(multiplayer - balance)In general you will now see smaller groups of enemies early on, with size of groups increasing overtime
(multiplayer) Lowered chance of enemies finding players straight after plane crash
(multiplayer) Fixed some bugs with enemy spawn amounts, all types of mutants should appear after enough time has passed
(multiplayer)Fixed player_net faces looking too shiny and some arms not matching look of face
(balance) Slightly lowered how much damage enemies do to player
(balance) Old food that’s still edible now gives some health instead of none (previously only fresh food gave any health)
Increased custom effigy base range and per limb and torso bonus range
Fixed some glitches in enemy effigy effect reactions
Slightly higher damage from fire to all mutants
Fixed player sometimes losing armor even when blocking
Reduced overall block damage amount slightly
Fixed a case of save with bridge not loading
Fixed some bark having incorrectly scaled textures/and overly broken moss look
Fixed large missing piece in cave1
Fixed case of partially built treehouses causing issue on loaded games/inability to add items to them or complete them due to them using the old stairs ghost model
Quelle: http://survivetheforest.com/