RPT funktioniert nicht da hochzuladen, Script & ServerPanel log ist doch schon oben gepostet.
Crash log finde ich nicht
hab windows server
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Neues Benutzerkonto erstellenRPT funktioniert nicht da hochzuladen, Script & ServerPanel log ist doch schon oben gepostet.
Crash log finde ich nicht
hab windows server
die log stehen oben
RPT schau ich später, bin mit Handy online... Wenn ich am PC bin mach ich es.
Teiles ich es mit
ServerPanel log started at 12.07.2021 01:00:20
12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ServerPanelLogger]: INFO: Will try to create ServerPanel log file in $profile:
12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ServerPanelConfig]: Reading Client Config
12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ServerPanelConfig]: ConfigResponse
Log C:\Users\andyw\AppData\Local\DayZ\script_2021-07-12_00-59-49.log started at 12.07. 00:59:53
SCRIPT : Registered 277 temporary action enum(s), UAN==277
SCRIPT (W): @"ToxicZone/scripts/3_Game/toxicconfig\config\staticzone\statictoxicareasettings.c,108": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT : CF_CreateGame()
SCRIPT : ... Backlit Effects Enabled
SCRIPT : DZM_Projects Map! by DaOne
SCRIPT : VPPNotificationManager()
SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Internal VPPNotifications module loaded!
SCRIPT : [DayZ Game]:: DayZGame(): Initializing V++ Admin Tools.
SCRIPT (W): @"MuchStuffPack/MSP_Scripts/4_World/codelock\actions\actionraidcodelockonmsp.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\sleepingbag.c,160": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\itembase.c,13": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\itembase.c,22": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,187": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,210": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"BuildAnywhere_v3/scripts/4_World/Entities/GardenBase/ісћѐьр*џ.rvmat,52": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\val.c,84": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\val.c,84": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\m14.c,82": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\m14.c,82": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\cpbvss_base.c,82": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\cpbvss_base.c,82": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\opsks.c,82": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CPBWeapons/Scripts/4_World/other\opsks.c,82": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"DayZMiniMap\MiniMap\scripts\4_World/gui\mapmenu.c,52": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"KR_Banking/scripts/4_World/kr_adminmenu.c,529": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"MSFC/MSFC_Scripts/4_World/Entities/ManBase/DayZPlayer/ъзїЧУѐ*ір.p3d,58": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"CannabisPlus/scripts/4_world/cannabisplus.c,391": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"DrugsPLUS/scripts/4_world/drugsplus.c,49": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"BaseBuildingPlus/scripts/4_World/items\xmas_lights\bbp_xmaslights_9v.c,54": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"MuchStuffPack/MSP_Scripts/4_World/codelock\actions\actioninteractlockonmsp.c,71": Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"MuchStuffPack/MSP_Scripts/4_World/codelock\actions\actioninteractlockonmsp.c,85": Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"MuchStuffPack/MSP_Scripts/4_World/codelock\actions\actioninteractlockonmsp.c,90": Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\ballgrill.c,349": Unsafe down-casting, use 'Edible_Base.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\ballgrill.c,361": Unsafe down-casting, use 'Edible_Base.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\continuous\actionbuildmungcabin.c,34": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"MunghardsItems/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\kv5.c,49": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"PVEZ/4_World/entities\manbase\playerbase.c,182": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"StreetLighting\scripts\4_World/entities\building\streetlightingbattery.c,17": Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,60": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,133": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,180": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,346": Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,404": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,413": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,443": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,638": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,999": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,1025": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,68": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,89": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,106": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,119": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,132": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,139": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,151": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,158": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,165": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\trader\actiontrade.c,178": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,138": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,144": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,157": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,174": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,180": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,191": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,196": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,220": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,228": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,234": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,245": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,257": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,266": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,316": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,322": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,325": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,333": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,895": Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,984": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,986": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,1175": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,1225": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,1244": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\dayzplayerimplement.c,1305": Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/4_World/entities\itembase\grenade_base.c,63": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,100": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,240": Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,248": Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,257": Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,264": Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,360": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/tradermenu.c,378": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,66": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,86": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,91": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,161": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,167": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,180": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,197": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,203": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,214": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,219": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,243": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,252": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,308": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"WillowGlade/WG_TraderFix/scripts/4_World/dayzplayer.c,312": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"Depositary_System/scripts/4_World/classes\useractionscomponent\actions\continuous\actiondeployobject.c,10": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"Depositary_System/scripts/4_World/depositary_servermanager.c,382": Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"BaseFortifications/scripts/4_World/actions\actiondeploybasefortificationkits.c,11": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting
SCRIPT : ::: [BuildAnywhere_v3_World<cf51fc20>]: ver: init
SCRIPT (W): @"UnlimitedStamina/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,5": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missiongameplay.c,52": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missiongameplay.c,63": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\missiongameplay.c,507": Unsafe down-casting, use 'DayZPlayerCameraBase.Cast' for safe down-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"ZomBerry/AT/scripts/5_Mission/zomberrystockfnc.c,218": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"ZomBerry/AT/scripts/5_Mission/zomberrystockfnc.c,225": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting
SCRIPT (W): @"ZomBerry/AT/scripts/5_Mission/zomberrystockfnc.c,234": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting
SCRIPT : Creating Mission: mpmissions\__cur_mp.enoch\mission.c
SCRIPT : Vanilla++ AdminTools Plugins Registering..
