ARK: Survival Evolved

  • v208.3

    * Fixed "Survival of the Fittest" Server crash
    * Fixed inaccuracy on clients display of "Repair" cost (where it would show tooltip for a Structure as needing repair but it wouldn't actually need repair).


    * Fixed Submersible Rafts ;)
    * Fixed Rafts that would end up underground at 50,50 (this should also retroactively fix any which had that occur)
    * Fixed Ladder funkyness underground
    * Fixed being teleported by flyer carrying you onto a platform saddle
    * Fixed platform-saddled structure spawn VFX erroneously playing when first coming into view on a client
    * Fixed case where Pachy could send you flying verrrry high if knocked you unconscious
    * Fixed Crop Plot Fertilizer to be properly consumed all the way to zero and destroyed.
    * You no longer get booted from the driver seat of a Raft when there are structures near/on it.

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  • v209.2

    * Client-side Fix for ladder climbing crash & incorrect ladder physics (falling off ladder etc)
    * Fixed Raft HP not being networked to Clients
    * Fixed some Ladder physics-networking issues for smoother climbing
    * Fixed a case where you could appear detached from your Dino when riding it
    * Pachy will now collide with each other, and their torpor inducement has been buffed about 20%
    * You can now paint doors again
    * Compass is now oriented properly when riding a Dino
    * Rafts can't starve anymore
    * AI Dinos won't try to harvest unharvestable resources anymore (i.e. too-large rocks etc)
    * User Config values shouldn't get clobbered anymore
    * Respawning at Beds on loaded Raft/Platforms will no longer result in spawning at origin
    * Invisible dinos on Rafts/Platforms should be resolved
    * Crash callstacks are now written to text file on disk for better reporting (you can grab them off your remote dedicated server's hard drive, etc)
    * Bronto Rider Platform Driver position is now correct across save-games
    * Fixed a case where Dinos couldn't harvest resources when attacking
    * Fixed a Weapon Ammo issue
    * Fixed Flyers attachment standing on Rafts/Platforms
    * Eliminated the extra forward-walking on ground of Tamed Flyers after they land
    * Fixed Rafts super-bobbing and flying off into space
    * Fixed Rafts/Brontos getting stuck on their own structures, they can now always move properly.
    * Added a MaxKillZ as a failsafe in case anyone gets stranded in-orbit (will still resolve any such cases individually)
    * Fixed inability to Claim dinos that had transponders on them
    * Made Ladders not prevent movement (allow collide-and-slide) if they're not attached to a moving platform (helps resolve some cases of stuck-on-ladders)
    * Applying Painting Templates no longer can consume the durability non-paintbrush items ;)
    * Reduced Assault Rifle Per-Shot Durability cost by 50%
    * Removed the "Buggy" (heh heh) Vehicle from the build for now until we resolve the stability of multiple asynchronous PhysX substeps

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  • v209.4

    * Dinos & Players can no longer get pushed/dragge through structures / fall-through when on moving platforms (Rafts/Bronto Saddles etc)
    * Player Data and Tribe Data are automatically backed-up and restored to avoid potential for corruption.
    * You can no longer upload and download Dragons via the Obelisk ;)
    * Raft collision improved (easier to climb up on), and jump rafts fixed
    * Slightly Floating characters on Rafts fixed
    * Amin "GiveColors #" command (w/o the "cheat" prefix), where # is quantity, to give yourself all color dyes, useful for testing the awesome new painting conversion tools (…board-sign-pnt-converter/
    Guide on how to convert ARK pnt files to images and vice versa
    ) -- now every Tribe needs custom logos on their flags/signs, pronto!! :)

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  • ich bin mal so frei und aktuallisiere das hier ;)
    [img width=560 height=95][/img]

    [img width=560 height=95][/img]

    ausserdem gibts noch den ultra realism server feat.. h1ns ;)

    kommt bringt mehr leben auf die server :D im moment sind so max 10 leute auf dem pvp-server eher weniger, bambischutz gibts von den großen (meistens^^)
    pve hab ich keeeine ahnung.

    auch h1nz bräuchte unterstützung er ist zur zeit der einzige hardcoreVeteran

  • v210.0

    * Fixed Dinos getting detached and warped when riding on bronto platform saddles / rafts (i.e. disappearing Dinos), and some visual issues on clients
    * Fixed some bugs with painting (striped tigers, and some dye stacks not getting used), and loading painting templates is now about 10x faster
    * Reduced some network bandwidth usage
    * Fixed scale of structures on Rafts/Dino Platforms.

