Devblog 110



    Optimized and improved 3rd person player animations
    More sound mix tweaks
    New fish caught sounds for traps
    Decay states save and load on server restart
    Decay uses less server memory
    Building block decay timer correctly resets when fully repaired
    Fixed viewmodels spazzing out for one frame when deployed
    Client load balancer pauses other work while network packets have to be processed
    Fixed roof side conditional models occasionally missing on the client
    Fixed entity pool warning when certain pine trees were destroyed
    Repairing now requires all types of resources an object costs (instead of just one)
    Fixed plant entity leak when their happiness was stuck around zero
    Plant skins use prefab pooling for performance
    Plant server convars actually do what they claim to do
    Fixed planting and harvesting particle effect rotations
    Added hemp seeds and hemp farming
    Wild corn and pumpkins always spawn next to rivers
    Reduced driftwood decor object density
    Dialed back tint randomization of wild hemp
    Fixed possible server side NaN / infinity positions of physics entities
    Tightened valid cupboard placement angle
    Fixed world models, ragdolls and debris ignoring cave triggers
    Fixed server projectiles like rockets ignoring cave triggers
    Fixed floating deployables in caves
    Fixed turret line of sight check in caves
    Fixed patrol helicopter and turret not seeing and firing through fences
    Added anti hack kick counter to admin status command
    Added another layer of fly hack protection
    Added server side projectile speed verification
    Powerline cables now cast shadows
    Powerline cables are now affected by fog
    Fixed seam in river transition to ocean caused by fog
    Added halterneck and skirt
    Silencer durability increased
    Silencer damage reduction slightly reduced
    Added water purifier
    Can no longer codelock fish traps

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.