SCRIPT : Initing PluginMiniMap for enoch...
SCRIPT : Client: VPPUIManager Plugin Init!
SCRIPT : Creating ModuleManager
SCRIPT : CF_CreateWorld()
SCRIPT : Modules Loaded
SCRIPT : SyncEvents -> RegisterEvents
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAUIBack] mode: [Press] callback function: [EscapeButtonPressed]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAToggleAdminTools] mode: [Press] callback function: [ToggleAdminTools]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAOpenAdminTools] mode: [Press] callback function: [OpenAdminTools]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAToggleCmdConsole] mode: [Press] callback function: [ToggleCmdConsole]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UATeleportToCrosshair] mode: [unknown] callback function: [TeleportToCrosshair]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UADeleteObjCrosshair] mode: [Press] callback function: [DeleteObjCrosshair]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAToggleGodMode] mode: [Press] callback function: [ToggleGodMode]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAToggleFreeCam] mode: [Press] callback function: [ToggleFreeCam]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UASupriseButtSex] mode: [Press] callback function: [SupriseButtSex]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UACopyPositionClipboard] mode: [Press] callback function: [CopyPositionClipboard]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UARepairVehicleAtCrosshairs] mode: [Press] callback function: [RepairVehicleAtCrosshairs]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UAExitSpectate] mode: [Press] callback function: [ExitSpectate]
SCRIPT : [VPPKeybindsManager] RegisterBind() :: Registered bind: [UACollapseESPDropDwn] mode: [DoubleClick] callback function: [PlayerEspDropdowns]
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ZomBerryConfig]: INFO: Config files will be loaded from: $saves:
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ZomBerryConfig]: INFO: Loaded KeyBinds file with 1 entries
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ZomBerryConfig]: INFO: Key KC_DELETE - DeleteObj
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ZomBerryConfig]: INFO: Menu key set to KC_M
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ZomBerryLogger]: INFO: Will try to create ZomBerry log file in profile directory: $profile:ZomBerry\
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ZomBerryLogger]: INFO: Switching to logfile: $profile:ZomBerry\ZomBerry_12-07-2021_01-00-20.log
SCRIPT : 12.07.2021 01:00:20 [ServerPanelLogger]: INFO: Switching to logfile: $profile:ServerPanel_12-07-2021_01-00-20.log
SCRIPT : [SchanaParty] BasicMap Register RPCs
SCRIPT : [SchanaParty] Client Init 1.3.5
SCRIPT : [SchanaParty] PartyMarker Client Init
SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Requesting settings from server
SCRIPT : [SchanaParty] Requesting settings from server
SCRIPT : [MSP_Codelock_Config] Received instance of config MSP_Codelock_Config<e5fb9fc0>
SCRIPT : [FBF_Config] MissionGameplay --> Got instance of cfg: FBFConfig<3f2d04d0>
SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Receiving settings from server
SCRIPT : [CP] Sucessfully recieved config from remote!
SCRIPT : [DP] Sucessfully recieved config from remote!
