DayZ Overpoch Chernarus Servervorstellung -mit vielen addons! //+ Server Traile

  • !Selection Z - Server!
    Deutsch-Englische Community!



    Launching Parameter (Dayz Commander):

    online seit Anfang Juli!

    Map: Chernarus

    Single Coin with Bank system
    Advanced trading/ fast trading
    ESS-spawn (select your spawn point + halo spawn + select class)
    Plot pole management (50m)
    Plot buff Zombie Free Bases;
    Plot poles do not despawn (only if you forget to maintain)
    Door manager (eye scan)
    Safe manager Player who are added to a plot pole are able to open all Safes in their plot pole area without typing in a code!
    Deploy bike and mozzie
    DZGM - DayZ Group Management (shows name of team mates on map)
    God mode for locked cars in plot areas
    Indestructible base parts
    Hemp farms
    Suicide with animation
    Snap Building Pro & Build vectors
    Bank robbery (once per restart)
    No kill messages
    No Nameplates
    No weight limit
    Color effects
    Wind effect
    AI mission system & AI Cities
    Custom traderzones
    Self bloodbag
    Flip vehicle
    Take clothes
    better tow vehicle script & heli lift option!
    Service points at fuelpumps (refule/repair/rearm vehicles)
    and more…

    welcome present bis 4. August
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