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  • v210.3

    *Fixed (client-side) Dinos appearing to fall through Structures


    * Fixed a case where Raft structures could get loaded rotated 'incorrectly'. (server-side fix)


    * Fixed a painting crash
    * Fixed a crash loading certain savegames ("Raptor Animation" crash)

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  • v211.0 - Deploying!

    * Switching to direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P for significantly increased server network performance and stability!
    * Fixed issue with Flyers potentially disappearing/sinking into water
    * Fixed various Raft exploits...
    * Fixed shouldered Monkey scaling issue
    * Fixed swimmers/flyers taking damage when the server gets stalled (during a save, etc)
    * Fixed issue where Flyers couldn't drop someone or attack after carrying them
    * Fixed ragdolls possibly falling thru the floor when players die by hitting the ground from a large height
    * Fixed Dino Inverse Kinematics getting bonkers wonky at low Server FPS
    * Fixed the last (hopefully!) issue that could make Shouldered Monkeys disappear
    * Added a [ServerSettings] server option "?PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=1.0" that can be used to increase the limit of structures on dynamic platforms. Beware, increasing this value could affect server performance!
    * Page-Scrolled Chatbox will now stay scrolled even if new chat messages arrive
    * Structures placed on dynamic platforms (Saddle/Raft) no longer have a "Max Height Above World" limit (i.e. allows building on Rafts over deep sea).

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  • Current Version: v212.1

    Note: Server Admins can change the maximum number of platformed-creatures/rafts allowed on the ARK (a potential performance cost) via this commandline option: "MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit=Number" (or in [ServerSettings] of their GameUserSettings.ini)

    212.1: Fixed -SM4/Extreme Low Memory Mode crashes with Plant Species X / Raft.
    * Changed network protocol back to "SteamP2P", which includes automatic port forwarding, until we introduce an option for servers to dynamically optionally use straight UDP protocol (increased network performance).

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  • v213.0 - Deploying!

    * Turrets no longer (fruitlessly) attempt to shoot rafts, they'll shoot the driver of the raft if they have line-of-sight
    * Water dinos now correctly Follow rafts (or you when you're driving the raft)
    * Flyers are now allowed to have riders while walking on the ground. Yay :)
    * Fixed client invisible flyers on saddle-platforms
    * Fixed wrong-rotated structure placements (campfires, etc) on saddle platforms
    * Fixed crash when loading a save with platforms/saddles that have structures removed by a mod
    * Option for server hosts to use direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P, for significantly increased server network performance and stability! To enable direct UDP sockets mode on your dedicated server (for slightly increased networking performance & more optimized bandwidth utilization and potentially better long-term stability), use commandline option "?bRawSockets" (on Windows or Linux) -- you'll need to manually open ports 7777 & 7778 if you do so in order for your server to accept connections.
    * Reduced Ptero Barrel Roll damage by 33% and increased its stamina cost by 90%
    * Personally-Owned Tribe Governments will no longer allow Replacing Structures that the user is not authorized to Demolish
    * Increased default max # of structures per dynamic platform (Saddle Platforms, Rafts) by 25%
    * SCUBA Pants hypothermal stat now works when riding dinos
    * Plant Species X now don't automatically reactivate after loading savegame if you have them Sleeping
    * Fixed an issue with Electric Generators not linking to Electric Wires properly if they were placed after the Electric Wires, and thus unable to supply power outlets. (requires rebuilding them if you have any exhibiting this behavior)
    * Current Character Stats no longer reset after a Fast Travel
    * Spike Blockades can no longer be used to break falldamage
    * Dragonfire now damages flyers
    * Transponders & C4 now attach properly to Platform Saddled Dinos & Rafts
    * Improved Dimorphodon collision box
    * Flyers now remember their flying/walking state properly across save games (i.e. they don't fall out of the air anymore after load)
    * Raft movements no longer get blocked/rubberbanded by dinos that are standing on them
    * Fixed issue of Dinos not appearing in their correct location on Rafts/Platforms if you unmounted them when on a Raft/Platform
    * Host Session UI no longer clamps the numeric values by sliders (i.e. you can input beyond-range values into the text boxes and they'll hold)
    * Fixed Titanboas falling thru the air aboveground into Caves blow

