ERROR! Severe damage in syntax! you must correct that before continue! The 'types' start tag on line 2 position 2 does not match the end tag of 'type'. Line 17506, position 4.

    Weitere Fehler:

    Du kannst einem Item nicht sagen es sollen "Nominal" 20 mal auf der Karte liegen aber "Minimum 30 mal auf der Karte.

    Classname: Military_Sweater ---- !!!ERROR!!! <nominal> value can't be less than <min>

    Classname: Military_Sweater_Red ---- !!!ERROR!!! <nominal> value can't be less than <min>

    Classname: Military_Sweater_Blue ---- !!!ERROR!!! <nominal> value can't be less than <min>

    Classname: Military_Sweater_Green ---- !!!ERROR!!! <nominal> value can't be less than <min>

    Classname: Military_Sweater_Black ---- !!!ERROR!!! <nominal> value can't be less than <min>

    Classname: Military_Sweater_White ---- !!!ERROR!!! <nominal> value can't be less than <min>

    Deine Types habe ich mit "" überprüft.

