Beiträge von Dolmard

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    Whatever color you want. Another info, if you are long enough on the server and you are a well known established clan, it is possible to get an own armband. I already can see the tricolor in front of me haha

    Thank you CinZane. We've got a French-Canadian in our team so our symbol should be the Lilie. But we've got plenty of time ahead until we reach the status of a well known clan. :)

    J'espère que ce n'était pas l'un d'entre vous que j'ai volé avant quelques jours quand tu étais afk : sifflant:

    Olkoff our leader (praised be his name) told us what you did to him when he was out of his Chernarus body incarnation in a moment of spiritual communion. He thanks you to have let him have his shoes back. But he'll never forgive you to have steal his favorite Bascht tape.

    We are a french team playing on GDZ since about 10 dayz. We don't speak german but we really like the server and the people we met here (LovelyAK, Wuestenfuchs, people from the German Red Cross and many others) . It's really an immersive server with a long history and we enjoy it a lot. So far we are 3 fellows :

    - Olkoff : our almighty leader, tough as steel but i think he's hiding a secret : i heard him cry once listening "Novoselki Girl". A BASCHT fan ?

    - Gyntonik : le coureur des bois, our ranger, He can be very dangerous and never refuse a fight. Beware : he tried to kill me twice even if we are on the same team.

    - Dolmard : it's me. I like Vodka and "Our Zoppel" song. I'm a terrible shooter : i can miss an elephant in a doorway. I'm quite good dodging Gyntonik shots anyway.

    It's time for us to get involved in the RP of GDZ. We currently thinking about what our RP will be. We have some ideas.

    Thanks !

    - A tiré sur deux personnes de la voiture à Novaya pour gagner leur matériel de construction de base, puis pour être recouvertes de gaz empoisonné

    We are the two guys in the car in Novaya. It was a stupid move to visit Novaya with our brand new Gunter. We were heading to Topolniki to grab a baril. Great job anyway. And nice to meet AFAC team.