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  • v213.1
    * Fixed wrong-rotated Flyers (upside down etc)
    * Can now summon Broodmother Tribute again
    * Fixed endlessly running-in-place dinos
    * Fixed dinos and players falling through ground on Low-Memory mode
    * Fixed (it seems) disappearing Monkeys
    * Official servers switched to Raw UDP sockets for increased perf

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  • v214.0

    * Fixed Oculus Rift VR support <grumbles something about updated Oculus SDK/>
    * New Feature: Custom Inventory Folders, on any Inventory. ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE! <3
    * New Structures: Powered Elevator Structures
    * New Structures: Controllable Primitive Harpoon Ballista to place on structures and on the backs of your dinos (which damage stone structures at primitive tech level!)
    * New Item: Plesiosaurus Platform Saddle! It's time to build your dino submarine bases, survivors!
    * Fixed grabbing onto / climbing ladders while underwater
    * Fixed getting tossed off by flyers if they had previously run out of Stamina even after landing
    * Activated Forges/Production Inventories now continue to consume resources after game reload
    * Personally owned buildings/dinos now transfer to offline players if kicked from Tribe
    * Flyers can no longer hold onto players when landed, nor drop them through the ground
    * Gateways now provide no-build radius
    * Fixed Tribe issue with same-named Tribes causing members to get kicked
    * Fixed Flyers sliding on ground when Encumbered
    * Mods/TC's now have the option of FORCING more server PhysX Substeps, mostly useful for accurate Vehicle Physics (recommend 6 substeps & 0.03333 deltatime). See PrimalGameData.OverrideServerPhysXSubsteps and PrimalGameData.OverrideServerPhysXDeltaTime
    * Wild Flyers will no longer get stuck on water and drown -- they'll fly out of water properly and head back towards landmass when necessary
    * Fixed a savegame corruption case with large savegames: this is experimental, so try with "-noninlinesaveload" if you have any saves that don't load. We'll formally roll this loader change out in a subsequent patch after we're 100% certain it has no side effects.
    * Dropped Eggs are no longer invisible after loading a singleplayer game
    * Optimized server ragdoll behaviors/perf, and fixed a nasty client physx perf bug (well of despair perf problem)
    * 25% more max structures per dynamic platform by default. for realz!
    * Fixed up the physics of the flyer Air-Brake, ("Prone" binding, default [X])
    * Fixed issue with firing rockets and other weapon projectiles not using accurate collision detection
    Updated Primitive Server Values / Items / Engrams here:…ns/10/535150948605081777/

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  • v214.4

    * Fixed some client-side crashes
    * Fixed Oculus VR stereoscopic depth

    Note: these are server-side changes for the most part, so any servers that want these fixes will need to update to 214.3!
    * Trilobites move again
    * Fixed status exploit with Fast Travel
    * Changed flyer underground check to be a teleport rather than a kill, in case we have some underground area volumes still to beef up
    * Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed a server crash: "ShooterGameServer.exe!UObjectPropertyBase::Identical()"
    * Ballistas now do no damage at all to Auto Turrets
    * Ballista damage vs stone structures reduced by 40%
    * Singleplayer Ballista Bolts now only give you 1 bolt
    * Fixed aquatic creatures getting into "falling" physics when knocked unconscious underwater
    * Elevators can now be built on ceilings, within bases, etc.
    * Fixed Stuck-Underground-Flyer Kill check
    * Elevator movements now only get obstructed by static world geometry, not structures or characters
    * All SCUBA gear pieces are now properly dye-able, male and female
    * PvP Respawn timer is not used anymore in PvE games or in singleplayer mode

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  • v215.4

    * Fixed more server crash cases!


    * Fixed another potential Server crash upon loading a savegame


    * Fixed PvP Decay Timer starting at 0
    * Fixed several kinds of Server crashes


    * Carryable and Hawk-Style Throwable Dimorphodon (attacks whomever you throw it at ;)
    * Paraceratherium & accompanying Platform Saddle
    * Wall-mounted paintable canvas
    * Structure Auto-Decay Enabled on Official PvP servers
    * (Non-Platform-Mounted) Ballistas can no longer be placed near enemy foundations, and their damage has been reduced by 50% relative to structures, range reduced by 20%. They also no longer damage Plant Species X.
    * Fixed incorrect Female pose when mounted on Ballista Turret
    * Dev Kit: Mod authors can now custom-script their own new "Use Menu" options, with networking and saving of values, as well as override/remove any existing "Use Menu" options as they see fit. This will let them make much more powerful in-world items and character interactions :)
    * Saddled Dinos can now accept SCUBA gear, equipments etc into their Inventories
    * Fixed extra conflicting Input binding for flyers
    * Fixed Shoulder-Mounted Dimos and almost certainly Monkeys disappearing randomish
    * Players can no longer get stuck in an inputless state if reconnecting when mounted on a dino
    * Fixed a bug with losing collision if you were knocked unconscious while being carried by a flyer
    * Reduced Crop Plot Fertilizer consumption rate by another 50%
    * Fixed a crash related to new Dev Kit features (ModifyStatusComponent, etc)