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "generalgrunt_SoundVoice_Char_SoundSet".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "greathelmet_generalgrunt_SoundVoice_Char_SoundSet".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "Gasmask_generalgrunt_SoundVoice_Char_SoundSet".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "Motohelmet_generalgrunt_SoundVoice_Char_SoundSet".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "Gag_generalgrunt_SoundVoice_Char_SoundSet".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "walkProne_noHS_gravelSmall_ext_Char_Soundset".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "walkProneLong_noHS_gravelSmall_ext_Char_Soundset".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "dirt_ext_drop_Soundset".
SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "asphalt_ext_drop_Soundset".
Alles anzeigen
aok hab ich gemacht & jetzt nochmal über DZSA neu versuchen?
- sämtliche Dateien löschen, Ordner beibehalten
ehm welche genau löschen?
Hier das video zum downloaden
könnt ihr sehn wieso & weshalb -.-
Hast du Mods auf deinem Server am laufen?
Mods ja, andere kommen ja drauf aufn server. hat damit nichts zutun
Logs? sonst kann ich versuchen zu raten.
Wo finde ich die logs ?
Keine ?
Moin zusammen,
Hat jemand eine ahnung warum mein spiel abstürzt, join auf mein server. bei der hälfte beim laden stürzt mein spiel ab
Neuinstalliert habe ich schon DZSA Launcher auch neuinstalliert, funktioniert trz dem nicht.
Woran liegt das ?
Gruss Andy
hat sich erledigt!
Kann mir einer sagen warum kein essen im Inventar ist ?
Kleidung ist normal abwechselung, hab ich schon vom anderen thread gefunden. essen erscheind nicht
void main()
//INIT WEATHER BEFORE ECONOMY INIT------------------------
Weather weather = g_Game.GetWeather();
weather.MissionWeather(false); // false = use weather controller from Weather.c
weather.GetOvercast().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.02, 0.1), 1, 0);
weather.GetRain().Set( 0, 1, 0);
weather.GetFog().Set( 0, 1, 0);
//INIT ECONOMY--------------------------------------
Hive ce = CreateHive();
if ( ce )
//DATE RESET AFTER ECONOMY INIT-------------------------
int year, month, day, hour, minute;
int reset_month = 8, reset_day = 10;
GetGame().GetWorld().GetDate(year, month, day, hour, minute);
if ((month == reset_month) && (day < reset_day))
GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute);
if ((month == reset_month + 1) && (day > reset_day))
GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute);
if ((month < reset_month) || (month > reset_month + 1))
GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute);
class CustomMission: MissionServer
void SetRandomHealth(EntityAI itemEnt)
if ( itemEnt )
float rndHlt = Math.RandomFloat( 0.45, 0.65 );
itemEnt.SetHealth01( "", "", rndHlt );
override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName)
Entity playerEnt;
playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer( identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE" );
Class.CastTo( m_player, playerEnt );
GetGame().SelectPlayer( identity, m_player );
return m_player;
override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen)
EntityAI itemClothing;
EntityAI itemEnt;
ItemBase itemBs;
float rand;
itemClothing = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName( "Body" );
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Compass");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("SodaCan_Pipsi");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("SodaCan_Pipsi");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("BandageDressing");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TunaCan");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TunaCan");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Apple");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Pear");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Plum");
itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Chemlight_White");
ref TStringArray topsArray = {"Hoodie_Blue","Hoodie_Green","Hoodie_Grey"};
ref TStringArray pantsArray = {"Jeans_Black","Jeans_Green","Jeans_Grey"};
ref TStringArray shoesArray = {"JoggingShoes_Black","JoggingShoes_Blue","JoggingShoes_Red"};
EntityAI item1 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(topsArray.GetRandomElement());
EntityAI item2 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(pantsArray.GetRandomElement());
EntityAI item3 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(shoesArray.GetRandomElement());
itemClothing = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName( "Body" );
if ( itemClothing )
SetRandomHealth( itemClothing );
itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( "Rag" );
if ( Class.CastTo( itemBs, itemEnt ) )
itemBs.SetQuantity( 4 );
SetRandomHealth( itemEnt );
string chemlightArray[] = { "", "", "", "" };
int rndIndex = Math.RandomInt( 0, 4 );
itemEnt = itemClothing.GetInventory().CreateInInventory( chemlightArray[rndIndex] );
SetRandomHealth( itemEnt );
itemClothing = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName( "Legs" );
if ( itemClothing )
SetRandomHealth( itemClothing );
itemClothing = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName( "Feet" );
Mission CreateCustomMission(string path)
return new CustomMission();
Alles anzeigen
Gruss Andy
lass dir einfach ihren communityofflinemode ordner schicken und tausch ihn aus....
