After spending the entirety of the weekend hopping between private shards across all GSPs, respawning on the beach and going through the progression and goal of getting to Stary Jar - I've determined that there is infact an issue with persistence on private shards operating with high player bases past 48 hours uptime (storage).
This appears to be effecting private shards -only-, as I've had no issue on public hive servers what so ever.
That said, until we determine the exact cause of this I am instructing all GSPs to allow their private shard customers to disable the persistence feature and/or reset the storage files at their discretion.
Information on the triage of this issue will be forthcoming after the holidays.
nach diesen erkentnissen wollt ich ma fragen ob GDZ das angebot annehmen wird? ich mein ja nur das die server langsam aussterben.