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  • v216

    * Server Admin Note: One-Time Auto-Structure Demolish on Swamp and Snow Zones: To do this, which you can only execute once after updating to v216, run your server or game with this commandline: -StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures
    * Fixed Dino unboarding offset
    * Fixed a case where you could push your character through structures
    * Fixed a ladder issue
    * Fixed issue with Turrets mounted on Rafts/Dinos not being able to hit targets reliably when shooting down
    * Fixed some Admin Manager SteamID's display on Mac
    * Fixed SotF crash
    * Whitelisted Admins are now allowed to join full games and they also don't count towards the player limit
    * Fixed double hud overlays when in spectator mode and showing long-range HUDs and near HUDs
    * Fixed issue with client & server steep slope climbing desynchronization when riding a Tamed Dino
    * Fixed issue with invisible weapon in hand after loading singleplayer game
    * Fixed water tanks not giving resources when demolished
    * Human and Dino Level Caps Raised +5 each
    * Swamp and Snow Biomes!
    * Beezlebufo
    * Direwolf
    * Megaloceros
    * Fur Gear Set
    * Dimorphodons now lay eggs
    * Added some initial furniture structures: Wooden Chair, Wooden Bench, Simple Gravestone
    * Fixed issue where dinos wouldn't follow an ally target a moving platform structure
    * Fixed IK issue where dinos legs could latch onto surfaces above them
    * Fixed issue where Total Conversion custom Maps weren't listed in the Host Session UI

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  • Current Version: v216.3
    [Unversioned Hotfixes]

    * Fixed funky shadow casting from foliage destruction-meshes
    * Fixed whacky bendy plant wind animation :)


    * Added a function necessary for Servers hosting 'Survival of the Fittest' Total Conversion. If you want to host SotF 4.0, you should upgrade your Server to 216.2. (Clients don't need to).


    * More server crash protection


    * Fixed a couple server crashes
    * Re-added missing "Small Crop Plot" Engram
    * Improved Stag jump animation
    * Fixed an NPC Spawn Zone that had improper spawning configuration
    * Official Servers: Relaunching with -ForceRespawnDinos to destroy all wild creatures to flush out NPC's to new Biome configurations. (this will only destroy wild creatures that are NOT currently being tamed :)
    * Dimorph Kibble is now cookable from Dimorph Eggs ;)
    - Dimorphon Kibble (Longrass+Cooked Meat Jerky+Dimo Egg)
    * Fixed issue with not being able to climb ladders on certain platform structures/rafts
    * Fixed Mac rendering issue in Snow Biome (black screen)

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  • v217.0

    * Hornless female Megaloceros added (25% faster but no attacks since no horns)
    * Inventory Quality of Life: You can now sort inventory lists by various methods, and also text-search them dynamically.
    * Craftable Consumable Bug Repellent. Yes!
    * Poison Gas Grenade *cough cough cough*
    * Primitive Club (great for conking people on the head and knocking them out, regardless of armor)
    * Overstocked Snow Metal Rocks now yield Metal Ore at the same approximate rate as "Rich Mountain" Metal Rocks
    * Trophy System (including the SotF Trophies!!!)
    * Foliage fillrate performance optimization
    * About +25%-30% server CPU performance gain due to Spatial Octree optimization
    * You can now double-click an Engram to Learn It
    * Engram Window automatically opens after applying all available Level Ups (will make it an option)
    * Radios no longer take over Tribe Chat. Tribe Chat always functions as normal on its own "Channel".
    * Inventory Slot counter
    * Jerky crafting time reduced by 33%
    * Fixed aquatic creatures following targets across water zones
    * Fixed pop-in of underwater rock/canyon meshes
    * Server VAC enabled! Auto Banhammmmerrr Go!
    * Furniture and Gravestones are now dye-able
    * Fixed snow-cave blockage, and ice mini cave o' doom killin' dinos/teleportin