Also des wäre auch eine Idee, könnten wir auch probieren.
Ne danke, habe es schon probiert. komme damit nicht zurecht.
Aber danke für euere hilfe. Werde weiter suchen. Schade, dachte Wenigst DayZCommunityofflineMode helfer würde es geben. naja schade. muss ich mir was anderes einfallen lassen wie ich von ihr den code bei mir einfügen kann.
Danke & schön abend
Mit den Editor wirst du mehr lernen als wenn du es mit den OfflineModus erstellst. Der Unterschied ist das der Editor dafür gemacht wurde und somit deutlich weniger Problemen bekommen wirst. Wie man an deine Frage deutlich sieht.
Naja, ich wohl nicht.
Bin eher für den OfflineMode, teile weiße youtube gesehn fande es rechts cool & sehr leicht zu bauen. als den ADMIN MOD
jeder seits wie er damit klar kommt, ich halt das
Wer sagt das es ne Admin MOD ist?
Das ist doch dieser DayZCommunityOfflineMod oder nicht, ich komm damit besser zurecht & admin mod weder nicht
Jeder kommt anders klar, ich halt nicht. Nun meine frage, wie kriege ich es hin
Bist du jetzt der Banana-Moon ?
Danke fürs helfen, für nichts!
Alles anzeigenEs ist völliger Quatsch, selbst gebaute Inhalte mittels Trader Mod einzufügen, da man sich damit von dieser Mod abhängig macht.
Ich gehe jetzt mal davon aus, dass Du Chernarus als Map benutzt, im Falle von Livonia musst Du in deiner init.c ganz oben dayzOffline.chernarusplus durch dayzOffline.enoch ersetzen)
Erstelle Dir eine Datei mit dem Inhalt deiner erstellten Gebäude (KEINE TEXT DATEI, sondern erstelle eine txt Datei und benenne sie zu einer .c um, beispielsweise mit folgendem Namen)
mit folgendem Inhalt
void Peppone_Gebaeude()
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "4544.640137 319.088013 8329.929688", "-80.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks_Round", "4492.939941 315.872009 8305.099609", "140.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks_Round", "4499.270020 316.652008 8310.990234", "140.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "4519.060059 317.846985 8334.410156", "-80.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4585.430176 318.983002 8273.900391", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4577.709961 318.811005 8274.190430", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4569.779785 318.429993 8274.519531", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4560.089844 318.104004 8243.589844", "-165.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4545.839844 317.166992 8247.080078", "-165.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_2", "4577.740234 318.161011 8366.509766", "90.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_2", "4577.770020 318.098999 8358.150391", "90.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_2", "4577.589844 318.183014 8348.509766", "90.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_2", "4577.330078 318.208008 8338.730469", "90.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big3", "4577.359863 319.554993 8325.440430", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4191.000000 340.407013 11069.700195", "10.000002 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4143.029785 340.386993 11038.900391", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4143.060059 340.386993 11030.700195", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4143.129883 340.397003 11022.299805", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4156.279785 340.397003 11038.900391", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4156.419922 340.386993 11030.900391", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3", "4156.370117 340.386993 11022.500000", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4169.770020 338.390015 11022.599609", "89.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4169.669922 338.398987 11031.400391", "89.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1", "4169.529785 338.407990 11039.200195", "89.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "4181.279785 339.773987 10990.599609", "-105.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "4170.890137 339.778015 10988.000000", "-105.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "4160.709961 339.781006 10985.299805", "-105.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks5", "1184.670044 190.936996 7265.660156", "-95.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "1186.819946 186.707993 7234.370117", "87.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks2", "1188.020020 186.639008 7214.910156", "-93.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tower_Small", "1168.660034 189.147995 7277.629883", "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Tower_Small", "1170.640015 189.110992 7203.310059", "170.000015 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Mil_Barracks_Round", "1013.570007 180.619003 7443.169922", "-91.999992 0.000000 0.000000" );
Diese Datei kommt in das Verzeichnis des Servers wo sich auch die init.c befindet.
