DayZ Mod Update 1.8.3
[li][Blood type is now displayed on your UI, (if you have used the testing kit)[/li]
[li]["town generator", which spawns litter/rumble/wrecks inside 500 meter bubble around the player.[/li]
[li][500 plants spawned locally on client side (previously, 100 plants were networked and spawned on server side). Plant objects are handled by the "town generator".[/li]
[li]Antiwallhack concrete blocks are spawned locally (previously were networked and spawned on server side)[/li]
[li][POI and infectious waters are spwaned locally (previously were networked and spawned on server side)[/li]
[li][Reworked task scheduler both on client side and server side. To avoid "game lag", some client tasks are suspended during max 50 frames if fps_min is below 10, and a hint is displayed on screen.[/li]
[li][Keyboard event management reworked for faster handling. GCAM helper is available for GCAM developers (the GCAM is not provided in the mod)[/li]
[li]Zeds buried into the floor are detected and moved on the floor according to the elevation of the lowest loot position.[/li]
[li] Flies and fly sounds are spawned on dead character bodies. Flies and fly sound are monitored by the server (ArmA2 bug workaround)[/li]
[li]Character will switch back to primary weapon if the throwable weapon is selected during 7 seconds and nothing has been throwed.[/li]
[li]oot spawn: Add lootpos in new POI (trains/ruins mainly). The loot focused on construction.[/li]
[li]Construction: metal fences can be built and disassembled, metal DIY guide.[/li]
[li]Construction: placement system:[/li]
[li]Fences can be build straight up, but on a limited level difference, or fences can be built aligned to the slope.
"Magnet style" on object edges, so that 2 fences join seamlessly during assembly
The "ghost" object will always show the same side (player won't be able to build a fence inside-out)[/li]
[li]Animated building disassembly. Disassembly can be interrupted to a intermediate stage of the deconstruction.[/li]
[li]All security checks (anti-teleport, plant texture, variable hacks, timeshift, 'player' object) can still be disabled with the variable dayz_antihack = 0; in the mission file.[/li]
[li]Several client side routines moved to the new task scheduler.[/li]
[li]POI/infectious waters are enabled by default (to disable them, put 'false' to resp. 'dayz_POIs' and 'dayz_infectiousWaterholes' in your mission file)[/li]
[li]Animal spawn system.[/li]
[li]Player will automatically enter the game after 5 seconds in the Lobby. (Press any dead key such Ctrl to prevent this). The center of the Lobby screen shows only the player list[/li]
[li]Full moon day moved from june to august (more light, no disappearing moon at 4am)[/li]
[li]all characters have the same aiming accuracy. All characters have the same armor level except armored military outfits (which are unchanged)[/li]
[li]banned unused ArmA2 weaponholders and reammoboxes, banned unused ammo, banned some unused character models[/li]
[li]All medical effects (post-processing effects and camshakes) are moved to a single file. Modified effects:[/li]
[li]lack of blood: removed permanent blur and desaturation. Random "Wave shape" for desaturation level
in pain or thirsty => dizziness (very slow shake cams), during 15 seconds every 90 seconds (in average)
infected => flickering radial blur (center of the screen is not altered), coughs[/li]
[li]unchanged: unconscious => full screen blur, full desaturation.[/li]
[li]unchanged: low temperature => shivering[/li]
[li]Construction: use default camera key (numpad "Enter" key by default) to toggle the special camera view.[/li]
[li]login: Mission file smaller (10 kB)[/li]
[li]Construction: Anyone can disassemble any fence foundation ("foundation" stage only), due to some previous exploits in 1.8.2. Any player can upgrade any fence; he becomes co-owner of the fence. Only an owner can disassemble his fence.
Fences can't be built on the road. Players/Zombies can walk on fence foundations, and crawl under the frame of fences where construction of stage #1 is in progress[/li]
[li]Changed speed of small boats, so that their speed is equal to a running player one.[/li]
[li]Lower limit of global Zed amount (3000 to 300)[/li]
[li]Free fall detection is separated from the anti-teleport loop. More precise free fall detection.[/li]
[li]Excessive weapon sway from arma's duty system.[/li]
[li]Gather system.[/li]
[li]Blood pool system.[/li]
[li]Lots of model changes to reduce overheads.[/li]
[li]Achievement system sync has been fixed.[/li]
[li]Nul state during login.[/li]
[li]Some String tables[/li]
[li]Jumping from heights now damages the player.[/li]
[li]Reduced water bottle size.[/li]
[li]Itemnails being the wrong class for buildings requirements.[/li]
[li]"disappearing corpse situation" (ArmA2 bug workaround). Corpses are monitored on server side, and a corpse position will be restored if it has moved further 50 meters or if it is below the terrain level. Corpses stay 40 minutes on the map, then are deleted.[/li]
[li][Fixed] loot spawn: all old loot piles are removed and buildings are always freshly restuffed. Fix loot timer (all players are properly synchronized to the server now)[/li]
[li]Players can chop some of the trees at the POIs[/li]
[li]Drink menu is available at all water points and at most of the pond banks.[/li]
[li]hundreds of messages are localized[/li]
[li]Resting does not show the "up" arrow near the blood icon anymore. Eating cans/snack gives blood. Digestion is faster.[/li]
[li]Dometent can be upgraded and packed[/li]
[li]"Unconscious" state rewritten from scratch (no more glitch)[/li]
[li]Login heavily optimized (mission file process + login = 20 seconds)[/li]
[li]menu for refueling/syphoning a vehicle[/li]
[li]bug letting player fish from a vehicle[/li]
[li]fishing at ponds[/li]
[li]different matchboxes are combined to 1 full matchbox + 1 used matchbox[/li]
[li]user will need a match to light up fireplaces, barrels, and tyreheaps[/li]
[li]Battleye filters from dayzmod distribution; admins have to refer only to now.[/li]
[li]Zed spawn under electric pole.[/li]