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  • Current Version: v217.2

    * Fixed respawn rate & yield rate on Species X wild plants
    * Fixed dino-player pushing through walls case
    * Fixed inability to climb ladders at some angles
    * Reduced effectiveness of primitive club on players by 10%
    * Increased poison grenade gas duration and effectiveness by 15%
    * Female Megaloceros don't grow horns anymore in singleplayer :)
    * Sloped Roofs now count for "indoors" insulation calculation

    * Fixed bug with "Rain" & "Snow" visuals only ever appearing once
    * Fixed RCON performance issue on Linux/Windows (we think ;)
    * Re-enabled 'Raw Socket' support on Linux/Windows Servers (use at your own risk, we believe there are stability issues with raw sockets but some hosts seem to like them ;)

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  • v218.1

    * Fixed a savegame loading crash


    * Quetzalcoatlus & Flying Platform Saddle. (Airship?!)
    * Option to Remove the default "sail" from the Raft ;)
    * Machined Sniper Rifle
    * Tranq Darts
    * You can now lock and/or pincode Elevators
    * Sarcos now swim in shallow swamp water, making them speedy deadly creatures in the swamp
    * Improved server perf by 15% using server-side movement optimization
    * When aggro'ed, flyers no longer wander to a random point before attacking
    * Swapped Fria Curry/Calien Soup Food-Water buff effects, as originally intended
    * Server Admins can now set in their Game.ini:
    * Reduced rubber-banding and camera-flickering when moving upon a platform saddle.
    * Raised Player and Dino Level Caps by +3 each
    * Holo Scope can now be equipped on the Fabricated Pistol
    * SotF Enhancements: Immediate Warpaints (freepainting doesn't require any items), Six Player Tribes, Megapithecus, Broodmother!

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  • v218.8

    * Fixed issue of carried creature's dynamic inventory weight not adding to the flyer's weight


    * Shotgun base damage increased by approximately 30%
    * Player engrams no longer count towards "max" inventory items
    * Dinos can no longer damage structures thru "underneath" ceiling pieces
    * Getting stuck under terrain will once again properly teleport you back above the terrain
    * Shotgun networking further changed: clients will need to update to have working shotguns on Official Servers specifically ;)


    * Fixed the global limit on # of Platforms-with-Structures being incremented by Rafts, which are not supposed to use the global limit
    * Fixed a client-side PhysX crash


    * Fixed Turrets' Quetz targeting when you have Quetz Structure-Armor around body. Head will be shot.
    * Dead insects now stop animating if you enter the area after they're killed
    * Fixed a case where you could get stuck on the painting templates save/load screens
    * Fixed Server Direct Connection (from Steam/Browser such as ) logic to not fail, and also fixed a crash if direct-joining a server fails
    * Improved how shotguns are networked
    * Anti speedhack detection is now enabled by default -- to disable it, use the server commandline "-noantispeedhack"
    * Server player-move-physics optimization is now enabled by default (improves perf) -- to disable it, use the server commandline "-nocombineclientmoves"
    * Reduced Damage of Guns & Projectiles onto Arg/Ptero by 25% (3.x multiplier rather than 4.x multuplier)


    * Fixed client side issue where clients wouldn't see other players "Wake up" from sleeping state


    * Quetz platforms now include the weight of all pawns based on them, including the inherent pawn carry weight, causing encumbrance when carrying very large dinos.
    * Raised Max KillZ being too low causing some characters to die on a high-flying Quetz platform
    * Fixed Quetz damage / warpaint overlay
    * Tranq Dart Torpidity effect increased by 100%
    * Improved walking on dynamic platforms, Quetz, Raft, etc
    * Poison Grenades add 25% more Torpor and have 20% more AoE
    * Beezlebufo fall damage speed threshold raised to avoid taking damage on long jumps
    * Alpha Dinos can no longer be picked up
    * Quetz reduced damage by 33% and damage scaling by 20%
    * Fixed a case where Player disconnected from the server could become unsleeped
    * Fixed standing on Rafts
    * Spectator Player List now can sort by Player or Tribe and also Search by Player or Tribe
    * Fixed Dino XP level #, extra 0
    * New server option defaulting disallowed, Quetz platforms will not allow any non-allied dino to base on them when they are flying. If you want your server to allow non-allied dinos to be able to stand on the Quetz platforms:


    * Fixed Mac issues with 'El Capitan' OS (thank you Steam Users "Brefin" and "Kyr" for your help in solving it!!!)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()