Dann ersetze in deiner init.c alles VOR //INIT WEATHER BEFORE ECONOMY INIT------------------------
durch den Inhalt des folgenden Spoilers
#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\Peppone_Gebaeude.c"
//Spawn helper function
void SpawnObject(string objectName, vector position, vector orientation)
Object obj;
obj = Object.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject(objectName, "0 0 0"));
// Force update collisions
if (obj.CanAffectPathgraph())
obj.SetAffectPathgraph(true, false);
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(GetGame().UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject, 100, false, obj);
void main()
Dies ist die übersichtlichste und eleganteste Methode, um zusätzliche Map-Inhalte einzufügen, du kannst für alle deine weiteren Bauwerke weitere c Dateien verwenden.
Beispiel am Anfang der init.c:
#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\Peppone_Gebaeude.c"
#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\Mehr_Gebaeude.c"
#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\Noch_Mehr_Gebaeude.c"
#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\Noch_Viel_Mehr_Gebaeude.c"
#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\Und_So_Weiter_Und_So-Weiter.c"
Nach void main() { in der init.c:
Du musst in meinem Beispiel selbstverständlich die Dateien
wie oben beschrieben erstellen und in das Verzeichnis zu den anderen c Dateien auf den Server laden.
Wie Du die Dateien nennst bleibt Dir überlassen, Du musst nur die Aufrufe in der init.c ENTSPRECHEND machen.
Ist es für den Officialen Server gedacht oder um den DayZCommunityOfflineMode jaeger90patriot
Gruss Andy
Admin Mod kann ja jeder, aber ich möchte halt was lernen daraus
Wie man es Importiert
Also das ich das weiter verarbeiten kann, sprich ka weitere häuser im OfflineMode arbeiten kann.
Sorry für den Spam
Ja schön und gut wegen dem code, Aber meine beste freundin hat mit den code geschickt.
Quasi so:
//Spawn helper function
void SpawnObject( string type, vector position, vector orientation )
auto obj = GetGame().CreateObject_WIP( type, position, ECE_CREATEPHYSICS );
obj.SetFlags( EntityFlags.STATIC, false );
obj.SetPosition( position );
obj.SetOrientation( orientation );
obj.SetOrientation( obj.GetOrientation() ); //Collision fix
obj.SetAffectPathgraph( true, false );
if( obj.CanAffectPathgraph() ) GetGame().GetCallQueue( CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM ).CallLater( GetGame().UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject, 100, false, obj );
//Your custom spawned objects
SpawnObject( "Land_Radio_building", "10197.506836 247.030838 2204.280273", "-96.999428 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10194.613281 243.408203 2212.723145", "81.999725 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10195.061523 243.407898 2209.674072", "81.999672 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10193.995117 243.407898 2194.020264", "80.999733 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10202.460938 243.357895 2196.021729", "-8.999993 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10203.609375 243.349380 2198.235352", "-95.999619 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10192.273438 243.399384 2203.575928", "85.999649 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10192.106445 243.399414 2206.451660", "85.999702 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_teacher_desk", "10197.543945 242.698273 2205.657471", "-6.999992 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_student_chair", "10197.396484 242.698273 2206.199707", "-25.999981 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_chair_leisure", "10195.070313 242.698273 2202.913818", "-160.999100 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10199.157227 242.099548 2202.602783", "-6.999998 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc2_3", "10197.412109 242.090698 2202.382324", "-6.999971 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_chest_dz", "10197.261719 242.698273 2201.760742", "82.999710 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_office_desk", "10197.396484 243.105331 2196.587158", "83.999687 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_office_chair", "10197.774414 243.066711 2196.652344", "102.999527 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_school_map", "10200.967773 244.490067 2199.896240", "82.999672 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "TrashCan", "10200.737305 242.594208 2200.948242", "-122.926994 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_school_clock", "10192.657227 242.447144 2220.885498", "-2.999999 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Power_Pole_Wood1_Lamp_Amp", "10199.866211 244.051071 2211.712891", "-53.999889 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wreck_bmp1", "10212.366211 243.465805 2223.567871", "1.999995 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "BarrelHoles_Green", "10204.403320 242.697540 2185.245117", "15.157251 -0.030709 -0.457214" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_mil_camonet_side_east", "10203.278320 243.944321 2186.256348", "-76.999237 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_CncBarrier_4Block", "10226.599609 242.686157 2189.186523", "59.999802 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_hbarrier_round", "10206.580078 242.792999 2223.004639", "-114.999489 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_CncBarrier_4Block", "10221.679688 242.632950 2196.890625", "55.999794 0.000000 -1.