DayZ Expansion - Was die Entwickler nicht können müssen die Modder erledigen #Helicopter

  • Ohja, was ein fröhlicher Tag :D

    "Goldener Gurkenschäler, vergib ihnen nicht, denn sie wissen, was sie tun!"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ErnaVII. () aus folgendem Grund: Urheberrechtsansprüche ^^

  • Seitdem die Devs Eugen und Peter gegangen sind, ist kaum brauchbare Information auf r/dayz zu finden gewesen. Also war ich auch nicht mehr regelmässig dort. Aber siehe da, es gibt einen neuen Community Manger der tatsächlich mit der Community interagiert (zumindest etwas)!

    Und er hatte vor einem Monat mal so nebenbei bestätigt, das es Heils offiziell nicht geben wird (zu 99%).

    Das ist schon recht ernüchternd. irgendwo hatte ich immer die Hoffnung, das Sie es doch noch "als Überraschung" weiter verfolgen.

    Die Expansion Helis sind schön und gut, aber in dem Zustand in dem die aktuell sind, will ich sowas eigentlich nicht haben.

  • Wir haben mittlerweile viel mit der Expansion getestet, es sind auch viele gute Idee dabei und auch größtenteils ist die Umsetzung gut gemacht.

    Leider sind viele Mechaniken alles andere als fertig bzw. nicht für uns einsetzbar.

    1. Die Mod fügt eine Buildanywhere ein. Egal ob man das ExpansionBuilding aktiviert oder nicht.

    2. Die Client Performance bricht merkbar ein und das schlimmste die Serverperformance ebenso.

    Wie weit wir die Mechaniken bei uns einfügen können ist noch nicht wirklich klar. Wenn dann erstmal nur sehr minimal.

    Der Code ist auch verschlüsselt, macht es uns auch nicht einfacher die Mechaniken für uns anzupassen.

    Aktuell würde ich der Mod eher eine Versionsnummer 0.1 geben als eine 1.0.0.

  • Ich wäre ja für eine - Expansion Mod :P

  • Dayz Expansion Mod 1.01 update is now live


    Hello Survivors,

    DayZ Expansion Mod just released a new update !


    All current territories will be not spawned in, you will need to replace your territory.

    You will need to update/regenerate the following config files :


    • added bool "EnableQuickMarker"


    • added float SafeExplosionDamageMultiplier
    • added float SafeProjectileDamageMultiplier
    • added bool CanDismantleFlag

    Old territories no longer work due to a change. You will need to recreate a new territory, sorry for the inconvenience, this will allow more modding possibilities in the the futur !

    The mod is available at :…iledetails/?id=2116151222

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  • Also Baisraiden geht in der Expasion fix

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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

  • Nabend erstmal, habe nun 1-2 Infos für euch zur Expansion Mod, in der Entwicklung ist die Mod seit knapp 1.5 Jahren und muss sagen die Mod recht nett, vorallem die veränderungen an der Map so das Straßen nun bewachsen sind z.B.

    Wieviele Helis z.B aufeinmal spawnen können, kann ich nichts zu sagen, ich kann euch aber verraten das insgesamt 6 spawnpunkte momentan gibt ( und einer der mit 1.0.8 dazu kommt). Soweit ich es aber mit bekommen habe, kann man auch Custom spawnpunkte auf der Map setzen.

    Die spawnpunkte sind nach aussage der Modder:

    Prison Island


    3 spawnpunkte auf dem NWA


    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

  • Der Spanwpunkt im neuen Skigebiet, neben der Arena ist auch "offiziell".

  • am Airfield in Krasno, spawnen auch welche! [zumindest auf dem GDZ Survival]

    Dann hat gute Urs wohl dort einen Spawnpunkt gesetzt. Und nach aussage der Modder, arbeiten sie auch an AI Missionen. Die wird aber wohl noch dauern, da Bohemia so Intelligent war die AI aus der Enfusion Engine zu entfernen. Es gibt zwar Server mit Missionen dort sind aber nur Zombies zur Zeit.