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_CncBarrier_4Block", "10216.242188 242.518143 2205.335938", "59.999802 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_hbarrier_6m", "10212.447266 242.761307 2210.929443", "-119.999481 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_CncBarrier_4Block", "10230.644531 242.704865 2182.087891", "61.999733 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_hbarrier_6m", "10233.239258 242.955688 2176.006836", "61.999844 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_hbarrier_round", "10236.842773 243.017670 2167.021973", "-97.999527 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_hbarrier_6m", "10233.436523 242.968506 2163.520996", "-17.999992 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10222.788086 243.472321 2156.966064", "-31.999971 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10217.777344 243.449020 2153.590332", "-33.999966 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_End", "10211.126953 243.312653 2158.169678", "-134.999344 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_End", "10209.826172 243.363342 2159.201416", "47.999844 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_D", "10207.697266 243.429413 2162.908203", "54.999805 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10203.913086 243.464615 2167.608154", "54.999882 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10200.527344 243.497696 2172.571777", "56.999901 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10213.558594 243.414520 2154.729004", "54.999805 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_D", "10197.622070 243.472427 2177.813721", "57.999866 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10194.333984 243.490646 2182.891357", "62.999783 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_1_4", "10192.746094 243.468338 2188.642822", "85.999680 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc_end_3", "10193.281250 242.879303 2191.502441", "-38.999943 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_wall_indcnc_end_3", "10193.279297 243.974319 2191.493164", "-39.999939 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_End", "10192.507813 243.664612 2215.871826", "-65.999626 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_End", "10192.824219 243.664948 2217.357422", "107.999527 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_2_D", "10195.940430 243.225052 2220.154541", "139.999329 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_IndCnc3_2_4", "10200.727539 243.248840 2223.636475", "-22.999975 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Wreck_Ikarus", "10215.817383 243.875885 2179.969238", "-3.999972 -0.999998 1.999999" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Wreck_S1023_Blue", "10210.705078 243.508270 2178.170166", "134.999008 1.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "Land_Wreck_Uaz", "10227.500977 243.605545 2168.679443", "-70.999794 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_misc_pallets2", "10204.748047 242.817398 2191.547119", "94.999657 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_misc_pallets2", "10204.521484 242.778244 2185.783203", "7.999981 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_misc_pallets1", "10205.150391 242.649887 2180.430908", "-124.999397 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_misc_pallets2", "10204.258789 242.781525 2184.667969", "-170.998886 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_Barricade1_4", "10200.740234 242.331161 2181.403564", "82.999763 -1.999998 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Misc_Barricade", "10221.211914 243.375168 2193.789795", "58.999859 0.000000 0.000000" );
SpawnObject( "bldr_Wall_Barricade1_10", "10227.566406 242.495056 2181.363525", "-117.999527 -1.000000 0.000000" );
Alles anzeigen
hab auch diesen Thread verfolgt, gemacht & getan.
Siehe Link: DayZ Gebäude auf dem Server hinzufügen
Hab genau das gemacht wie es da stande, funktioniert nicht. auch was jaeger90patriot beschrieben hat. Leider ohne erfolg.
Von oben bis ende, Anleitung wäre toll damit ich mit diesen code oben bei mein OfflineMode von ihren code hinzufügen. Tut mir leid, kann nicht so gut english was der im guthub geschrieben hat