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()

  • Expansion Changelog 1.3.1048


    • Added new Airdrop setting to display server wide map marker on the drop location.
    • Added a new Airdrop setting to control the name of the airdrop event server marker.
    • Added BarbedWireKit craft, combine two barbwire to craft a BarbedWireKit
    • Added a separate horn sound for the Bus and Tractor
    • Added ability to change the flag texture on an existing territory flag.
    • Added LOD to many objects
    • Added notification alerting player they can not place current item if it is not permitted. (For example if territory is required, or if player is in enemy territory)
    • Added working permissions to the COT Vehicles module, removed apply permission
      + Expansion.Vehicles.Delete
      + Expansion.Vehicles.Delete.All
      + Expansion.Vehicles.Delete.Destroyed
      + Expansion.Vehicles.Delete.Unclaimed
    • Added a client setting in the expansion settings menu that allows you to change the font size of the displayed chat lines.
    • Added mission files for the sandbox map
      (Very Small = 12, Small = 14, Medium = 16, Large = 22)
    • Added killfeed notification for the following conditions:
      + Player death from fall damage.
      + Player death on vehicle hit (when player gets rolled over by car for example).
      + Player death on fire damage (standing in fireplace).
      + Player death on area damage (WIP)
      + Player death on barbed wire damage.
      + Player death on explosion (Satchel, Grenade).
      + Player death on starvation.
      + Player death on dehydration.
      + Player death on bloodloss.
      + Player death on suicide with weapon.
      + Player death from other players' weapons.
      + Player death from other players fists.
      + Player death from an infected.
      + Player death from an animal.
    • Added new notification settings:
      + EnableKillFeed: Enable/Disable killfeed messages. 0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled
      + KillFeedMessageType: Change how the message gets displayed. 0 = Chat | 1 = Notification
    • Added towing, cars can only tow other cars and a helicopter can pick up any vehicle
    • Enabled wind effects on helicopters
    • Added 'EnableWindAerodynamics' to VehicleSettings.json, defaulted to true.
    • Added 'EnableTailRotorDamage' to VehicleSettings.json, defaulted to true.
    • Added back the ability to walk on vehicles
    • Added AN/PEQ 15 laser sight. Class name Expansion_ANPEQ15_Red.
    • Changed DisableMagicCrosshair setting to be enabled by default. This will make it so bullets do not magnetize to the crosshair, but instead follow the trajectory of the barrel. You can disable this setting, but laser sights will not be accurate if you do so.
    • Added server setting for minimum player count before missions will start ( 0 default is disabled)
    • Added Server rule tab in the book
    • Added 22 new flags
    • Added M14, a .308 rifle.
    • Added Kar98, an 8mm bolt action rifle, along with a bayonet for it.
    • Added X2 Taser. Will stun players for 8 seconds when hit.
    • Added PP
    • 19
    • 01 Vityaz SN, a 9x19mm SMG based off of AK design. Can us both western and AK optics
    • Added a 60 round quad stacked stanag mag to replace the vanilla coupled magazine.
    • Added 6x scope to the Kar98
    • Added a Battery Icon when NVG are Enabled
    • Added character statistics to the dead
    • screen.
    • Added new icons for markers
    • Added a new way to create and manage markers for yourself and party
    • Added a throwable M18 Tear Gas Grenade
    • Added grave cross, disabled by default. The setting "GravecrossTimeThreshold" determines how long a player must be alive before they create a grave cross with a long lifetime. If a player is below that threshold, a Expansion_Gravecross_LowLifetime will be spawned, if above, a Expansion_Gravecross. Default lifetime for the Expansion_Gravecross_LowLifetime is 5 minutes (300), default lifetime for the Expansion_Gravecross is 60 minutes (3600). These can be changed in the types xml entry in your expansion_ce folder
    • Added Expansion COT Territory Manager Module and Menu. Server Admins can use this menu to manage their active server territories with some simple options like delete objects within the territory or the territory itself.


    • Stairs are easier to get dismantle options
    • Adjusted the camera in the Vodnik
    • Localized the flag menu, territory book, COT Vehicle, COT General, missing localization of the server tab, interactions action
    • Instead of the blank text when a string was not translated to your language, it will now instead show a temporary english translation
    • Updated the flag menu UI
    • Updated the list of allowed characters that can be used for marker names
    • Made it possible to pick up a safe which is unlocked (must be empty)
    • Removed some debug logs from the steam version of Expansion
    • Updated the visual of some spray cans
    • Notification UI design and layout has been changed slightly so it fits better to the rest of the DayZ UI menus and elements.
    • Flag menu design and layout has been changed slightly so it fits better to the rest of the DayZ UI menus and elements.
    • Most weapons and attachments now have 10 minimum sprays
    • Satchel now has a rare chance of spawning in military airdrops.
    • Military airdrops nerfed from 100 to 50 items. For these two changes you will need to regenerate or manually edit your missions jsons.
    • Chat window fades out now after the fade out duration.
    • Chat window fades in now when entering the chat input menu (before only when a message was sent).
    • Chat window fades in now when a new message has been received.
    • Removed the keybinding to toggle the chat window.
    • Tweaked DeathScreen
    • Tweaked Helicopters damage conditions
    • Tweaked Airdrops
    • Updated sounds for the RPG
    • 7 and the M79
    • Tweaked SafeZones, players cannot anymore gag, handcuff, inject, force feed and many more other actions
    • Tweaked Ikarus Bus simulation
    • Tweaked Tractor simulation
    • Tweaked UAZ simulation
    • Replaced the model for the Base Building Kits
    • Removed 'DisableDamagedHeliSpin' from GeneralSettings.json. This is now 'EnableTailRotorDamage' in VehicleSettings.json


    • Fixed an issue where the new player tag icon stayed on screen forever.
    • Fixed being able to get out of the UAZ when its doors are closed
    • Fixed C130J Not spawning.
    • Fixed NULL Pointer CycleOptic
    • Fixed markers not loading correctly
    • Fixed cars not taking radiator or rev damage
    • Fixed COM not working with the newest COT version
    • Potential Fix for mapping not loading at the correct position while in COM
    • Fixed Expansion mapping conflicting with vanilla mapping in Kamyshovo and at the Evacuation Roadblock
    • Fixed an issue with the cot vehicles menu map markers. The markers should get placed and updated correctly on the map frame now.
    • Fixed Locked safe could be stored in cargo
    • Fixed Expansion Vehicles spawning with the wrong skin
    • Fixed Explosive Hologram still using the old 3d model
    • Fixed an issue with the ShowTerritoryNotifications setting not loading the values from the NotificationSettings.json.
    • Fixed all the weapons still spawning with a skin
    • Fixed multiple items spawning with a sprayed skin instead of his default skin
    • Stairs have proper required parts now, so you can't just build tread instantly
    • You can no longer view inventory of locked safe
    • Helipad no longer have collisions
    • Fixed an issue with chat messages for player join/leave messages not getting displayed whenever this option was active on the server.
    • Fixed rabbit meat cannot be cooked
    • Fixed tractor animations
    • Fixed tractor not being lockable
    • Fixed an issue where Airdrop crates not despawning when an airdrop mission event has ended.
    • Fixed an issue where Airdrop crates and their content got saved into the storage.
    • Fixed the server settings "VehicleRequireAllDoors", "VehicleLockedAllowInventoryAccess" and "VehicleLockedAllowInventoryAccessWithoutDoors" not working as intended
    • Fixed an issue where map markers on the COT Vehicle Manager were not on the correct map position.

    Known Issues:

    • Skins do not persist through logins/server restarts
    • Client Side: You may get teleported to the ocean when getting into the seat of a vehicle (of which you can walk on), to fix this leave and rejoin the server
    • Your client expansion settings may potentially be wiped
    • Markers don't show on the GPS

    Please Note: